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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 31 KOF96

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    Kagura Chizuru waved her hand to the maid to take away the leftovers. Although they were described as 'leftovers', in fact, the food was barely touched.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't entertain you well."

    This is of course not a sign of neglect from the Kagura Palace, but because Xiaofeng¡¯s late stage Xiantian cultivation actually no longer requires energy intake through food, while Saotian has always been absent-minded from just now until now.

    The man who calls himself Goenitz feels so similar to Mr. WIND, but is he really the teacher?  In my memory, the teacher was kind and gentle, completely different from that man.

    "Kagura PalaceMiss Qianhe, you're welcome," Xiaofengkou was about to call her the palace master as before, but suddenly realized that Qianhe had not yet taken over the reins of Kagura Palace.  Wangui's sudden disaster must have been a huge blow to Qianhe, and she probably didn't have the time to think about it now.

    Chizuru really doesn't want to think too much about this. The family affairs have always been handled by Wangui. She is the heir of the Kagura family. Because of this, Chizuru has been able to grow up like an ordinary girl over the years.  They go to school and have the same childhood.  After such a sudden big change, she was asked to take charge of the entire Kagura family when the Celestial God Clan was born. For Chizuru, such a twist of fate was too sudden.

    "Sister Wan Gui can she still wake up?"

    Seeing that Xiaofeng restored Wangui's broken body was like a miracle, so it was understandable that she hoped that Xiaofeng could save Wangui.  But in fact Xiaofeng was really helpless. Kagura Mangui's injury did not lie in her body, but in the fact that her soul had been separated from her body.  The soul resides in the artifact, and that artifact is currently in Chizuru's hands.

    "Is there reallyno way?"

    Xiaofeng shook her head. Before she came to this world, she had exchanged Nether Fire from the mercury lamp, which could directly affect people's souls, but it was completely a way to hurt people, because it was too ominous and she had never used it.  It would be difficult to save people.

    "The soul is no longer a field that humans can enter, unless the Lord of the Gods"

    Chizuru had never heard of the name Lord of the Gods in the past. It was not until her sister suffered a disaster that she went to search for family documents and found out that such a terrifying existence had appeared in this world 1,800 years ago.

    One thousand eight hundred years, this time is too long, dynasties have changed, generation after generation, even the bamboo scrolls recording history have long since rotted, who can still remember the people who came to this world one thousand eight hundred years ago?  fear.  It's not a demon, it's a god, a real god!  It is the will of the earth, the planet incarnate.

    ??According to family records, it is not so much that their ancestors sealed the gods 1,800 years ago, but rather that the Lord of the Gods himself chose to rest in eternal sleep, which gave humans a chance to change their ways.  But today, 1,800 years later, humans have not repented, but instead intensified their efforts to destroy the planet.  Whether it is the sky, the earth, or the ocean, tragedies spread wherever human footprints touch, and how many creatures have become extinct because of humans.

    If it wakes up again, will it be willing to forgive such a human being?

    "However, regardless of whether the gods forgive or not, humans should not be willing to kill at the slightest opportunity.  Kagura carefully wiped the Yata Mirror. This artifact had chosen her twin sister since she was born. To Chizuru, it was just an ordinary mirror, but now, Chizuru felt an inexplicable connection from the mirror.  .

    Chizuru knows what this connection means - Yata mirror chose her, no, she would rather believe that the soul of her sister who lives in it chose her!

    Inheriting the Kagura family was a topic that had nothing to do with Chizuru until yesterday, but at this moment it became a choice she had to make.  After all, I am still too weak. If I could be stronger

    "Miss Yeyue, are you my sister's friend?"

    ¡°¡­Qianhe, just call me Xiaofeng.¡±

    Xiaofeng didn¡¯t know Wan Gui, and she didn¡¯t like lying, so she had to change the topic deliberately, but Qianhe obviously took it as an affirmation.  But it is true, after all, what Xiaofeng took out was indeed the token of the Lord of Kagura Palace, and he took action in the crisis, forcing Gonitz to retreat and take back the Yata Mirror.

    "Xiao Feng, can you teach me how to become stronger?"

    Xiaofeng suddenly felt that it was unreal. Kagura Qianzuru, a dignified three-level artifact, actually asked him for help?

    Tokyo Dome Stadium

    Amidst huge cheers, Kusanagi Kyo raised his winning right hand, but compared to the crazy audience, he himself was very calm.  This is not to say that he is indifferent to honor and disgrace, but that it is difficult for him to get excited about such a battle.

    The Japanese Mixed Martial Arts Competition is a very influential event in the country.It was Kusanagi Kyo's goal to be able to show off his skills in such a competition. However, after experiencing the KOF battlefield, he found that such a level competition no longer meant anything to him.

