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Volume 4: Xiandu Chapter 515: Synthesizer and Synthesis Theory

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    Chapter 515 Synthesizer and Synthesis Theory-

    Synthesis is uncertain and depreciating

    The story of "Spear and Shield" has appeared in both the star realm and the earth. Chen Xiaoming doesn't know whether this is a coincidence.

    But Chen Xiaoming thinks it is more likely to be a coincidence. After all, no matter what world there is, there will be no equality, so contradictions must also exist.

    "However, if you can understand the story of [Spear and Shield], it may still make sense.  But it is indeed a bit strange to be able to remember such an awkward name as [Goldbach. Geonigsberg].

    Therefore, Wen¡¯s question is extremely sharp.

    Chen Xiaoming is certainly not a historian, but [Xingwen] is.

    With the most comprehensive encyclopedia in the star world, it is normal for him to name any kind of strange names.

    It¡¯s just a pity that the content recorded in [Star Question] is still more biased towards official history and serious science. Regarding this [Spear and Shield] story, at least there is no record in the [Synthesis] entry.

    So, of course he didn¡¯t know there was such a strange story, and how could he have thought that he accidentally said something beyond common sense.

    After thinking about it, Chen Xiaoming smiled and said, "Does this person have such a famous name? It's really strange that no one knows that he is a compositor.

    "However, I did hear about it, and you also know the person who told me, it's my teacher, Dr. Aichi Laoshu.

    As for how he knew, I don¡¯t know, but if you have the opportunity to return to the Thunder, you can ask him.  "

    Chen Xiaoming lied again.

    That¡¯s right, Dr. Ai Chilaoshu was shot even while he was lying down. The poor black cat never said anything about synthesis to Chen Xiaoming.

    But Chen Xiaoming had no choice but to make up a random reason because he didn't want to tell the truth about [Xing Wen].

    As for whether he can hide from those masters of lies, that is not what Chen Xiaoming cares about at all.

    "Anyway, if I don't say anything, what can you do to me, even if you bunch of staunch liars (President Wenhe) know that what I'm telling you is a lie?"

    If you have the guts to ask, if you can still find Thunder.

    Chen Xiaoming looked extremely shabby, but only the two masters of lies could tell. However, as senior thieves, they unanimously did not ask any further questions.

    Chen Xiaoming also immediately said, "Well, these are not the point at all. What does Goldbach do have anything to do with us? What I want to talk about is the synthesis engineer.

    However, from Congwen¡¯s story, I think everyone knows what kind of profession a compositor is.

    Simply put, the job of a synthesizer is to synthesize different equipment into a new item.

    The new items generated through synthesis will inherit the basic capabilities and characteristics of the raw materials, so that people can get the equipment that suits them after paying some price.

    Since the emergence of the synthesizer, people no longer need to worry about exchanging the equipment they need, nor do they need to worry about not being able to get the equipment that suits them because they are a rare profession.

    It can be said that the emergence of synthesis has greatly alleviated the consequences of diversification of professions, and has allowed the mission center to truly connect every corner of the star world.  "

    ¡°That¡¯s right,¡± the sound of applause came from President Hood¡¯s sleeves, ¡°I¡¯ll tell you the rest.

    Through Chen Xiaoming¡¯s explanation, I think you can also see how important synthesis is to the mission center of Star Realm.

    In fact, every branch of the mission center now has at least one compositor in charge.

    When someone accepts a task, there are often two options for reward items. One is to directly get the items originally provided, and the other is to get new props converted by the synthesizer at the task center.

    This service is of course free, but if you choose synthesized props, their quality will naturally be lower.

    Therefore, Captain Chen is right. Synthesis is indeed the most widely used science in the handicrafts and manufacturing industries of the star realm.

    As for why the quality of props will be reduced after they are synthesized?  This involves a law of synthesis.

    That is, the uncertainty and depreciation of synthesis.  "

    ¡°The uncertainty and depreciation of synthesis?¡± several people murmured at the same time.

    Although they have more or less heard the name of synthesis, synthesis is still a strange thing to a few people. Even Chen Xiaoming can only talk about it on paper. Not only has he never synthesized a prop, he has not even been a compositor.  Never seen them.

    But they don¡¯t need to ask more??Since President Hood has said it, he will naturally explain it.

    I saw the Hooded President folding his sleeves and shaking, and a video screen suddenly appeared in front of him, which described the law of synthesis with vivid pictures.

    ¡¾For example, the shoes that Chen Xiaoming can use are mecha shoes a and he has ability a.

    He also has an ordinary glove b with ability b

    Then Chen Xiaoming synthesized the material based on a, and synthesized the additional synthetic material b.

    ?Then what is synthesized must be a pair of shoes, not gloves.

