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Volume 5 The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 461 Yu Hua Shows His Power Again

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    Chapter 461 Yu Hua shows his power again

    As the saying goes, the more people there are, the stronger the force is, and the more dogs bark louder.

    Dozens of Xiqi generals, headed by Nangong Shi, launched a group charge at Yu Hua. The momentum, well, at least, was much more powerful than a hundred dogs barking at the same time!

    Even Yu Hua, who was showing off his power on the opposite side, was shocked when he saw this scene, "Why are there so many pinches at once? It's a bit troublesome!"

    However, although it seemed to be a bit troublesome, Yu Hua didn¡¯t take it too seriously.  Although we haven't cultivated to the realm of immortals, our force value is still quite high, so it shouldn't be a problem to deal with these extras.

    I think back then, when we were dealing with Ji Kao, there seemed to be no fewer people than now. Moreover, those people seemed to have a higher level of cultivation. We defeated them all and killed all the prisoners!

    The only troublesome thing is that the teacher said that you are not allowed to use magic weapons on ordinary people, and those who violate it will be kicked out of the teacher!

    It turns out that Yu Hua became a disciple of a Taoist named Lu Yue on Kowloon Island.

    However, it seems that Yu Hua has little connection with the immortal way, and he really has no talent in practicing the immortal way. Moreover, Yu Hua himself is not very interested in these gods and gods talking about immortal magic, but is more obsessed with martial arts.  .  Therefore, although he has been a disciple for more than ten years, Yu Hua has not learned any immortal methods, but has trained his martial arts to be quite pure.

    ¡°As the saying goes, people with good skills are bold!  What's more, Yu Hua still has some backup skills. I believe that if he uses them, he will definitely surprise the extras in Xiqi!

    Keeping his mind steady, the Fang Tianji in Yu Hua's hand drew a strange arc in the air.

    Seeing this, the flag gate of the merchant army behind Yu's incarnation flashed. Thirty-six people were holding dark iron point steel spears, wearing dark iron battle armor, wearing dark iron helmets with hoods, and dark iron scimitars hanging at their waists.  Carrying a black iron long bow, even the war horse was wrapped in black armor.

    You must know that in today's slavery era, although smelting technology is quite mature, the mainstream smelting technology is still based on bronze.  Even if there are one or two pieces of ironware occasionally, they are rare. It is very likely that the person who made this ironware does not know how it was made.  As for the utensils made from the essence of iron, black iron, I have never seen a single one.

    Therefore, when such a bunch of dark monsters suddenly appeared, those generals who had just launched the charge in Xiqi couldn't help but feel stunned.

    "Why did such a bunch of monsters appear? They look very murderous! Let's leave this kind of cannon fodder to those who are stupid and bold first! Safety first! Let's rush slowly and wait.  After others find out what's going on with this thing, it's not too late for us to rush forward and pick it up!" Feeling anxious in their hearts, the Xiqi generals couldn't help but slow down their charging speed.

    The generals on Xiqi's side began to slow down as soon as they launched their charge, and suddenly turned into a turtle speed. However, Dashang's Thirty-six Cavalry Black Armor Cavalry quickly began to accelerate, turning into a torrent of black steel in the blink of an eye.  .

    At the same time, General Yu Hua drew the military halberd again, and then activated the flaming golden-eyed beast under his crotch to charge towards the Xiqi generals.

    After receiving Yu Hua¡¯s order, the Shang army immediately roared with drums. Then, all the chariots, cavalry, and infantry quickly formed a conical formation. The darkness was overwhelming, and arrows went straight towards Xiqi¡¯s army to launch a group charge.

    "Well, why don't Dashang's troops act according to the rules? It's obviously time for a duel between generals, but the two sides in this duel haven't even had formal contact, so why did you attack with the whole army? What a shame.  There are rules in the world!" When Ji Fa saw this, he couldn't help feeling secretly resentful.

    Hateful, hateful, now the arrow is on the string, we still have to send orders to respond to the enemy, right?

    So, Ji Fa immediately started issuing orders in a hurry, thinking that Xiqi would also launch a counterattack.

    The wish is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

    Just now, in order to challenge Yu Hua, who had a super-high force value, Ji Fa sent all the generals and lieutenants in the battle in one go, just to defeat Yu Hua, who seemed to have an inhuman force value.  change.

    Ji Fa¡¯s idea is that as long as we defeat Yu Hua, it will be easy to deal with those soldiers.

