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Volume 5 The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 463 The Prelude to the Great Disaster

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    Chapter 463 The Prelude to the Great Tribulation

    One has a force value of just over 80, and the other has a force value of close to 90. Although they belong to the same class, the difference in strength is still quite obvious.

    So, Tai Dian and Zheng Lun, after less than thirty rounds of fighting, already showed signs of defeat.

    Seeing that the situation was not good, Tai Dian deliberately sought an opportunity to escape. However, Zheng Lun on the opposite side was gradually getting more and more aggressive. How could he let Tai Dian leave so easily?

    By the time the two men fought for nearly fifty rounds, Zheng Lun had already gained an overwhelming advantage.

    ??????????????? But when I saw Zheng Lun, with the magic pestle in his hand, golden light appeared in his hand, one move was as tight as the other, and the other was as fast as the other, beating the Tai Dian to the left and right, and he was in a hurry.

    Seeing that Tai Dian was about to be doomed, Xin Jia, who was in the same row as the Four Sages and Eight Heroes, without saying a word, urged his horse to come straight towards Zheng Lun with an axe.

    "Brother Black Tiger!" Seeing this, Chonghou Hu from that compartment called out in a deep voice.

    Chong Heihu and Chonghou Hu are brothers, but their personalities are completely different.

    As a Bohou of Fangfang, it is not said that he is not high enough in power, but Chonghou Hu still does not change his bandit nature, and he is a typical ruthless character who wants money rather than his life; while Chongheihu, as the Marquis of Caozhou, is quite powerful.  A person with a good reputation is also loyal to a big businessman.

    Although I despise my brother¡¯s banditry from the bottom of my heart, he is my brother after all!

    "As the saying goes, brothers fight, and father and son fight together!"

    At the critical moment, Chong Heihu still cooperated with his brother Chonghouhu.


    After hearing his brother's instructions, Chong Heihu didn't answer, activated the flaming-eyed golden-eyed beast (it seemed that this thing was very popular, Yu Hua and Zheng Lun also rode this one), and waved two golden axes to face Xin directly.  A, two people with four axes, they couldn't help but fight with each other.

    The strength of the two men was almost the same. In real terms, Chong Heihu was slightly better. Therefore, this fight was inextricably linked.

    Although Xin Jia was eager to save people, He Chonghei Tiger Ax was so powerful that he could always suppress Xin Jia's attacks.

    On the other side, Xin Jia's younger brother Xin Mian saw that his brother was in such a hurry that it was difficult to win, so he also urged his horse to swing his ax and went straight to the battlefield to kill him.

    On the other side, Chong Houhu was a little anxious when he saw this.

    Because, compared with Xiqi, although the number of soldiers on Beibohou's side is not small, there are not as many generals who can really take the stage as Xiqi.  In Chonghou Hu's headquarters, except for Chonghou Hu's son Chong Yingbiao, others such as Jin Cai and Huang Yuanji can only be regarded as third-rate military generals. They can usually command the soldiers to charge, but if they really want to compete with generals in a duel  If so, I'm afraid it will be a situation of defeat but no victory.

    Having no choice but to do anything, Chong Houhu had no choice but to turn his attention to Jizhou Hou Suhu, "Su Quanzhong, Zhao Bing, Chen Jizhen, go up and kill them!"

    Although these three people are subordinates of Jizhou Hou Suhu, now, nominally speaking, Chonghou Hu is the commander-in-chief of the three armies, so he naturally has the power to command these generals.

    After the three of them heard the order from Chonghou Hu, they did not take immediate action. Instead, they unanimously turned their attention to their boss, Jizhou Hou Suhu.

    "Look what I am doing! I have an order and if you don't execute it quickly, Mo Feier and others are making fun of military law!" Although he was proud, Su Hu did not show it on his face. Instead, he pretended to be sulky and reprimanded.

    My boss and Bei Bohou, who seemed to be tougher than the boss, both said in unison, let¡¯s fight!

    So, Su Quanzhong, Zhao Bing, and Chen Jizhen, each clapped their horses and wielded their swords, and rushed towards the battlefield.

    On the other side, when Ji Fa saw this, he quickly ordered Nangong Shi and the remaining four sages and eight heroes to go up and join forces to challenge the generals on Bei Bohou's side.

    After receiving the order, the remaining generals on Xiqi's side gathered together again, waving their weapons and shouting to embolden themselves, urging their horses, and killing the generals.

