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Volume 5 The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 472 Unconventional Warfare

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    Chapter 472: Unconventional Warfare

    Di Xin was very angry because a battle report came from the front line of Jiepaiguan. Huang Feihu and his father Huang Gun provided an army of 200,000, but they were defeated by Xiqi.

    What made Di Xin even more angry was that this figure who looked like a pillar of the Yin Shang Dynasty, Huang Feihu, the Wucheng King of Zhenguo, was not only defeated, but also shamelessly led the remaining merchant army to surrender to Xiqi.  .

    It turned out that Huang Feihu led an army of 100,000 and a few temporarily recruited capable people and strangers, and marched all the way to Jiepai Pass. After just three days of rest, the front army of Xiqi had already been killed.  Arrived at Jiepaiguan.

    At that time, Huang Feihu relied on a moment of bloody courage and the assistance of Wu Wenhua and other strangers to achieve a complete victory in one fell swoop, killing Xiqi's pioneer Wei Bi and his 30,000-strong army.

    One day later, Ji Fa led the main army to Jiepaiguan, and the two sides once again started a fierce battle.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????:?: Huang Feihu was the No.

    Seeing that Huang Feihu was about to win a complete victory, the magicians hiding among Xiqi's army finally couldn't bear it anymore and took action again.

    What's more unfortunate is that this time, the Yin Shang side seemed to be well prepared, and they actually killed six strangers in one fell swoop, namely Wu Wenhua, Gao Ming, Gao Jue, and the three Meishan brothers Yuan Hong, Wu Long, and Chang Hao.  Waiting for six people.

    Although they usually showed off their power and showed off their power, when they really started to fight with these Yin and Shang strangers, the low-level magicians of the Western Church were completely withered. They were actually killed by the Yin and Shang strangers, and almost all of them were defeated.  Slaughtered.

    Even when the Heavenly Court's chief internal officer, Master Du'e, made a move, he was stopped by Yuan Hong, who was equally advanced in cultivation.

    After a fierce battle, it was Yuan Hong, a monkey who seemed to be from the Pangu sect, who was more skilled. Although he was also seriously injured, he finally killed the Du'e master with one stick.

    Then Huang Feihu marched his army straight up and killed Xiqi's army until they cried like ghosts and howled like wolves, and their blood flowed everywhere.

    However, due to Xiqi¡¯s stubborn resistance and the fact that most of the foreigners on his side were injured, Huang Feihu continued to attack for ten days, but Huang Feihu still failed to break through Xiqi¡¯s camp.

    And at this moment, Xiqi¡¯s backers, the Western Sect and the Heavenly Court, once again showed inhuman strength.

    The Western sect sent out a large group of little bald heads headed by Emperor Shitian Bald Head, and a large group of lizards, whales and other monsters headed by Ying Long, collectively known as the Eight Heavenly Dragons, while the little Haotian boy workers from Heaven sent  A group of heavenly soldiers and generals headed by Changcheng Taoist were gathered together, and they came together to help Xiqi.

    This time, Western Sect Yu Tianting came well-prepared and sent out elite troops. So, without any suspense, Huang Feihu's few supernatural beings were killed by the Xiqi reinforcements. Only Yuan Hong was the monkey.  He had great magic power and was quick to spot opportunities. He was lucky enough to escape, but he didn't dare to go back to the business camp. He just ran away without a trace due to his high speed.

    The Yin Shang side no longer has the help of experts, and the Xiqi side seems to have received strong reinforcements. The situation on the battlefield has turned sharply.

    After being blessed with a lot of dazzling golden diamond circles by the bald men of Western religions, Xiqi's army was immediately full of blood and demons, transforming into an invincible state. No matter which part of the Xiqi soldiers were struck by the swords of the Yin and Shang soldiers, they were just  It splashed with a bunch of golden light, and even the skin was not broken.

    So, on the frontal battlefield, the Yin and Shang army was completely defeated again, and nearly half of them were slaughtered in a one-sided manner. The remaining soldiers had to strictly guard the passes and refused to go out to fight.

    Although Jiepaiguan can be regarded as a dangerous pass in the world, it is only for ordinary soldiers. In the eyes of monks, especially top monks like Emperor Shitian Bald, it is really no different from a small threshold.

    In fact, there was no need for the bald Emperor Shitian to take action at all. He just sent out a small bald man from his class to easily collapse the city wall.

    Then, Xiqi¡¯s army broke through the barrier at night and captured all three generations of Huang Feihu¡¯s family alive.

