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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 68 The moon will remain there forever

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    In the sunset sky, a full moon rose above the treetops.

    For thousands of years, the moon has been a place full of mystery and fantasy for humans.  That legend has the location of the 'Guanghan Palace', or the nickname of Bai Yujing. The moon is the planet that humans are most familiar with and yearn for.  Three hundred years ago, humans first set foot on the moon and left their own footprints here. In the following hundreds of years, people gradually became familiar with this natural companion of the earth.

    Human beings have unveiled the mystery of the moon, but this is far from understanding the planet.

    At this moment, the main control system of a stationary unmanned base in a crater on the moon was triggered by a special signal, and the main brain suddenly activated!  The sound of a machine starting up came from the empty control room. After the startup screen of the host computer, which had been dormant for a long time, a string of codes quickly scrolled on the screen. Taking this as an opportunity, the energy furnace inside the base began to operate.

    Using a certain high-energy ore inside the moon as an energy source, the unimaginable huge energy generated by the decay of elements is gathered and finally converted into microwaves.  At the same time, the satellite's positioning system started scanning, and finally captured a special signal at a certain location in the earth's orbit. Everything was calculated from the beginning to the present in just a few seconds.

    From the moon to the earth, it takes dozens of hours at the fastest with current human aerospace technology, but it only takes two seconds for microwaves that propagate at the speed of light.

    'Moonlight Goddess' plunged into the atmosphere. Just when Yitzhak didn't understand what the other party wanted to do, the silver-white mobile suit suddenly adjusted its movements. It turned its back to the earth and faced the wreckage of Junius 7, about two kilometers away.  distance away from the celestial body and remains relatively stationary.

    A huge cannon was pulled out from the shoulder of 'Moonlight Goddess'. It was a weapon that was quite similar in appearance to the free 'Whale Plasma Beam Cannon'.  It looks like it's moving like it wants to bombard the satellite with a giant cannon!

    Are you kidding me? Even a nuclear bomb can only damage the surface of a celestial body with such a diameter and cannot completely destroy it.  The main gun, which is as powerful as a warship, is probably just a drop in the bucket. What can the weapons of a mobile suit do?  But the girl's previous voice echoed in his ears for some reason.

    ¡¾Have you seen the moon?  ¡¿

    moon?  Because the air in the outer layer of the atmosphere is too thin, the moon is extremely clear without the refraction of the atmosphere, but at this time Yitzhak discovered that the moon's appearance was slightly different.  I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moon seemed to be much brighter at this time.

    No, that¡¯s not an illusion!  A beam of bluish-white light shot out from a certain corner of the moon. It was a strong microwave!  Microwaves themselves are invisible, but because their energy is so huge, they emit a faint glow under the action of cosmic dust in the vacuum, as if they have built a ladder descending from the moon to the mortal world!  The end of the light is the Moonlight Goddess. Bathed in this surging microwave, she becomes more and more sacred, as if she is the Moonlight Fairy who really walked out of the Moon Palace.

    ¡°What on earth is this?¡± All those who were lucky enough to see this scene were stunned and speechless.

    In an instant, the Moonlight Goddess spread her wings. The graceful curves of the butterfly wings shone in the moonlight, bathing in brilliance. The originally white wings were also dyed with silver brilliance in the moonlight.

    In the cockpit, Xiaofeng stared at the energy tank that was gradually being filled, 70%80%

    Microwaves carry high-energy electromagnetic waves. Because of this, no one can intuitively feel the terror of that energy better than Xiaofeng, who has the ability of "electromagnetic control".

    The surging power was like an ocean no, it should be said to be like a galaxy. It was far beyond any energy she had felt in the past. There was no doubt that it was an anti-celestial weapon just like Genesis.

    The body has already issued a warning. The satellite microwave cannon must be released at the same time as it is fully charged, because even the weapon itself cannot hold that huge energy for a long time. This is far beyond the power limit of the power furnace of an ordinary battleship. Taking a base as a base  The entire energy provided by logistics is even greater than the energy released in one go by a nuclear explosion.  And the only way for this brewing energy to be released is between Xiaofeng's fingers.

    Thirty seconds is extremely short, but it seems extremely long.

    What does it mean to be human on this planet?  This is what Kruse is confused about, and he is even willing to give his life just to find this answer.  We owe too much to mankind on earth. The gray sky, pitted land, polluted ocean Endless pollution and depleted resources have left it riddled with holes.

