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Volume 5: The Feudal Society of the Monster Clan Chapter 430: A Spark Starts a Prairie Fire

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    Chapter 430: A single spark ignites a prairie fire

    In the Eight Views Palace of Shilong Mountain, the three of them, Taishang, Yuanshi and Li Zhainan, secretly and murmuringly discussed for three whole months.

    Exactly what was discussed is unknown to outsiders.

    Even the two bald-headed saints of the Western Sect, who have been paying attention to this matter and have joined forces to peep into the secrets of heaven, have not been able to see anything.

    The only thing that can be known is that the three brothers seem to have broken up on bad terms.

    Because, the two bald heads of Jieyin and Zhunti, who were peeping in secret, discovered that Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader seemed to have ugly faces when they came out of Bajing Palace. When they parted ways and returned to the mountain, they didn't even say hello, but  He just snorted heavily, then set up the escape light and flew away.

    Then, nearly half a day later, the old man came out of the Bajing Palace with the same gloomy face, set up a golden light, and flew straight to the Zixiao Palace in the sky.

    When they came to Zixiao Palace, when the old man returned the list of gods to Hongjun and old earthworm, the old earthworm's face became like a seven-color rainbow, with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and various colors appearing alternately.  It's really wonderful.

    "It's just that these names on the list of gods were written by the three Taishangs with great magic power, and they seemed to be recognized by the so-called list of gods.  Therefore, once the name is settled, even Hongjun, the old earthworm, cannot easily change it. If he wants to do anything more, he will have to pay a big price.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????? However, for Old Earthworm Hongjun to pay a big price just for such a list of gods, it seems, it seems a bit, making Old Earthworm Hongjun feel entangled and in a dilemma.

    "Should I regret it? If I had known this, I would have made the decision to write it down, right? But now, alas"

    After weighing it in his mind for a long time, Old Earthworm Hongjun finally let out a long sigh and said nothing, but shook his hands and threw the list of gods back to the old man Taishang.

    "At this moment, the person who is destined to be a god has not yet been born, so I will leave this list of gods to you for the time being! When the person who is going to be a god appears, you can come back to get another sacred artifact from the master and give it to the person who is lucky. Go.  Bar!"

    After saying that, the old earthworm Hongjun's eyes were slightly closed, and he looked like a noble man.

    Seeing that Hongjun, the old earthworm, did not go crazy on the spot, the old man Taishang felt a little relieved.  He also heard that Hongjun, the old earthworm, had temporarily handed over the list of gods to him for safekeeping. The old man Taishang knew that Hongjun, the old earthworm, had no objection. The matter was basically settled.

    In fact, Hongjun, the old earthworm, wanted to object.

    But after thinking about it for a long time, it seems that the Western religion is not closely related to his own luck. If he can get the people of the Western religion into the list of gods, it can also damage the luck of the Western religion and enhance it.  I no longer doubted the efficacy of my own destiny.

    The reason why the Gods List was once again handed over to the old man Taishang was that as soon as Old Earthworm Hongjun saw the dense list of names on the Gods List, he felt his anger rising and his head as big as a bucket. He was afraid that if he looked at it a few more times, he would have the heart to bear it.  I can't resist the urge to tear it into pieces.

    But the old man didn¡¯t pay attention to the extremely tangled mood of Hongjun Old Earthworm. Seeing that the trick was sold, he didn¡¯t hesitate, waved and put away the list of gods, raised his hand to Hongjun Old Earthworm, and walked away quickly.

    On the other side, after Li Zhainan returned to Kunlun Mountain, he immediately held a family meeting and started planning intensively.

    Putting aside Li Zhainan and the other four saints from the three religions, as well as Hongjun, Old Earthworm, Haotian Tonggong and others, let¡¯s not mention how they planned the battle to become a god, but just represent the human race in the lower realm.

    It is said that after Shang Hou Zilu (also known as Zi Tang, also known as Shang Tang) destroyed the first slave dynasty, the Xia Dynasty, he made Xishao (now Yanshi, Henan) the capital of the country, based on the original Shang tribe.  The second slave dynasty, the Shang Dynasty, was established.