    Unexpectedly, the whole army has already launched an assault before the confrontation has even begun.

    But when Ji Fa issued the order again, he discovered a seemingly serious problem, that is, there was a lack of generals in charge of the troops. It seemed that the orders he conveyed were not very smooth.

    Therefore, Xiqi¡¯s army was in chaos for a moment.

    What is this place??That's a battlefield!

    On the battlefield, life and death, victory and defeat are often decided in the blink of an eye!

    Just when there was a brief chaos in Xiqi's formation, Yu Hua had already led the Thirty-six Xuan Iron Cavalry and crashed directly into Xiqi's generals.

    In terms of numbers, there seem to be more than 60 Xiqi generals, and they have a certain advantage in numbers. However, these generals have already been timid by three points before fighting, and their 100% combat power can only be barely sixty or seventy percent.  Just done.

    Under such circumstances, if the Shang Army's force value is obviously higher than that of Xiqi's Yu Hua and Thirty-Six Iron Cavalry, the result will undoubtedly be quite disappointing!

    With just one reply, thirty-eight of Xiqi's more than sixty cavalry fell. Among them, Yu Hua killed two by himself, and among the thirty-six cavalry, evenly, one of them killed one.  General Xiqi.  But among the thirty-six riders under Yu Hua, not one of them was injured.

    The remaining twenty or so riders, including Nangong Shi, were all injured, with a look of horror on their faces, "Inhuman! What kind of monsters are these Yu Hua's men?"

    It turns out that just now, at the moment when the two sides crossed paths, many Xiqi generals struck these merchant generals with their swords.  However, the weapons of the Xiqi generals were as if they had hit a big stone, and the shock made their arms numb. It seemed that they had not caused the slightest damage to these merchant generals.

    What frightened the Xiqi generals even more was that before they could stop their charge and turn their horses around to launch a second round of charge, the Shang Dynasty army on the opposite side had already charged straight towards them, bringing up a plume of smoke and dust.

    "Scared! There are so many people, what can we do? How about we make a strategic move first, and then look for opportunities to counterattack after we have avoided the enemy's edge?" After quickly looking at each other, Xiqi generals were very worried at the moment.  Those who had a tacit understanding quickly reached an agreement, and then quickly turned their horses' heads. The troops divided into two groups and bypassed the center of the battlefield. They spread their hooves. Well, they spread their hooves and fled. Well, it was a strategic move.

    You must know that it is quite dangerous in the chaotic army. Even Nangong Shi, whose force value has reached 90, does not dare to say that he can kill seven in and seven out of an army of ten thousand horses.

    Once surrounded by the Shang Dynasty army, the most likely result is that all these Xiqi generals will be chopped to the ground and then trampled into flesh to nourish the fertile soil of the Shang Dynasty.

    " Moreover, these Xiqi generals have no intention of turning around and fighting with Yu Hua and others.


    you still need to ask?  After only one round, most of them are dead. Don't say too much. After three rounds, it is still unknown whether anyone here will survive.  What's more, Yu Hua seemed to have no intention of paying attention to Nangong Shi and others, and had already rushed straight towards Ji Fa Shuaiqi on the opposite side.

    Since the enemy has ignored us, safety comes first!  We'd better retreat first. Well, it's a strategic shift!

    As for military law and Ji Fa¡¯s anger, you have to save your life before you can consider how to deal with it, right?

    All the generals have changed their strategies, but it is Xibohou Jifa who suffers.

    Before Ji Fa could straighten out the chaotic troops, Yu Hua had already led thirty-six cavalry into Xiqi's military formation. Moreover, he still cut through the waves and headed straight for Ji Fa's handsome soldiers.  The flag is coming to kill.

    Immediately afterwards, the Yin and Shang army surged forward, like a sharp blade, piercing into the center of Xiqi's army, which was basically unprepared.

    Seeing the other party¡¯s Yu Hua leading a group of monsters towards him to kill him, Ji Fa couldn¡¯t help but feel panicked.

    Fortunately, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, he still had the most basic military qualities. He suddenly pulled out his sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Yu Hua, and shouted loudly, "Kill Yu Hua, reward 10,000 gold, and make 100,000 marquises."  !¡±

    At the critical moment of life and death, Ji Fa didn't care whether his total wealth in Xiqi was ten thousand gold or whether his total population was one hundred thousand households, but he only sent out a reward message like satellites all over the sky.