    "I scolded the guy next door. It's such a bully! It's great if you have more generals!" Seeing this, Chonghou Hu couldn't help but feel angry and jealous. "I still don't believe it. No matter how many generals you have, you still can't do it."  Can you withstand the mass charge of my army?"

    With resentment in his heart, Chonghou waved the tiger order flag and ordered all the troops to prepare for a surprise attack.

    ?????????? This Chonghou Hu can be considered a ruthless person!  He knew that there would be a fierce battle when he came this time, so when he came out of the camp this time, he brought many soldiers, a total of 80,000!  This is less than half of the total number of men and horses brought by Chonghou Hu this time.

    As for Xiqi, due to successive battle losses, the 200,000-strong army has been reduced to this day.All 50,000 people were employed.

    Of course, not all of the 50,000 people who were reduced were dead, some were missing, and some were slightly or seriously injured, so that they could not immediately regain their combat effectiveness in the short term, resulting in  Temporary downsizing.

    In addition, Yu Hua from Bishui Pass was watching from behind. Therefore, although Ji Fa wanted to defeat Chonghou Hu to establish his authority, he did not dare to send out too many troops at once. He reluctantly and again  A team of fifty thousand people was drawn out.

    As a veteran general on the battlefield, Chonghou Hudan already knew the approximate number of people dispatched by Xiqi after just a few glances.

    Therefore, Chonghouhu took advantage of the large number of people and planned to forcefully attack the Xiqi army formation.

    The two armies are only more than a hundred feet apart, and the terrain is relatively flat. Any military maneuvers made by both sides will not be clearly seen by the other side.

    Therefore, the mobilization of Chonghou Hu's army could not be hidden from Ji Fa on the opposite side.

    Ji Fa and others noticed the changes in the opponent's army. Although it seemed that the winner of the one-on-one duel between generals had not yet been determined, at present, it seemed that they could not wait any longer, so they quickly waved the command flag and prepared.  There's also a whole-army assault.

    "I haven't finished the fight yet, and you are preparing to come up to disrupt the situation. This is too shameless!" Seeing that he was about to win a decisive victory, but the other party was about to engage in a group fight, Zheng Lun couldn't help but feel very angry.

    Zheng Lun is very angry, and the consequences will be serious!

    "Humph!" A sound like a bell came out from Zheng Lun's nose, and at the same time, two white lights spurted out.

    Tai Dian, who was on the opposite side, felt a muffled sound explode from the depths of his mind. Before he could realize what had happened, his vision went dark and he fell off his horse.

    "It's so, well, weird! Is this still a human being?" Seeing this situation, all the generals in Xiqi were stunned.

    And in this instant, Zheng Lun mobilized his mount, waved the magic pestle in his hand, and went straight to kill the Xiqi generals.

    At the same time, Zheng Lun groaned repeatedly, and two white lights flashed in his orifice.  Every time the white light flashed, one of General Xiqi fell off his horse.  However, in the blink of an eye, several generals were hit one after another and fell to the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

    "No! The idea is tricky! Let's do some strategic avoidance first!" When the remaining generals, including Nangong Shi, Xiqi's number one general, saw this, they knew they were outnumbered, so they all rode away.

    In just this moment, Chong Heihu on the other side also rose up and knocked Xin Jia off his horse with an axe.

    In the rear, Zheng Lun's 3,000 Crow Soldiers and Chong Heihu's 3,000 Flying Tiger Soldiers were all well prepared. Seeing their coach's victory, a small number of troops each rushed to the front of the formation immediately.  The hook and noose flew down, tying up all the Xiqi generals on the ground.

    The soldiers on the Xiqi side did not expect that the situation that had been a stalemate just now would suddenly turn negative in the blink of an eye.

    The four sages and eight heroes who were originally so famous in the minds of the soldiers were defeated en masse, and the few remaining guys shamelessly deserted in front of tens of thousands of people.

    "This is incredible! It turns out that the Four Sages and Eight Heroes are also afraid of death! We thought that each of these people were revolutionary martyrs who could sacrifice their lives for righteousness! What should we do now? The sages and heroes are all afraid of death.  If he runs away, should we also retreat?"

    But the Beibohou army on the opposite side ignored the thoughts of these Xiqi soldiers. Seeing that Chong Heihu and Zheng Lun each led their own troops, they rushed towards the complacent and astonished Xiqi opposite with murderous intent.  Army.

    With the power of victory, behind the two men and horses, Chonghou Hu personally supervised the army, with the same momentum, "Young men, Xiqi has countless gold, silver, jewelry, grain cattle, young girls and mature women, as long as  After defeating these rebels in front of you, you can go to Xiqi and rob as you like! Kill them hard!"