    Zilu took the virtuous ministers Yi Yin and Zhong Hui as his left and right ministers, relaxed corvee and encouraged production. During the thirty years of his reign, the tribes of the Shang Dynasty achieved great development, and the area they ruled expanded again and again, even to the extreme west.  The Qiang, Di and other unruly and barbaric ethnic minority tribes at that time also paid tribute and expressed their submission to the Shang Dynasty.

    Although Zilu managed the Shang Dynasty in an orderly and prosperous way, it was true that Zitang died of illness after being the emperor for thirteen years.

    After Zilu's death, his eldest son Taiding died young, so Zilu's second son Waibing succeeded to the throne.

    After being emperor for three years, Wai Bing followed in the footsteps of Zi Lu, who fell ill and died.

    "Then, Wai Bing's younger brother Zhong Ren succeeded to the throne. This Zhong Ren also did not become emperor for a long time. He traveled to the west in less than four years.

    It seems that, inheriting the inheritance of the Zilu family, Jianghu? This Zhong Ren also died of illness.

    After Zhongren died, at this time, Taiding's son, Taijia, the eldest grandson of the first Shang prince Lu, finally grew up and officially took over the throne from his uncle.

    Taijia succeeded to the throne, and was assisted by Yi Yin, a veteran of the four dynasties and the prime minister when the first Shang prince came to power.

    When it comes to Yi Yin, I would like to emphasize a few words here.

    ??Originally, when Prince Lu of Shang was still a prince in the Shang Dynasty, he married a woman from the Shen tribe.  And this Yi Yin was a slave who was married to the Marquis of Shang by the Xin family, and he was also a cook slave.

    Yi Yin is also a talented cook, because he created the "Five Flavors Harmony Theory" and the "Fire Temperature Theory".  To this day, these two theories are still respected as golden rules in the culinary world.  Yi Yin himself is also revered as the "ancestor of cooking" and the "sage of cooking".

    In addition, Yi Yin also extended a set of theories of country governance based on cooking methods, and was reused by Shang Marquis Zilu. He ascended to the position of prime minister in one fell swoop, and assisted Zilu to establish the Five Kingdoms of the Shang Dynasty.  With a century-old foundation, he can be regarded as a mythical figure in the chef world.

    At the same time, Yi Yin is also the first political star to take the "harem route".

    Yi Yin¡¯s success was naturally due to the nepotism of the Xin family, which allowed her to serve Zilu, the Marquis of Shang, and thus have the opportunity to be appreciated by the Marquis of Shang.

    One of the most important links in the process of assisting the Marquis of Shang in destroying the Xia Dynasty was that Yi Yin took the path of Yuan Fei Meixi, the most beloved concubine of Xia King Si Lugui. By making good friends with Meixi, Yi Yin gained  He learned a large number of internal political, economic, and military secrets of the Xia Dynasty, and rescued the Shang tribe from danger several times.

    After the establishment of the Shang Dynasty, because of his great achievements, Yi Yin and Zhong Hui became the prime ministers of the left and right, assisting the King of Shang.

    Including Zilu, the first three emperors of the Shang Dynasty all had relatively short reigns, and Yi Yin had a relatively long life. It was not until the fourth Shang King, Zilu's grandson Taijia succeeded to the throne, that Yi Yin  He has always been the prime minister of the Shang Dynasty.

    In order to strengthen the rule of the Shang Dynasty, Yi Yin put forward a relatively complete set of governance concepts during his tenure as prime minister.

    ??Yi Yin said, "When the sky is in trouble, fate is often unreliable. If you always show your virtue, you can protect your position. If you show your virtue often, you will perish."

    The general idea is that God cannot be trusted, and the goddess of destiny is not reliable either. Only by practicing virtuous governance can you keep the throne. If not, then even if you can rule Kyushu, sooner or later you will step down!

