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Eight Parts of Heavenly Dragon Chapter 183 Government Pursuit Wuxiang Finger Sword (First update! Please subscribe!)

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    "What? Something went wrong? Those four people were not solved?" Huang Qiyun exclaimed in surprise when he heard the report from his subordinates at the army headquarters center a few kilometers away from Fantasy Land, as if he had heard something incredible.  Huang Qiyun was so surprised, but it was not without reason. He had already ordered his subordinates. In order to ensure that nothing went wrong, he was prepared to use a pilot and a plane as the price, just to make everyone in Mihuo clear away his suspicions, but  Unexpectedly, now I was told that there was a problem and someone survived.

    "Yes, we were not very sure before, but after we analyzed the satellite positioning signal sent by the plane and the last positioning signal sent by the pilot, we found that they were not at the same location. Four hours ago, the driver's body  The signal suddenly disappeared, but at the same time, the signal of the aircraft did not disappear, but continued to exist until three hours later, when it stopped hundreds of kilometers away. It is speculated that someone may have repaired the aircraft after the pilot parachuted.  The plane landed safely!" said the secretary behind Huang Qiyun.

    ¡­¡­snort!  Send people to the scene, bring the helicopter back, and then find out who repaired the plane, how many people survived, find them, and then whether it is threats or intimidation, anyway, I need to do it before those martial artists come back from the fantasy realm.  Tell those who survived to shut up and not let a word out.  Huang Qiyun said coldly. Huang Qiyun was not too worried.

    Anyway, no matter whether these people can be found or not, they will not have any impact on his reputation and plan. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with his plan. At most, the silence operation will be pushed to an accident or electromagnetic field in the fantasy field.  Accidents caused by storms. Anyway, electromagnetic storms that appear in this fantasy realm are not just once or twice. As a result, they have to bring in special equipment to solve the communication and research difficulties. In this case, it will affect the electronic facilities of the aircraft.  It's normal, and no one can catch him.

    However, Huang Qiyun knew that he could not cover the sky with one hand, so he did not do such stupid things as directly chasing and killing them. Instead, he tried his best to contain those who escaped with their families, relatives, and friends, and then waited until those people came out of their imaginations.  Once you come out of the ground, you will naturally have the corresponding high-level strength to deal with other people.

    "Let Wang Zongchao set off as soon as possible. The person who escaped from another world will not escape too far. After all, that person does not understand this world at all. Now let Wang Zongchao arrest him as soon as possible. The easier it will be to find him. If he passes  It takes too long, which makes it more troublesome." After Huang Qiyun gave his instructions, he looked at the fantasy land surrounded by thick fog in the outside world, with a smile on his lips.  This is an era of change. If anyone can seize the opportunities created in this era, the benefits will be astonishing. And if you can get enough benefits from it, I am afraid that your capital will be stronger, and you will be able to  Climbing higher, staff officer, this is not my end at all. The State Council in the capital is my next goal.

    Huang Qiyun thought and smiled. It was really the right time for the old man surnamed Yang. He disappeared at this critical moment, which gave him great power. As long as he succeeds this time, his career will be smooth sailing!

    But at this moment, Huang Qiyun, who was making a lot of calculations in his mind, did not expect that the two people he was plotting to hunt were facing each other like a needle.

    "Ba Jian!" A domineering voice, accompanied by a domineering sword energy three fingers wide, shot out into the sky. For a moment, it was like a bright little sun appearing in the dim carriage.

    "Fuck!" Zhang Jun only had time to curse, before he was overwhelmed by the majestic sword energy pouring down like the Milky Way in the Nine Heavens. The whole place where he was was completely covered by the sword energy.  The steel under the feet was cut and twisted by the overflowing sword energy, as if it were made of mud, and turned into countless intertwined fragments. The ferocious and uneven gaps that were torn by the sword energy could be seen everywhere.

    The dazzling sword energy disappeared in a flash, but its power was unforgettable. It was as powerful and domineering as a river flowing, a snow mountain collapsing, or a volcano erupting. It was as spectacular and beautiful as the Milky Way pouring from the sky, and it was deadly.  All murderous intentions are hidden in a sword energy, so that anyone who dares to stand in front of this sword energy has no way to dodge or escape. They can only take it hard, and then be destroyed by this sword energy like the setting sun on a long river.