    The synthesized shoes c may have the following results based on factors such as synthesis affinity and the ability of the synthesizer.

    1. Shoe c has the adaptability of shoe a (that is, the affinity for synthesis.); the basic performance of shoe a (that is, what is synthesized must be a shoe); the ability of a+b (get the ability of shoe a and shoe b)  sum, but only the ability to fully satisfy the shoe will be inherited)

    ¡ª¡ª(It is basically impossible to have such an optimal result.)

    2. Shoe c has the adaptability of shoe a; the basic performance of shoe a; the ability of a- (a certain decrease from the original ability of a.) + b-

    ¡ª¡ª(This is the most likely to happen and requires a relatively good compositor and good compatibility)

    3. Shoe c has the adaptability of shoe a; the basic performance of shoe a; the ability of b-

    ¡ª¡ª(Most likely, an incompetent compositor and compositor.)

    4. Shoe c has the adaptability of shoe a; the basic performance of shoe a; the ability of c

    ¡ª¡ª(Fusion ability may be good or bad. When the ability to synthesize materials is relatively large, the possibility of such a result increases).  ¡¿

    The content on the video screen was quite clear. President Hood waited for a while and felt that several people should have digested this knowledge before continuing.

    "Of course, these four are just relatively standard situations. There are too many factors involved in synthesis. After all, this is a very profound knowledge.

    Therefore, depending on the situation, various results may occur, and a variety of strange props can be synthesized.

    This is synthetic uncertainty.

    Furthermore, no matter how good the compositor is, no matter how friendly the compatibility is, the new items synthesized cannot completely inherit the ability of the synthesized elements. This is the devaluation of synthesis.  "

    President Hood stopped again, then he walked up to Chen Xiaoming, smiled, and said, "It is precisely because of the uncertainty and depreciation of synthesis that we must be careful when synthesizing.

    Therefore, Captain Chen, your concern is completely necessary. Never place real trust in a synthesizer before you know exactly what he is capable of.

    Otherwise, the only one who will suffer is you.

    After all, even if the synthesizer doesn't deliberately misappropriate your raw materials, there is no guarantee that he can create props of comparable value.

    Because the depreciation of synthesis is really terrible, even if it is a synthetic base material with perfect adaptability like a discrete metal sword, if you encounter a bad compositor, a lot of auxiliary synthesis materials will definitely be wasted.

    It may not be a big deal to waste materials, as long as you can get enough auxiliary materials and then synthesize them.

    But the worse result is that the synthesis result of a bad compatibility and a bad compositor is likely to cause the new prop to have a negative fusion ability C.

    In other words, in terms of the characteristics of synthesis, no matter how good the basic synthetic material is, if it accidentally brings a negative ability, it will basically carry it forever, no matter how many times it is synthesized.

    Unless this negative ability is fused with other abilities into a new C fusion ability, it can be eliminated.

    But in this case, if you want to get positive fusion ability, it is impossible for someone who is not a real synthesis master to achieve it.

    And it also requires incredible luck.

    But in the star realm, at least in the infinite realm, it is difficult for you to find a synthesis master.

    In fact, even those synthesizers with very average abilities are enshrined by authoritative organizations such as the mission center, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to see them.

    As for those free synthesizers Just as you are worried, their strength is really difficult to see clearly.

    It¡¯s not that they can¡¯t do it, it¡¯s just that it¡¯s too unsafe.

    Maybe they are just liars, maybe they do have superb abilities, but they are just a crazy knife. This is all possible, so if you really want to find these freelance synthesizers for synthesis, you must be mentally and financially prepared.

    Otherwise, it¡¯s probably bamboo??It's all in vain.

    So, if it is an ordinary prop, as long as you are well prepared, it may not matter even if the synthesis breaks.  But don¡¯t try a treasure like a discrete metal sword. Once the synthesizer makes a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

    "Haha, if you hadn't met me, Chen Xiaoming, you would have really had to go to the montage area to find a suitable synthesis master.  "

    After President Hood finished speaking, he smiled and looked absolutely malicious.

    By the way, in fact, no matter whether the hooded president is laughing or crying, he always has evil intentions in the eyes of others. Who makes him dress up so weirdly?

    However, Chen Xiaoming couldn't care about this now. On the contrary, he asked in great surprise, "Do you know the master of synthesis?!"

    Yes, what President Hood said was what Chen Xiaoming was worried about. He was afraid of meeting an unqualified synthesizer and ruining the discrete metal sword.

    So despite the urgent need to improve his strength, Chen Xiaoming still maintained the original form of the discrete metal sword.  Even though he would encounter a lot of trouble if he was recognized, he did not take the risk to synthesize it.
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