    Therefore, "If the gods abuse the people, the Emperor and Heaven will not protect you." If you despise the gods and abuse the people, the Emperor and Heaven will not protect you!

    ?????????? Specifically speaking, we must ¡°keep wisdom from those above, and be loyal to those below.¡± When you are the boss, you must ¡°respect your relatives and be virtuous, maintain unity from beginning to end, and be new with each passing day.¡±

    Based on this theoretical system, Yi Yin established the Unitarian Religion, proclaimed himself the holy leader, and promoted his theocratic concept of "pursuing one virtue".

    As a sage of the generation and a veteran of the four dynasties, Yi Yin often regarded himself as the spokesperson of God's will, educating Taijia, who had just entered adolescence, to do this and not do that, and so on.

    Being fooled by Yi Yin every day, Taijia felt as if tens of thousands of flies were flying around his ears every day.

    After putting up with Yi Yin for two years, Taijia, a rebellious and rebellious young man, finally couldn't bear it anymore.

    "I am an upright emperor, an emperor with upright roots. What the hell are you, Yi Yin, who think that you are great if you live a long time? Have you never heard of the saying, 'You are a thief if you are old but don't die'?"  ?¡±

    "Besides, even if you become the prime minister or a magician, what does it matter? At its origin, aren't you just a slave? Do you really think that you are God's will? Why don't you demolish the hut and build a building? It's a stinky foundation!  "

    So, Taijia, a rebellious young man, made up his mind to fight the old stickman Yi Yin to the end. If you say east, I will go west; if you ask to beat a dog, I will call a chicken!

    "Yi Yin, didn't you say you want to engage in some kind of virtuous government? I want to kill people casually. What can you do?"

    Therefore, in the third year after taking the throne, Yi Yin became somewhat like Si Lugui (Xia Jie), acting wantonly and cruelty to the people, and turned the Shang dynasty into a mess, full of rebellion, and full of complaints.  .

    The first old leader of the Monarchy, Yi Yin, the chief prime minister of the Shang Dynasty, saw that continuing like this was not an option, so he turned his tongue into a lotus flower and planned to convince people with virtue and save Taijia, a lost little lamb.

    But Taijia, this kid, is a bastard who is determined to go against the old magician Yi Yin. The more Yi Yin persuades him, the more Taijia becomes more aggressive.

    "You little boy! I can't cure you yet! I'm an old goblin with one foot in the coffin. If I can't cure you, a young man suffering from puberty syndrome, then I've spent all these years?, isn¡¯t it in vain?  "

    Being angered by Taijia's rebellious behavior, Yi Yin, the old magician, deposed Taijia in a rage and exiled him to Tonggong.  As for the government affairs, Yi Yin himself handles them personally.

    The so-called Tong Palace is the location of the tomb of the first monarch of the Shang Dynasty, Zilu, also known as Zitang and Shangtang.  Of course, the two kings of the Shang Dynasty after Zilu were also buried here.

    Although he is the king of a country, Zilu's tomb is not much different from that of ordinary people. In front of the cemetery, there is only a low palace used for sacrifices, and there is only an old man guarding the tomb.

    I was used to the life of the emperor who had been used to Jin Yi and Yu, and suddenly ran to the emperor who came to the mouth. Suddenly, he ran to this cemetery to live a primitive society life.

    Fortunately, this old gatekeeper is a good psychological counseling expert.

    Hearing that Taijia was exiled because he violated the ancestral system, the old man guarding the tomb lovingly and patiently told Taijia about the glorious revolutionary deeds of Taijia's grandfather, the first generation Shang prince Lu, every day.

    After three years of remembering the bitterness and sweetness, feeling the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, and bathing in the sacred light of his ancestor Zilu, Taijia, a rebellious young man, finally repented, changed his past, and followed his grandfather Zilu as an example every day.  , the students performed good deeds, helped the widow carry water and chop wood, helped the old lady cross the road, etc.

    In short, in one sentence, Taijia, the lost lamb, finally returned to the right path.