    Later, under the strong appeal of the bald heads of Western religious believers, Huang Feihu's family burst into tears and repented, saying that they would follow Xibohou Jifa to the death and carry out the rebellion, a reactionary cause that seemed to have no future, to the end.

    The only regret is that after the news reached Chaoge City, Huang Feihu's family who stayed in Chaoge City, including Concubine Huang who married into the imperial palace and became one of the three palaces, were all implicated and were  The furious Emperor Xin ordered his men to be tied to Caishikou and cut into pieces.

    Hearing this letter, what was surprising was that Huang Feihu, the third generation of his descendants, had a very calm face. After saying "hungry rice tofu", he became more determined and unhesitating., followed Ji Fa to carry out the rebellion to the end.

    The result of this is that Xiqi not only made up for the battle losses, but also added a few yuan of top military officers and tens of thousands more troops.

    As for the Yin Shang Dynasty, after this battle, not only was the morale severely damaged, but also the entire Chaoge City became unstable.  Driven by a certain evil force, many demons and ghosts who had been lurking for a long time took this opportunity to come out and cause trouble.

    Although Emperor Xin had already implemented military control over Chaoge City in order to promote the reform of slavery, these gangsters were really hateful. Not only were they numerous in number and their whereabouts were mysterious, but their tactics were also flexible and strange. They were often everywhere in Chaoge City at the same time.  After setting off a large fire, the birds and beasts dispersed. When the imperial troops guarding Chaoge City arrived, there were only piles of blazing fires and innocent people shouting and clashing in the flames.

    In desperation, Emperor Xin had to adopt more stringent military control measures, not only imposing a curfew at night, but also intensifying the arrest of rebellious officials and traitors during the day. Anyone who acted suspiciously would be arrested first.

    And those ministers who were listed as key suspects by Emperor Xin, such as the brothers Wei Ziqi and Wei Ziyan, as well as some ministers who had always had close contacts with Xiqi, were even visited at home by the Forbidden Army from time to time every day.  More than ten times, he dug three feet into the ground, not even missing mouse holes, as if he was trying to pick out the bones from the eggs.

    On the other hand, Di Xin also quickly gathered an army to prepare to reinforce Chuanyunguan.

    Because, after losing Sishui Pass and Jiepai Pass, there are only three checkpoints left on the road from Xiqi to Chaoge, and the next checkpoint that Xiqi wants to enter is Chuanyun Pass.

    However, it seems that it is relatively easy to assemble an army. With the accumulation of dozens of generations of the Shang Dynasty, if the whole country is mobilized, it is possible to summon an army of one million.

    ¡° However, who to appoint as the head coach is a headache for Di Xin.

    The previously dispatched Huang Feihu, the king of martial arts in Zhenguo, was known as the most handsome general of the Yin and Shang Dynasties. He was defeated by Xiqi. Which of the remaining generals could be Xiqi's opponent?

    Of course, if Mrs. Wen Zhong, the head of the civil servants of the Great Shang Dynasty, was here, she could easily get rid of Huang Feihu's traitor, but, alas

    When he thought of this, Di Xin felt that he really regretted it!

    Thinking back to when I heard that the old master was in court, I hoped every day that the old man would get sick soon and stop being so lenient about everything.  But now, when things come to an end, I finally understand what "having an old man in the family is like having a treasure", but I regret it too late!

    "If I had woken up earlier and visited Old Master Wen Zhong in time, maybe Old Master Wen Zhong would not have left without saying goodbye! Come to think of it, Old Master Wen must have felt that she was a piece of mud that could not stand up to the wall. She was so sad.  I was so disheartened that I just passed away in despair! What a bastard I am!"

    However, Di Xin's self-examination only flashed through his mind once.

    This is not entirely because Di Xin himself was heartless, but because the Xiqi army did not leave any time for Di Xin to repent.

    In this compartment, Emperor Xin had just assembled his army and had not even had time to prepare food and supplies. The third pass of the five passes, Chuanyunguan, again received a battle report. Chen Wu, the guard of Chuanyunguan, was defeated and killed, and Chuanyunguan was officially declared lost.  .

    "It only took more than half a month of effort. Three of the five passes were lost. The Yin Shang Dynasty spent almost all their efforts to build the Xiongguan Fortress. Could it be that they are all made of tofu? This is not possible.  It¡¯s so, well, unbelievable! Or is it that our generals in the Yin and Shang Dynasties all grew up eating water-infused pork, so that their own strength value also contains too much water? "

    ¡°Actually, if we talk about this matter seriously, we really can¡¯t blame General Chen Wu for being incompetent.

