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Volume 5 The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 432 The Conspiracy of the Magic Stick

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    Chapter 432: The Conspiracy of the God Stick

    Xi and the female crow were defeated, and they were defeated cleanly and confusedly.

    As the third three-legged golden crow born in the Sun Star, Xihe's female crow's talent, although not as good as those of innate monsters, can definitely be considered top-notch among acquired monsters and gods.

    ¡° Moreover, as the Queen of Heaven and the only female crow in the Sun Star, Xihe¡¯s cultivation conditions are not bad.

    With the support of sufficient power of the sun, gold and fire, and massive amounts of elixirs, over millions of years, Xi and the female crow's cultivation has been advancing rapidly, and now they are still able to reach the realm of the thirty-third heaven, just one step away.  , you can step into the ranks of quasi-sages, and in the entire prehistoric world, you can be regarded as a small master.

    However, today, the enemy monster Xi and the female crow encountered was too weird.

    So, Xi and the female crow had just released the sun's golden fire. Before they could complete their attack preparations, they saw a flash of red light in front of their eyes, and then Xi and the female crow were taken into a strange place.

    In fact, it was not just Xi He and the female crow who were taken away by the red light, but also the little crow Lu Ya who was behind Xi He with a look of fear on his face.

    They didn't know that their son was also captured. He had just been taken into the independent space by Hong Mang. Before they had time to check what was going on around them, Xi and the female crow felt dizzy for a while, and then their vision went dark and they lost it.  Awareness.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off. What happened to Xihe and her son Lu Ya?

    Although he somehow escaped the murder of Lu Ya Xiaowu, as the first seemingly staunch materialist in recorded history, he is destined to be rejected by most of the mainstream theistic groups of this era.  regarded as heresy and gray mainstream.

    Therefore, under the tireless conspiracy of the Yiyuan Shen Sect's magicians, in the thirty-fifth year of Wu Yi's reign, the Yiyuan Shen Sect's magic sticks finally colluded with the Western Zhou, Qiang Fang, Guifang and other tribes to murder him.  .

    In order to further smear Wu Yi's image, the gods of the Yiyuan Sect claimed that Wu Yi was killed by the angry gods when he was hunting small animals because he disrespected the gods.  .

    I have to admit that in Tai Shigong¡¯s view, those so-called gods are really very loving.

    The gods were not angry when Wu Yi beat up the dolls, insulted them in public, and even shot the sky with a bow. But when Wu Yi went out to hunt and murder small animals, the gods became angry and struck them with thunder.  The evil Wu Yi.

    As the most inexplicable generation of foolish emperors in history, none of Wu Yi¡¯s crimes recorded in the official history can withstand scrutiny.  Because beating the gods' dolls and shooting into the sky may have seemed a bit treacherous to the ancients, but from today's atheistic point of view, it's just mediocre.

    Wu Yi reigned for thirty-five years. Because he intended to strengthen the monarchy and offended the interests of the gods of the Yiyuan Shen Sect, he was murdered by the gods in collusion with foreign races.

    After Wu Yi's death, his son Wen Ding succeeded to the throne.

    Wen Ding is also the Tai Ding recorded in the Historical Records.

    Regarding Emperor Wen Ding, there are only a dozen or so words in the historical records. The content is as follows: "A thunderstorm, Wu Yi was shocked to death. The sub-emperor Tai Ding was established. The emperor Tai Ding died, and the sub-emperor Yi was established."

    But in fact, during Wen Ding's reign, a series of major events happened that were related to the fate of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

    Since the time of Wu Ding, the Zhou tribe was defeated by the Yin Shang Dynasty, and then surrendered to the Yin Shang Dynasty and became a prince of the Shang Dynasty.

    After Wu Ding, the Yin Shang Dynasty declined again, but the Zhou tribe in the west took this opportunity to expand aggressively. By the time Wen Ding succeeded to the throne, the Zhou tribe had developed into the strongest among the eight hundred princes belonging to the Yin Shang Dynasty.  one.

    The Yin-Shang Dynasty has gradually declined. Most of the knowledgeable people among the princes from all over the world have long been aware of this.

    ¡°However, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

    Although the Yin Shang Dynasty was still in decline, its strength was still not comparable to that of the princes from all over the world.

    Therefore, although most of the princes from all sides have developed some other ideas, at present, no one dares to openly rebel.

    Although it seems that the time is not yet ripe for blatant rebellion, it seems that you can still try some behaviors that tease the nerves of the Shang Dynasty without touching its bottom line.

    When Wen Ding succeeded to the throne, the Zhou tribes in the west were already in a position of being invincible.

    At this time, the battle for monarchy and divine power in the country has become fierce. In addition, it is also known that the Western Zhou Dynasty seems to have some unclear relationship with the Unitarian Religion.

