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Text Chapter 341 Luoyang Storm (4)

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    The blue flames did not carry a trace of temperature. They just exploded a few golden sparks out of thin air from time to time. They looked extremely gorgeous. However, under the blue flames, He's Bi was slowly changing, almost to the naked eye.  It is slightly invisible, but it can be clearly perceived that in the blue flame, the length of He's Bi is constantly growing, and the power within it is also constantly changing its properties.  This flame is Zhang Jun using his own dream energy as a tempering fire, constantly calcining, using the fragments of the godhead as a relay to absorb the power of faith between heaven and earth, and as a fuel ax and hammer, forging and tempering it into what he wants, and  It is not the seal that represents power today.

    What He's Bi represents is nothing more than the royal power and imperial aura in the world. Now, what Zhang Jun inspires is not just these, but in addition to this royal power and imperial aura, there are also increasingly powerful ones that continue to gather around Zhang Jun.  The martial arts thoughts outside the world have filled this Heshibi with an invincible martial arts belief that embraces heaven and earth, embraces Sichuan and mountains, brings together all creatures in the world, and integrates infinite wisdom and feelings of creatures, a kind of belief that all things can be conquered.  For martial arts, the broad mind of martial arts that embraces all things spreads out, and in it, people feel a grand and broad mind, which makes people inevitably sink into it.

    But these are still a little short of it. Zhang Jun is now very familiar with those faith thoughts, such as martial arts thoughts, Buddhist faith thoughts, and the original power of fear of dream demons. Among these powers, if  To create the perfect Heshi Bi, more importantly, it is necessary to rationally utilize the power of these thoughts.  Let it constantly neutralize and balance.  The result is a real weapon.

    Zhang Jun felt a little annoyed at this time. If he had not thrown away the evil emperor's relic in a moment of intention, he would not be unable to control the belief in the Buddha's nature now. If the belief in Buddhism cannot be controlled, it will not be able to integrate into it.  After all, merging into the Heshibi rashly can only produce a Buddhist magic weapon with compassion and enlightenment and non-killing. How can Zhang Jun achieve his true goal?

    As for Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.  It seems that she doesn't need her own help. First of all, the Queen of Yin doesn't want to kill them, she just wants to turn the two of them into great tonic elixirs, so.  Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are not in danger for the time being. As for after this period of time, I am afraid that Queen Yin will not pay attention to them. The secret of Yang Gong's treasure house and He's Bi will even appear in the martial arts conference.  Shi Zhixuan is the obsession that Queen Zhu Yuyan cannot give up. Therefore, all the two of them need is to survive these few days. They may even be able to kill one or two people with guerrilla methods.

    so.  This is Zhang Jun's time to give them free play. The young eagle sheltered under the wings of the mother eagle will never learn to fly on its own. Of course, if it dies accidentally, Zhang Jun can only sigh. After all,  I can't afford to be distracted again now, especially at this critical moment.

    With a sigh, Zhang Jun turned around, and his figure floated out of the door, as fast and invisible as a ghost.  However, he is as agile and elegant as an immortal walking on the wind. His speed almost exceeds the speed of sound, but strangely, he does not move the air to make a sound, or in other words, at this moment.  Zhang Jun still blended into the space and into the air.  Integrated into the flow and change of the vitality of heaven and earth, man and wind have become one. Even if we are at the speed of sound and vibrate to the maximum speed of sound propagation, there will be no change in air flow or sound. This is also the true harmony between heaven and man.  A realm, integrating into the space of heaven and earth, and controlling the changes of heaven and earth in a space. Although it is not as able to reverse or enhance the rules of heaven and earth as the realm, it can also temporarily use the existing rules for one's own use.

    On the Tianjin Bridge, among the people coming and going, a few scholars were excited to see the increasing number of chivalrous martial arts masters due to the martial arts competition in recent days. At this time, the literati did not look down on martial artists as they did in the Song Dynasty. After all, in the Song Dynasty,  In this chaotic era, knowing how to use both hands shows that one is both civilized and martial, and knows how to protect oneself, just like Li Bai, the great poet, who used to sing poems with a sword and fight on the frontier for a while.

    But after they sighed at the prosperity of Luoyang, they turned around and left, but they never noticed that behind them, a figure had already stood on the Tianjin Bridge, as elegant as a fairy, but strangely silent.  No one has seen this person with their own eyes, so they probably doubt whether it is a stone.

    However, such a big living person appeared here, standing on the edge of the Tianjin Bridge. With so many people, someone would always find out. As the shouts increased, most of the people noticed Zhang Jun for a while, and they didn't know why.  Everyone thought Zhang Jun was going to commit suicide by jumping into the river, and they tried to persuade him one after another.

    But what Zhang Jun did was to look directly into the river. The river at Tianjin Bridge was extremely calm, and there were many boats floating in it, including large and small, even three-story building boats.  .  But Zhang Jun turned a deaf ear to the noise around him, and poured his spiritual power into his eyes, turning them into invisible and thoughtless things.Waves of waves shot out. Although the people around them could not see the fluctuations of their spiritual thoughts, they could feel a strange change. Zhang Jun's figure became several steps higher in the eyes of these people, exuding a kind of  The faint coercion, like the illusion of facing a peerless beast, a tiger or a cheetah, made them calm down.

    Although this pressure has no impact on ordinary people, and it doesn't even have much impact other than making people look stunned, but for some people with extremely obvious perceptions, it is very eye-catching.  This means that those who don't know are not afraid. It is precisely because ordinary people's spiritual perception is too weak that they cannot sense the momentum and pressure of some masters, and only some masters who are skilled in this area will suffer from this kind of mental oppression.