    Because in the past ten years, Xiqi has been in a state of recuperation. Although there is a lot of training, it has rarely experienced real war.  Therefore, many Xiqi soldiers are still new recruits.

    However, in fact, under certain circumstances, the most ferocious on the battlefield are often these new recruits.

    For example, now, after Ji Fa came up with such a satellite-like bounty, the first reaction of the veterans and gangsters was, "Who are you fooling? Do you really think we are stupid? Ten thousand taels of gold, I will kill you  If all the men, women, old and young in the family are sold as slaves, it's not worth so much, right? The total number of 100,000 households in Xiqi is added up. It's hard to say whether there are 100,000 households! It can't be done. Who killed this Yu Hua?  Are you going to give Xibohou to someone? Besides, no matter how high the bounty is, youYou have to live to enjoy it, right?  So, safety first, let¡¯s hide behind!  "

    "The reaction of those new recruits was exactly the opposite.

    "If you have ten thousand taels of gold, how many cows can you buy? We are prosperous this time! When we have money, we can eat fried dough sticks and drink soy milk. Buy two bowls of soy milk, drink one bowl, and pour another bowl; when we have money, we can take advantage of  Carriage, live in a mansion, build two mansions, live in one and raise pigs in another; when we get rich"

    With infinite longing for the future, these recruits looked like they were suffering from mad cow disease, holding long swords in their hands and staring at Yu Hua with red eyes.

    At this moment, in the eyes of these new recruits, Yu Hua is no longer a living person, but a golden man made of pure gold!  That's not right. A golden man can't weigh as much as ten thousand taels. This is simply a small golden mountain!

    So, these new recruits who were stunned by Jinshan launched a suicidal and crazy attack on the merchant army headed by Yu Hua without fear of death.

    " However, recruits are recruits. Such an unorganized and undisciplined charge against the merchant army is commendable for courage, but the actual effect is basically not great.

    Although the charging momentum of the general Shang army was slightly hindered, that was all.

    As soon as the two armies came into contact, Xiqi's formation, which had no formation to speak of, was once again torn to pieces by the Shang army.

    Fortunately, Yu Hua was not very interested in massacring these soldiers, but he only aimed at Ji Fa's handsome flag and rushed towards them with his army.

    Sishui Pass is the first fortress guarding the direction of Xiqi. In addition, Yu Hua is a famous family. Although he has not learned any magic tricks from the Xian family, he is quite good at training soldiers.  In addition, Yu Hua has guarded Sishui Pass for many years. After long-term training, suppressing bandits, and fighting with Xiqi, Yu Hua's soldiers can be said to be battle-hardened and extremely brave.

    Although in terms of absolute military strength, Yu Hua's troops are far smaller than Xiqi's, under the leadership of Yu Hua this time, they are really capable and invincible.

    In just a moment, Xiqi¡¯s army had been killed, with corpses strewn across the field and rivers of blood flowing.  As for Yu Hua, he was getting closer and closer to Ji Fa's handsome flag, and he was still no more than thirty feet away.

    Although there was a heavy military escort, Ji Fa was not an immediate general after all.  Seeing that the opponent was so fierce and killing his own soldiers was like chopping melons and vegetables, Ji Fa couldn't help but panic in his heart, "This brother, he won't really rush over, will he? I have no grudges with you.  , it¡¯s not good for you to kill anyone, why did you identify me?¡±

    However, as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Ji Fa also knew that once he retreated, the entire army would be defeated.

    In that case, my first battle will be completely defeated!  Not to mention the rise of Zhou and the destruction of Shang!

    To withdraw or not to withdraw, that is the question!  Moreover, it seems to be a very serious philosophical question!

    So, Ji Fa was confused in his heart!

    Before Ji Fa could figure out such a profound problem, Ji Fa vaguely seemed to hear a "pop" sound from the bowstring.

    At the same time, a shrill roar suddenly exploded in Ji Fa's ears, "Protect the lord!"

    Before he realized what had happened, a guard next to Ji Fa pounced on Ji Fa and threw Ji Fa off his mount in one fell swoop.

    Fortunately, Ji Fa has always been surrounded by dense personal protection. Although he fell off his horse, he did not fall to the ground and be trampled by the rebels. Instead, he was quickly protected by the guards on the side.

    When the guards scrambled to rescue Ji Fa and the guard who knocked him down, they found that the guard who was protecting him had been penetrated by a long black iron arrow through the back of his heart.