    When he walked off the stage, he was greeted by his teammates Nikaidou Benimaru and Daimon Goro.

    ¡°You¡¯ve become the champion again, Jing, should you treat us to a happy party this time?¡±

    In response to the teasing of his companions, Kusanagi Kyo smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Boring, what's the point of such a competition?"

    It was too boring. There was no Banqi and Taili here, and there was no Nujia and Iori. Those strong men who could let him fight with all his heart were hiding in training and no longer appeared in front of him.

    "No matter what happens, you two can still compete!"

    Even without those strong men, it would be better for Kyo to fight Daimon and Benimaru than those losers who couldn't even take one of his own punches.

    "I'm not interested in this kind of competition," Benimaru waved his hand, "Rather than wasting energy here, I might as well prepare for more important competitions."

    "A more important game?"

    "Of course it's KOF, the KOF96 competition."

    Jing often thinks about how great it would be if KOF could continue to be held, but he also knows that holding such a world-wide fighting competition requires a staggering amount of financial and material resources, and the wealthy owner Nujia has been personally killed by him and Yagami.  I'm afraid there will never be another chance to hold the competition.  So when he first heard Benimaru's words, he just thought he was joking.

    "I'm talking about Jing, you can't beat yourself up with punches, right? There are already overwhelming advertisements for KOF96 outside."

    "Hey, bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier!" After confirming that Benimaru was not joking, Kyo pumped his fist excitedly.  He was tired of boring competitions without real strong players. It didn't matter who held the competition. For him, only fighting against strong players was the most real thing. "But where is the invitation? Why didn't I get the invitation?"  letter?"

    The King of Fighters Tournament is different from other competitions in that participants will receive an invitation letter from the organizer to qualify.

    ¡°That¡¯s strange, Damen and I didn¡¯t get an invitation letter either.¡±

    If other teams did not receive the invitation letter, it may be because they are not strong enough, but as the defending champion of the last competition, the Kusanagi team should of course be invited as soon as possible.  But in fact, the news that the competition will be held again has been confirmed a few days ago, but all the players have not received invitations.

    Kyo, who was playing with the mixed martial arts championship trophy boredly in his hands and talking to Benimaru and Daimon, pushed open the door of the players' lounge, but said "Eh" when he saw the scene inside clearly.

    "Hey, little girl, this is my lounge, no one can come in."

    There was a silver-haired girl sitting on the sofa in the lounge, and Kusanagi Kyoya only regarded her as her admirer.  Since he has won the title of King of Fighters for a second time, Kyo Kusanagi's name is as attractive as any big-name celebrity, and he is often asked for autographs. However, this is the first time that he has been chased to the lounge. After all, there are staff guarding the outside of the lounge.

    Benimaru whistled from the side, "Your popularity is really good, Kyo. Even I am jealous."

    Kusanagi didn¡¯t pay attention to Benimaru¡¯s teasing. She only had a cursory glance before. She was a very beautiful girl, or it would be more appropriate to describe her as ¡®exquisite¡¯, like a doll.  But at this moment, he suddenly had a strange feeling. There seemed to be something different about that girl

    The girl didn¡¯t come forward to ask for an autograph like other admirers. She didn¡¯t even show much enthusiasm for Kusanagi Kyo, she just handed over a letter.

    Ignoring Benimaru¡¯s whistle again, if it were a letter from an ordinary girl, Kyo would reject it immediately, but this time he felt that the content of the letter might be different from what Benimaru thought.

    "What's this?"

    "On behalf of the organizers of KOF, Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido, and Goro Daimon, I would like to invite the three champions of last year's King of Fighters to participate in this KOF96 competition. The time and place of the competition are stated on the invitation letter. We sincerely welcome you to come."

    That¡¯s an invitation letter?  Benimaru and Daimon looked at each other. Who would have thought that the person delivering the invitation letter to this KOF would be such a little girl who looked like a primary school student!

    On the other hand, it was Kusanagi Kyo. His expression was a little strange, but it was different from Benimaru and Damon's pure surprise. I don't know what he was thinking about.  He reached out to take the invitation, but when he was halfway out, he suddenly changed his hand to a fist and punched the girl violently.

    Benimaru exclaimed, wondering why Kusanagi Kyo wanted to attack a little girl. Kyo punched so fast that he couldn't stop her even if he wanted to, but the next moment his exclamation changed.  The girl stretched out her hand, and her white and tender little hand, like a lotus root, unexpectedly received Kusanagi Kyo's punch!

    So strong!

    UntilAt this moment, Benimaru realized that the girl actually had a power that only a few of the strongest people in the world have - the absolute field!
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