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Text Chapter 27 The familiar (4)

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    "ChildMy brother and I's child" Little Feite repeated as he held his cheeks with both hands, his face gradually turning red.  Obviously a little strange about the change in her face, Xiao Feite's eyes gradually became a little confused and dazed, but she kept repeating this sentence in a low voice. The more she repeated, the more certain her tone became.

    "What?" Zero thought he was hallucinating.

    "I want to build the relationship that my brother just said with my brother!!!"

    "What?!" Then Zero was completely dumbfounded.

    Perhaps the resounding words just now exhausted all the courage of Little Fit. When he heard Zero's dumbfounded "What", Little Fit immediately felt uneasy and returned to the nature of suffering for thousands of years. He pulled the corners of his clothes with both hands and looked around.  Drifting, but the attitude seems to have remained unchanged.

    "It seems that it is urgent to find a good teacher for you" Ling frowned and gave up. At most, I just need to pay more attention during the break.

    ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª(In the future, you will have fruits you will regret eating)¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    Fit Testerosha

    Erosion rate: 0%

    Compatibility rate: 0%

    Replenishment rate: (54+7%)


    The strategy will proceed slowly as time passes.

    Zero never thought that the familiar¡¯s low consumption would one day turn into a headache for him.  This change fully illustrates the truth that advantages and disadvantages are never absolute, and this vivid lesson gave Zero a headache in the dark cave for more than a month.

    That lesson is

    Little Fit¡¯s night attack!

    Although this child is weak, he is absolutely stubborn and stubborn, and he doesn't know how to adapt.  So Sky Eye transformed into an evil salesman (currently Zero didn't know about the legendary existence of QB, but it didn't take long for him to know it immediately. Sky Eye is on the same level as QB in this regard), constantly teaching Fite.  Various positions and various methods constantly encourage the ignorant girl to carry out some sacred and great work

    And damn, in Fit¡¯s mind, the only bitterness about doing that is that it hurts for girls!  !  !

    Because in her memory of seeing Zero, girls were crying.  But this silly cutie is confident that he can endure any pain!

    So, when I wake up every morning, I feel that my balls are extremely sore (please understand the three tastes, in various senses)

    (Here is an explanation. The night rest duty is alternated between Tachibana Kanade and Fite Therefore, there are always times when Zero cannot put Fite into the card and is resting)

    Let¡¯s not talk about personal things for now, let¡¯s look here.

    With the help of an absolute cheating device, Zero¡¯s strategy can be said to be smooth and stable.

    Because in the final analysis, the threat of the ruins only exists in two places, one is the mountains of monsters, and the other is the endless traps.  But these threats are perfectly restrained by the Sky Eye. Whether it is scene changes, hallucinations, special scenes with monsters, or monsters¡¯ special abilities, everything is recorded word by word by the Sky Eye.  There is nothing unknown about the case.  People say that ¡®the unknown is the scariest thing¡¯. In other words, it wouldn¡¯t be scary without the unknown.

    With the following of two elite archangels who were at level eight in the military system, one of whom was also an expert in both physical and magical arts, the guide to the ruins of this level of difficulty actually gave Zero the feeling of being as relaxed as strolling in his own courtyard.  The key is that Tachibana Kanade and Fite (beep) Testerosha are both special enough, and any one of them can use them to defeat thousands of people: whether it is Kanade's Fantasy Penetration or Fite's Thunder Magic, both have enough power.  The special temptation for the hero to give up a soul passage to contain them.  Moreover, Zero is not only a hero, but also an outstanding alchemist (although the title of alchemist is somewhat unworthy of the name without the formula provided by Sky Eye). In this way, with the three armies ready, it can be calculated  The combat effectiveness is actually no less than that of a vanguard group of ten people. In this area where there are few large open areas, suitable for army hedging, and all are lanes, they obviously have an advantage.

    However, such a good life of eating and drinking finally came to an end in front of a huge blue lake covering dozens of square kilometers at the end of a long and narrow cave filled with blue crystal stones.

    Over the lake, two humanoid creatures were confronting each other.

    The reason why it is said to be humanoid is entirely because the two creatures facing each other have obvious human characteristics.  The person on the left has a beautiful face, a full and smooth forehead, half-covered by the red sea of ??trivial gold;She has long, sharp eyes, and the fiery red color makes her majestic; her red lips are slightly tight, her cheeks are tight, and the golden "V" crown above the heaven proudly faces the sky.  The fiery red gold-inlaid crown inlaid with a finger-long dark blue diamond-shaped gemstone in the center of her forehead extends from both sides of her head and the middle of her forehead toward the sky. It not only provides protection for her head, but also gathers her long hair, like a screen.  The peacock adds a bit of heroic atmosphere to her.  In front of the long hair that stands up, there are coral-like flaming red dragon horns on the girl's forehead, like a set of gorgeous laurels; and behind that, there is a flaming red gemstone hairpin tied in her hair.  , tying her long fiery red hair into a ponytail, quietly adding a bit of quietness to the girl.

    In addition, this woman also has a truly amazing and gorgeous figure.

