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Volume 5: The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 439: Conspiracy under the Fire

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    Chapter 439: Conspiracy under the Fire

    By the way, Emperor Xin wanted to kill the ancestral rebel, Xibo Hou Jichang, but he couldn't find an excuse, so he invited his favorite ministers Fei Zhong and You Hun to discuss the matter.

    These two brothers were single-handedly recommended by Emperor Xin from among the slaves. Although their own abilities were not as good as those of Shang Rong, Bigan and others, they could still be regarded as middle-class talents.

    " Moreover, apart from their greed for money, these two people were quite loyal to Di Xin.

    Hearing that Emperor Xin wanted to kill Xibo Hou Jichang, Fei Zhong and You Hun started thinking about strategies without asking why.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? are not unintelligent people by nature. The two people got together, whispered, and quickly came up with a seemingly feasible plan.

    Di Xin¡¯s implementation of the Slave Human Rights Act was blocked, so he temporarily gave up his thoughts on forcibly promoting it. In this case, it would be meaningless for the princes from all over the world to stay in Chaoge.  So, one day, Emperor Xin issued a decree, telling the eight hundred princes that you can go back to your homes and find your mothers!

    Finally defeated Emperor Zixin¡¯s evil conspiracy to oppose the rule of slave owners. All the slave owners in the Great Shang Dynasty celebrated with each other, drinking and singing every day and staying up all night. They were so proud.

    It wasn¡¯t until Emperor Zixin issued an imperial edict, requiring all the princes to return to their territories as soon as possible and not to be domineering and cause trouble in the capital, that these pigs and monkeys dispersed reluctantly and affectionately.

    Those eight hundred little pigs and monkeys had no foundation in the capital, so they could only pack up their clothes, tuck their tails, and sneak out of the capital quietly.

    But the four princes all have deep roots and have intricate relationships with many ministers in the capital. Even many of the emperor's relatives have affairs with the four princes.

    Therefore, when the four princes left the capital, most of the famous ministers and royal relatives of the Shang Dynasty came out of the city to see them off. The scene was quite grand, and there were more people than Emperor Xin's early court appearance.

    Well, actually, during Emperor Xin¡¯s morning court, only ministers of high enough rank can attend.

    "But when these four princes left Beijing, especially this time, not only the officials, big and small, but also the slave owners of the Shang Dynasty all came out to see them off.

    Even the two die-hard followers of Emperor Xin, Fei Zhong and You Hun, took the opportunity to come to see each other off and express their goodwill to the four princes.

    "That idiot Di Xin, you should understand this time who owns this world, right?" The slave owners felt so proud.

    Recalling the heated scene in which the ministers and princes joined forces to point out the country and rebuke Emperor Xin in the court hall, each of these slave owners, big and small, felt as if they had taken two tons of aphrodisiacs, they were affectionate and excited, and their eyes were glowing blue.

    Now that they heard that the four great princes, who were like saviors, were ordered to leave the capital, and the slave owners who had won the favor of the four great princes and all the court officials, they naturally wanted to beat gongs and drums and go out of the city to see him off.

    Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, among the four major princes, Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu, Nanbohou E Chongyu, and Bei Hou Chonghou Hu have already left one after another.

    And Xibo Hou Jichang has been actively planning rebellion, so naturally he has to carefully manage it in the court.  Moreover, this guy was good at disguise, had a reputation as a virtuous man, and had deep friendships with Shang Rong, Bigan and other famous officials. Therefore, Ji Chang stayed in Chaoge City the longest.

    However, when Ji Chang left Beijing, the farewell scene was the most solemn.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUT out of the blue, this Ji Chang always pretends to be bold and generous in order to form a clique, and it can be said that the wine has dried up.  After drinking with a group of courtiers, Ji Chang was already a little dizzy, dazzled, and had a big tongue.

    At this moment, Fei Zhong and You Hun also came to see them off.

    Although Ji Chang always regarded himself as a virtuous minister, due to the need of rebellion, he often dealt with Fei Zhongyouhun, and sent gifts to the two brothers' houses. Now these two people send gifts to each other warmly, Ji Chang  Naturally, he was warmly welcomed.

