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Related Works 360. God is in the World (Final Finale)

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    The great scholar in front of Amon was once the Lord of the Kingdom of God of the Nine-Union God System, An-La.  Allah vowed to reincarnate in the human world with his own Dharma body and completely re-certify. His kingdom of God no longer exists since he left. Even if he transcends eternal life again, he will still be another god.  However, Lianhuasheng's attainment as a Bodhisattva in this life has surpassed that of the Creator God of the past, and he understands the cause and effect.

    No wonder he just said to Amon "for the sake of the future", their destiny is here; and he said to Amon "you are Allah", because Allah's Kingdom of God has long been replaced by Amon's Kingdom of Heaven  Fusion, the promise of creation was also inherited by Amon. The god An-Ra no longer exists in the world, or in other words, An-Ra is already the name of Amon, and the Bodhisattva in front of him is Padmasambhava.  []

    Amon went to the Buddhist Kingdom of Lingshan to seek to see the Infinite Light, but the Infinite Light was no longer visible. In other words, he met in another way, but unexpectedly met Padmasambhava who came to greet him.  With such a level of cultivation, there is not much polite nonsense, not to mention that the voice of wisdom already contains a thousand words.

    Amon immediately saluted and thanked him, turned around and left.  Green Lion Renyun and Lian Huasheng returned the favor with a smile.  When they looked up, they saw Amon turning around, and they all looked slightly startled.  Amon did not step into the void, but as if he had opened an invisible door and stepped in. The moment his back disappeared, the scene of heaven seemed to appear on the other side of the door.

    In the eternity of immortality, time and space are both infinitely far and infinitely close, and Amon steps directly through different worlds. This shows that he fully understands two different guidances and can confirm each other in the spiritual platform.

    After Amon's back disappeared, Renyun smiled at Lian Huasheng and said: "He wants to come and ask the Buddha about the three-body method. If he still wants to ask, I'm afraid he can only ask the Supreme Being about how to transform the three pure states with one breath. But  That is also the method of other teachings, and his perfection ultimately needs to be cultivated by oneself."

    Lian Huasheng muttered: "The Supreme Being Wangqing will not see him, and even if he sees him, he will not know it. In fact, he has even seen the Jade Emperor, and he should have confirmed anything he wanted to confirm. But when he saw  It may not be possible to achieve it. Once you understand it, you still have to think about how to do it. At this point, it is beyond words."


    During the period after Amon met Mr. Yu and before going to the Buddhist Kingdom of Lingshan, Michael and Gabriel successively became archangels, which is what the immortal family Gou Mang calls golden immortal-like achievements.  Amon finally realized

    What kind of state of knowledge is there from "traveling on a pathless road" to "suddenly enlightening".

    After returning to the Kingdom of Heaven from Lingshan Mountain in the Buddhist Kingdom, another angel happened to be welcomed.  No matter what she has experienced in the human world for so many years and what her name was, after she comes to heaven, her name will be Mary.

    Amon personally welcomed Maria's arrival and whispered to her in the Kingdom of Heaven: "I finally waited for you here and settled a worry. When you come, I can leave to seek for the unknown perfection."  . I have always had a question in my mind. Just like the temple guard Amon asked the patron saint back then, I want to ask you."

    When he spoke, a faint golden light shone all over his body, and the golden light shrouded the outlines of both him and Maria at the same time.  Maria said softly: "What do you want to ask me? With your current achievements, do you still have any problems in cultivation that you want to ask me about?"

    Amon smiled and said: "Those who have always given me the most advice are those mortals who have not yet transcended eternal life, such as Nietzsche, Saint Mary, Aesop, and Aristotle. My thinking about all things is my  Cultivation. The original patron saint of the Temple of Isis, Mary, was the most perfect priest I have ever seen in the world. I would like to ask you to take a look at the current world."

    Mary looked into his eyes, held his hand and comforted him: "I can see where the problem lies, and you should know it too. There are many people in the world who are proud to believe in you. When I was a priest,  The same is true, and there is nothing wrong with it. But they require everyone to be proud of believing in you, and under their rule, people even lose the right to choose. This is not what it should be, but the most important problem is not that."