    When the sword energy disappeared, Zhang Jun stood on the spot. A fist-sized hole was broken in the center of a round heavy metal shield in front of him, and countless cracks were densely covered around it and extended to the entire shield. The outermost ring on the shield was a  A three-inch-wide red ring surrounds the edge of the shield, followed by a white ring, and in the center is a white star logo. Now the star logo in the center of the shield is completely penetrated by a single glance.  The hole is covered.

    Captain America¡¯s shield is where Zhang Jun experimented with projection magic for the first time, using alchemy to transform the surrounding steel?Make it into a material structure, and then use projection magic to project Captain America's indestructible shield. Of course, Zhang Jun's current level of projection magic is far from enough, so the projected shield only withstands 30% of the power of the sword energy before being blasted out.  A big hole, but the remaining 70% of the power was withstood by his own golden bell.

    "Hey! Damn you, you are right, you are strong enough, but where did you take out the shield? I don't seem to see where you are hiding it!" Guan Qi saw Zhang Jun easily take out one  The shield was also taken aback, such a big shield was not easy to hold in hand.

    "However, Zhang Jun is also angry at this time, I'm so jealous!"  I didn't offend you, so why don't you just kill me? If the person hit by that sword energy is not you, then you will definitely die with one shot. Although the opponent is powerful, Zhang Jun is not the kind of person who sees the opponent as stronger than himself.  Zhang Jun is a weakling who becomes stronger when faced with a strong situation. Zhang Jun never flinches.

    "Want to take a look? Then fuck you and see clearly!" Zhang Jun roared, clasped his hands together, and a blue alchemy formation suddenly appeared in mid-air. In a thousandth of an instant, the shattered image in front of him  The metal of the shield suddenly twisted, and the surrounding broken metal also floated up, blending into it, melting and twisting like a piece of plasticine into a pair of swords.

    The streams of light on the snow-white blade are constantly flowing on the blade. On the faint arc, the cold edge of the snow-blade blade makes people feel a biting coldness, but the sword on the other side is  The body is as black as a huge black hole. Even light cannot escape the suction of this dark sword edge. It absorbs all the light and temperature in the world. There is also an extending curved blade on the sword's jaw.  Any Fengyunmi who sees the sword in front of him will definitely blurt out, "Xueyin Kuangdao, a peerless sword." That's right!  As the weapons that Zhang Jun has seen with his own eyes, only the Xueyin Kuangdao and the peerless sword best meet his requirements. Although the Xueyin Kuangdao and the peerless sword are of the cold type in the sword skills of the Kuangdao Lengjian, they are not the same as those of Zhang Jun.  The scorching power in the sword energy is different, but the craziness emphasized in Zhang Jun's sword technique is consistent with this sword.

    Alchemy creates the material basis, and projection magic can project the mystery required to form a sword. On top of the real projection, the projected items are actually very different. If ordinary high-tech alloys cannot reach D level  If the sword is a black iron-level mysterious sword, then the projection gives the weapon corresponding characteristics, such as sharpness, armor-breaking, blood-sucking and other special abilities, which is the projection ability of the D-level black iron level, which is to strengthen the magic ability.  The level reached: And when you can really give the projection weapon the corresponding rune rules, and then can better transfer and convert energy, then it is a c-level bronze-level projection weapon: while the b-level silver-level weapon is different from the c-level one.  The biggest difference between weapons is that they have a trace of the forger's thoughts, and their thoughts require a resonance between the user and the weapon. The stronger the resonance between the two, the more conducive it is to the unity of man and weapon: As for the A-level legendary weapons,  Then all of them have their own complete spirituality, and the spirituality of their weapons can even be completely autonomous to a certain extent, reaching the ability to exert powerful power independently, or this kind of weapon can already absorb the surroundings like ordinary gods of faith.  People's beliefs are consistent with the ideas they represent and increase their own power.

    Of course, Zhang Jun is far from being able to project A and B-level weapons like an umbrella, and even C-level weapons are barely there, but now that Zhang Jun has seen the Xueyin Kuangdao and the peerless sword, he can actually project 60 to 70%.  With the help of the material foundation formed by alchemy, Zhang Jun's projection is easier. As long as the original material foundation is corrected, the two weapons can reach the C-level level.

    And Zhang Jun held the sword with both hands, and a sense of arrogance overflowed unbridled, like a tornado that reached the sky and the earth and swept towards the man named Guan Qi in front of him.

