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Taiwan Entertainment 1971 779 [X-rated movie]

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    In the movie "Holy War", Wang Zijun did not deliberately use black and white images to increase the heaviness of the movie like Spielberg's "Schindler's List".

    In the first ten minutes of the scene, not only is the plot not heavy, but the colors, music, and shots are exceptionally fresh and bright. It is also about the study, love, and life of the male protagonist Hidekazu Uno.

    Seeing this, many viewers have already had doubts in their hearts: Isn¡¯t this an anti-war film commemorating the 45th anniversary of the world¡¯s anti-fascist victory?  Why does it look like a literary romance film?

    It wasn¡¯t until militarist speeches began to appear in schools, streets and every radio that moviegoers gradually felt something was wrong.

    Unconsciously, the content of Uno Hidekazu's chat with his friends changed from the previous professional knowledge to His Majesty the Emperor's edict. The students were keen to discuss which city the Imperial Japanese Army had captured.

    Like a wild beast in his heart, the former neighborhood boys turned into fanatical militarists. Under the inspiration of the Emperor, they entered the military camp for training one by one.

    When the Sino-Japanese War broke out, Japan's shrinking military establishment before the war suddenly swelled like a water-absorbing sponge and instantly turned into a war monster. Uno Hidekazu became one of the cells of this monster.

    "Boom!" The sound of cannons suddenly sounded, which startled the cinema where the atmosphere was becoming increasingly dull. Many viewers were startled by the sudden sound of cannons.

    "Oh, God!"

    "Xite, that man's lower body is gone."


    As soon as the camera turns, there is a hail of bullets. The whistling sound of bullets is occasionally mixed with violent explosions, bringing all the audience back to the battlefield immersively.

    What¡¯s even more frightening is that on the Chinese soldier¡¯s position, a soldier¡¯s skull was overturned by shrapnel, and his face was red and white. The situation was extremely horrific.

    An orderly soldier was blown into two pieces by a sudden flying cannonball while he was running.  Everything below the waist was gone, but he continued to crawl forward without knowing it.  After crawling about half a meter with his hands and dragging his intestines all over the floor, he realized something was wrong. He turned around and screamed in fear.

    Two machine gunners were killed one after another. The third man stepped on, but a piece of the machine gun bunker was blown away.  Just then something flew over.  The machine gunner grabbed the thing and put it under the machine gun without thinking.  After scanning for a few times, the machine gunner discovered that the object used to mount the machine gun was a leg of his comrade.

    ¡°Before this, no director would put these things in front of the audience in such a bloody way.  First, for the sake of box office, the game is too bloody. If the censors decide that people under 18 are prohibited from watching, wouldn't it mean that a large audience will be lost?  There is also the problem of special effects technology. If Wang Zijun had not used extensive computer technology this time, he would not have been able to present these shots so realistically.

    A shot of about one minute.  It has already made some viewers want to vomit, and this is just the beginning.

    The movie goes from lighthearted to heavy bit by bit.  Uno Hidekazu wrote a letter telling his fiancee about his confusion.  When the camera turned, it was his fianc¨¦e who was inspired by the emperor and volunteered to join the army as a comfort soldier to do her part in the holy war against the Japanese Empire.

    At the beginning, when Gao Yuan Hui met the soldiers who patronized her, she would bow and salute and say: "Please take care of me."

    A few days later.  Takahara Megumi had lost all enthusiasm. Seeing the soldiers coming in, she would only open her legs numbly.  Let the soldiers vent.

    When she received a letter from Uno Hidekazu forwarded by her family again, Megumi Takahara had already contracted a sexually transmitted disease and replied with tears on her face.  As she wrote the letter, a Japanese soldier vented behind her.

    Gao Yuan Hui met two friends in the military prostitute camp. One was a Korean and the other was a Chinese (played by Gong Li). They were both comfort women forcibly captured by the Japanese army.

    Finally one day, Takahara Megumi met her fianc¨¦ Uno Hidekazu while picking up guests. The two were speechless and cried together.

    After her fianc¨¦ left, Gao Yuan Megumi suddenly realized that she was finally unwilling to be a tool for these soldiers to vent their anger. She contacted other comfort women and prepared to take the opportunity to kill the soldiers guarding the military prostitute camp and escape.

    The comfort woman played by Gong Li was a prostitute. She used her ability to successfully hook up with an officer, and then used the officer to take seven or eight comfort women out of the military prostitute camp.  On the way, several women used the excuse to relieve themselves and joined forces to kill the soldiers and officers who were driving. The women who could not drive fled in all directions in the wilderness.

    Who knew that a soldier was not completely dead? He suddenly fired a shot before he died, causing a small group of Japanese soldiers to pursue him.  Most of the seven or eight comfort women died. In the end, the prostitute played by Gong Li sacrificed herself for others and fired a grenade passed from the soldier.All Japanese troops perished together.

