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Volume 3 Gundam SEED Chapter 55 The right weapon, the right person

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    "No one wants war, but why have we reached this point? Please think about the most fundamental reason. It's all because of natural people! Genetic adjustment is a technology created by natural people, but in the end they are jealous of our evolution.  They have the ability to carry out all kinds of persecution against us. What is even more unbearable is that under such circumstances, they still want to extract our value, restricting food supply while requiring us to provide a large amount of cosmic resources. Such oppression,  Such unreasonableness, what do we get in the end? A nuclear bomb fired at an agricultural satellite!"

    No matter when, the blood-stained Valentine¡¯s Day is an unforgettable tragedy for the coordinators, but Patrick¡¯s emphasis on these matters to the public at this time is obviously just for his own political opinions.  Because the Earth Army took the initiative to convey its will for peace, some anti-war voices gradually emerged during this period, both in the Council and among the people. These were obviously things that Patrick did not want to hear.

    It is common for politicians to promote some one-sided remarks for their own political opinions, but what worries Shigel is that Patrick, as the top leader of the Plant, is too obsessed with war.  Contrary to his own opinion, because the fertility rate of Coordinators is too low, Shigel believes that Coordinators must rely on natural humans to exist. Without the foundation of natural humans, the new race of Coordinators will not be able to withstand the survival of the fittest in nature.  But Patrick stubbornly believed that they were new evolved humans, and even actively wanted to exist independently from natural humans.

    This time ZAFT¡¯s military trends are extremely clear. They want to strengthen the lunar front and drive natural people back to the earth.

    "Even if we want to negotiate, we must hold the universe in our hands and ensure the safety of the Plant. We cannot rely entirely on the reason and morality of natural people for our safety. The Plant cannot stand another nuclear bomb." - This is  As the Speaker, Patrick, who also serves as the Chairman of the National Defense Committee, stressed the point when he explained the work of the Council before.

    But for natural people, this is already an intolerable limit. Natural people will never give up the moon willingly, because for them it is also the only bridgehead to the universe. Human beings have walked out of the earth a hundred years ago, and of course they will not.  I am willing to continue to shrink back, especially now that the earth's resources have been almost exhausted.

    As long as this argument is adhered to, an armistice will be almost impossible, and ZAFT's lunar combat plan has also made Patrick's position clear.

    The battle front on the moon is in full swing. ZAFT's sudden and violent offensive has brought a heavy burden to the Earth Army's lunar base. The defense line that originally divided the moon into two is moving backward every day. The commander of the lunar base  It was already exhausted, thanks to the support of the Eighth Fleet stationed near the moon, otherwise the coordinator's wave-like offensive might have moved in front of the base.

    Among them, we have to mention the new ship "Archangel" that joined the Eighth Fleet. A battleship cannot change a war, but it can affect local battles.  The brilliant results of these days have made the Archangel become another heroic battleship after the Soderbrega - considering that this is a battleship that truly belongs to the Atlantic Federation, the latter's publicity offensive is far better than the former.  .

    But for Malu, the captain of the Archangel, her days have not been very good these days. Although all the officers on the battleship have been promoted, and she has now achieved the rank of major, she has been disgraced by the overwhelming publicity.  The result is that the Archangel has received the most enthusiastic attention from ZAFT's firepower. In fact, if the war situation had not allowed it, the Archangel should have been pulled back to the dock for overhaul.

    "Have the reinforcements not arrived yet? ZAFT's backup troops are getting more and more, and we won't be able to hold on much longer."

    A small meeting was taking place in the captain's room. Although the number of people was small, the status of the participants was not small at all, because Admiral Halbarton came in person - this was originally decided by the military to deal with all battles on this spaceship.  Members' investiture ceremony, and after the ceremony, Malu, Mu and Natal were summoned to the captain's room by the admiral.

    Facing Admiral Halbarton, Mu Yiran complained bluntly without any scruples. He flicked the silver medal that had just been hung on his chest with his fingers, "This thing alone is useless during a war. It's better to  Reinforcements arriving earlier would boost morale."

    This is the second time Mu has participated in the medal ceremony. He was also awarded the medal when he was awarded the title of 'Eagle of Endymion'. Although it is an honor that many soldiers will never get after hard work in their lifetime, it is of great significance to today's Archangel.  In terms of number, it is better to replenish more weapons and ammunition. After all, no matter how high the honor is, one must be alive to enjoy it.

    Ma Liu was worried about Chief Mu's blunt words, but Halbarton obviously didn't care about it. He smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Please believe that I hope that the reinforcements will arrive earlier than everyone else, but  You should also understand the current situation."

      Halbarton is the one who really bears the burden of the entire fleet. The Earth Army always likes to argue, and now the relationship between the council members is so rigid.  Halbarton has no doubt that if the threat of Plant suddenly disappears, a war may immediately break out among the council members.

    In such a situation of mutual blame, the reinforcements were of course also hindered accordingly.

    "It will take two days at the earliest for reinforcements to arrive. Before then, we can only rely on ourselves to hold on."