    ? One party is willing to accept each other, and the other party is willing to welcome them. The three of them soon become as close as brothers and become one with each other.

    Shang Rong, Bigan and others had always been at odds with Fei Zhong and You Hun, and they despised these two slave-born ministers. Now seeing Ji Chang chatting animatedly with the two of them, they simply hid far away to enjoy the cool air.  , out of sight and out of mind.

    After the eyesore left, Fei Zhong and You Hun immediately began to persuade him to drink. After a few glasses of wine, Ji Chang was completely fooled and passed out.

    "I heard that Xianhou, you are a top-notch interpreter of fortune-telling, fortune-telling and feng shui. I don't know if you, a fortune teller, are right or not? Isn't it some kind of feudal superstition and pseudo-science?" Seeing that Ji Chang was already confused.  When it became clear, Fei Zhong looked for an opportunity to speak.

    "The principles of yin and yang are all determined. Why, how can we not allow pinching? You still dare to say that I, hiccup, are feudal, hiccup,superstitious!  Uh, feudal superstition, burp, what is it?  Let me tell you, An and this hexagram are accurate, and hiccup is accurate!  No, no money!  If you don¡¯t believe it, feel free to ask someone, and someone will give it to you!  "When his best skill was questioned, Ji Chang's anger rose. He slapped his chest, belched wine, and assured Fei Zhong and You Hun.

    "Seriously?" You Hun, who was on the side, immediately cast a doubtful look on him, but it once again pushed Ji Chang's anger higher and stronger.

    "Seriously!" Ji Chang clapped his chest vigorously and said like a male gorilla, "You can just ask me, but I won't believe it. In this world, I, Ji Chang, hiccup, can't figure it out!"

    After the ruse was successful, Fei Zhong immediately said with contempt, "Can you calculate Shangtang's future?"

    "Shang Tang's Qi, no need to ask, it's almost over! It's just a matter of this generation! And it still won't end well!" As expected of a professional, although he was still confused, when it came to fortune telling, Ji Chang immediately became confused.  He stuttered, and put on a bit of seriousness that was vaguely drunk.

    "Oh? Do you have any specific explanation?" Fei Zhong continued to ask doubtfully.

    "It won't be more than the forty-seventh year of Emperor Xin, the Great Shang Dynasty will definitely be finished!" Ji Chang looked solemn, quite decisive and giving directions to the country.

    "Oh" Fei Zhong and You Hun were shocked, and their faces became ugly.

    "Xi Bohou is proficient in the art of Yin and Yang Yi, which is known all over the world.

    "Moreover, Ji Chang was obviously drunk at this moment. Otherwise, how could he dare to say such seemingly rebellious words?"

    Therefore, Fei Zhong and Youhun did not doubt the authenticity of Ji Chang's words.

    After being depressed for a long time, Fei Zhong and You Hun drank a few more glasses of wine from Ji Chang. Fei Zhong and You Hun asked about their fate again, but were told by Ji Chang that they would freeze to death.

    What makes Fei Zhongyou even more angry is that Ji Chang shamelessly said that he could die a good death by himself!

    "If you tell me my fortune, you will think of the worst. If you tell your own fortune, you will think of the best."  I thought I was shameless enough by buying your brother, but I didn¡¯t expect that this Xibohou was even more shameless!

    The fortune teller really doesn¡¯t have any good things!  They are all remnants of feudalism and are destined to be raped!

    Angrily, the two drank a few more hastily, and then hurried back to Di Xin, where they went to complain to Xibohou Jichang about his evil behavior.

    "That's unreasonable! My mother, well, my dear, how come I have become the king of the country? And I can't die a good death? This fortune teller dares to talk nonsense and slander the king. He really has ulterior motives and his heart is worthy of death! His heart is worthy of death!  "After hearing Fei Zhong and You Hun's report, Di Xin immediately became furious.

