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Volume 4: Immortal City Chapter 745: The Weakness of the Demon

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    Chapter 745 The Weakness of the Demon

    ¡ª¡ªThe so-called teacher¡¯s true vocation should not be to preach, teach, and solve doubts, but to build dreams.

    There is no doubt that the effect of the Drunken Demonic Sea Lobster is effective. Even if he doesn't want to believe it, Hongzhe has to admit that his uncle Yuan Shuang is telling the truth.

    Things are weird and irritating, but there is no problem. From the beginning, Hongzhe has to live in chaos in the world of lies created by his uncle.

    Everything is a lie, everything is a scam, everything is just a trap set by Satan Yuan Shuang to take revenge on Hongzhe's parents.

    What he has to do is to make Hongzhe indulge in the war and forget his dream of becoming a star chef, that's all.

    However, such a simple thing caused Hongzhe to fall into endless pain and he could not escape for a long time.

    Just because, all of this is aimed at him.

    Just because, he really has no choice, because he can't escape from this lie after all.

    This is the revenge of Satan Yuan Shuang, representing the countless tribesmen of Satan Crow Star. Their unwillingness and their deaths, all of this condensed into one point, and Hongzhe had to bear it.

    However, although Hongzhe understood the whole story and knew that he could not complain, he still did not acknowledge Satan Yuanshuang's words.

    Because he doesn¡¯t believe it¡­

    "You lied." Hongzhe closed his eyes, shook his head, and finally said, "I believe everything you said. I believe that the disaster on Satan's planet was caused by me. I believe that my parents are the sinners you said.  , I also believe that you are burdened with endless pain.

    I know that the grievances of the Satan clan are so heavy that no one can bear them. It must be very hard for you to bear them.

    "However, I don't believe that you have only had revenge on me over the years.

    I don¡¯t even believe that the leader of the Demon Sea of ??Tears mercenary group, the lone wolf Satan Yuan Shuang, would have his heart completely contaminated by hatred.

    I can deny myself and the beliefs I once firmly believed, but even so, I will never believe that you only have revengeful feelings towards me.

    You must be hiding something"

    "Liar? You said I lied?" Yuan Shuang looked at Hongzhe in disbelief, and he laughed, "How is that possible? How could you think so?"

    Ha, Hongzhe, you clearly know this is impossible.

    You must know the characteristics of this Drunken Demonic Sea Lobster much better than I do. I am definitely not able to compete with its overbearing power.

    You must know that as long as I eat this dish, it is impossible for me to lie, and everything I say must be true.

    But you still think I¡¯m lying. Don¡¯t you think you¡¯re deceiving yourself?

    Give up, whether you believe it or not, this is the fact.

    I don¡¯t have any special feelings for you. I only took you in to avenge you and your parents, so that you three, the chief culprits who destroyed the Satan Crow Star and the Satan clan, can taste the pain.

    That¡¯s all.

    Do you know why I have clearly made up my mind to prevent you from becoming a chef, and I have decided that you will not be able to cook for the rest of your life, and even forget your dreams, and just move forward inexplicably in a chaotic life

    Recently, have you been given the opportunity to occasionally indulge in cooking secretly?

    Do you know why I accidentally hunted such a big devil sea lobster?

    Do you know why I have never eaten a dish you cooked for so many years, but today I don¡¯t have any hesitation?

    Hahaha, you don¡¯t really think that all this is just my negligence or a coincidence.

    "You really don't think that I will let you take advantage of it accidentally, or even allow you to secretly cook"

    I think, no matter how stupid you are, when I say this, you will be able to realize that all this is a game set by me.

    Step after step, just to let you step in, leaving you no room to resist.

    Okay, I¡¯ve come this far, are you still so naive? Are you still thinking so well of me?

    give up.

    If this is the case, I can only say that even without me, you would not be able to truly embark on the journey of becoming a star chef

    Although I am not a star chef, I also know how difficult and dangerous that road is, not to mention how many terrifying obstacles there are on this road, and there are countless conspiracies. A naive chef, no matter how good his skills are, will definitely not survive.  ¡­¡±

    Yuan Shuang is right. Of course Hongzhe knows how difficult it is to be a star chef, and he knows even more about this terrifying journey.The road is definitely not one that can be passed by the naive.

    As a Dilithese person, he has seen too many unfortunate people who clearly possess superb cooking skills but hate this ghost road. Therefore, he knows that Satan Yuan Shuang taught him a lesson.  It is undoubtedly very reasonable.  ,

    This is a world full of dangers, and the road to Dilithus is even more dangerous. If you are not prepared, you will not be able to survive, no matter how powerful you are.

    Because the enemies that appear on this road are much stronger than expected.

    However, Hongzhe agreed with Yuan Shuang's judgment, but did not deny his own judgment because he had his own intuition.

    He must express his doubts.

    "What is your real purpose?" Hearing this, Hongzhe couldn't help but feel shocked. He stared into Yuan Shuang's eyes in disbelief, his eyes full of confusion and confusion. "Is all this a trap set by you? You  Been waiting for this day?

    Why are you working so hard? You could be more direct."