    But before the long arrow was exhausted, an inch of arrowhead emerged from the guard's chest and shot into the body of Ji Fa, who was protected by heavy armor.

    However, due to the dying bodyguard's fatal attack, the iron arrow finally missed its target and failed to hit Ji Fa's heart. Instead, it hit Ji Fa's right chest.

    But despite this, Ji Fa still almost fainted under the shock and pain.

    "Who is this? His powerful archery skills almost killed the lonely king!" Ji Fa's face was pale, his pupils were still a little blurry, and he looked like he was in shock.

    You must know that in ancient times, more than thirty feet was roughly equivalent to more than seventy meters, which was about a hundred steps. Even if ordinary people could shoot at this distance, they would basically lose their power.

    As the saying goes, at the end of a strong crossbow, it cannot penetrate Lu Guan!

    However, this arrow overturned Ji Fa's cognition!

    Ji Fa¡¯s personal bodyguards are all the best among the best!  What he wears is also heavy bronze armor!  Because these peopleOne of his main responsibilities is to serve as a human shield for Ji Fa on the battlefield to resist hidden arrows.

    And the armor on Ji Fa's body, although not heavy armor, is far stronger than ordinary bronze heavy armor.

    But this arrow actually penetrated three layers of heavy armor, penetrated a person's chest, and finally shot into Ji Fa's chest.

    This strength really made Ji Fa feel scared.

    What¡¯s even more terrifying is that, a hundred steps away, this man can actually pierce the heart with an arrow. It¡¯s really, um, terrifying!

    "My lord, my lord!" Amidst the eager shouts of the guards, Ji Fa's pupils gradually regained focus and slowly turned around.

    "Lord, let's go back to the camp quickly! This arrow must be returned to the camp and find a medical officer before it can be taken out. Therefore, during this period, I have to trouble my lord to be patient for a while and together with the thirteen brothers, well, this"  Speaking of this, the guy who looked like the commander of the guards raised his head and glanced at the dead soldier codenamed Thirteen, and the sadness in his eyes flashed away.

    He raised his eyes to look at No. 13, who had completely died, and then looked down at the bleeding arrow wound on his chest. Holding back the pain, Ji Fa gritted his teeth and ordered in a deep voice, "Go back to camp!"

    It turns out that because the long arrow and its shaft are all made of black iron, it is difficult to break in a hurry.  But this arrow was so powerful that it connected No. 13 and Ji Fa together like a candied haws on a stick.

    One had already protected him to death, and the guards did not want to desecrate the body of the former emperor; the other was his own boss, and he was proud and wealthy. Although it was an ordinary arrow wound, the guards did not dare to pull out the arrow casually.  .

    "As for Ji Fa himself, he did not have the fearless spirit of Guan Er Ge who was not afraid of hardship or death like scraping bones to cure poison.  In desperation, Ji Fa had to send an order back to the camp.

    As the saying goes, defeat is like a mountain falling, and this statement is indeed true.

    In this compartment, Ji Fa's commanding flag had just started to move backwards. The veterans and scoundrels among Xiqi's remnant troops immediately kicked off and ran as fast as they could, fearing that they would run too slowly and be overtaken by the evil stars of Yin and Shang.

    And those new recruits, after experiencing a massacre by the merchant army, also passed the three-minute hot-blooded period. The soldiers who survived had mostly recognized the enemy and the enemy clearly, and knew that the so-called ten thousand gold and one hundred thousand households were all  It was floating clouds, so when they saw those Shang Dynasty soldiers, the first reaction of these recruits was to get away quickly, safety first!

    ¡° Now I saw that my boss¡¯ handsome flag had already begun to retreat, and the veteran gangsters in the rear had actually ran more than a hundred feet away. Naturally, they followed his example and ran around wildly, scattering like birds and beasts.

    On the other side, Yu Hua shot an arrow, but was unexpectedly blocked by Ji Fa's guards. Although he knew that this arrow would probably not kill Ji Fa, in the current situation, Ji Fa was already well protected.  , even though he was unwilling to do so, Yu Hua had to slowly draw back his bow.

    At this moment, Ji Fa's handsome flag had already begun to retreat. Yu Hua rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea. Then he became angry and exhaled, "Ji Fa is dead! Everyone, kill me hard!"  Kill all these rebels in Xiqi!"

    After saying that, Yu Hua once again activated the flaming-eyed golden-eyed beast, waving the square halberd, roaring, and rushed straight towards Ji Fa's command flag.
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