    Therefore, in order to avoid internal and external difficulties,?In desperation, Wen Ding had to compromise with the Western Zhou Dynasty and appease him in every possible way, intending to influence the stubborn stone of the Western Zhou Dynasty with his noble personality.

    However, the Zhou tribe was not very willing to buy into Wen Ding's account.

    Without consulting the Shang Dynasty, the Zhou tribes took advantage of weapons and launched a war against the Yuwu Rong tribe in the west.

    Because of the calculated calculations and the fact that the Zhou tribe was indeed an elite and brave soldier, basically, without paying much price, the Zhou tribe successfully defeated the Wu Rong tribe and reported their victory to Wen Ding.

    "You dared to send troops without asking for permission from the emperor before the war. Now that you have won the battle, you just remembered that showing off in front of me is simply unreasonable!"

    However, although he was angry in his heart, Wen Ding did not dare to punish the Western Zhou tribe, and he did not even verbally reprimand them.  Instead, he also commended the Zhou tribe and named Ji Li, the leader of the Zhou tribe, as a "priest" (roughly meaning the local chief).

    Although it seemed that he had only received a title of "priest" in name only, Ji Li was very excited in his heart, because this showed that the Shang Dynasty had nothing to do with him.

    From then on, the Zhou tribe became more and more unscrupulous, and without reporting to the Shang Dynasty, they repeatedly provoked wars in the west, defeated and annexed several tribes such as Shihu Rong and Yitu Rong, and expanded the territory of the Zhou tribe.  several times.

    He thought that because the mountains were high and the emperor was far away, the Shang Dynasty had nothing to do with him, but what Ji Li didn't expect was that Wen Ding was already wary of the Western Zhou tribes at this moment.

    Taking advantage of the opportunity to convene a meeting of princes from all over the world, Wen Ding lured Ji Li, the leader of the Zhou tribe, to Yin, the capital of Shang. Then, with the power of thunder, he captured Ji Li. Then, before the Western Zhou tribe could react, he quickly  Ji Liwen was killed.

    Poor Ji Li, he didn¡¯t understand that a meeting was the best excuse to arrest someone (there is no one), so he lost his head in confusion.

    However, Wen Ding¡¯s conspiracy did not actually achieve the purpose of weakening the Western Zhou Dynasty.

    Because, after Ji Li's death, the person who succeeded him as the tribe leader of the Western Zhou Dynasty was Ji Li's son named Chang.

    Since during the Wen Ding period, there had been large-scale awards to princes from all over the world. At that time, more than 50 tribes were granted the title of Hou, and more than 40 families were granted the title of Bo. Among them, the Zhou tribe was granted the title of Bo (priest). Therefore, this Ji Li  His son Chang, who was aware that the emperor had inherited Ji Li's title, was also called Bo Chang or Xi Bo.

    ??????????????????????????Although the Zhou tribe's surname is Ji, according to the saying at the time, this Xibo was not called Ji Chang.

    Because, the so-called surname is actually a surname for men and a surname for women. As for combining the names, that is the way of later generations.

    This Xibo Chang is a man of great wealth.

    Although he knew clearly that his old man Ji Li was killed by Wen Ding, Bo Chang did not show any dissatisfaction with the Shang Dynasty, but became more and more submissive.  But secretly, Bochang was diligent in political affairs, diligent in military affairs, courteous to virtuous officers, and recruited all kinds of talents to make active preparations for the rebellion of the Shang Dynasty.

    It seems that during Wen Ding's reign, apart from killing Xibo Ji Li, he did not make any remarkable achievements. Similarly, Wen Ding did not do any evil deeds that were outrageous and resentful. He was considered a passer-by emperor.  Bar.

    Just like that, after being the emperor for thirteen years, Wen Ding finally died.

    After Wen Ding died, his son Zi Xian succeeded him as Emperor Yi.

    Emperor Yi's succession to the throne actually just accepted the mess left by Wen Ding.

    Although Bochang¡¯s actions of recruiting troops and horses and gathering grass and crops seemed to be hidden, Emperor Yi, who had known about the conflict between the Shang Dynasty and the Western Zhou Dynasty, found some clues after careful investigation.

    However, during the era of Emperor Yi, the Shang Dynasty was already in decline, while the Dongyi tribes in the east had become increasingly powerful and invaded the Shang Dynasty from time to time.

    In order to avoid the dilemma of war on two fronts, Emperor Yi had no choice but to adopt a soft policy towards the Western Zhou Dynasty.  Specifically, it is marriage.

    By the way, since the founding of Tang Dynasty, the Shang Dynasty has had marriages with various princes and tribes.

    ??It¡¯s just that the Shang Dynasty was probably in an absolutely dominant position at that time. Therefore, even if the Shang royal family married a woman to a certain prince, it was just the emperor¡¯s favor and the emperor¡¯s favor.