    The earth is selfless, it still chooses to continue to nurture human beings, and forgives again and again.  Xiaofeng didn't know what kind of mood her other self had in guarding humans. The only thing she knew was that in the memory she gained, Gaia had no regrets.

    ¡°You probably still believe thatWell, the possibility of human beings - although it is only a small hope, life itself is the greatest miracle born in the universe.  "

    What is more incredible than life itself?  The resonance energy level of carbon nuclei, the mass ratio of protons and electrons, the relative strengths of the four basic forces of nature, the initial low-entropy state of the universe there are too many coincidences, and any value has the slightest deviation,  Then life cannot exist.  One cannot but sigh with emotion at the wonder of the Creator who has gone to great lengths to create life.

    That is a smaller chance than shooting a tiny laser beam into the sky and hitting a dust particle in a galaxy hundreds of billions of light years away, but life eventually appeared.  With such a favorable fate, is the value of human existence really just destruction?  Or is it shouldering some kind of mission that humans themselves, and even the gods of creation, cannot fully understand?

    This is an answer that Xiaofeng cannot get at this time, and even the other self may not know everything.  But for ordinary humans, life may not need to explore purpose, because its existence itself is value and purpose.

    "No matter what, I am willing to believe in the possibility of human beings, so this time I will save the planet as a human being!" Replace the other self, replace the sealed god.

    Xiaofeng¡¯s finger pulled the trigger, and the bright moonlight turned into a torrent that flooded the sky.  The dazzling light is not dazzling, but is so holy.

    The dry earth and wheat fields disappeared in the torrent, but its existence will remain deep in people's memories.  Either sadness, lamentation, or the indelible hatred will be engraved in my heart for a long time - when can it be eliminated?  Probably we have to wait until human beings truly learn to be grateful and forgive. That day may be in the near future, or it may never come.

    May CE73

    It has been one year since the natural person and the coordinator signed the armistice treaty, and mankind has finally returned to peace. Although there are always wars in regions that cannot be extinguished, peace is ultimately the main theme of the world.

    But how long can such peace last?

    This is the commercial satellite owned by Plant. After long negotiations, the coordinator finally obtained the free trade rights as he wished.  In the bustling downtown street, a young girl in youthful clothes was running fast. After bumping into several pedestrians and leaving apologies all over the place, she stopped at the corner of the street and grabbed a man.  Passersby.

    "Finally found sister!" Panting heavily, the girl's face turned rosy due to the intense running.  The person caught by her hands was also a girl. Her beige straw hat fell off, and her long silver hair fell with it.

    "According to"

    Since Xiaofeng submitted his discharge application a year ago, he was quickly approved by the military department.  This legendary young admiral quickly disappeared in front of everyone, along with the spaceship that was only a legend.  No one would have thought of it.  If she hadn't gotten the clue, even Xiaoyi wouldn't have guessed that her elder sister had actually come to the Plant.

    Why do you want to leave, sister?  The question stuck in her throat, but Xiaoyi didn't break it out in the end. Instead, Xiaofeng spoke on her own.

    "For natural people, what kind of place is Plant?"

    This question was a bit abrupt and made Xiaoyi stunned for a while.  To say that the people on earth probably only have evil thoughts towards Plant - the peace at this time is mostly based on the oppression of 'Genesis'.  Because of the continuous bloody battles, this is a sinful place in their minds.  But looking at the prosperity around her, Ye Yueyi couldn't associate the word 'sin' with it.

    ¡°I have always wanted to visit the Plant, but for more than ten years I have never had the chance. After I retired from the army, I finally realized this wish.¡±

    "Will my sister go back?"

    After hearing this question, Xiaofeng's eyes turned to Xiaoyi, but then moved away.  Xiaoyi's heart continued to sink.


    "Probably, because I'm going on a trip."

    Xiaofeng didn't say anything more. At this time, a black private tram stopped in front of the two of them, and a waiter stepped out of the car and saluted.  Looking at the little pink princess waving to herself in the carriage, Xiaofeng smiled.

    Today is Plant¡¯s celebration, not only to celebrate the first anniversary of Plant¡¯s independence from the council members, but also to celebrate the completion of the new agricultural satellite-¡®Eden¡¯.
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