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Taiwan Entertainment 1971 744 [Chinese Opera Lecture]

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    "The new film "A Chinese Ghost Story" by the internationally renowned director Wang Zijun had its premiere yesterday morning at the Dashilan United Cinema in Beijing. Comrade Zhou xx, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Culture, Comrade Li xx, Director of the Film Bureau The famous director Chen Kai  Brother etc. attended the premiere. In addition, Steven Spielberg, the international director who has filmed "Jaws" and "Raiders of the Lost Ark" also came from the United States to watch the film.

    "A Chinese Ghost Story" is adapted from the original work "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" by Pu Songling, a novelist from the Qing Dynasty. It tells the story After the film premiered, it caused a huge sensation

    Vice Minister Zhou said that China¡¯s five thousand years of history and culture are unique treasures in human civilization.  Relying on its rich cultural heritage, Chinese films have great potential"

    The day after the premiere of "A Chinese Ghost Story", more than a dozen mainland newspapers, including Beijing Daily and Yangcheng Evening News, reported on the matter in their literary and art pages.  Not only is there text on the tofu block, but an entire literary page is dedicated to reporting the incident, with stills as news photos and a personal introduction to Wang Zijun.  In these introductions, in addition to making fun of the past, they also added information such as "Titanic"'s global box office exceeding one billion US dollars, and Wang Zijun's ranking as the second richest person in the world.

    Nowadays, people in mainland China are no longer shy about talking about money, but are proud of being able to make money. The last two pieces of news have really attracted the attention of countless readers.  No one would have thought that among today's world's richest people, the first two people in the photo are actually Japanese and Chinese, and the third person is an American.

    Wang Zijun suddenly became the idol of many entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in the mainland.  "A Chinese Ghost Story", which has not yet been officially released, is also highly anticipated, and theaters in some small places have come to ask for copies.

    It¡¯s definitely a hit before it¡¯s released!

    Immediately afterwards, "Popular Cinema" published an exclusive interview with Wang Zijun, and this issue also featured Wang Zijun as the cover character.  During the interview, it can be seen that Wang Zijun had reservations about answering other questions, and often deliberately brought the topic to "A Chinese Ghost Story", and everyone knew that he wanted to advertise the film.

    Of course, mainland professional film magazines are still very serious at this time and do not ask about Wang Zijun's emotional topics like Hong Kong and Taiwan magazines do.


    Citroen cx20 slowly drove into the gate of the Central Academy of Drama.  Wang Zijun himself felt a little unhappy about this French car.  The main reason is that after the central government introduced Citroen cx20 in the past two years, one batch was used as government official vehicles, while the other batch became taxis in Beijing.

    Although the taxi market was soon out of the taxi market because the taxi prices were too expensive, Wang Zijun still has the same feeling as taking a taxi.  Fortunately, I didn¡¯t meet any passers-by who waved and stopped me on the way

    This car was bought from Beijing Youlian Taxi Company and used as Leyun¡¯s exclusive car in Beijing.

    Looking at the exquisite campus of the Chinese Opera, Le Yun sighed: "I have thought about getting admitted to study before, but I didn't expect that I finally got in today. And I was invited. Haha, the boss is still awesome, I can count on you.  Light."

    Wang Zijun said without interest: "The most annoying thing is the speech. This thing is just a group of people listening to one person's nonsense."

    Le Yun smiled and said: "So you are planning to come here and talk nonsense."

    "Whether it's nonsense or not depends on different people's opinions." Wang Zijun shut up in time, and the school's welcoming team was in front of him.

    It is such a big university.  Naturally, I wouldn't do anything like organizing students to crowd in to welcome him and lose my status.  The people who came to greet Wang Zijun were mainly school leaders. Dean Xu Xiaozhong personally led the team. After seeing Wang Zijun get out of the car, he smiled and walked over to shake hands with him: "Mr. Wang's visit to our school is really brilliant. Welcome.  !¡±

    ¡°No, no, it¡¯s an honor for me to be invited to be a guest at China National Opera.¡± Wang Zijun said with a smile.

    As the two shook hands, several reporters from local media in Beijing had already clicked their shutters.

    Although there was no organized crowd to greet him, he knew that Wang Zijun was coming.  There were many students and teachers who came to watch on their own initiative. These people waved their hands to say hello to Wang Zijun from time to time.

    The lecture was held in a large auditorium. Currently, the Department of Film and Television and the Department of Art Management of China National Theater have not yet been established. In addition to students from the Department of Drama and Literature, the Department of Directing and the Department of Performance, students from the Department of Stage Art also came to join in the fun.

    Wang Zijun is talking about the use and development of special effects in movies today. He also thought about it for a long time when choosing the topic. Talking about business and art is one-sided, so it is better to talk about special effects honestly.