    Amon asked: "Then what is more important?"

    Maria replied: "They can't tolerate people who have different beliefs than them, not just in terms of beliefs, but in different ways of thinking about everything. Or they can tolerate it on the surface, but deep down they still have their own beliefs.  They think they are noble. Because they are noble, the god they believe in must be the noblest. This is not a problem in their inner beliefs, but there is a problem in their attitude towards people."

    Amon sighed, took Maria's hand and stroked it: "Go on."

    Maria: "They ask others to think the way they do, but if others do that, they won't get real recognition; they just think that others should be like that, and they don't think that is a kind of understanding and tolerance. In  In the eyes of angels, these people are certainly ridiculous. For example, Jesus onceThe cross said to forgive those people, but does it matter?  Those people are no longer here, but their reincarnated souls are still floating around in the world. Maybe when you were listening to Vincent Bu¡¯s sermon in Tianzhu, the souls of those people were reincarnated among the believers who were listening.  "

    Amon smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, Vincent Bu said it thoroughly, and it was another kind of realization for me, so I turned around and went to Lingshan, the Buddhist Kingdom."

    Maria: "Why don't you go to the human world and try something? Even if you cut off all your incarnations, maybe you can achieve perfection."

    Amon hugged her over and said: "Thank you, these are exactly what I plan to do. The world is like this, so the guidance of transcendent eternal life is so precious. And I will go to seek my perfection, it is in the mortals who believe in me  In the eyes, it may look very heartless.¡±


    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????Out of Egypt, heading east, there is a small oasis in the Syrian desert. Weeds with deep roots grow on the hills. There is a sparse bush at the foot of the mountain, and a spring in the bush.  The oasis exists because of the water source that has not disappeared. It has also become a resting place for traveling merchants.

    With limited water resources and a desolate and remote location, it is difficult to form villages and towns. It is difficult to escape the scorching sun at noon on this bare and endless desert. Fortunately, there is an ancient temple ruin not far from the foot of the mountain.  This magnificent temple was built thousands of years ago and has been abandoned for nearly seven hundred years.

    Just six hundred years after Jesus was crucified, a young man came here.  He did not follow the caravan, nor drove the camels and horses, nor even packed the luggage. He just walked to this oasis in the desert alone and empty-handed.

    Jesus also came here back then and listened to Elijah telling the past events of God Amun in front of the ruins of the temple.  Now, more than 630 years after the birth of Jesus, the appearance of the ruins has not changed much compared to that time, but it is more dilapidated. The lying statue of the god has been broken into several pieces.  Its ability to survive to this day may be related to the dry climate in the desert, and the Aiju people used the strongest and most durable stones when building this temple, and even treated them with magical powers.

    The magnificent stone pillars still support half of the dome in the sun, and the altar is buried by the sand dunes.  The huge statue of the god lay mutilated in the dunes and was half buried by the sand. People could no longer see the face of the god.  But this trade road is more prosperous than before, with more caravans coming and going. At noon, it becomes a lively resting place in the desert.

    When the young people arrived, there were three different caravans stopping here, and an old man was telling people the story of the ancient god Amun.

    This old man is no longer the angel Ilya of the past, or a passer-by in the world, following the caravan from the East, seemingly to visit the Tianshu Continent.  The old man was short, wearing a turban and a white goatee. The wrinkles on his face and forehead were as deep as dried dates, but his eyes were sharp and clear.

    Holding a decorative cane, he explained the origin of this ruin and Amon's glorious past in Eju to a group of young people in the caravan.  The old man's knowledge was quite profound and attracted the people from the other two caravans to stand in the shadow of the statue and listen.

    When the young man walked over, no one noticed. He quietly walked through the crowd and stood in front of the old man. No one knew that this silent young man was Amon.

    This magnificent but incomplete statue has been severely damaged in the long war. Standing in front of it, God Amon once had infinite emotions in his heart, but now he is at peace.  The people who fought for him claimed to believe in him, follow him, and defend him, and he already had many names in the world.