    "Boy, it's really interesting that you also use a finger sword. If it were normal, I would have to communicate with you. However, I am the only one in this world who knows Qicao. I didn't expect that one day someone would use this sentence to scold me.  Lou. Boy, you really made me feel very unhappy!" As soon as he finished speaking, Guan Qi on the opposite side stretched out his hands again, and a sense of madness emerged from his expression.

    "Twin swords strike together!" Zhang Jun could see clearly this time that two three-inch-wide majestic sword energy shot out from his thumb. After striking out, they immediately gathered together to form a thick line.  The river of sword energy rushed toward him.

    "I really think I'm easy to bully, young master!" Zhang Jun was also furious. If anyone didn't know why and was beaten by a lunatic on sight, I'm afraid he wouldn't feel well. "Sword QiHeng Jian Leng pointed at Qian Fu!  Fa Gu came to fight several people!" The swords and swords were used together, and the blue zhenqi at the peak of the blue-level pagoda of Yi Jin Jing all over Zhang Jun came out majestically, but the sword Qi was suddenly absorbed by the peerless sword in his hand, and the original sword was  The air was compressed, and the sword energy that was originally two to three inches wide was compressed to less than half an inch. The sword energy in it had condensed into a material form visible to the naked eye.

    ?The characteristic of the peerless sword in the hands of Bu Jingyun is that it can condense the true energy and turn it into a gang. However, Yun Shi's sword technique, which was used by Bu Jingyun at the beginning, relied on this characteristic of the peerless sword to turn the energy into silk, like clouds.  Like mist, the clouds are like cotton, and the sword is hidden in the cotton.  Now with Zhang Jun's Yi Jin Jing blue level pagoda skill,

    Coupled with the tyrannical sword energy, its power is earth-shattering, with ghosts crying and gods howling. As soon as the sword energy comes out, the air seems to be twisted and evacuated. The sword energy rushes out like a ray of light, just like the domineering sword energy in the opponent's hand.  The needles and awns face each other.

    As the name suggests, the Overlord Sword is majestic and unrivaled. Under the double sword, everything will collapse.  And Zhang Jun's sword energy is not bad, even better with the addition of the projected peerless sword edge. The sword energy has turned into a substantial sword light, piercing the air, impacting each other, and countless  The sword energy overflowed, like steel needles and bullets, directly piercing the top of the car above the two people with countless small holes. The two people had a tacit understanding not to destroy the car they were riding in, and vented most of the sword energy to the top of their heads.  above.

    While the sword qi was facing each other, the Xueyin Kuangdao in Zhang Jun's left hand flew towards Guan Qi with countless knife shadow qi angs. Before the blade could reach it, a wave of iron-armed and iron-blooded killing aura overwhelmed Guan Qi.  This is a kind of crazy iron-blooded sword intent. It is different from Guan Qi's madness. Guan Qi's madness is madness, while Zhang Jun's madness is full of a kind of tragic and heroic killing.  It feels as if the heaven and earth are extinguished and all things are withering away. It is filled with a kind of persistence that would rather die than surrender. It is sad and decisive, as if it wants to sweep the heaven and earth and kill the world of mortals.

    Under the sword energy, an icy and piercing murderous intention burst out. Because of the characteristics of the Snow Drinking Crazy Saber, Zhang Jun did not simulate the hot Qilin Blood Heart Qi this time.  It was the true energy that formed the ice silkworm. After entering the real world, I felt that the ice silkworm did not follow me to the real world. Instead, it acted like true energy, in a weird state between virtuality and reality.  its function.

    The icy cold air is allowing the Snow Drinking Sword to reach its peak, and the arrogant sword aura makes the Snow Drinking Sword scream sharply. Although the Snow Drinking Sword has not reached the level of B with its own spirituality.

    The level of silver level is no better than the original, full of spirituality, but there is also a trace of spirituality that seems to transcend time and space, echoing Zhang Jun's thoughts.

    "Interesting! Innate Wuxiang points the sword straight!" When Guan Qi saw this, he stretched out his hands and suddenly took action. The index finger, middle finger and two fingers of both hands stood side by side. A sword energy three fingers wide and one foot long was condensed on his fingers.  It forms like a sword Qi dagger, piercing right into the gap between the sword Qi, inserting threads into the gap of the sword Qi with extremely exquisite sword skills, and cutting through the sword Qi like a cook cutting a cow.  !  .
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