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Volume 2: The Suave Romance Chapter 470: Burial

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    "When we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins, kill them all and leave no trace behind!"

    ¡°Swish, swish, swish!¡±

    Beside Qin Qiong, five thousand cavalrymen immediately bent their bows and set arrows, and rained arrows towards Zhou Jun's hoods, causing Zhou Jun to scream repeatedly.  Annihilation.

    The ambush site chosen by Yang Jian is already somewhat deep into the city, with criss-crossing streets and rows of houses, which not only helps conceal their whereabouts, but also greatly reduces the space for the cavalry to make detours.

    If Qin Qiong hadn't been vigilant and not advanced rashly, he would have been panicked because of Yang Jian's sneak attack just now.  Fortunately, Qin Qiong always remembered his happy instructions, and all the Qi troops were elite soldiers. Even the Zhou army's sneak attack did not cause them heavy casualties.

    Now, the two sides are fighting head-on. This is the moment that truly determines the outcome. All the machinations and tricks are no longer of use. All that is competing is the bloody courage and fierceness in the chest, and the ability to kill the enemy that has been practiced hard.

    The Qi army only fired a round of arrows before they had to put away their bows and crossbows. The greatest advantage of the cavalry was its wind-like maneuverability and fierce and sharp impact. However, now deep in the deep alleys, the space is small, left and right  They are all our own comrades. Not only can they not use their own advantages, but they are hampered in every way.

    Although the Qi army did not exert its full combat effectiveness due to space limitations, and although the Zhou army knew that this cutoff would mean no chance of death and fought a last-ditch effort, it burst out with unprecedented fighting spirit, but the innate disadvantage and the numerical gap still determined  Yang Jian's defeat.

    In less than a quarter of an hour, when Qin Qiong took the lead and opened a bloody path among the Zhou army, the Zhou army's fierce offensive finally began to weaken, and at the same time it showed its decline, and soon swept the entire battlefield.

    "Yang Jian, you can't escape, so let's just surrender. Why kill more for nothing?" Qin Qiong locked the retreating Yang Jian tightly and shouted loudly.

    However, Yang Jian turned a deaf ear and crouched tightly on the horse, leading more than a thousand remnants of the army to run wildly on the street. However, Qin Qiong did not notice it in the dark night. There was a cold smile on Yang Jian's mouth, as bright as the stars.  There was a cold light shining in his eyes, like the god of death in the Nine Nether Abyss.

    "Yang Jian, where can you escape!"

    After chasing through several streets, from Nancheng to Xicheng, the distance between Qin Qiong and Yang Jian continued to shrink, and the number of people following the latter was getting smaller and smaller under the Qi army's butcher's knife.

    "Qin Qiong, today is the day you die! Let go!" Just as Qin Qiong chased Yang Jian around the corner, Yang Jian, who had been running away, suddenly stopped and shouted angrily.

    Qin Qiong was startled when he heard this. Just as he was about to make a move, he heard a dense and sharp whistling sound in the air. The cold murderous aura that followed made the hair on Qin Qiong's body suddenly stand up, and his face became extremely serious.


    Without caring about anything else, Qin Qiong exclaimed, exerting force on his waist, and swung the weapon in his hand at an extremely fast speed to form a light curtain that tightly protected him.


    The Qi army was chasing after them all the way. At this time, they couldn't stop at all. They collided with Zhou Jun's arrows. Suddenly, people and horses were overturned, and there was a commotion.  The sounds of sharp blades piercing flesh came one after another, and at the same time there were the shrill screams of the Qi army.

    "Don't panic, come with me and fight out!" After a round of arrow rain, Qin Qiong didn't bother to rest. He shouted angrily while riding his horse forward like a mad tiger towards Zhou Jun who was dozens of meters away.  Kill.

    The screams that kept echoing in his ears made Qin Qiong's heart twitch violently, almost suffocating. Angry and resentful emotions instantly surged into his mind, making his bright eyes full of blood, making him look horrifying.

    Despite this, Qin Qiong still maintained a trace of reason.  When faced with a narrow road, the brave will win. On this narrow street, facing the enemy's overwhelming rain of arrows, the best way to deal with it is to rush forward.

    "Spread out and set fire!" Just when Qin Qiong led his army to rush towards the Zhou army despite the second round of arrow rain, Yang Jian's cold voice came again.

    In the astonished eyes of Qin Qiong and others, they saw a thousand Zhou troops ambushing in the street scattering like birds and beasts, and instantly fled in all directions. At the same time, the houses on both sides of the street also burst into flames in an instant.

    In the cold winter, with dry weather and strong winds, the fire became out of control and spread rapidly.

    ¡°We¡¯re in trouble, someone is coming, someone is coming quickly!¡±

    "Help, help! Help my dad, dad, wake up, wake up!"

    Just when Qin Qiong was about to lead the crowd out of the street, a panicked and tragic cry suddenly came from the house next to her.  Qin Qiong looked sideways, and saw dozens of people screaming and crying in the raging fire.While struggling in the sea of ??fire, some people rushed out, while others were turned into ashes in the flames.

    "Yang Jian, you beast, you are so cruel! If I don't kill you today, I swear I won't give up!" Qin Qiong's eyes were split, his voice was hoarse, like a crazy beast, his whole body was trembling, and he was about to escape.  Yang Jian, who was making excuses, roared angrily.