    On the other side, Yi Yin, the old magician, was very happy to see that Taijia had finally begun to act like an obedient boy. He led a group of civil and military ministers to personally come to Tonggong, welcomed Taijia back to the capital Xishao, and solemnly paid tribute to him.  When the incident occurred, the government was returned to Taijia.

    Since then, Taijia has followed the ancestral system, worked diligently and loved the people, and the Shang Dynasty has been in chaos.

    Yi Yin drove Taijia to Tonggong, and then welcomed Taijia back. Since then, Yiyin has gained a reputation as a virtuous prime minister with "great benevolence" and "great justice".

    However, using ministers to chase the king and using divine power to oppress the monarchy also laid a huge hidden danger for the collapse of the Shang Dynasty.

    Relying on Yi Yin's virtuous reputation, the power of the Monarchy was able to expand rapidly.  However, not all subsequent leaders were as "benevolent and righteous" as Yi Yin, but they always tried to reproduce the glory of Yi Yin's era, when the power of the Monarchy was higher than the power of the king.  Therefore, for a long period of time afterwards, the struggle between monarchy and divine power became a major social contradiction in the Shang Dynasty.

    Taijia died of illness in the twenty-third year of his reign.

    Later, Taijia's son Woding succeeded to the throne.

    During the reign of Woding, Yi Yin, the leader of the Unitarian Cult, the most outstanding magician of his generation, the founder of the Shang Dynasty, and the Prime Minister of the Five Dynasties, finally got his hair cut off.

    After Yi Yin, the second right minister of the Shang Dynasty was named Jiu Dan.  This Jiu Dan was also a veteran of the Shang Dynasty. Adhering to Yi Yin's policies, Jiu Dan also assisted Woding in managing the Shang Dynasty in a sound and impressive manner.

    Woding reigned for twenty-nine years. After his death, it is said that he "passed the throne" to his younger brother Tai Geng.

    Tai Geng passed away in the twenty-fifth year of his reign, and was later passed down to his son Xiaojia.

    Xiaojia reigned for seventeen years and died, and his younger brother Yongji was established as Emperor Yongji.

    Yongji reigned for twelve years, and after his death, he was succeeded by his younger brother, Taiwu.

    I would like to add a few words here. It can be seen from the above inheritance that the succession of the Shang Dynasty was based on the death of the elder brother and the younger brother, and the younger brother followed the son.

    The advantage of this method of inheritance is that, under normal circumstances, there will be no little emperors wearing crotchless pants and biting milk bottles. Therefore, generally speaking, there will be no courtiers who occupy real power for a long time, or even reach the point where they can bully the imperial power at will.  Condition.

    But the harm is also very obvious, that is, since brothers have the right to inherit the throne, the matter of the brothers looking at the wall becomes justified and righteous.

    From Zilu (Shang Tang) to Yongji, eight emperors successively, for more than a hundred years, adhered to Yiyin's strategy of treating the people leniently and governing the country with virtue. The social and economic development of the Shang Dynasty was greatly improved.  Has made great progress.

    ?????????????? However, things must turn to their extremes, and good and bad fortunes depend on each other. The comfortable life also made the ruling class of the Shang Dynasty gradually lose their ambition and become complacent.

    By the time the ninth emperor Taiwu succeeded to the throne, the decline of the Shang Dynasty had already begun to show signs of decline.

    Taiwu was still an adolescent when he succeeded his elder brother Yong Ji as emperor.

    At the beginning of his reign, Taiwu appointed Yi Zhi, the son of Yi Yin, as his prime minister.

    Although a wise prime minister was appointed, Taiwu only cared about enjoying himself and did not engage in political affairs. After seven years in power, the government became more and more neglected.

    At this time, the "The phenomenon of "the valley coexists with the dynasty".

    Fear comes from the unknown!

    These two kinds of trees coexist and seem to look crazy. This is the first time Taiwu, who is fashionable and youthful in nature, has encountered them.  Therefore, thinking about this, Taiwu often felt uneasy, so he asked Prime Minister Yi Zhi about this matter.