    On the side of Tianjin Bridge, Li Shimin had been restless since he walked out of his residence in Luoyang. Xu Ziling, who was furious and could not calm down, uncharacteristically lost his usual calm and indifferent attitude, and walked unconsciously until he was approaching Tianjin Bridge.  Only then did I feel the invisible but familiar spiritual coercion in front of me. The domineering and arrogant feeling in it was just like the solitary plum blossoms proud of the snow on the cold peak, just savoring the feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold at that high place.  Looking at the world under the mountain with detachment.  But he is not satisfied, and strives to grow. He keeps growing with the ambition to compete with others, hoping to see higher peaks.

    "Thiscould it be the master!" Xu Ziling was immediately startled, then overjoyed, and flew towards the Tianjin Bridge. At the same time, several other masters felt this unscrupulous but arrogant solipsism.  Mentally, I also headed towards Tianjin Bridge with a trace of curiosity.

    "Master Zhang. I didn't expect that Master Zhang would be interested in coming here to enjoy the moonlight tonight!" A faint voice came from beside Zhang Jun, as sweet as a piano, but with a touch of peace and emptiness, making people feel a sense of peace of mind.

    "Feixuan is doing well these days. I heard that Fairy Jingzhai has been in Luoyang the past few days, asking the heroes of the world to choose the master of the world! I wonder if she has ever found a God who satisfies Feixuan?" Zhang Jun then said with a smile.  , Shi Fei Xuan is also very famous in Luoyang these days. Although there is no Heshi Bi, the power of the righteous martial arts circles such as Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan behind him is not small. In addition, Zhang Jun and  Jingzhai made good friends, so after Shi Fei Xuan lost He's Bi this time, the value of choosing the Lord of the World has only increased.

    "Young Master is joking. Concubine Xuan is just doing her little bit for the world. Young Master holds a martial arts conference for the sake of world martial arts. This is a good thing, but now with the emergence of martial arts masters one after another, various disputes are emerging one after another. I hope Young Master can  Come forward and stop him, after all, I am a merciful Buddha, and killing too much is not a good thing after all!" Shi Feixuan then took the opportunity to suggest to Zhang Jun.

    Zhang Jun smiled, then waved his hand and said: "Everyone in the world has all the hatred entangled in the world of mortals. Even Buddhism has a saying that Buddha is destined to be saved. This hatred and killing entangled with cause and effect. Even if I suppress it forcefully, it will be harmful and useless.  In the end, it will only explode more violently, so I have ordered that these people with grudges and grudges can propose a duel in public at the martial arts conference, who will live and who will die. End it immediately, so that everyone in the world can find a solution.  An upright place and opportunity to seek revenge and resolve grudges. This is much better than having random vendettas between you and me in the arena, causing more bloodshed and causing more blood hatred to innocent family members."

    "Hey! Even so, why are people all over the world obsessed with hatred and killing?" Shi Feixuan said with a hint of melancholy.

    "Haha, Concubine Xuan, there is no need to be so depressed. Between heaven and earth, there is good and evil, love and hatred. If everyone in heaven and earth is a Buddha and has no evil thoughts, then where will the gods and Buddhas appear? And if there are people in heaven and earth,  If everyone does good and no one does evil, then wouldn¡¯t there be a lot less fun in the world? I¡¯m afraid this is why in so many legends, fairies and gods always like to secretly descend to the earth and have private meetings with mortals, right??¡± Zhang Jun joked at the last sentence,  But it was Shi Fei Xuan who also smiled, with a holy arc at the corner of her mouth, which made people even more enchanted after seeing it.

    "The way of heaven is mysterious and unpredictable, but it also contains all things. When the world is peaceful, Feixuan will definitely spend the rest of her life chasing the end of the road to see what the highest point of the way of heaven looks like." Master Feixuan said under the moonlight,  Said slowly with a smile, these words really moved Zhang Jun's heart.

    The moonlight dimly shines down, shining on Master Xuan's jade-like face, revealing a faint fluorescent light. The gentle smile at the corner of her mouth is like Chang'e under the moon, possessing a beauty that is not as thrilling as the human world.  Even Zhang Jun's Taoist heart, which he cultivated through the world of mortals, was shaken by it. Who said that gods are not moved, and who said that gods and Buddhas have no feelings? It's just that the love between gods and Buddhas has gone beyond the emotions that ordinary people can imagine.  Love is nothing more than family, friendship and love, but these feelings still have limits after all. It is impossible for anyone to have the most sincere love, friendship and family for everyone in the world, but gods and Buddhas doYes, that¡¯s why there is a saying that great love is ruthless and the way of heaven is ruthless.

    Although Zhang Jun is now practicing Buddhism and Taoism, which has the heart and wisdom to break through the mortal world, this does not mean that Zhang Jun will not be moved. It is just that he is freed from low-level desires, as if someone is pursuing him in reality.  Bai Fumei saw each other because of their beauty and money, and the first thought was of sex, then the other person's money, and then the thought of "I want to pursue her, I love her" came to mind, but Zhang Jun now  But he gave up his influence on Shi Fei Xuan's appearance. Even if Shi Fei Xuan was ten times more beautiful, it would not make any difference to Zhang Jun. But what really made Zhang Jundao's heart tremble was because of Shi Fei Xuan's words.  He wanted to see the peak of heaven. This idea undoubtedly coincided with Zhang Jun's pursuit, which made Zhang Jun have the idea of ????taking him out of this world and find the avenue together.  !  ~!

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