    ¡°Come five hundred people and follow me to kill the enemy, while the others put out the fire quickly and try to rescue the suffering people as much as possible!¡± Qin Qiong¡¯s tone was extremely depressed, her voice trembled, and her teeth creaked.  After saying that, the steel knife in Qin Qiong's hand slapped the horse's butt hard. With a clear sound, the skin of the horse's butt was torn open, and the horse neighed sadly, its hooves moved, and chased Yang Jian in the distance like an arrow from the string.


    Whether it was Qin Qiong or the 10,000 Qi troops, they never expected that Yang Jian would be so vicious and cruel. In order to win, he would not hesitate to set fire to the city and let the innocent old, weak, women and children die tragically in the sea of ??fire.

    "Yang Jian, you beast, you are going to die!"

    Qin Qiong was already on the verge of madness. The horseshoes were running wildly on the bluestone road, making crisp crosstalk and faint sparks splashing out.  However, Qin Qiong was still dissatisfied with the speed and kept slapping the horse's buttocks until the area was bloody and bloody, which was horrible to watch.

    "Qin Qiong, it's not certain who will live or die today!" When Yang Jian said this, he no longer ran away, and there was no need to flee.  He was already standing in front of the east gate of Pingyang City, and behind him were three thousand Zhou troops in neat armor, looking murderously at Qin Qiong, who was chasing after him at lightning speed.

    Although Qin Qiong was startled by the sudden appearance of three thousand Zhou troops and calmed down a little, his forward momentum only stalled slightly, and he continued to rush towards Zhou troops unabated.  Behind him, five hundred well-equipped and capable cavalry rushed forward without hesitation.


    With Yang Jian's extremely cold shout, the three thousand Zhou army roared suddenly, Ru Lin's swords and guns whined, and overwhelmingly pressed towards Qin Qiong and others with awe-inspiring murderous intent.  The sword and shield players built the shield wall as quickly as possible, with sharp spears extending from the gaps like hedgehogs. It was truly an iron wall.

    "Those who stand in the way will die!" Qin Qiong rushed forward, eyes wide with anger, and roared loudly. The steel knife in his hand screamed and slashed forward with majestic force.


    There was a loud noise, and the power contained in Qin Qiong's angry blow was so amazing. The three Zhou soldiers who were the first to bear the brunt screamed and were knocked backwards, and the shields in their hands also shattered into half.

    Qin Qiong gained momentum with one move, and then came with another.  The power unleashed by the sharp steel knives at his distance was truly astonishing. All the spears, halberds, knives, and shields that were handed to him were all broken, and their masters were either dead or injured.

    Qin Qiong is the leader, and the five hundred cavalry behind him are not weak. The experiences of his compatriots and Yang Jian's cruelty have completely aroused the hostility and murderous intention in their hearts.  For these inhumane executioners like Zhou Jun, they only had endless hatred and only one thought in their hearts, which was to tear them apart completely.

    Taking advantage of the gap torn by Qin Qiong, the five hundred cavalry instantly tore apart the Zhou army's defense, and like sharp chisels, penetrated deeply into the Zhou army's camp and started killing crazily.

    "Compress their space, divide them, encircle them, and kill them!" Yang Jian didn't know when he had appeared on the city wall. Looking at Qin Qiong who was rushing left and right deep into the camp, killing like crazy, his eyes were cold and he kept saying something in his mouth.  Order.

    It is true that Qin Qiong is unstoppable, but he only has 500 men, while the Zhou army has 3,000 men, a total of 3,000 men, and they are all dead soldiers who are not afraid of death.  Although Yang Jian admired Qin Qiong's bravery, he did not believe that Qin Qiong could defeat his three thousand dead soldiers. In his opinion, even if his cheap son-in-law was happy, he could not do it.

    "Qin Qiong, I am here, come and kill me! Hahahaha!"

    Looking at the maniacally laughing Yang Jian, Qin Qiong's eyes almost burst into flames. While he fought hard to kill the enemy, he roared: "Beast, today I will cut your body into thousands of pieces, crush your bones and spread ashes!"

    "Do you have a chance? Today is your day to die. Not only you, but the 10,000 Qi troops you brought into the city will also die today! There are hundreds of thousands of people in the city buried with you. Even if you die, you should have no regrets.  Ha ha ha ha!"

    Qin Qiong was greatly shocked. When he took the time to look back, he saw fires everywhere in the south of Pingyang City. The flames soared into the sky, making half of the sky as bright as day. There were waves of frightening and shrill cries in the air.

    "What are you going to do? Aren't you afraid of retribution for committing murder? Beast, beast!" Looking at Yang Jian's strange face, Qin Qiong's heart was filled with boundless anger, and the only thing left was bone-chilling coldness.  Who would have thought that he would be so cruel and vicious, that he would go so far as to win.Li wants to turn the entire city of Pingyang into a sea of ??fire and treat hundreds of thousands of innocent people as nothing.

    "Yang Jian, if I can't kill you today, I would rather die!" Qin Qiong gritted her steel teeth tightly, with a ferocious face, and swung the steel knife in her hand more and more fiercely, constantly harvesting the lives of her enemies.  At this moment, there was no trace of mercy in his heart, only boundless killing intent.

    "Do you think you still have a chance? Kill me!" Yang Jian smiled coldly and sneered at what Qin Qiong said.

    {PiaoTian Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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