    "What's even more shameless is that Ji Chang actually said that he had a good death! As a minister, he didn't want to be loyal to the country. Instead, he spread rumors to cause trouble and cursed His Majesty. He was clearly ill-intentioned and trying to usurp Your Majesty's throne!  "Seeing Emperor Xin's anger, Fei Zhong and You Hun immediately fanned the flames from the side.

    "Hmph! Dare you curse us to die a good death? I wonder how you will die well this time? This time I will let His Majesty take the opportunity to chop off your head!"

    Di Xin naturally didn't know what Fei Zhongyouhun had in mind.

    However, when Emperor Xin heard Fei Zhongyou's blunt words that Ji Chang had evil intentions and wanted to usurp the throne, Emperor Xin immediately believed him!

    Because Emperor Xin knew that Xiqike had always had a counter-intention since the time of Ji Chang's father, the former Xibo Hou Ji Li.  It's just that his grandfather Wen Ding started faster and killed Ji Li first.

    Di Xin¡¯s father, Di Yi, was also wary of Xiqiduo, otherwise he wouldn¡¯t have arranged the marriage and married Di Xin¡¯s aunt Taisi to Xiqi!

    Therefore, when Emperor Xin heard Fei Zhongyou's muddy words that Xi Bohou had evil intentions, he immediately believed it.

    "Chao Tian, ??go and capture the traitor Xibohou! If he resists, kill him on the spot!" Di Xin roared with a livid face.

    This Chao Tian was originally from an ordinary background, but by chance, he learned good martial arts.

    After being discovered by Di Xin, under Di Xin's vigorous promotion, he was promoted step by step from an ordinary guard to a guard commander.  Later, Yin Poxie, the former commander of the imperial guards, was sent to the border areas by Emperor Xin for some reason. Chao Tian was appointed by Emperor Xin as the president of the imperial guards, commanding all imperial guards.

    Therefore, this Chao Tian can be regarded as Di Xin¡¯s most loyal confidant.  Even though the dispute over the Slave Bill of Rights was raging in the court, Chao Tian still guarded Emperor Xin's palace tenaciously and did not compromise at all with those reactionary forces.

    Hearing that Emperor Xin wanted to capture Xibo Hou Jichang, Chao Tian didn¡¯t ask any questions. He took the order and the soldiers went straight to Chaoge outside the city to kill him.go.

    In that chamber, Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, was reluctant to part with his ministers in the ten-mile long pavilion. They lingered for a long time. Under the cool breeze, Jichang sobered up from his wine.

    Suddenly he realized that he had caused trouble by making a mistake while drunk. Ji Chang could no longer deal with the ministers and quickly ordered the generals to set off to escape quickly.

    After all, he is an old man. Although he can still ride a horse, Ji Chang's speed is not very fast. He was caught up by Chao Tian and his troops behind him before he could drive ten miles.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????mbOUT out the strength comparison between the enemy and us, knowing that he was unmatched, Ji Chang was still a bachelor, so he ordered his subordinates to return to Xiqi quickly, and gave some instructions, and Ji Chang went to meet Chao Tian on his own.

    The imperial decree said to capture Jichang, but it did not say to capture Jichang's men.

    Seeing that the main criminal was at ease, Chao Tian did not want to cause more trouble and did not tie up Ji Chang, so he escorted Ji Chang back to Chaoge.

    Those slave owners, big and small, had just returned from bidding farewell to Ji Chang. When they were gathering in groups of three or eight to celebrate, they saw Jichang, the Marquis of Xibo, being escorted back to the capital by Chao Tian.  Being smart, he quickly reported it to Huang Feihu, Shang Rong, Jizi and other court officials.

    "It must be Fei Zhong and You Hun who wanted to frame the Xianhou and spoke ill of Xibohou in front of the emperor after they returned. Otherwise, how could they have been so good and escorted the Xianhou back to Chaoge?"

    After reacting, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty immediately came outside the palace, organized an illegal assembly, and strongly demanded an audience with His Majesty Emperor Xin.