    I have to admit that although Chonghou Hu¡¯s words were a bit vulgar, they were still quite instigating to these low-level soldiers.

    Hearing this, Bei Bohou, who was already full of banditry, immediately had his eyes bloodshot, like an angry bull, howling and howling, and rushed straight towards Xiqi's army, as if he had some irreconcilable hatred with Xiqi.  generally.

    Frightened by the ferocious momentum of Chonghou's tiger army, the morale of Xiqi's army, which was not very high, dropped again and again. It has reached the critical point of sixty. If it drops further, there will be a big disaster.  Deserters on a large scale.

    Just as Xiqi's soldiers were hesitating when to run away, in that compartment, Chonghou Hu led the flying tiger soldiers, and Zheng Lun led the crow soldiers.  Among the ranks of Xiqi's army,??Moreover, that direction was obviously heading straight for Xiqi's coach, Xibo Houjifa.

    "My dear Ji Fa, please surrender quickly. For the sake of Xibo Marquis Jichang, I may plead for you in front of Your Majesty and beg Your Majesty to spare your life!" Chong Heihu shouted loudly.

    Chong Heihu was an honest man after all, and he really didn¡¯t want the Xibohou lineage to be cut off. Therefore, seeing that a great victory was imminent, he just spoke out to persuade Ji Fa to surrender, hoping to help Ji Fa get a chance for leniency.

    "On the other hand, Zheng Lunke and Ji Fa have no friendship, and they don't talk nonsense, but they just dance the demon-conquering pestle in their hands like a windmill. That's serious, they will die if they touch it, and they will die if they touch it.

    As a generation of careerists, since they have already rebelled, Ji Fake has never thought about reconciling with the Yin and Shang Dynasties. What's more, Xiqi and the Yin Shang Dynasty have been enmity for a long time. Even if they are not said to be incompatible with each other, they are still inseparable.  How many.

    Therefore, Ji Fa chose to ignore Chong Heihu's seemingly well-intentioned attempt to persuade him to surrender.

    Seeing that this little brat Ji Fa dared to play with Shen Shen, Chong Heihu Buyou was secretly annoyed.

    At this time, Zheng Lun had already led the crow soldiers, slashing and killing all the way, and rushed to a distance of only twenty feet away from Ji Fa's commander's flag.

    "Although Ji Fa's son is unfaithful and unjust, he is after all the descendant of Ji Chang, the man who killed a thousand swords. Although Ji Chang deserves to die, he is still pretty good in other aspects. At least he loves the people, and he was still alive.  He has a good relationship with me. Now that he has met him, he can't watch his old friend die on the spot, right? Even if this little kid really deserves to die, if he falls into his hands, he can always let Ji Fa go to Beijing alive.  Isn't it just a few days too late to die? Or, with Tai Si's relationship with Di Xin, maybe she can avoid death and be sentenced to life imprisonment or something like that!"

    Thinking of this, Chong Heihu made up his mind to capture Ji Fa alive before Zheng Lun, so Chong Heihu finally used his trump card, the iron-mouthed condor.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Weaves a soft sound, and a black smoke rises from the red gourd behind Chong Black Tiger, and soon it turns into an illusory black eagle, which is more than ten feet long.

    Although this black shadow is tangible and intangible, its power is indeed extraordinary.  But when the black hawk vibrated its wings, a sinister wind appeared out of thin air, blowing the surrounding Xiqi soldiers so hard that their mouths and eyes squinted, their whole bodies twitched, and they lost most of their combat power in an instant.  Then, the condor ignored the extras and pounced straight at Ji Fa with its claws and teeth bared.

    With the help of the divine eagle, Chong Heihu's flying tiger army rushed all the way as if they were in a deserted place, and in a blink of an eye, they had reached a few feet in front of Ji Fa.

    "Protect the lord!" Seeing the iron-billed condor rushing towards Ji Fa, a black-armored guard shouted loudly.

    Immediately, dozens of the same black-armored warriors launched a suicidal attack on the Iron-billed Condor without fear of death.

    These guards are all elite soldiers trained by the Ji family for decades. Every general released has a combat effectiveness comparable to the Four Sages and Eight Heroes.

    Well, what I¡¯m talking about here is combat effectiveness, not force value.

    "Because of these dead soldiers, although their military strength is not as good as that of the Four Sages and Eight Heroes, their fighting skills are fierce and they can use ruthless moves to kill the enemy together.  Therefore, even generals at the level of the Four Wise and Eight Heroes may not be able to defeat these dead soldiers when it comes to a life-and-death duel.