    Her skin was as crimson as burning under the light of the fire. The extremely rare armor on her body did not play an important role in protecting the body so much as it just served as a cover-up: between her crotch, two halves of a crescent moon.  The fire-colored strips filled with golden runes slant upward from the woman's extremely attractive inverted triangle area and stop at the firm part of the chest. It is not known what method was used, but this piece of clothing actually firmly attracts the girl.  The peak of Jade Girl Peak, which is like bamboo shoots, is only as big as a palm, blocking key places.  Other than that, the girl can be said to be completely naked, except for the armbands of the same color on the sides of her arms, and the fire-colored necklace between her sexy ribs and round jade shoulders.

    She is beautiful, but this woman is definitely not a human being.

    Just because of the fiery dragon tail that was coiled up to protect the triangular restricted area and block the line of sight!

    The fiery phosphorus boiled around the girl without any foundation.  Even though he was several miles away from the flat area, Zero could still feel the power of this woman who was facing him sideways!

    ¡¾Sky Eye Scanning Begins¡¿

    ¡¾Level determination: Military level eight.  ¡¿

    ¡¾Life form: Elf Emperor Ji (the highest form of elemental elf, race belongs to fire, unique)¡¿

    ¡¾Age: 125 years old (youth)¡¿

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Use the power of existence and the power of cause and effect to determine its name by looking back, and its name is: Red Lotus Empress ¡¤ sscarlete (auxiliary type, magic type creature) ¡¿


    ¡¾Attack: 30¡¿

    ¡¾Defense: 30¡¿

    ¡¾Magic Power: 20¡¿

    ¡¾Magic reserve:¡ª¡ª¡¿


    ¡¾Damage power: 50~75¡¿

    ¡¾Initiative: 12¡¿

    [Military system ability: 1. (Fire Earth) All creatures close to the earth within the range will continue to receive non-attribute fire damage. This damage does not apply to the military system algorithm and can be offset by defensive capabilities. It only exists if there is a fire element.  Effective locally.  ¡¿

    [Military ability: 2. (Dragon God Roar) Any object that is hostile to the empress will fall into a mental coma within one and a half rounds. This ability belongs to the "none" attribute and cannot be resisted by ordinary resistance abilities]

    Big fish!

    A complete big fish!

    However, before Zero¡¯s eyes had finished shining, as if to tease Zero¡¯s heart, the Sky Eye system then popped up the second set of dialog boxes.

    ¡¾Level determination: Military level eight.  ¡¿

    ¡¾Life form: Elf Emperor Ji (the highest form of elemental elves, race belongs to light, unique)¡¿

    ¡¾Age: 125 years old (youth)¡¿

    "[Using the power of existence and the power of cause and effect to determine its name, its name is: Princess of the Sky¡¤ssinger (auxiliary type¡¤magical creature)]


    ¡¾Attack: 15¡¿

    ¡¾Defense: 45¡¿

    ¡¾Magic Power: 20¡¿

    ¡¾Magic reserve:¡ª¡ª¡¿

    ¡¾hp: 1500/1500¡¿

    ¡¾Damage power: 25~50¡¿

    ¡¾Initiative: 10¡¿

    [Military system ability: 1. (Light of Purification) All friendly units within the range have morale +1 and luck +1. All dark attribute creatures that are hostile to the princess will receive continuous damage. All non-dark attribute creatures that are treated well by the princess will automatically  Additional 'Continuous Healing'.  ¡¿

    [Military system ability: 2. (Light Elegy) (Continuous Eulogy) All non-dark attribute creatures within the range who are treated well by the princess have an instant death immunity. All dark attribute creatures within the range that are hostile to the princess will be attacked by the light element.  One damage and one judgment.  If the determination is successful, the dark creature will be killed directly regardless of its level and physical strength.  In addition, when the song begins, all allies within the range will recover their full physical strength and a certain amount of magic power, and the recovered magic power will not put a strong burden on their bodies like the general rapid recovery of magic power.  After the chant starts, all friendly (creatures), no attribute limit) will replenish physical strength at a high speed until the chanting is interrupted.  ¡¿

    this is¡­¡­

    I didn¡¯t expect it, I really didn¡¯t expect it!

    I really didn¡¯t expect that one day I would be able to face such a high-level light elemental creature!

    If the fire element lord just now was a snake, then this woman wearing a blue and white themed robe, a blue and white V-shaped feather ornament on her head, and wings with rich light elements is a real angel.

    There is a big difference between the current angels in the temple and the real light element angels, and that is class.  The biggest difference in class in Asha is that even if the temple can create an artificial god (level 10 Heaven), it will only be a "flesh and blood body" and can never become an "elemental body".  And it is this difference that directly creates a huge difference in the defensive capabilities of the two - you must know that the angel's defensive capabilities are all based on the [Elemental Shield]. Without this defensive method to replace physical injuries (for details, see  The injury and recovery process between Zero and Tachibana Kanade in the battle, if you want to be more vivid, it feels the same as the injury in Sword Art Online), then the archangel became pure cannon fodder, and the girl's delicate body may  It is not as solid as a farmer who has worked hard for a long time.

    Obviously, the elemental shield of the elemental body is many times stronger than the elemental shield of the flesh and blood body; therefore, the more advanced the elemental creature is, the more amazing its defense and physical strength are.  It is also because of this that the Summoner's status in Asha is always high - after all, once the [Summon Phoenix] magic is learned, it means that the Summoner has gained a HP of more than 500, with good attack and defense, and also has self-defense.  A super fighter with a permanent master level [Flame Aegis]

    ¡­Although the [Summon Phoenix] magic is not easy to learn, the Flame Aegis is truly a nightmare for all melee types who are immune to magic.

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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