    Hongzhe roared. He did not realize that all this was a trap, but this did not prevent him from being angry about it.

    Hongzhe knew very well that although Yuan Shuang told a lot of truth, he also concealed his true feelings.

    The Drunken Demon Sea Lobster has a very strong ability, which can force people to tell the truth, but it does not prevent people from concealing some facts.  This concealment may seem unimportant, but in fact, it can make a huge difference.

    These differences may seem trivial, but they actually reveal a lot.

    For example, Satan Yuan Shuang¡¯s true attitude.

    "The Drunken Demon Sea Lobster makes people tell the truth, but also makes it impossible to hide many things. Even if they don't say it with their mouths, it can be seen from their expressions.

    It was after Hongzhe saw this that he concluded that Satan Yuan Shuang was not sincere.

    However, based on this evidence alone, of course his Uncle Yuan Shuang would not admit it.

    After waving his fist fiercely, Satan Yuanshuang walked only one meter away from Hongzhe and stared at him fiercely.  "Yes, my purpose is that simple. I am just waiting for such a day, so that you cannot refute and have to admit these sad facts.

    I want to tell you with incomparable facts, what kind of despicable bastards your parents are, and what kind of bastard you are. I want you to know how valuable your life is, and how much blood it has been stained with.

    I want you to know how many lives you owe. I want you to give up your so-called dreams and have to pay for the sins of your parents for the deceased members of the Satan family.

    This is my fight

    I want to make you unable to live or die

    This is my, Satan, Yuan Shuang¡¯s revenge, for all the Satan Kroos who died in that disaster and for our lost dreams!!!¡±

    "You" Yuan Shuang's oppressive gaze made Hongzhe tremble all over, but he couldn't refute a word.

    He knew that his uncle was not wrong, and he also knew that all this was reasonable.

    Since his parents have committed such a crime, even if he doesn't want to admit it, he can only bear it for them and repay it for them, because it is a usury of fate and there is no way to give it up.

    As Satan Yuan Shuang said, even if Hongzhe didn't admit it, he had to grieve for this heavy burden. The so-called dream was just a dream after all. He had to give up and had to walk ruggedly on the edge of the cliff of destiny with a sense of guilt.  .

    For the first time in his life, Hongzhe hated a dish. Without this drunken deviled lobster, he would not be in this situation.

    For the first time in his life, he hated his identity as a chef. If he didn't have such a dream, he wouldn't be in such pain.

    Drunken Demonic Sea Lobster

    Why is there such a dish? Why is there such a painful dish in the world?

    Isn¡¯t cooking supposed to make people feel happy?  Isn¡¯t cooking supposed to make people feel happy?

    How can this kind of damn cuisine, which only reveals people¡¯s innermost secrets, possibly make people feel the slightest bit of happiness and happiness?

    What¡¯s the use of this kind of thing no matter how delicious it is?

    It should be banned and disappear from this world forever

    Hongzhe was really angry this time. He felt painful for what he once believed in, and he also felt unworthy of his dream.

    A murderous aura broke out. Hongzhe was no longer a rookie. In the past few years of fighting, he had also been stained with too much blood.

    This murderous intent is not directed at anyone, but at this sad fate and the saddest dish in the world.

      Yes, it is obviously the most delicious dish, but even the chef who made it hates it. Isn¡¯t this sad or something?


    I can¡¯t think like that!!!

    As a trainee chef, how can I doubt a dish?

    This is betrayal, this is betrayal of ideals, I can¡¯t think like that

    Maybe it¡¯s mental hypnosis, but it doesn¡¯t mean that Hongzhe is wrong. But in fact, it doesn¡¯t matter whether he is right or wrong. In short, after Hongzhe kept scolding himself, he gave up doubting this drunken demon sea lobster.

    As a pathfinder who dreams of becoming a star chef, he can doubt everything, but he will never doubt any dish.

    This is his persistence.

    However, Hongzhe¡¯s murderous intent would not be weakened. While he was mentally hypnotizing himself, the murderous intent was also transferred to Satan Yuan Shuang.

    The murderous intention is certainly not without reason.

    At this moment, Hongzhe no longer had the calmness he had always had. He looked at his uncle like a vendetta.

    It's you

    If it weren¡¯t for you, I wouldn¡¯t make this dish at all.

    If it weren¡¯t for you, I wouldn¡¯t doubt my dream.

    It's all you

    it was all your fault

    For a trainee star chef, they are destined to overcome countless hardships. On such a difficult road, knowledge will help them move forward, strength will give them the strength to move forward, and a customer-oriented heart can  Help them pass the test.

    But all these elements are inseparable from dreams.

    Dreams are the ladder that supports trainee star chefs to keep moving forward. Only with solid and stable dreams to build the ladder, can trainee star chefs climb up step by step, thereby acquiring all the elements to become a true star chef.

    So, for a trainee star chef, everything can be done without, because these can all be remedied.

    But if he loses his dream, it will be impossible for him to move forward again.

    This is also true. In the history of the Star Chef Trial, except for those trainee star chefs who unfortunately died, all the trainee star chefs who retired from the competition gave up their dreams due to various reasons and naturally could no longer continue.  go ahead.