    People today may have forgotten that there once was a young man named Amon in the world.  He sought the path to transcendence and eternal life, integrated the ancient pantheon, and was once revered as the main god of Eju.  But the story told by the old man revealed the silent history. It not only mentioned Amon, but also mentioned the names of gods such as Anu, Enlil, An-Ra, Horus, Seth, etc., clearly explaining why  There will be such a temple here.

    The people in these caravans also believed in gods or claimed to believe in gods. The countries they were in had also launched melee wars with each other in the name of gods. However, these people did not know that the statue of Amun lying on the sand dune in front of them was the statue they had now.  Of course, the old man did not talk about the origins of the gods they believed in.

    But Amon heard the overtones in the story. Although the old man did not reveal the identity of God Amon, there was clearly a hidden hint.  This old man is not an ordinary person. Amon can see that he has passed through endless trials and achieved the ninth level of original power.  At the same time, Amon also knew that he would not know himself. In the life cycle experience that the old man could witness, he had not seen Amon.

    So the stories told by the old man are just human legends, containing his own wise understanding and thinking.  When the old man tells the storyAt that moment, I turned around and was surprised to find that the sand dune and the audience were gone, and the surroundings became another world inexplicably.  He stood in front of a palace on a high mountain. The long steps in front of the palace stretched like glaciers into the clouds and mist in the deep valley.

    The gate of the palace is open, but when you look inside, you don¡¯t see the majestic palace. Instead, you see a valley surrounded by peaks, as if it is a world of its own.  There was a young man standing in front of the palace gate, looking at him with a smile.

    The old man's reaction was quite calm. He had recovered from the shock and recognized that this young man had just been standing in front of him listening to the story. So this must be the method used by this person at this moment.  He saluted and said, "Which god are you and why do you meet me like this?"

    Amon smiled and said: "Old man, I am just showing you a state and saying something at the same time."

    The old man narrowed his eyes and said, "I have never seen you before, but I think you look familiar!"

    Amon looked at him and said: "Everything in this world always seems familiar, and it is normal to feel familiar. What's more, you were telling a story just now, and I am the person in the story. Walking through the temple again,  Hearing that I became a story, I have been cultivating in this world for so many years, and yet I reached perfection at the moment you finished telling the story. I want to say thank you!"

    After Amon thanked him, the scene in front of the old man returned to normal. He was still standing beside the ruins of the temple among the sand dunes. In front of him were the same people who had just listened to the story, but Amon had disappeared.


    "Medanzuo has broken through the realm of golden immortals, that is, the archangel in heaven, but he has not yet completed the last step of verification.  Because Amon is not in heaven, Amon has not yet integrated his own heaven with the world created by Metanzo. This is a sign of an archangel. All the angels are waiting for the return of god Amon.

    Metazord is the last immortal disciple of Amon who has not died, but now he has become the fourth archangel after Themis, Michael, and Gabriel. At the same time, he is still the leader of all angels.  long.  On this day, all the angels felt an inexplicable familiar feeling, as if their god had returned to heaven, but they did not see Amon's appearance.

    At the end of the grasslands and hills of the Kingdom of Heaven, a rainbow appeared on the top of the distant mountain. This was not a rainbow on earth, but the immortal glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.  The souls of the angels heard the voice of Amon's call. It was not a language but a message, because what God Amon wanted to tell the angels could not be fully expressed clearly in words. It could only be described - maybe he was about to leave.  , or that is not leaving, but existing in an incomprehensible way.

    An angel asked: "My God, Amon, will I never see you again?"

    Amon explained in his soul: "No, this eternal heaven is just like me. If you have the guidance of heaven in your heart, you will be with me. If you have me in your heart, you can see me at any time; if you have God in your heart, you will be in heaven naturally."  Being able to see God is just like this rainbow. That is God in faith, and it is also me in your mind. I have never left."

    After saying these words, singing suddenly floated in the heaven¡ª¡ª

    "Look, I hung my bow in the clouds to sign a covenant with the earth. When I stepped on the clouds and hung a rainbow, I made a covenant between me and you and all the creatures on the earth. May the torrential floods never come again.  , whenever a rainbow falls from the clouds, please remember my eternal vow with all living beings"

    This was originally a song sung by Amon in the human world after he killed Hermes and sent Aphrodite into reincarnation. Now it is being sung in the kingdom of heaven, as if he is also making a covenant with the angels, or a kind of immortality.  Guidelines.