    ??The civil and military officials from all over the dynasty came to see him, and Emperor Xin had no choice but to announce that everyone should enter the palace.

    Soon they figured out the reason for the emperor's anger, and all the courtiers also looked ugly.

    You old man, why do your balls hurt when you have nothing to do?  You dare to talk about the fortune of our Great Shang Dynasty. Do you really think you are the Holy Emperor Fuxi?

    It turns out that although these courtiers had unanimous opinions on the issue of opposing the Slave Bill of Rights, most of the courtiers were still very loyal to the Shang Dynasty.  Therefore, he was still disgusted with Ji Chang's vain discussion of Shang Dynasty's destiny.

    Your darling Xibohou said that this generation of the Shang Dynasty was about to end and the emperor would not die a good death, but he also said that you yourself met a good death.  Is it possible that you really want to rebel?

    But now, having just suppressed Emperor Xin's arrogance through his opposition to the Slave Act, the courtiers did not want Emperor Xin to take this opportunity to counterattack.

    ¡°After all, this Shang Dynasty belongs to us slave owners, not just you, Di Xin.

    Therefore, even though they knew it was unreasonable, the court officials still said, "The innate number was performed by the ancient sage emperor Fuxi, not made up by Ji Chang. If it is not accurate, it is only based on the data. We can only say that this method  There is a problem; if it is really accurate, it means that Ji Chang was honest and honest, and it is not deceiving the emperor. So, please forgive Ji Chang for his innocence!"

    "I scolded the guy next door! The fortune teller is actually better than me! It's simply unreasonable!"

    "If I do one thing wrong, I will be immediately scolded as a coward by you bastards! Even if I only want to provide some welfare for the slave class so as to stabilize the country of my great Shang Dynasty, I will be scolded as such.  You bunch of bastards have become so cursed that you forget your ancestors. You really are not human inside and out!"

    "But Ji Chang is a good fortune teller, but his calculations are inaccurate. He said it was a problem with his method, and he actually blamed the mistake on the Holy Emperor Fuxi. Occasionally, he gets it right, and he becomes a gentleman. After all, you are also a god, and you are also a ghost.  , No matter what you say, it makes sense! These bastard ministers are so talented!"

    Thinking about this, Di Xin is so angry!  His anger was really soaring to the sky.  Without listening to the courtiers' sophistry, he ordered Chao Tian to push Jichang out and chop him down first.

    Seeing that the emperor could not come to the stage and things were going to be serious, the officials were a little dumbfounded.

    After all, Di Xin is an orthodox emperor, but he has the legendary bastard spirit to protect his body. If the tiger's body is shaken, the invisible murderous energy is still quite powerful, and it can definitely frighten more than 90% of the people.  Courtiers.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????OUTOUT out of mind for a long time, in the end, it was better than Qian Xin, who had seven orifices and could think faster!  As soon as his eyes rolled, he had an idea.

    But I heard that Na Bigan came out and said, "Your Majesty, I am not begging for mercy for Ji Chang, but for the sake of your Majesty and our Great Shang Dynasty! Ji Chang has a reputation as a virtuous man, but now if your Majesty kills him for a trivial matter,  , I¡¯m afraid it will be difficult to convince the public, and it will really damage your majesty¡¯s reputation for being wise and powerful!¡±

    "Well, this sounds like a human saying!" When Di Xin heard this, although he didn't say anything, he felt a little more comfortable in his heart, and his anger was half extinguished.

    Seeing that Emperor Xin¡¯s anger seemed to have subsided, Bigan immediately hit the railway while it was hot, ¡°Your Majesty, why don¡¯t you let Ji ChangIf the fortune teller is accurate, he will be pardoned from the death penalty; if it is not accurate, he will be punished with two crimes in one and beheaded.  In this way, I think all the people in the world will take it seriously!  "

    Seeing this, the other ministers quickly echoed the statement, saying that what Prime Minister Bi Gan said was reasonable.

    After weighing it in his heart for a long time, Di Xin also felt that it would be best to be able to kill Ji Chang confidently!  Besides, even if Ji Chang can calculate it accurately, so what, he has his own tricks to deal with him.