    "However, by the time of Emperor Yi, the Western Zhou Dynasty was already at its peak. If they join forces with Dongyi to attack the Yin Shang Dynasty, and if another prince takes the opportunity to cause trouble, the outcome is still unknown.

    Therefore, the marriage between Emperor Yi and the Western Zhou Dynasty can be said to be the first of its kind in the history of marriage.

    After much deliberation, Emperor Yi chose Taisi, the eldest daughter of the Shen clan, to marry Ji Chang, the chief of the Western Zhou clan.

    There is a Xin family, since the first generation of Shang prince Lu (?Since the Tang Dynasty, they have been married to the Shang tribe. After that, basically every generation of the Shang Dynasty royal family has their children Yu Youxin who are married to each other. The two tribes can be said to have been close for generations and are as close as one family.

    By the time of Emperor Yi¡¯s generation, this Taisi with the Xin family name was actually Emperor Yi¡¯s cousin (made up).

    So, Emperor Yi handed over the mission of peace to his cousin Taisi.

    As the first marriage envoy with a name and a surname that can be tested in history, Taisi's wedding can be described as a most beautiful scene.

    Emperor Yi personally chose the wedding date and purchased the dowry. At the same time, in order to show the royal favor, Emperor Yi also issued an edict to order Ji Chang to inherit the title of his father Ji Li and be called Xibo.

    Although it is said that most patriarchal marriages are not happy, it was this political marriage that left behind the beautiful talk of "a match made in heaven" for future generations. Although it is impossible to verify whether Taisi at that time truly agreed to such a marriage.

    "The Book of Songs? Daya? Ming Dynasty" describes this marriage like this, "The Heavenly Supervisor is here, and the destiny is gathered. King Wen first set it up, and it was a match made in heaven."

    And Taisi married Xibo Jichang. No matter what Ji Chang's mentality was, during the twenty-six years of Emperor Yi's rule, Jichang did not raise an army to rebel.

    However, although there was no rebellion in the Western Zhou Dynasty, on the other hand, the Dongyi tribe rebelled repeatedly during Emperor Yi's reign. From the ninth year of Emperor Yi until Emperor Yi's death, the Dongyi tribe basically never stopped rebelling.  .

    Although Emperor Yi led troops to encircle and suppress Dongyi several times and won several times, he was never able to fundamentally solve Dongyi's problem.

    During his reign, Emperor Yi also did a major event recorded in history, which was to move the capital from Yin (now Anyang, Henan Province) to Mo (Chaoge, now Qixian County, Henan Province).

    In the twenty-sixth year of his reign, Emperor Yi died and was succeeded by his son Zi Xin.

    Zi Xin, surnamed Zi, named Xin, also known as Shou. Before becoming emperor, he was given the title of King of Longevity.

    In fact, God B has three sons, the eldest son Qi, the second son Yan, and the youngest son Xin. Moreover, these three sons are all born from the same mother.

    It has been six generations since Zu Jia was restructured, and Zu Jia's eldest son inheritance system has gradually been accepted by later Shang emperors. Therefore, Zi Xin, the eldest son, naturally inherited the throne of Emperor Yi.  .

    Someone said that these three brothers are obviously from the same mother, and Xin is obviously the third child, why do they become the eldest son?

    The thing is, when Zi Xin's mother gave birth to the eldest son Zi Qi and the second son Zi Yan, she was a concubine instead of a queen. Therefore, according to the saying at the time, Zi Qi and Zi Yan could only be regarded as concubines.  When Zi Xin was born, his mother was already a queen, so Zi Xin was the legitimate son.

    According to the inheritance system of the eldest son, the order of inheritance is, the eldest son, the second son, the third son, etc. After the eldest son is finished, it is the turn of the eldest son, the second son, etc. As for which uncles, uncles, seven eldest sons, etc.  Aunts, aunts, etc. all stood aside.

    Therefore, according to the inheritance system of the eldest son, although Zi Xin inherited the throne, he also made enemies with a large number of royal members, including Zi Xin's two elder brothers Zi Qi and Zi Yan, and his two imperial uncles, Ji Zi and  Bigan.

    Because, if it were not the so-called eldest son inheritance system, but according to the old system of "brothers succeed to brothers" in the Shang Dynasty, these people would all have a chance to inherit the throne.

    But now, regardless of whether these people have other thoughts, Zi Xin has become the emperor, and the eldest son succession system seems to be unshakable. If so, doesn't that mean that he and others will have nothing to do with the throne from now on?  Missed?  It is simply unreasonable!

    However, although these royal relatives were not angry, they did not dare to rashly stir up trouble. First of all, Zi Xin was a just and legitimate emperor, with a reputation for justice; secondly, this Zi Xin was indeed extraordinary.  .