    Now that the Lord is in trouble, even though they knew that rushing forward would probably lead to death, these dead soldiers still launched a counter-charge towards the unknown creature.

    However, in the face of such an absolute disparity in strength, all other conspiracies, plots, courage and so on, seem to be nothing.

    More than thirty dead soldiers of the Ji family had just rushed in front of the iron-billed condor. Before they could slash their swords at the iron-billed condor, they were all blown to the ground by the invisible wind.  One person was frothing at the mouth and had convulsions.

    "Lord, let's go!" At this time, the leader of the dead soldiers finally realized that this unknown creature could not be solved with bravery. Therefore, regardless of whether he was suspected of overstepping his authority, the guard commander Ma Tou  After a while, he and the other dead men wrapped up Ji Fa and planned to run away.

    On the other side, Zheng Lun saw Chong Heihu showing off his might and beating Xiqi soldiers to pieces, and seemed to be about to capture Ji Fa alive. He couldn't help but feel anxious, "If you take all the credit for this, then what?"  Show me Zheng Lun¡¯s abilities?¡±

    Not willing to be admired by the black tiger, Zheng Lun kept humming in his nostrils, and two white lights shot out again, forming two white dragons that were also more than ten feet long in front of Zheng Lun.

    When the white dragon rolled and rose, the soldiers who were close to the white light had not yet figured out what was going on with this thing, but they felt that their eyes were dark and blurry.?I fainted in confusion.

    Without the extras blocking the way, Zheng Lun was advancing with great momentum. In just a moment, he was less than ten feet away from Ji Fa.

    "Humph! If Ji Fa doesn't get off his horse, how long will it take?"

    This time, Zheng Lun made a super heavy nasal sound, followed by another loud roar of a lion.

    Ji Fa, who was half-nudging and half-reluctant, just turned around and was about to say two harsh words before running for his life. Unexpectedly, a cold snort exploded in Ji Fa's head out of thin air.

    It was as if a giant drum of a hundred feet was hit hard with a drumstick of a hundred feet, and the sound seemed to come from deep in Ji Fa's mind.

    With just this sound, Ji Fa felt as if his entire soul had been blown into billions of tiny fragments with the muffled sound.  Then, without any suspense, Ji Fadan's vision went dark and he fainted cleanly.

    On the other hand, the few dead soldiers beside Ji Fa were also affected by the aftermath of Zheng Lun's sonic attack, but because this muffled groan was sent by Zheng Lun specifically to target Ji Fa, it was actually scattered.  The aftermath was not too strong.

    Moreover, each of these dead soldiers was a person with a strong character. Although they were shocked to the point that their souls were almost broken, they persisted with a fierce aura, but their bodies shook three times.  Just three flashes.

    Holding back the pain that was like tearing his soul, the guard commander turned out to be very miraculous. He caught Ji Fa who almost fell off his horse, forcibly caught Ji Fa on his horse, and then fought with the remaining  With that little strength, he thrust the spear in his hand onto the horse's rear hip.

    Having been treated in such an inhumane manner, the dead soldier¡¯s war horse let out a roar, kicked its hooves hard, and jumped up, leaping more than ten feet away with a movement that exceeded the limits of an animal.  Then, the war horse turned into a black light, stepped on the heads of the Xiqi soldiers, and flew out of the Xiqi army's formation in the blink of an eye, and flew away.

    "Pegasus in the sky!" Seeing this situation, Zheng Lun and Chong Heihu were both stunned.

    Although these two people know a little bit of magic, they can only use magic weapons or supernatural powers to display them. As far as they are concerned, these two people are still among the ordinary people.

    Therefore, the two of them could not help but be surprised when they saw such a situation that was beyond the ordinary.

    By the time the two of them came to their senses, the dead man had already disappeared with Ji Fa.

    Although Ji Fa ran away, we still have to fight this battle, right?  In desperation, the two had no choice but to vent their anger on the Xiqi soldiers.

    At this time, Chonghou Hu's army had already arrived to cover up and kill them all, and launched an almost one-sided massacre of Xiqi's army.

    What Bei Bohou and others, who were immersed in the pleasure of bullying, didn't know was that just because Zheng Lun used unconventional means to severely injure Ji Fa this time, it happened to be the mysterious forces of Xiqi, a seemingly upright person.  Excuse.  It was precisely from this that the prelude to a great disaster began.
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