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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 3 Fetal Fruit

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    "Sister Feng, look at the flowers I picked. Is this useful?"

    "Let me take a look," Xiaofeng took the plant from the child's hand. Although many adults were used to seeing children's behavior as nonsense, she took it seriously, "Ah, this is the 'Fairy Grass'.  It¡¯s a very good medicinal material, Xiaohu is so powerful!¡±

    The child who was praised laughed proudly.  The rest of the children also gathered around after hearing the name "Immortal Grass", chattering to each other.  Scenes like this always make Xiaofeng smile from the bottom of his heart.  Carrying a bamboo basket on my back, I went out early in the morning to pick fresh herbs. Since I was playing the role of a 'doctor', I might as well do a better job.

    ????????? In fact, this is not just ¡®acting¡¯, this kind of plainness is the happiness of ordinary people.  The group of children who took the initiative to follow always made people smile. In fact, she found that what she wanted was such a simple life.  If I didn't still have the incident of Saten and the mercury lamp in my heart, it would be nice to be able to continue living such a leisurely life.

    It¡¯s a pity that there is no king in this country.  After living here for a few days, Xiaofeng also understood the general situation of this world. This is a world created by the Emperor of Heaven - this is not superstition but a fact.  Every country needs its own king. If the Amyrlin Seat is empty, the country will be invaded by demons.  The king of Fangji Kingdom passed away three years ago, and no new king has ascended the throne. This is why demons often appear in this land.

    Everyone hopes that a new king will ascend the throne as soon as possible, but after all, this is something that only the Emperor of Heaven can decide.  It is precisely because Xiaofeng has been to many worlds that he can truly understand how powerful the rules of a world are. Human beings cannot violate them. No matter how strong they are, it will not help.

    The appearance of a king depends entirely on the decision of the Emperor of Heaven. Sometimes a new king will appear a few months after the death of the previous king, and sometimes the throne of the country will remain vacant for hundreds of years.

    For this country, all Xiaofeng can do is to kill a few monsters casually. After all, she is just a passerby. After the moon waxes, the fire unicorn regains its mana and that is when they leave.

    Xiaofeng¡¯s praise made the children excited. After all, in this world, immortals do exist and are superior, so the name of fairy grass naturally makes people feel excited, but there are always people who don¡¯t understand the style.

    "What's 'jelly grass'? It's just an ordinary herbal medicine. What else can it do besides relieving cough and eliminating phlegm?"

    The one who spoke out was Huo Qilin. The pink and tender teenage boy always makes people love him, but Huo Qilin always has a cold face and makes people really unable to love him. He is indifferent and taciturn to everyone.  He only said a few words to Xiaofeng.  And for some reason in the past few days, Huo Qilin's temper has become more and more irritable.

    But he was right. The herb Xiaohu brought was 'Aster', also known as 'Immortal Grass' or 'Soul-Returning Grass'. Although it has these grand-sounding names, it is actually just a plant that can be seen everywhere on the road.  , the rhizome can be used as medicine, but it only has the effect of relieving coughs and phlegm, reducing fever and replenishing qi, and it is not very useful other than that.

    Xiaohu, who was originally admired by the stars, burst into tears after hearing Huo Qilin's words. The teenage boy didn't know much. He thought he had helped Sister Feng a lot and was happy, but he learned that it was just worthless.  Common herbs.  Children's wishes are often pure. They want to be happy in order to be recognized by others and want nothing else. It makes them sad to have such a pure wish deprived of them, which is even more heartbreaking.

    Xiao Feng glared at the Fire Qilin fiercely. It was in vain that it was a mythical beast that was born in the Yellow Emperor's time. It had been guarding the Chinese dragon vein for thousands of years, but now it acted childishly like a real child.

    "Don't listen to Xiaoqi's nonsense. Aster is a very useful herb. It can cure Grandpa Rizheng's cough!"

    The male of the Qilin family is Qilin, and the female is Qilin. The fire Qilin is the male, and it can also be called Huo Qilin.  Naturally, the villagers didn¡¯t know its identity, and they only thought its name was ¡®Huo Qi¡¯, which was a name that suited a mountaineer quite well.

    "Can Grandpa Li Zheng's cough be cured?" To a child, a cough seems to be a very serious disease. It is not known whether it is more serious than other injuries. It is probably a great thing to be able to cure the cough.

    ¡°Of course, it¡¯s Xiaohu¡¯s credit for curing Grandpa Li Zheng!¡±

    After being told this, the little guy laughed happily again.  Xiaofeng carefully wrote down that since she promised Xiaohu that she would not break the promise, she would definitely cure Grandpa Lizheng's cough.  And even if there is no such agreement, Xiaofeng has been taken care of by the other party these days, and it is not a big deal.  Huo Qilin snorted and said nothing more.

    "I dare to ask, girl, could this flower really be used as medicine?"

    The person who said this was not Huo Qilin, but a strange man. Just now, Xiaofeng had already sensed someone approaching, but because there was no hostility, he was not alert.  He was a richly dressed man with six or seven followers behind him.

