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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 12 Dark Power

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    The birth and death of stars often need to be calculated in units of hundreds of millions of years. Compared with this, human beings are too small.  In this era when understanding of the starry sky was limited to astronomical telescopes, even the strongest people at the top of the world still knew nothing about the universe.

    At this time, another unbelievable scene appeared in the corner of this uninhabited island.  This is the other side of the starry sky that is difficult for humans in this world to set foot on. The dazzling stars are breathtaking.

    "This is the Milky Way?" Lu Jiaer was unwilling to admit it, but at this time she was indeed shocked by the scene in front of her.

    The vast river system is composed of countless nebulae, and each nebula contains countless star systems. In this vastness, the insignificance of human beings is not worth mentioning.  Even strong men and even gods are just mayflies in this starry sky.  The arrogance of the past also seems even more ignorant in the face of this vastness!

    "Lu Jia'er, you are indeed very strong, but no matter how strong you are, you are still a human being bound to the earth, and this should be a sight that you will never be able to appreciate with your own eyes in your lifetime. Put away your arrogance."

    Some people try to destroy the world, and some claim to protect the world, but how can the world itself be destroyed and protected by just humans?  Whether it's destruction or protection, in the final analysis this is human arrogance.  The only thing people can kill is people, and the only thing they can destroy is the ecosystem that humans rely on for survival. Cutting down vegetation and polluting the environment. In the end, only the life on the earth will be harmed. No matter whether it is green mountains, green water or not a blade of grass, for the earth as a planet.  What difference does it make in terms of planets?

    The mystery of the world is far beyond the influence of human will, and this is exactly the way of swordsmanship that Xiaofeng understands - the extinction of stars.

    This understanding has transcended the level of strength. Even Lu Jiaer cannot easily get rid of it. Compared with physical trauma, mental damage is more terrifying.  Sword intent cannot be explained by pure power. Wuming lost all his skills back then, but he was still able to rely on his understanding of the way of the sword to defeat Jue Wushen.

    The perception of the sword¡¯s intention is the perception of the ¡®Tao¡¯!

    In the ultimate supernova explosion, a large amount of high-energy matter is ejected, and various elements appear one after another in the high energy of that moment. What finally converges is the star core, which is the embryo of the planet, and then in the course of billions of time  The planet is gradually born.

    This is a celestial body, the most common existence in the universe, but it is out of reach for humans.  Mysterious because of ignorance, fearful because of mysterious, and powerless to resist because of fear.  Facing the mysterious universe, people must learn to be grateful and reverent.

    But there are always exceptions!  If someone has lost his gratitude and fear for the earth that nurtured him and the universe that gave birth to everything, then he is definitely no longer human.  And Lu Jiaer, she is just such a devil!

    "You said we should be in awe? It's ridiculous. The world is big and I am the biggest!"

    To a person without awe, all language is meaningless.  The dark flame ignited, and it appeared in Lu Jia'er's palm. Xiao Feng's sword intent collapsed the moment it was touched by the flame. It was such a terrifying feeling. Even Xiao Feng had never thought that there could be such a domineering person in the world.  the power of.

    That is simplya black hole!  Yes, that is the most terrifying phenomenon that can swallow up everything.  Endless devouring, ultimate destruction.

    "Be careful, Feng!" Zuotian said in panic. Even as a bystander, she could clearly feel the terror of the flames lit by Lu Jiaer at this time. It seemed to deny all the light and beauty in the world, which was undoubtedly the most terrifying thing.  Brutal power!  Moreover, the flame actually gave her a familiar feeling, as if

    "No, the teacher's power is not like this" Saotian shook his head and put away the ridiculous thoughts in his mind.  Teacher WIND's power is not so cruel, covering the sinful breath with dust and blowing the storm. The teacher's power is powerful but also hidden in gentleness. It is definitely not as cruel as the devil!

    In a barren mountain not far away, several pairs of eyes stared at the battlefield.  The battle between Xiaofeng and Lu Jiaer was not hidden from others, so it was natural that other fighters would be attracted to them, but the identities of those few people were a little bit special.

    "My lord" he murmured subconsciously, and Qi Ye She immediately closed his mouth.  Because he knew that OROCHI had left, and the girl who was fighting at this time had nothing to do with OROCHI.  What's more, at this time, they are no longer the Eight Elites of the Heavenly God Clan.  Qilao She, Sharmi, Chris, and Yamazaki Ryuuji, who were also hosts of the Celestial Clan in the past, once again teamed up to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament.  It's just that this time the reason for their participation is no longer for the 'mission of the gods', but for their own judgment and decision.