    Such two days were obviously not easy to cope with. Even Mu lost the intention to joke and the expression on his face became serious.

    ¡°But it¡¯s not without good news. At least we got a little support.¡±

    "A little support?"

    "Well, although the support from the regular army has been delayed, at least we can still hire some mercenaries." Halbarton said and asked the adjutant to open a stack of documents. They were all signed contracts. "Although the mercenary fee is very large.  It¡¯s an expense, but it¡¯s something the base commander needs to consider.¡±

    "Are you kidding me, Admiral? Are you talking about letting mercenaries come to the battlefield?"

    Since civilians have the ability to enter the universe, organizations such as mercenaries have been born. Sometimes mercenaries can indeed complete some tasks that are inconvenient for regular armies to complete, so they are quite popular among the military. However, they have not received regular training on the frontal battlefield.  What role can civilian organizations play in militarized training?

    "As long as they have perfect weapons, sometimes mercenaries can exert more power than regular troops." Halbarton smiled sarcastically. The army sometimes shirks the blame for political interests, but mercenaries are a purer group of people.  All they want is money. "What's more, these mercenaries have been doing business with us for a long time, and some of them are also famous in the mercenary world. You may unexpectedly meet familiar people  ¡­¡±

    Malu didn¡¯t take Halbarton¡¯s last words to heart, because she had never dealt with space mercenaries and didn¡¯t know anything about them.  But her eyes swept across the stack of contracts. The snake-shaped logo engraved on the emblem of the hired mercenary group in the top contract made her pay attention for a moment!

    "Tailed Snake" - this is really a strange name. After Ma Liu thought about it for a while, he threw it behind him.  Because compared to this, what surprised her was General Halbarton's other decision¡ª¡ª

    "The idle 'Mobius' in the base have been distributed to the mercenaries with the approval of the Commander. In addition, the 'Perfect-Striker' in the factory has been put into use.  Practical, I also want to give it to them"

    "Please wait a moment, Your Excellency, Admiral! I don't care whether it is appropriate to lend MA to mercenaries, but that 'Perfect-Striker' should be the latest cutting-edge model jointly developed by our Atlantic Federation and Orb. Is it necessary to let mercenaries use it?"  use?"

    'Perfect Strike' is a new machine developed on the basis of 'Strike Gundam'. Although the performance of the body itself has not changed much, it has been equipped with various backpacks such as Sword, Aile and Launcher. It can be used in close combat,  The long-range firepower has been greatly improved. It is equipped with the ultra-high pulse cannon originally belonging to the 'Sacred Shield', the 350mm rockets and the 120mm anti-ship Vulcan cannon belonging to the 'Storm', as well as the 15.78m-class ship-cutting knife and  Beam boomerang.

    It has astonishing firepower comparable to that of a mobile turret, and the energy problems that plagued it in the past have been fundamentally solved because of the neutron interference eliminator system obtained by the Earth Army - yes, this aircraft is equipped with nuclear energy!

    ¡° If such a new type of machine is handed over to mercenaries, even if the issue of military secrets is not mentioned, can ordinary mercenaries really be able to control it?

    "What's wrong with giving the right weapon to the right person?" Halbarton just smiled indifferently to Ma Liu's question.

    suitable person?  Even Mu, who has the title of 'Eagle of Endymion', is quite reluctant to pilot the Strike. So who else can suitably control the 'Perfect Strike' enhanced on this basis?

    Such doubts were suddenly solved when Malu met the ¡®right person¡¯ mentioned by the admiral, but what followed was a deeper shock.  Ma Liu never thought that she would have the chance to see him on the battlefield again!

    "Kira-kun! Why are you here?!"

    That¡¯s Kira!  The boy Kira Yamato who protected them all the way back to the moon from the collapsed colonial satellite!  Why did he join the mercenary team called 'Tailed Snakes'?  Why did he come to this battlefield?  Endless questions were swirling in my mind, and what finally emerged was Admiral Halbarton¡¯s assertion just now:

    What¡¯s wrong with giving the right weapon to the right person?

    Yes, no one is more suitable for this ¡®Perfect Strike¡¯ than this boy. At the same time, he? He is the pilot that all the crew members of the Archangel truly trust. Even Mu is far from able to match this trust!

    At the same time, in the hangar of ZAFT headquarters, Patrick nodded towards the man wearing a metal mask in front of him.

    "Captain Cruze, you are a proud hero of our ZAFT. Although you let the battleship escape back to the moon before, I think you are still worthy of my trust. This is the weapon I entrusted to you. I hope you  Can use it to end the war!"

    "End the war?" Cruze asked playfully, "The war must be ended with victory, right?"

    "Of course, if you don't win, your previous efforts will be meaningless! I always believe that you are ZAFT's strongest ace, so I will hand over the strongest weapon to you and never fail again!"

    "Of course, I understand." Kruse saluted. Looking at Patrick's leaving figure, his humble smile turned serious. He looked up at the new machine handed to him by the military and couldn't help laughing. "X  -10A, Freedom? Of course, I will not fail again, I will give real 'freedom' to human beings, whether they are natural people or coordinated people."
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