    Leyun has finished the slideshow.  Wang Zijun coughed, glanced down, and found many famous people from later generations sitting down and waiting for him to start his lecture. He smiled and said: "Thank you, Dean Xu. I am very happy to be able to come to the Central Theater to give lectures to all the elite students."  I'm happy. In fact, what I fear most is giving lectures to people. I feel like I'm misleading people.I feel like, if all of you here learn something bad one day, don¡¯t say you learned it from me"


    After a burst of cooperative chuckles, Wang Zijun continued: "Two days ago, Director Chen Kai from Xi'an Film Studio once talked to me about a problem when we were having dinner together. He said that "A Chinese Ghost Story"  The special effects pictures are very shocking, and science fiction movies such as "Star Wars" and "Titanic" are also famous for their special effects. People are more and more interested in watching realistic special effects. If this continues, it will be good for the movie itself.  Or bad?¡±

    "Of course it's a good thing!" Someone suddenly shouted from below.

    Wang Zijun did not blame the person for interjecting, but smiled and said: "I have read Marx's works. Didn't Marx say that everything has two sides? The same is true for movie special effects. To understand this problem, let's first find out what movie special effects are.  ?¡±

    Wang Zijun signaled to Leyun, who began to play the slideshow he had prepared: "The earliest use of special effects in movies in the world was in 1902. What you are seeing now is the world's first science fiction film, which is 10 minutes long.  . The special effects techniques used by the film pioneer Mr. M¨¦li¨¨s are considered basic photography techniques today, such as stopping, overprinting, and double exposure. For example, when a certain shot is being shot, he stops the camera and asks the actors to go away.  Smoke for a while, then turn on the machine again, and connect the films before and after the shutdown for printing, creating the special effect of a person suddenly disappearing. This technology is naturally not surprising now, but at the time it was amazing, time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the film length is short.  , it took the crew more than four months to shoot.¡±

    "With the development of technology, the special effects of the past have become today's common film shooting techniques. It can be said that the development of special effects technology promotes the development of movies. Now let's look at Mr. Lucas's "Star Wars".  There are many firsts in this film"

    "These slides are from when I was shooting "Titanic". Look at the comparison between the shooting scene and the final picture. In this film, I tried to use computer special effects technology for the first time Electronic computers are the first step in the history of human technology.  A great invention. With the continuous development of computer technology, computer special effects will become more and more common in film production. It may even be possible that one day, a film will not require actors to act in it, and it may be produced directly using computers"

    Throughout the two-hour lecture, Wang Zijun kept talking about film special effects, starting from decades ago to the present, and then began to predict the future.  Everyone listened to the previous content with great interest, especially the students in the directing department learned a lot of useful knowledge.  But no one could understand what Wang Zijun was talking about later, the computer special effects technology he talked about so much - they didn't even know what computer special effects were, and the vast majority of them had never even seen a computer.  Not to mention its future application trends?

    But I have to admire some students. They actually recorded all the things they didn¡¯t understand in their notebooks. Some of those who couldn¡¯t understand clearly wanted to ask Wang Zijun for advice after the lecture.

    Wang Zijun finally laughed and said: "I think some students have already dozed off, so let's feel free to ask questions. Otherwise, after everyone falls asleep, I will not be embarrassed to come back next time."

    Once Wang Zijun said that he was free to ask questions, everyone finally became energetic.  The first student who was called by name asked: "Director Wang, you said in your lecture that computers will be popular in thousands of households in the future, and will be more popular than cars. Can ordinary Chinese families also have computers?"

    Wang Zijun said: "Of course, first of all, technological progress has greatly reduced the production cost of computers. Also, with the current speed of economic development in mainland China, I believe that within ten years at most, most families in the mainland will be able to own TVs.  Twenty years later, a large number of people will be able to own their own personal computers." Wang Zijun paused and said, "As you know, I own a personal computer company in the United States. The stock price went up very fast last year, so I  I am very confident in the development of computers. Of course, you can also think that I am advertising my company."

    After Wang Zijun finished speaking, there was a buzzing whisper in the auditorium.  It seems that Wang Zijun¡¯s good predictions about mainland China¡¯s economic development have made many students very excited.  Nowadays, televisions are still a rarity for ordinary families. Wang Zijun predicts that most families will have televisions in the next ten years. This sounds a bit unbelievable.

    Another classmate asked: "Director Wang, when will your "Titanic" be released in mainland China?"

    Wang Zijun said: "Maybe next year."

    He answered several questions in succession, but none of them had anything to do with the content of Wang Zijun¡¯s lecture. Perhaps that¡¯s why people didn¡¯t understand it well.  Until the last question, Wang Zijun specially picked a female student in a white shirt to stand up and ask.

    This female student was Gong Li. She asked: "When will Director Wang come to the mainland to make a movie?"?Ah, can we go to the audition then?  "

    Wang Zijun smiled and said, "I haven't decided when to come, but I'm already working on a movie with Xi'an Film Factory, and I think it would be good for you to play the heroine."

    "Wow!" There was an uproar in the auditorium, and many students from the performance department looked at Gong Li with envy. Although they didn't know whether Wang Zijun's words were mostly joking, it was enough to make them jealous.
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