    After receiving the news from the Jiepai Gate in front that King Wucheng Huang Feihu and his family were defeated and captured, although he didn't figure out what happened specifically, Chen Wu also had a reputation for being self-aware.

    "Huang Feihu and Huang Gun, father and son, are superior to themselves in terms of force value and military strategy. What's more, there are 200,000 troops gathered before and after Jiepai Pass, but none of them can stop Xiqi's military front.  No doubt, Xiqi¡¯s army this time is definitely not as powerful as usual! So, let¡¯s just guard the pass and wait for reinforcements!¡±

    According to common sense, there is no doubt that Chen Wu¡¯s idea is quite correct.

    However, this war between Xiqi and Yin Shang is obviously beyond common sense.  Therefore, General Chen Wu was defeated without any doubt!

    "In the eyes of Western religions and monks in heaven, Chuanyunguan, the so-called Xiongguan fortress, is actually not much different from the one made of tofu."?It is definitely the kind of garbage building that will turn into ashes if you move it casually.

    Therefore, with the help of these non-human monks, Xiqi's army broke into Chuanyun Pass overnight, and took advantage of the vast majority of the merchant army in their sleep to capture Chuanyun Pass in one fell swoop.

    However, this General Chen Wu seemed to have much more backbone than the Wucheng King Huang Feihu. He actually preferred to die rather than surrender. He just led the remaining troops to fight to the last soldier, and then died of exhaustion. This was regarded as a great achievement.  The Shang Dynasty shed its last drop of blood.

    Under the desperate resistance of General Chen Wu, although Xiqi's army made a sneak attack at night with nearly 200,000 superior troops, it still paid a heavy price, losing more than 20,000 troops and numerous injuries.

    Of course, the reason why there are such brilliant results is certainly due to Chen Wu's rigorous military management. Another main reason is that there are no people with special abilities in Chuanyun Pass.  Probably in order to promote their gentlemanly demeanor, the monks from the Western Sect and Heavenly Court who came to help only opened the city gate for the Xiqi army, but did not randomly bless the Xiqi soldiers with anything like invincible diamond circles.

    Even so, Chuanyunguan still suffered heavy losses. Almost the entire army of 100,000 people was wiped out. Only a small number of people, who were sent out by Chen Wu to report the news when the war just started, survived by luck.

    Although the bloodbath seemed a little more tragic, Chen Wu's tenacious resistance stopped Xiqi's arrogance. At the same time, it also made Ji Fa clearly realize that without the help of some chaotic monks, these Xiqi's  The Qi rebels may not be able to defeat the Yin Shang Dynasty

    Moreover, because the losses seemed to be heavy, Ji Fa did not dare to continue the starry night assault and rush to Tongguan. Instead, he chose to rest for a day at Chuanyunguan, reorganize the team, and deal with the dead and wounded.

    With the messenger sent by General Chen Wu to report the news, there was one more day of preparation time. When the Xiqi army set off again and rushed to Tongguan, Tongguan guard Chen Tong was already ready.

    This Chen Tong is Chen Wu¡¯s biological brother.

    Hearing that his brother Chen Wu died for his country, Chen Tong could not help but be filled with righteous indignation and rage.

    However, being able to be entrusted with the important task of guarding the border by Grand Master Wen, Chen Tong's abilities are not just blown away, and Chen Tong's head is also quite capable.

    "Since the height of the city and the depth of the pond are not enough, I, the general, will take the initiative to attack. It just so happens that I can avenge my brother with my own hands!"

    Having made up his mind, as soon as Pu heard that the Xiqi army had arrived, Chen Tong immediately led his troops to kill them.

    As for Xiqi, the vanguard officer this time is the legendary number one brave general of Xiqi, Nangong Shi.  However, due to the surrender of Wucheng King Huang Feihu, Nangong Shi's title as the number one brave general seemed to have to be moved back.

    In addition, this Nangong Shi seems to have a bad record. Xiqi's several consecutive defeats are directly related to this buddy.  As for Wucheng King Huang Feihu, he had just surrendered and made a great contribution to Xiqi - killing Chen Wu and seizing Chuanyun Pass.

    Therefore, Nangong Shi is also holding back an evil fire in his heart, and wants to prove in front of Ji Fa that he, the number one warrior in Xiqi, is still quite strong!  But it's not just about defeating the battle, it's also possible to defeat the enemy and win the battle. Even if it can't be said to be effortless, at least it's possible.

    So, when Nangong Shi came to Tongguan this time, he tried his best to build a great career, lest even Huang Feihu, that rebellious guy, could crawl on his head and shit!