    Adhering to his father Yi Yin's magic stick style, Yi Zhi started to use his eloquent words to fool around, saying that this was the work of monsters. I heard that monsters are afraid of people with high moral standards, and the reason why Xichao City is so beautiful.  The appearance of monsters probably means that your Majesty did something immoral when you were governing the government, right?

    ????????? This Taiwu has lived in fine clothes since he was a child and never left home. Naturally, he doesn¡¯t know that there are so many twists and turns in this world, so he was fooled by Yi Zhi all of a sudden.

    "Are there monsters?" The adolescent Taiwu was frightened when he heard this, "No, we can't do immoral things anymore! If we are eaten by monsters, it's no joke!"

    Since then, Taiwu worked hard and worked hard to manage the Shang Dynasty, which was beginning to decline, and once again managed it vigorously and prosperously.

    As the leader of ZTE, Taiwu reigned for seventy-five years, making him the longest-reigning emperor in the history of the Shang Dynasty.

    During this period, the world was in great peace, and princes from all over the world joined in succession.

    After Taiwu died, his son Zhongding succeeded to the throne.

    During Zhongding¡¯s reign, the Lanyi tribe of Dongyi rebelled. Although Zhongding quelled the rebellion of the Lanyi tribe, the strength of the Shang Dynasty was also greatly damaged.

    After Zhong Ding¡¯s death, several of his younger brothers fought for the throne. Zhong Ding¡¯s younger brother Wai Ren finally won the throne after overthrowing several brothers.

    At this point, the Shang Dynasty entered the turbulent era of "the one with the big fist becomes the emperor". This situation lasted for more than a hundred years and experienced nine generations of emperors, known in history as the "Nine Generations Rebellion".

    During this period, those who came out to compete for the throne were not limited to younger brothers and sons. Cousins ??and nephews, anyone who could be related to him, would come out to give him a try.  Moreover, success in seizing the direct descendants often happens.

    Due to constant turmoil, the Shang Dynasty moved its capital many times during these nine generations and more than a hundred years.  First, Zhong Ding moved his capital from "Hao" (Yanshi, Henan) to "Xiao", then He Danjia moved his capital to "Xiang", and then Zu Yi moved his capital to "Geng" (Hejin, Shanxi) and again to "Xing"  (today's Xingtai, Hebei), Nan Geng moved to "Yan" (Qufu, Shandong).

    It was not until the 19th emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Pan Geng, another leader of the Zhongxing Dynasty, succeeded to the throne that the capital was moved to Beimeng (now two kilometers north of Anyang, Henan Province), known as "Yin" and historically known as "Yin Shang".

    Speaking of Pan Geng, many people may not know what this guy does, but there is a word that everyone must be familiar with, and that is "a spark that starts a prairie fire".

    It is said that after nine generations of chaos, the Shang Dynasty has been in decline.  Politically, corruption was rampant; within the royal family, intrigues and mutual stabbings became commonplace; the nobles lived extravagantly, their slaves were miserable, class conflicts were extremely acute, and natural disasters continued.

    Therefore, in order to save the dilapidated Shang Dynasty, Pan Geng made up his mind to move the capital westward to Northern Mongolia, which has fertile soil and rich products. This is known as "Pangeng moved to Yin" in history.

    To this end, Pan Geng delivered an important political speech. This speech was finally condensed into four words, that is, a spark that starts a prairie fire.

    After moving to Northern Mongolia, Pan Geng worked hard to govern and implement the Tang Dynasty. Within more than ten years, the Yin region experienced a grand event of "the people moved from Ning to Ning" and "the princes came to court", realizing the great rejuvenation of the Shang Dynasty.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????when mid-day will be bad, and when the moon is prosperous, then there will be loss.

    Pan Geng reigned for twenty-eight years. After his death, his younger brother Xiao Xin succeeded to the throne, and Yin Dao declined again.

    After that, the Yin and Shang Dynasty passed it on for ten generations, until the thirtieth emperor of the Shang Dynasty, Emperor Xin.
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