    Xiaofeng has never seen these people in the village before.?It comes from somewhere else.  Even standing casually can make people feel some kind of oppression.  Xiaofeng knew that it was murderous intent.  Killing intent is not murderous, it is not directed at someone, but is honed by a long-term war career, and it is cultivated naturally after being stained with too much blood.

    The man at the head is even more majestic and orderly. This is the majesty that she is familiar with as a fleet admiral. It is the majesty of leading officers!  This feeling does not make Xiaofeng uncomfortable, but instead makes her miss her.

    The chirping children were silent because of the appearance of this group of people, and they were hiding in fear. Xiaofeng patted Xiaohu on the head, comforted the children next to him and told them not to be afraid, and then replied to the man:

    "The name of this flower is 'Aster', one or two each of 'Coltsfoot', then combine half two of 'Hundred Steps', mash and sieve into powder. Take three qian for each serving, along with three slices of ginger and one black plum decoction, take two servings a day  Once the cough persists, it will be effective on the same day.¡±

    The man - Yue Xi looked at the girl in front of him in surprise. He did know medical skills and seemed to be quite skilled.  This is surprising, let alone in remote mountain villages, even among aristocrats who have been strictly educated since childhood, girls of this age still have nothing to do.

    "I wonder if this girl is from Kutan Village?"

    "No, my brother Huo Qi and I are both from Kunlun."

    "That's it." Yue Xi was not surprised. He nodded suddenly. The girl's temperament and clothes were incompatible with the surroundings. It would be strange if she was a native of this remote mountain village. "With the girl's craftsmanship, it is buried in this place."  It's such a pity to live in the countryside, why don't you follow me to Pusu? With the girl's ability, there is no way she can be promoted to immortality."

    "Ascension to immortality is something that only happens in myths and legends in other worlds. It is nothing but the great wisdom that has been cultivated for thousands of years, but in this world it is just a common thing, and the "civil servants" in this world are immortals.  It is not surprising that truly capable people are appreciated by superior officials and become immortals.

    With Xiaofeng¡¯s ability, it is not difficult to become an immortal in this world, and then be protected by heaven and become immortal.  But after all, she will not stay here for long. Immortality and immortality are only valid under the rules of this world. Once she leaves this world, it will be meaningless.

    "Thank you for your kindness, but I think it will be difficult for me to be a "mountain guest", right?"

    "Mountain guest?" The man was stunned and smiled slightly, "Do you think 'mountain guest' can understand our language?"

    After being told this, Xiaofeng realized that after coming to this world, Xiaofeng subconsciously thought that the people here spoke Chinese, and the language families did feel somewhat similar, but the language here was not Chinese, nor was it the language she used to speak.  Any language she knew, but she was not aware of it at all before the man brought it up.

    "Ordinary mountaineers and seafarers cannot communicate with people in this world.  The only thing that can communicate is the fetus.

    Xiaofeng didn't know the meaning of the fetal fruit, but Yue Xi knew it. Thinking of this, his mind moved. The fetal fruit must be brought from Kunlun to this world through 'eclipse'. This is also a phenomenon that may be caused by the Qilin's movement to and from the Xuhai. Thinking of several  There were rumors about Qilin a few days ago. This girl may know something.

    "You" Yue Xi's expression changed as soon as he spoke. He looked solemnly at the grass not far away. Several followers beside him suddenly became alert and stretched their hands to their waists. There were  respective weapons.

    The grass was parted, and with a low roar, what came out of the grass was a huge red-haired wave, which was more than a person tall. There was no doubt that it was a demon.

    "Brown sniper!" Yue Xi took a breath. A brown sniper is not scary. The several followers present are all leading generals. Their skills are outstanding. Even monsters are not difficult to subdue - but only if there is only one.  And brown snipers have always been gregarious monsters!

    As if to confirm Yue Xi¡¯s guess, the second and third brown snipers quickly walked out behind the first one

    "Hello, the state division is stationed forty miles away"

    Yue Xi nodded to show that he knew that even if he was forty miles away, it would be too late to come here.  Yue Xi is not worried about himself. With his skills, even if he cannot kill these monsters, he can protect himself. However, there are several children in the village here, and the appearance of the monsters has already made these children cry out of fear.

    Yuexi's peripheral vision glanced over, but she suddenly noticed that the pregnant girl didn't have much panic expression.

    Not only did she not retreat in fear, but she stared straight at the monsters. Yue Xi thought she was scared and was stunned, but when she looked at them, she found that she was not.

    The girl¡¯s eyes were sharp, and suddenly, she took a step forward.  Something surprising happened. The brown snipers seemed to be frightened and stopped. After a moment of hesitation, they retreated into the grass.

    ¡¾End of this chapter¡¿

    The update will be abnormal in the past two days. The first-level patrol has not been cancelled, and another terrorist attack occurred.  Yesterday?I worked overtime until four in the morning, and was called up again for review at eight in the morning. I was so busy that I didn¡¯t even eat breakfast or lunch before being sent to detention. I thought that I would finally get off work at a normal time today, and then suddenly I heard that Saturday and Sunday were cancelled¡­

    After a few months, when social security improves and we can take regular breaks at work, we should be able to update normally.
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