    The singing gradually faded away, the traces of Amon disappeared, but an eternal rainbow appeared in the heaven.  The disciples seemed to be able to detect that the rainbow was transformed into the golden light integrated into Amon's body and mind, which meant that Amon's body and mind were integrated with the kingdom of heaven.

    When all the angels saw the rainbow, they all had their own enlightenment. For example, Metanzo suddenly understood something - now he could ask the archangel for confirmation.  Medanzo sat down under the shroud of the rainbow, and a strange change occurred in the kingdom of heaven. The mountains seemed to be extending, and the grasslands and hills at the foot of the mountains became more vast, much like the landscape of his hometown Barron.

    Seeing this scene, the angels also came back to their senses. Their gods were indeed different from before.  Thinking back to when Themis came to heaven, Amon merged with the world created by Themis after unfolding his soul.  But now Amon has not appeared like that, but the Kingdom of Angels has naturally integrated into the world created by Metanzo, as if Amon is still here, or in other words, no matter where he is, the guidance of his body and mind has become eternal.

    Since then, Amon has never been seen in the world, but he is still in the world.  God Amun has never been seen in heaven again, but the temple in his heart can still bear witness to his existence.  As for where Amon himself is, there seems to be no difference.

    In the Kingdom of Heaven, Celia Ruoshui asked Michael Seagull one day: "Are you looking at things in the world with your frowning brows? When you look at the rainbow in heaven, do you hear God answering your confusion?"

    Michael replied: ¡°When I look at the human world and then look back at the rainbow in heaven, I can often hear the sigh of God.¡±

    Celia asked again: "What is God sighing about?"

    Michael: "God told me that there is no heresy in His eyes. The radiance of the Kingdom of Heaven illuminates the light in the heart. Those who have perfected their spiritual practice for a lifetime are all citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who harm righteous believers due to selfish desires, no matter what name they use, are  will go downhill.¡±

    This is indeed the voice of Amon, or it is the sigh of the spirit in Michael's heart when he saw the rainbow in heaven, because Amon himself did not say these words before he left.


    So where did Amon go?  Did he merge into immortality and become true eternity, or did he turn into a rainbow in heaven?  Yes or no, he may still appear in the world in various identities. He may be a certain person, or he may be a variety of different creatures. He may be a witness in one life, or he may be reincarnated in several consecutive lives.

    "If you really meet him, maybe you don't know who he is, or he doesn't know who you are, or he doesn't know who he is, or you don't know who you are. In short, it's mysterious.

    For example, there is a river in the distant Kunlun, and its name is the Yangtze River. There once was a rare creature called the white-tip dolphin in the Yangtze River.  Amon once reincarnated into the human world as a white-tip dolphin. He became a spirit and practiced spiritual practice for hundreds of years, but was eventually trapped in people's traps. He was the last white-tip dolphin in the world.  The soul of this unfortunate white-finned dolphin reincarnated into a human being and is now an innocent and brilliant young man. His name is Bai Shaoliu.

    Why did Amon do this?  No one knows its mystery, but the mystery lies within.  Has he fulfilled his vows, or is he still on the way?  Everything is wonderful.

    ¡ª¡ªEnd of the main text of "Tianshu"¡ª¡ª

    Postscript: Today¡¯s story

    The time is about the 2012th year after the birth of Jesus. There is a beautiful island surrounded by blue sea and blue sky, surrounded by thousands of waves.  The scenery on the island is like silver edged with emerald green, with lush trees growing on the hills and a piece of pure white silver sand beach beside the beach.

    There is a tall palm plant on the edge of Silver Beach, and its dense canopy spreads out like a canopy.  There is a beautiful tall crystal plate under the tree, which seems to be polished from a single piece of flawless crystal.  It is more than half a person tall, with thin crystal pillars spread out in arcs at the upper and lower ends. The top is a disk, which holds a shallow plate of water.

    It is the fountain of youth that Jumang condensed in the rose garden, but it appears here for some unknown reason and has been placed intact. Legend has it that drinking the water in the plate can keep one young forever.