    Di Xin nodded, it was correct.

    After narrowly escaping from death, Xibohou Jichang was also very nervous, as if he had eighteen live rabbits in his belly.

    Back in the main hall, Ji Chang immediately became energetic when he heard that Di Xin wanted him to return to his old profession of fortune telling.

    But the next sentence frightened Ji Chang so much that his calves cramped up.

    Because, Di Xin said, if the calculation is not accurate, behead him!

    In fact, Di Xin also had another idea in mind, that is, he didn¡¯t say what to do if he figured it out!  In this way, it can be regarded as leaving a little foreshadowing for the conspiracy behind him.

    After a long while, Ji Chang came back to his senses and finally remembered that before coming to Chaoge, Ji Chang had made a fortune for himself. The fortune revealed that there was no danger of life during this trip, but he would be jailed for seven years.

    Thinking of this, Ji Chang finally gained some confidence, so he calmed himself down, took out a few copper coins, and pretended to be a ghost for a long time. Then he put on a loyal look and said, "Your Majesty, there will be a fire in the Imperial Ancestral Temple tomorrow.  Request the sect's god master to leave immediately, or we may destroy the foundation of the society!"

    When the ministers below heard this, they were all dumbfounded!

    This Ji Chang, could it be that his brain was burned by alcohol?  Just after criticizing the fate of the Shang Dynasty, I brought up the Ancestral Temple again. Isn't this because I feel uncomfortable!  This hexagram, no matter whether your calculation is accurate or not, it will definitely not yield good results!  Seriously, alasit's your own fault and you won't be able to live!

    "Fire? When?" Di Xin was shocked when he heard this, his face showed concern, and he asked quickly.

    "Tomorrow at noon!" Ji Chang replied confidently

    Looking at Ji Chang¡¯s extremely confident expression, Di Xin was quite confused in his heart.

    The Imperial Ancestral Temple is a place where ancestral tablets and clan totems are enshrined. If a fire breaks out there, it will really damage the fortune of the Shang Dynasty.

    But if there is no fire and you move the ancestral tablet without permission, that would be disrespectful!

    The color of his face changed from red, orange, yellow and green for a long time, and finally turned into an ashen color. Emperor Xin said in a deep voice, "Put this Ji Chang in jail first, and we will try his crime tomorrow afternoon."

    Emperor Xin did not dare to neglect the important event involving the ancestral tablets and the fortune of the dynasty. He ordered Chao Tian to lead the troops and surrounded the Ancestral Temple three floors inside and three outside.  A full water tank in case of emergencies.

    The next morning, Emperor Xin gathered all the civil and military officials of the court and did not discuss matters. They waited for news from the Imperial Ancestral Temple in Longde Hall.

    There was nothing to say all morning. When it was almost noon, the ground suddenly became cloudy and thunderous. It rained heavily in an instant. In the blink of an eye, there was an inch of water on the ground.

    Until about a quarter of an hour after noon, in the direction of the Ancestral Temple, although thunder was rolling, there was no abnormal reaction.

    Seeing this situation, Di Xin felt relieved, and his face showed a proud look, "Jichang, let's see if you will die this time!"

    "That's not right!" At this moment, among the dark clouds in the sky, a little old man in Taoist attire appeared with an immortal style. The magic stick clasped his fingers and murmured to himself, "This Yin  Shang's Ancestral Temple, vaguely, seems to have a divine and holy aura guarding it, and ordinary thunder cannot move it at all! Weird, weird!"

    "But the teacher also said that this Xiqi is an important link in the Battle of the Gods, so we should plan carefully. This Ji Chang, the last time I saw him, it seems that his name is not right? I can't say, poor Taoist  I had no choice but to help him!"

    ??Thinking in his mind, the little old man used his magic stick to activate the magic formula, and a purple thunderbolt about a foot in diameter, with dazzling electric sparks, cut through the dark rain curtain and rushed straight towards the Yin Shang Ancestral Temple.
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