    One of them is a hatred of his country and his family, and vows to avenge his brother and bring glory to the Yin Shang Dynasty; the other is also furious for his own future, and has the potential to kill gods and destroy Buddhas.  So, as soon as the two sides met like this, thunder from the sky stirred up the fire from the earth, and there were heated sparks from the collision.

    Hearing that his men came to report that Tongguan guard Chen Tong was scolding in front of the formation, Nangong Shi didn't care about setting up camp, and led an army of 50,000 people and went straight out to greet them.

    It is said that enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

    Although Chen Tong still doesn¡¯t know who killed his brother, it doesn¡¯t matter. As long as they are Xiqi¡¯s rebels and we get rid of them, there will definitely be no one left behind.

    With this idea, Chen Tong didn't want to talk nonsense with Nangong Shi. He just shouted "Come on, general name", and then without waiting for the other party to reply, he urged his horse to dance with the square halberd, and went straight to Nangong Shi to kill him.

    Ever since those arrogant masters came to Xiqi, it has been rare to encounter an opportunity for a duel with a general. Now that he finally has an opponent who seems to be able to bully him, Nangong Shi is extremely excited, and it is also just  After answering Nan, "Gong Shi is here," he urged his horse and raised his sword and went straight to Chen Tong to greet him.

    Both of them exerted their strength and wanted to kill each other to establish their authority, so when Pu Yi fought, both of themHe had used all his strength, the swords and halberds were coming and going, the cold light was flashing, and the dust was flying, the sky was dark, and the ground was dark, and the sound was sonorous and deafening.

    Nangong Shi's reputation as the number one warrior in Xiqi was achieved through a real fight with swords and spears. Although when facing Yu Hua at Sishui Pass in the previous episode, he was killed and he abandoned his helmet and armor and ran like a wolf.  , but that is a special situation after all.

    Now, Nangong Shi is determined to maintain his position as the number one brave general in Xiqi, and he really uses all his strength.

    After more than a hundred rounds of head-to-head confrontation with Chen Tong, Nangong Shi finally gained an advantage with his slightly higher force value, and worked hard to expand this advantage bit by bit.

    On the other side, Chen Tong was determined to get a little tired. Every time he collided head-on with Nangong Shi, there was a tingling feeling, and electric current flowed from the tiger's mouth to his arms.

    Slowly, Chen Tong began to feel numbness in his arms, and his halberd technique gradually became a little messy.

    "No! If you continue to fight like this, not only will you not be able to avenge your brother, but you will also have to deal with your own life! If so, then you have to use the last resort!"

    Having made up his mind, when the two horses were in the wrong stirrup again, Chen Tong did not turn the horse's head back to fight Nangong Shi head-on. Instead, he urged the horse to run straight towards his own formation.

    By the time Nangong Shi turned around, Chen Tong had already run nearly ten feet away.

    When Nangong Shi saw this, he couldn't help but became furious, "Is it easy for me? I am the number one warrior in Xiqi but I am defeated every day! Even Huang Feihu's two and five boys made great contributions when they surrendered, and they are about to climb to the top of the mountain.  I¡¯m in trouble.¡±

    "Now it's hard to find someone who seems to be able to bully me. If I don't take some credit, how can I still hang out in Xiqi!"

    Thinking like this, Nangong Shi turned the long knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife stabbed the horse's butt hard.

    Being subjected to such inhuman abuse, Nangong Shi¡¯s war horse went berserk in an instant. He let out a loud cry of ¡°Woo, Wah, Wah, Wah!¡±, kicked off his hooves, turned into a ball of green light, and chased Chen Tong straight after him.

    Chen Tong¡¯s horse on that side seemed to be exhausted, and Nangong Shi¡¯s horse here seemed to have taken two kilograms of stimulants.  As a result, the original distance of more than ten feet was quickly shortened in the pursuit of these two groups of horses.

    "Ten feet, eight feet, five feet, three feet, two feet" Silently calculating the huge force between him and Chen Tong in his heart, Nangong Shi locked his eyes firmly on Chen Tong's neck, and couldn't help but hold the long knife tightly in his hand.

    As long as his horse exerts more force, he will be able to rush behind Chen Tong in the next moment. Nangong Shi quickly raised his long knife, swung it out without hesitation, and went straight to Chen Tong's head.

    At this moment, Chen Tong suddenly turned around and showed a strange smile to Nangong Shi.

    At the same time, a ray of red light shot out from Chen Tong's hand and shot straight towards Nangong Shi's throat.
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