    Although they knew that they had nothing to do with each other now, looking at that girl, they still instinctively felt close to her when they were once members of the Eight Elites.  So when they found out that Xiaofeng and others were doing something, they were all attracted subconsciously.But at this moment, there was one more thing that concerned them. Qi Ye She was clutching her chest tightly, with a look of disbelief on her face.  Chris and Charmi were also extremely surprised.  What surprised them was the flame that ignited on the girl named Lu Jiaer.

    "That is the dark power?" Chris was unsure, but even if it was unbelievable, he knew that he would never admit it, because the dark power should be what they are most familiar with - it is the unique power of the heavenly gods!

    The Gods of the Kingdom of Heaven have indeed left. No one is more certain about this than they, who are the hosts of the Gods. The power that does not belong to the mortal world has also left with the Gods, but why does this dark power still appear in the world?  The world?

    No one understands, including Lujia'er herself, that she once obtained a drop of the divine blood belonging to the Breathing Storm from Goenitz, the leader of the Eight Masters, and gained a new life, even defeating him for a time.  Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami, until the two of them realized the magical skills one after another.

    But this time, she gained stronger power. What was given to her by the existence called the mercury lamp, was it a gift from the gods?  Or a devil's deal?  But no matter what, she will never regret it, because it is indeed the power she dreams of.

    The dark power condensed into flames, tearing apart Xiaofeng's sword intent.

    Lu Jiaer¡¯s originally delicate face became twisted and ferocious, and she was in heart-wrenching pain - this was the price she paid. The dark power was powered by her soul. Before harming others, she must first taste the pain of the gradual loss of soul.  Lu Jiaer didn't care about this. As long as she could defeat the three artifacts, all the costs would be worth it.

    Facing the flames coming toward her face, Xiaofeng hurriedly backed away. Even if she hadn't touched her yet, she could still feel the terror of this power.  A force that exists purely for destruction, a part of the extreme will of the earth was born to 'clean the world'. That is the power of mutation!  It was definitely not something she could accept easily at this time.

    "Ye Yuefeng, as the previous King of Fighters, you are the first sacrifice of my power!"

    What spreads faster than the flames is Lu Jia'er's hand. Lu Jia'er's hand is small, but at this time it seems to be bigger than the sky, which actually makes Xiao Feng feel that it is inevitable to avoid it.

    "Stop, Lujia'er, we are all teammates, do you really want to kill me?" Kusanagi Aoi, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, finally couldn't help but speak out. It is common for fighters to compete with each other, but Lujia'er used  The power is clearly a life-and-death struggle!

    How could the devil, who is so talked about in the fighting world, stop just because of Kusanagi Aoi's persuasion?  Xiaofeng knew it in his heart and made a plan to fight to the death.  But the next moment something she didn't expect happened.  Lu Jiaer's punch actually stopped abruptly.

    "Hehe, if you admit defeat, I won't be able to spare you."

    What surprised Xiaofeng was the naughty and coquettish accent, which made her doubt her own judgment for the first time. Could it be that the girl named Lu Jiaer was not Nujia?  What was more surprised than Xiaofeng was Lu Jiaer herself. She obviously couldn't understand that she would say such a thing because of herself.

    But Lu Jiaer was not allowed to think too much at this time, because Xiaofeng had already made her choice.

    "Admit defeat? I told you, I will win the King of Fighters Tournament and take Saten home. Besides, don't you feel sleepy?"

    Sleepy?  Yes, she was very sleepy. Lu Jiaer found that her consciousness began to blur gradually, and her five senses gradually became dull and numb.  She vaguely saw a gold ring on the smooth finger of Xiaofeng's right hand. No, what was more eye-catching than this were the bright red rose petals falling on the ground.

    "What is this?" Lu Jia'er's tongue was a little knotted when she spoke. It was because the toxin was gradually paralyzing the nerves.

    The rose petals covered the ground with a bright red carpet, the fresh color almost dripping down, and the elegant and luxurious color was filled with a faint sweet smell.  And it is this sweetness that makes it difficult for a strong person like Lu Jiaer to support it.

    Red roses, a thousand times more poisonous than the deadliest poison, are just like a lover's lips that make people fall unconsciously. It is a temptation that even the soul cannot resist.

    The Royal Demonic Palace Rose!
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