    This is the importance of dreams.

    Therefore, for Hongzhe, a young man who has lived in Dilithus since he was a child, his immersive experiences have made him never make such a mistake. He has always thought that the only thing those old guys have ever done for him is for him.  Build dreams.

    Build a wonderful and solid dream to help him regain his footing as a true star chef.

    This is not a random guess. Hongzhe clearly remembers the day of his coming-of-age ceremony. Those old guys tried their best to make a superb Manchu-Han banquet for him, but they didn't let him taste it. Maybe there was something like this  idea.

    They want this table of miracle dishes to become a lofty pavilion, hanging above Hongzhe's head forever, becoming his unattainable dream.

    This memory will make it impossible for him to escape, he will keep chasing it, and when he actually arrives, I believe he will be in Dilithos and become a real star chef.

    Hongzhe has always interpreted what happened that day like this. He understands the intentions of the old guys, and he also understands how much these bastards who are not good at expressing have paid for that day.

    This makes Hongzhe value his dream even more.

    He trusts every dish and looks up to them. He works hard to complete them and climb to the top of his dream of becoming a star chef.

    No one knows that this drunken deviled lobster is a dish that originated from that table of miracle dishes.

    Hongzhe remembered every dish on that table clearly. He saw a dish similar to Drunken Fire Shrimp, but that dish was obviously much more magical and delicious than Drunken Fire Shrimp.

    It is precisely because of this that Hongzhe invented the drunken deviled lobster, which was his first step to challenge the miracle dish.

    But he didn¡¯t expect that just this first step would make him feel panic and doubt.

    Is that miracle dish so difficult to reach?

    Conflicts, chaos, and various mixed emotions made Hongzhe's murderous intention even stronger. The constant rippling murderous intention radiated outward, making this memory space become cold and strange. At this moment, not only his uncle Satan Yuan  The frost has even infected everyone in the Night Butterfly Thieves who are like gods.

    However, Yuan Shuang, who is known as the lone wolf, is especially so simple and good at telling the truth?

    Having walked out of countless mountains of swords and seas of blood, he naturally doesn¡¯t care about Hongzhe¡¯s murderous intent. As the leader of the Devil¡¯s Sea of ??Tears mercenary group, he has experienced countless pains.In the past, the death of his companions and relatives made his heart already as solid as a rock.

    The moment his hometown disappeared, Satan Yuan Shuang¡¯s heart died.

    Murderous aura is indeed a very terrifying existence, but to a person without a heart, it is nothing more than scratching an itch in the distance and does no harm at all.

    Feeling the countless murderous auras surrounding him, Satan Yuanshuang just smiled lightly and pushed Hongzhe's murderous aura away from him. Then, he sneered easily, "Oh?

    Murderous intent?

    Your hair is starting to change color. Your body is about to change.  What element are you going to incarnate into?  Water or fire, light or darkness?

    How childish

    Your control over emotions is not very good. Don¡¯t you know that the only weakness of the Satan family is emotions?

    We, the Satan clan, are the sons of the elements. Each element can influence our emotions. If we cannot control our emotions well, we will not be able to fight calmly, and we may even die due to the backlash of the elements.

    Although I will not admit that you are my student, I should have taught you all these things.

    ¡°Furthermore, I also believe that with the qualifications of our great demons, it is impossible to forget these.

    In other words, you know this clearly, but you still can¡¯t help it, and you still can¡¯t control your emotions.

    Do you really want to kill me?

    Do you really want to shut my mouth?

    Do you really want to erase me from your memory?  ,

    Yes, that's right, this is my purpose. I have endured it for so many years, isn't it just to see your ferocious expression now?

    "However, it's not that simple for you to achieve your goal, because I can't let you go so easily.


    Satan Yuanshuang smiled crazily. He even seemed to let go of what he had just said, forgetting that a mature demon would always have to work hard to control his emotions.

    But he doesn¡¯t care, so what if the elements are disordered, what if he dies?  He had already given up his heart and would give everything for this day.

    He just wants to laugh or yell

    Even if you die because of this, you won¡¯t hesitate

    Yuan Shuang's roar temporarily cooled down Hongzhe. Although his murderous intention was still there, he could temporarily control his emotions and not go berserk.

    However, looking at his uncle¡¯s crazy face, he was a little hesitant. He didn¡¯t understand where his uncle¡¯s confidence came from.

    Could it be that he believes so much that he can defeat himself?

    You must know that in terms of strength, the current Yuan Shuang cannot defeat Hong Zhe at all. Since the whole series of demons are all series, they have their own terrifying features.

    To put it simply, it is the mutual restraint of elements that every demon must learn.

    This is the most basic knowledge for a demon, and it is also something that a demon has to pay attention to throughout his life.

    No matter how strong the enemy is, as long as the elements are used against each other, it is possible to defeat them. No matter how weak the enemy is, if they make a mistake and are caught by someone's weakness in the conflict between the elements, there is a hidden danger of failure.

    The element of change gives the devil a future that will never be stable.

    That¡¯s why there are so many wars in the world of demons.

    However, all demons are different, or in other words, they are special cases.
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