    Megumi Takahara was not able to escape in the end. Before coming to China, this woman was full of longing and yearning for jihad, and volunteered to accompany the army as a military prostitute to comfort the soldiers. She was tortured to death by her fellow soldiers.

    Seeing this, many viewers couldn't bear it anymore and got up and left the cinema one after another, or they covered their eyes and didn't dare to watch anymore.

    The Nanjing Massacre came, and these war machines transformed into beasts and ghosts from hell.  Every Chinese was raped and killed, thousands of Chinese civilians and military prisoners were shot with machine guns, piles of Chinese were buried alive, and there were even Japanese soldiers competing with each other to chop off the heads of Chinese people.

    The Japanese army packed Chinese people in sacks, poured gasoline on them and set them on fire. The people inside rolled on the ground in pain. A group of soldiers gathered around the sacks and played football; or they raped pregnant women and, after venting their bestiality, stabbed the pregnant women with bayonets.  belly, and hang the baby inside on the stake.

    The sound of cursing and vomiting in the cinema was endless, and Cotillard couldn't hold it any longer. He suppressed his nausea and said: "I didn't expect that your dad's film would be rated X (French film classification). I regret going to the cinema."  ¡±

    Lin Yi explained: "There is a three-hour purified version, and what we watched is the complete version. When we came in, didn't you see that I used a special pass, otherwise we would not be qualified to come in. You look like you are in pain, then  Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for my dad to be immersed in these images for more than a year?"

    After the atrocity, everything in the picture has returned to the 1980s. The old man is sitting on the bank of the canal under the sunset. There are no small sampans transporting goods on the river, but all kinds of tourist boats.


    The screen pulled back again, bombers flying over the sky, and countless people on the ground fleeing in fear.  But things turned around, and the Tokyo bombing began. The Japanese capital was bombed into ruins, and the civilians lost everything they owned.

    On the edge of the canal, the old man suddenly stood up and decided to use the last time of his life to atone for his sins.

    The old man flew to the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall and was surprised to find that the old man guarding the memorial hall was actually the Chinese soldier (played by Jiang Wen) who was killed by his butcher knife.

    All grudges and hatred faded away, and the two old men talked about their post-war experiences together.  Suddenly there was some noise outside, but it was local officials who came in accompanied by a veteran from Taiwan. The veteran was the national army officer (played by Zun Long) who had guarded Nanjing and abandoned his subordinates to mix with the civilians.

    The three old men who had grudges against each other finally gathered together, and the camera became farther and farther away, falling into the distant sky and gradually losing focus.

    After the movie ended, the theater was depressing. It took a long time before loud applause erupted, followed by even louder and noisier discussions and even curses.

    Some people scolded fascists, and some scolded the director. Anyway, the scene was chaotic.

    The following day, the French "Cahiers du Cinema" commented: "This is the most difficult movie I have ever watched. In nearly five hours, I went to the bathroom four times. It's not that my kidneys are bad.  , but my stomach felt very uncomfortable, and I couldn't help but want to vomit

    There is no doubt that this is a shocking movie. I went home and lay down and had nightmares all night long. The dreams were full of those devastating and bloody images against humanity

    The film is based on the perspective of Japanese veteran Hidekazu Uno, relying on his memories to link the entire plot.  However, the play also contains a large number of detailed portrayals of comfort women, reporters, Chinese soldiers and ordinary people, and the social scene and war scenes of the time are perfectly restored.  The biggest difference from Zachary's previous works is that there is nothing sensational about this film. He is telling a period of history without expression, and the blood, brutality and darkness in it are presented intact to the audience  ¡­

    Although on the surface Zachary¡¯s plot is simple and crude, upon closer review one finds that there are many intriguing aspects.  From the title "Holy War" to the entire movie, you will see the director's satire on war

    The Nazi massacre of Jews is well known to the whole world, but most Westerners are not aware of the massacre during the Sino-Japanese War.  Yesterday, Zachary Wang said in an interview that Japan's war criminals are still enshrined in shrines and enjoy hero-like worship. The worshipers even include Japan's sitting prime minister. This is really a depressing fact.  Especially on the first day of filming, the entire crew was attacked by Japanese right-wingers"

    The discussion surrounding the release of "Holy War" was explosive. Countless people criticized Wang Zijun's film for being too bloody and realistic, while countless people also praised the film.  As the 45th anniversary of the anti-fascist victory draws closer, there are more and more discussions about that war, and "Holy War" is also hailed as a classic of anti-war movies.

    In the film festival program, the judges are unprecedentedlyI gave "Jihad" a high score - 3.7.

    The awards ceremony is about to begin, but it seems that there is no suspense about the Palme d'Or.  Perhaps this film will fail at the box office due to its content, but as we all know, the judges at the Cannes Film Festival use the depth of the film as their voting criterion, and "Holy War" deserves the award.
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