    There is a small wooden house at the foot of the mountain not far from this palm tree. It is simple but exquisite. It is actually built of precious fumong wood. It has a tasteless fragrance that can soothe the soul, and has been treated with strange magic.  Invulnerable to water and fire, immortal.

    In front of the steps of the wooden house, three people were talking.  The man in the middle has silver hair on his temples and is wearing a Tang suit with silver embroidery and gold-trimmed sleeves. His name is Feng Junzi.  On the left is a woman with wavy golden hair, a slender and tall figure, and Western classical beauty in her facial features. Her name is Aftena.  On the right is a young man with a handsome face and a bright innocent smile under the sun. He is Bai Shaoliu.

    They somehow ended up on this island far away from human habitation and in the center of the ocean to chat.  Feng Junzi talked for a long time about the "named" and "unnamed" ways that the Supreme Being said; Bai Shaoliu listened seriously but did not interrupt; Aftena just looked at Feng Junzi with a gentle smile, not knowing what she was doing.  Are you listening?

    Feng Junzi talked for a long time, but there was no other response except the sound of waves blown by the sea breeze. He felt a little bored, so he finally stopped talking and stretched himself.

    Bai Shaoliu asked: "Mr. Feng, are you tired? Why don't you take a break and talk about something else? Can I ask you to sing tonight?"

    Feng Junzi's eyes lit up: "Xiao Bai, you are such a good boy! Will you invite me to walk in the clouds?"

    Aftena interjected: "Do you need to find a special place to sing? Isn't this blue sea, blue sky and silver beach suitable for you to show off your singing voice?"

    Feng Junzi¡¯s face was solemn, he nodded repeatedly and said: ¡°Yes, Ana, you are absolutely right, let¡¯s sing here!¡± Then he really sang a hymn at the top of his lungs¡ª¡ª

    ¡°Even if people are no longer loyal, we remain loyal.

    Our team will always stand on this land,

    The depiction of a better era has alerted our youth.

    An era of virtue and pride in sacrifice,

    We will always be with you and never give in.

    please believe us, like the oak tree and the sun and the moon who believe in ¡®Yeah, yeah, yeah¡¯.

    The hearts of all brothers will eventually be bright and clear,

    They will love each other again and repent to the Lord.

    All heroes fight for the realization of their dreams,

    In victory, Satan will create a new list of our enemies.

    ??This is how we shape ourselves in this era.

    You don¡¯t have to believe us, if we lose our dreams and glory,

    The quiet stars in the night sky please bear witness to our loyalty.

    When all the brothers fall silent or change their beliefs,

    At that time, we will never lose our souls like those people,

    We will preach to the Lord in the name of "eh, eh, eh""

    The singing sound spread very far in the sea breeze, but Bai Shaoliu blinked when he heard it.  Aftena couldn't help laughing and said, "Junzi Feng, you are out of tune!"

    Feng Junzi also smiled and said: "I have never found a tune for this kind of song. Where else can I find a tune?"

    Bai Shaoliu said: "Mr. Feng has always been good at original creation and can sing his own taste in any song. But there is one thing I don't understand. What does the word 'um um um' in the song mean?"

    Feng Junzi said with a half-smile: "That's a fill-in-the-blank, people can fill in any nouns according to their own needs, such as Amun, Aloha, Aiju, Balun, Hatti, Assyria, Boz, and Sidon  , Malo, Walking in the Clouds, Blue Sea and Blue Sky, etc. etc. Xiaobai, have you really never heard of this song?"

    Bai Shaoliu replied honestly: "I've never heard of it. It should be a hymn, but it's not in the Bible I've read. I've read too few books, but I just think it sounds familiar."

    Aftena said: "Xiaobai, it's normal that you haven't heard of this song. Let me tell you, it was the military song of the Nazi SS back then. The word 'eh eh eh' sung by Feng Junzi is in the original words  It¡¯s ¡®Germany¡¯, do you understand what¡¯s going on now?¡±

    Bai Shaoliu was stunned for a long time, and finally sighed and said: "I see, this is really a wonderful irony! But the hymn itself is really well written!"

    ¡ª¡ªThe finale of "Tianshu"¡ª¡ª
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