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Taiwan Entertainment 1971 771 [Gongxin News]

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    On the 18th floor of Meiyuan Building, Wang Zijun and Ning Hai walked into an office side by side.  ////

    "Next Weekly" used to be next to Hanlin Publishing House, both on Guling Street. However, since the completion of Wang's Building, both families have moved into Wang Zijun's building, and the rent is very low.

    Now that Wang Zijun wants to run a newspaper, the headquarters of the newspaper will naturally be located in Wang's Building.

    Ning Hai is over 70 this year and has already resigned as the editor-in-chief of "Next Weekly", but he is still in charge of the operation and distribution of the magazine.  This time Wang Zijun wanted to start a newspaper, so he also came here and asked him to be responsible for building the newspaper's news collection and distribution network.

    There are already several people in the office. A middle-aged man with a mustache named Qin Xinpeng is one of the deputy editors of Next Weekly. Wang Zijun transferred him this time to serve as the editor-in-chief of the new newspaper.  Some of the others were veterans of Next Weekly, as well as people poached from other newspapers.

    Seeing Wang Zijun and Ning Hai come in, these people all stood up to greet them.

    Wang Zijun pressed his hand: "Everyone, please sit down. Let's be casual today. You see, I haven't asked you to go to the conference room!" Wang Zijun took out a piece of paper embedded in a frame and said with a smile, "We  Got the newspaper license.¡±

    As soon as this statement came out, people came to watch one after another, because since the ban on newspapers was implemented, Taiwan has not issued a newspaper license for almost 30 years.

    "Okay, everyone, sit down and let's chat casually today." Wang Zijun said with a smile.

    It is now January 1988, more than two months have passed since the U.S. stock market crash.  On January 1, the reporting ban was officially lifted, and Wang Zijun obtained a newspaper permit the next day.

    In fact, after the ban on reporting was lifted, many people with entry and exit certificates also started newspapers. As long as their comments were not too excessive, the police always turned a blind eye.  For example, there are three television stations in Taiwan today, but there are dozens of underground cable TV stations, which mainly broadcast pornographic films, TV series, opera programs, etc.  Underground TV stations have existed in Taiwan for more than 20 years, and no Information Bureau has ever truly investigated and banned them.

    "Dong dong dong" came from outside the office door.

    "Please come in." Wang Zijun said.

    Bald Lin Qingxuan walked in across the door. This gentleman had also been helping organize the newspaper for two months.  Wang Zijun originally wanted him to be in charge of the newspaper, but Lin Qingxuan had too many things to do, so he only wanted to be the deputy editor-in-chief responsible for reviewing and commenting.

    Wang Zijun saw Lin Qingxuan coming in and said with a smile: "The permit has been approved, but the name is not "Gongxinbao", but "Gongxinbao". The stylistic terms in the above bulletin cannot be used for registration."

    "Haha, "Gongxin Bao" and "Gongxin Bao", they are all newspapers anyway." Lin Qingxuan laughed and was very excited to see him like that.

    Since the authorities announced yesterday that they had officially lifted the ban on reporting, many intellectuals in Taiwan have been very excited.  Because the authorities have lifted not only the ban on newspapers, but also freedom of speech. From now on, newspapers no longer have to go through censorship for everything.

    Now that the newspaper ban is being lifted, all kinds of newspapers will inevitably proliferate. The reading rate of newspapers will not increase but will decrease. It is conceivable that the competition will be fierce.

    Wang Zijun has discussed all aspects of the "Gongxin Daily" with the people in front of him early, and the policy of running the newspaper is "not party-minded, not selfish, and committed to public trust."

    It is difficult to do these eight words, not only because there must be selfishness in running a newspaper, but also because of the environment in which the newspaper is run.

    In the past few years, the Taiwanese people have been so enthusiastic about politics that it would be unimaginable for young people twenty years later.  After decades of political repression, there was a sudden opening up. Ordinary people were almost obsessed with talking about politics. Often families were divided into blue and green factions, and couples even fought or even divorced because of differences in political ideas.  It would take almost 2000 for this craze to slowly cool down.

    Newspapers are gradually divided into blue and green camps, each trying to please its own readership and even slandering the other camp for the sake of sales.  In this atmosphere, it is very difficult for a newspaper to remain fair and neutral.

    Wang Zijun¡¯s plan is also to make a high-end and serious newspaper with a blue tint.

    Today, the two largest newspapers in Taiwan are "United Daily News" and "China Times". "Zi You Times" has grown extremely rapidly in the past two years and barely ranks third, but it is still far behind the first two newspapers.

    Wang Zijun¡¯s initial goal is to make the sales volume of "Gongxin Daily" exceed that of "Free Times" and to compete with "Lianhe Daily" and "China Times".

    This task is very difficult, because the damn "Zi You Times" has not only distributed it to readers for free since September last year, but also has high-value gifts.  Also, not only does it cost readers no money to read the newspaper, but they may also receive valuable gifts.

    This move was so powerful that in just three months, the sales volume of "Zi You Times" exceeded that of "Zhong Y¨¡ngri Daily" and other newspapers.

      But those who are really serious about making newspapers detest this practice.  Because newspapers want to make money to survive, the free part of the newspaper has to be transferred to advertising. In the end, a newspaper has more advertisements than news, and readers often have to get news between advertisements.

    On January 5, 1988, amidst the flashes of countless reporters, Wang Zijun held up the first printed copy of "Gongxin Daily" and announced the official public release of "Gongxin Daily".