    "Historical Records of the Yin Dynasty" records that this Emperor Zixin was "talented to identify quick diseases, very sensitive to hearing and seeing, extraordinary physical strength, and capable of handling ferocious beasts." It can be said that he farted under the quilt, and he could smell it and cover it.

    No matter what, the building will collapse and it will be difficult to support it alone!

    What's more, there are a lot of silverfish on this wood, which are constantly eating at this wood.

    It should be said that this Zi Xin is also a civil and military character. He also has several capable ministers and generals to help him. He is diligent in government affairs and pays attention to agriculture and mulberry. After several years of management, the already declining  The Shang Dynasty seemed to be returning to its glory days and regained some prosperity.

    In terms of civil affairs, there was Wen Zhong, the old master of the three dynasties, who took charge of the affairs, and there were a number of wise ministers such as Emperor Uncle Bigan and Prime Minister Shang Rong to assist him. In terms of martial arts, there were Huang Feihu, the king of Zhenguo, and the defeated and defeated Yin Dynasties.  Chao Tian and Lu Xiong were the generals who commanded the Sixth Division. They were indeed civil enough to secure the country and powerful enough to rule the country.

    harem sideOn the other hand, Queen Jiang, the first wife of the middle palace, is the daughter of Jiang Wenhuan, the Marquis of Dongbo. Furthermore, Queen Jiang is dignified and virtuous, and can be regarded as a virtuous housekeeper.

    The Huang family of Xigong is the sister of Huang Feihu, the king of Wucheng in Zhenguo, and she is also virtuous and virtuous.

    Although Yang, the concubine of Xinqing Palace, was of ordinary origin, she was also knowledgeable, courteous, elegant and generous.

    In this way, not only the harem, but also the two hundred princes in the east were stabilized through the marriage relationship with Dongbohou, and in conjunction with Dongbohou, the rebels of the Dongyi tribes were suppressed in one fell swoop.

    "And within the Yin Shang Dynasty, the father-in-law, King Wucheng Huang Feihu, was in charge, and all the young people were hiding their heads and not daring to make the slightest sound.

    Even the originally arrogant God Stick Sect of the One Yuan Shen Cult had to tuck its tail between its legs and become a god stick under Zi Xin's arrogant power. It could only do things on a small scale to deceive children about candy and steal the purchases of old ladies.  On top of important military and political matters, such immoral matters as vegetable money were never dared to go against Emperor Zixin.

    As he cultivated political affairs internally and frightened the princes externally, Zixin's reputation grew day by day, and he gradually became complacent, arrogant and licentious. Little did he know that the gods of the One Yuan Shen Sect had already planned together with a group of counter-revolutionaries to target Zixin, and even  It was a major conspiracy against the entire Shang Dynasty.

    In other words, since the former supreme leader of the One Yuan God Sect, Lu Ya Xiaowu, disappeared inexplicably out of thin air, in the following decades, under the full suppression of successive emperors, the One Yuan God Sect gradually declined.

    Like a child without a mother, after decades of hard life with no love from his grandma and no love from his uncle, until Zi Xin succeeded to the throne, a group of bald-headed stickmen who were secretive and sneaky finally came and threatened to invade the country.  Incorporate the declining Monotheism.

    Several current leaders and elders have thought about resisting and adding some bargaining chips for themselves, in order to obtain better welfare benefits in the reorganized Monarchy.

    Unexpectedly, those mysterious bald-headed god sticks just glanced at the god sticks of the Unitarian Sect. These unsteady elements of the Unitarian Sect immediately surrendered, and each of them was more well-behaved than a kitten.

    And the first task assigned by those mysterious god sticks to the gods of the One Yuan Sect is to encourage Prince Xin of Shang Dynasty to drop incense at the Nuwa Palace on March 15th, the Christmas of the Human Virgin Mother Nuwa.

    It seems that the powerful boss behind the mystery is giving the orders, and the gods of the Unitarian Sect have no choice but to obey orders.

    However, ever since Emperor Wu Yi, the first atheist among the wealthy class, shot into the sky and beat up the gods, the emperors of the Shang Dynasty had little respect for the so-called gods.  As for the false gods enshrined by the Unitarian God Sticks, they were strongly slandered and persecuted by the Shang Dynasty royal family.

    "However, for the Empress Nuwa, Zi Xinna cut off the bastard emperor, come to think of it, you shouldn't dare to be disrespectful, right? After all, the Empress Nuwa seems to be a real person, well, she does have a god!"

    Despite thinking this way, the Oneyuan Sect¡¯s gods still had no idea.

    After carefully planning for several days, the gods finally decided to take the loyal minister route and report this seemingly sacred and great cause of worshiping the human mother goddess Nuwa to Prime Minister Shang Rong, who was a loyal minister.
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