    "kmt lifts ban on newspapers, international directors enter the newspaper industry"

    "The Coming of the Free Era of Newspaper Industry"

    "Wang Zijun was criticized for running a newspaper and not doing his job properly"


    No matter what, Wang Zijun running a newspaper is a big deal.  Even the existing newspapers regarded Wang Zijun's "Gongxin Daily" as a potential competitor and reported on the matter one after another.

    On the second day after the publication of "Gongxin Daily", "Zi You Times" published a comment saying that "Gongxin Daily" had insufficient manuscript sources and thin content, etc. Wang Zijun could only laugh at it.

    After all, running a newspaper is not something that can be done overnight. There are two most important factors, one is the source of news, and the other is the distribution market.  For this reason, Wang Zijun even spent NT$5 million to poach reporters from other newspapers. He also planned to spend NT$20 million to establish news communication stations throughout Taiwan and Hong Kong within the next three years.

    Overall, the Gongxin Daily, which was first published, does have various shortcomings.  However, behind these shortcomings, there are many bright spots.

    First, in order to attract readers, Wang Zijun serialized a new martial arts novel "Heroes" in the supplement.  This was also criticized by the "Free Times" as a crooked approach. Wang Zijun wanted to imitate Jin Yong in running "Ming Pao" to replace news.

    However, fans of Wang Zijun and martial arts fans are very enthusiastic about it. Some even bought "Gongxin Bao" specifically to see Wang Zijun's new martial arts work after hearing about it.

    In addition, the supplement of "Gongxin Bao" also contains Lin Qingxuan's latest essays, which has also attracted some Lin Qingxuan's fans.  Then there is the entertainment section of Gongxin Daily. Because Wang Zijun is behind it, the various entertainment news resources are far superior to other newspapers.

    This result made Wang Zijun dumbfounded. He originally wanted to run a serious and high-end newspaper, but ended up having to use entertainment pages and supplements to attract readers.

    "The first issue of "Gongxin Daily" sold 30,000 copies, which is a remarkable achievement for a new newspaper.  The second issue soared by 50,000 copies. These increased sales were basically brought about by Wang Zijun's new work "Heroes".  For six issues, the sales volume of "Gongxin News" quickly exceeded 100,000 copies, and then stabilized.

    With sales of 100,000 copies, if it were the bosses of those newspapers in Hong Kong, they would definitely be laughing from ear to ear.  But why would Wang Zijun be satisfied with just such a small sales volume?  His targets are "United Daily News" and "China Times". "China Times" currently has a circulation of 1.2 million copies, and "United Daily News" has also exceeded 1 million copies.

    There are various ways to increase newspaper sales. One is to rely on unique marketing methods to increase sales like the "Free Times"; the other is to rely on some kind of opportunity, such as exclusive reporting of a big news.

    The opportunity for Gongxin News came quickly.

    On the evening of January 13th, Wang Zijun was watching TV with his lovely wives at home.  Suddenly, the TV screen changed from a Qiong Yao film to a portrait of Chiang Ching-kuo.

    Jiang, is dead!

    For the next period of time, all entertainment activities in Taiwan were stopped. TVs and newspapers were all black and white, and even TV series were unwatchable.

    After Chiang's death, people's hearts were mixed and the political situation in Taiwan was in chaos.  Although Li Denghui had Chiang Kai-shek's will and temporarily used his status as "president" to arrange funeral arrangements, some people supported Chiang Weiguo as "president", and Song Meiling was also preparing to arrange for Yu Guohua to be the "acting chairman" of KMT.  Anyway, the conservatives tended to favor Jiang Weiguo and Yu Guohua, while the young faction supported Li Denghui.

    On January 18, Li Denghui and 39 KMT legislators from the Young Faction jointly issued a statement supporting Li Denghui as the "acting chairman."  For a time, the government and the public were all "supporting Li Chao". Seeing that there was nothing he could do, Yu Guohua voluntarily withdrew from the competition.

    At this time, the "Gongxin Daily" suddenly made a front-page headline, revealing that Li Denghui was a member of the Communist Party, and later betrayed the party organization in exchange for the status of a government-sponsored international student.  Not only that, the news is also accompanied by the investigation data of the same year, which can be said to be conclusive evidence.

    As soon as this news came out, public opinion was in an uproar. The "new president" turned out to be a traitor!

    This news was naturally sent by the Third Young Master Jiang and Wang Zijun in tandem. Wang Zijun wanted to increase newspaper sales, while the Third Young Master had illusions about the throne of "President".

    Since three years ago, Jiang Laosan has put aside his work to take care of Jiang Jingguo.  It is care, which is actually equivalent to Chiang Ching-kuo¡¯s general liaison with the outside world.All matters must be passed through the hands of Jiang Laosan, so he is called the "underground president".

    Having been the most popular political figure in Taiwan for more than two years, Jiang Laosan has no idea at all?  Then he is a saint.

    "It's a pity that Jiang Laosan wanted to be president, but his qualifications were really not enough. He had never held any worthy position.

    Wang Zijun wanted to investigate Li Denghui's dark history. Jiang Laosan hesitated for a while and agreed, and arranged for the police chief to cooperate as much as possible, so this good show happened.

    After breaking the news about Li Denghui's history as a traitor, the "Open Letter" reported on the front page one after another that Li Denghui and the Taiwanese independence godfather are close friends. Li Denghui is a pro-Japanese sect, and his real name is "Iwasato Masao" with ri.  etc.

    As one violent news broke out one after another, the sales volume of "Gongxin Daily" rapidly increased from 100,000 copies to 800,000 copies.  At the same time, it also completely offended Li Denghui, who was most likely to succeed the "president".
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