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Volume 4: Immortal City Chapter 496: The Death Guide

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    Chapter 496 The Death Guide-

    God created this world, but did not make it perfect

    The aerial vehicle is not only the only means of transportation that can freely shuttle through the star gate, but also has the status of a star prop.

    Since it is a star-rated prop, its root is naturally in the hands of the stars. Ordinary people can use it at most, and there is no need to dream of fully possessing it.

    If you can hold the right to travel through the star gate in your own hands, even the most ignorant Molu Molu people in the star world will be very clear about the benefits that can arise from it.

    In fact, it is indeed possible to pass through the Star Gate without using a real spacecraft, and even travel between the Montage Zone and Infinity.

    However, the difficulty is unimaginable.

    Risk, foundation, strength, and even stepping stone are all indispensable.

    ??Among them, the risks are naturally borne by madmen. The foundation is nothing in the star world, and the power has its own path. Only this stepping stone cannot be obtained by paying a small price, but is the real difficulty.

    ?That is, an existence that can be encountered but cannot be sought.

    So, what exactly is this stepping stone?  What do I need to get to imitate the empty spacecraft?

    First, let¡¯s start with the concept of empty spacecraft.

    Since the basic characteristics of the airborne vehicle are star gate waypoints and short-distance teleportation.  Does that mean that as long as a spacecraft contains these two elements, it can be called an aircraft?

    This is of course impossible. As I said just now, real aerial vehicles are star-rated props.

    Even if it can meet these two elements, as long as it is not a star-rated item, it can only be called a pseudo-blank spacecraft.

    And Huo Zhihuo¡¯s target is exactly this pseudo-blank spacecraft.

    As I just said, to create a pseudo-aircraft, you first need to obtain two necessary elements. Among them, the ability to teleport over short distances is nothing. Many more powerful spaceships can have it, so the real key is naturally another element.  , which is the Stargate waypoint.

    That¡¯s right, the Star Gate waypoint is the ¡®stepping stone¡¯.

    It sounds like Stargate Waypoint is a very mediocre name. To put it simply, it is just a coordinate point with a pass command.

    But in fact, there is actually a lot of knowledge here.

    We all know that the star realm is divided into three areas: the infinite realm, the montage area, and the total star realm.

    It goes without saying that there is such a legendary existence as the total star realm. The key is the infinite realm and the montage area.

    These two areas are exactly the universe where all people in the astral world live, except the people in the star world.

    The star world is so large and boundless that it is naturally very difficult to navigate. Even if the spacecraft has sufficient capabilities and the crew has enough time, it will not work without a lot of knowledge.

    The reason is very simple, the star realm is not static, it is a moving universe.

    Planets, nebulae, and everything in the star realm are constantly moving.

    They may follow a certain pattern, but it is extremely complicated to analyze, and it is definitely not something that ordinary knowledge and aircraft can do.

    Infinite Bound is already like this, not to mention the chaotic montage area.

    Chen Xiaoming once searched on [Xingwen] and found that the montage area is also called the puzzle star area, but from this name, you can see its complexity.

    Therefore, traveling in the star realm not only requires considerable knowledge, but also requires the support of star people.

    Star people will publish some analysis programs and some sports star charts through the mission center. The foundation of these programs and star maps is in the hands of star people, and ordinary people only have the right to use them.

    Of course, the Star People¡¯s control over these things is not very strict. Not only can Star Boundary citizens obtain them by completing specific tasks in the Mission Center, but they can also easily exchange them from other people.

    As long as you update it regularly, you can get the initial path-finding ability in the starry sky.

    Of course, this is only the preliminary path-finding ability, which is the basis for not getting lost in the star realm.

    If you want to truly sail in the starry sky, in addition to these, you often need a powerful enough navigator. They can coordinate the calculations through the calculation of the 'lighthouse star', combined with the moving star chart and analytical programs, and finally master the spacecraft.  Navigation process.

    Well, it seems complicated to say.  But actually, it's not that difficult.

    This is only for spaceships that sail across a wide range of the star world. For most spaceships, their navigation range is mostly only a few galaxies, or even only a fixed voyage between a few planets.

    Although the star realm as a whole is moving irregularly, if it is specific to certain local spaces, it still maintains the same state.For stillness, this makes short-distance astral travel not very difficult.

    These are very basic knowledge about astral flight, but in fact, these knowledge have little to do with aircraft.

    As star props, aerial vehicles themselves have advanced path-finding capabilities. They have solidified mental analysis programs, and coupled with powerful search capabilities, traveling in the astral realm is basically not difficult.

    For example, the Night Butterfly can sail at will by relying on Die'er's 'sense of smell', basically without the need for Chu Yu to control it.

    This is where the air traveler is powerful.

    Of course, the more critical place is the star gate waypoint.

    As mentioned just now, the star realm moves randomly and without rules. Although it follows certain rules, it is difficult to analyze.  But among them, the one that is more difficult to analyze is the Star Gate.

    The star gate is a 'wormhole' that connects different spaces.  Therefore, the star gate naturally opens in at least two different spatial planes.

    So, since the star space is moving, the star gate is naturally moving too.

    Furthermore, in order to maintain the stability of transmission, the stargate always moves irregularly even in local space.

    These may seem a bit complicated to say, but they are actually not difficult to understand.

    In short, to put it simply, if the star realm is a flowing sea, the star gate is a boat in the water.

    Therefore, it is said that it is a drop in the ocean. It is needless to say how difficult it is to find a specific boat in a rough ocean, so a special positioning method is needed.

    For example, we can use satellites to find small boats, which is the g*** system.

    In fact, Star Gate Waypoint is such a special kind of g***.

    Star people are the most basic part of this star world g*** system, which is equivalent to a 'satellite'.

    "The star gate waypoint is the signal output after positioning the boat through this g*** system.

    The spacecraft can directly retrieve this special signal, thereby easily finding the location of the star gate.

    This is the necessity of star gate waypoints. Starmen release star gate waypoints, and aerial vehicles have the ability to accept star gate waypoints.

    But aerial vehicles cannot obtain star gate waypoints at will. They must use their powerful capabilities to compete with other aerial vehicles for scarce star gate waypoints in order to master more star gates.

    Of course, these are higher-level questions.

    In short, we can think that if an ordinary spacecraft can master the star gate waypoint, it will also have the ability to find the star gate. This kind of spacecraft can be called a pseudo-spacecraft.

    However, even if you try your best to get a star gate waypoint through various means, it is often of little use.

    Because most star gate waypoints are one-time use, the data of the star gate will change after use, and the star gate waypoint will become invalid.

    Therefore, even if you master such a star gate waypoint, you can only build an imitation spacecraft at most.  And if you can get the star gate waypoint, it often means that you have mastered a spacecraft.

    In this case, what else do you need this pseudo-empty walker for?  Isn¡¯t it possible to just use the empty spacer directly?

    Therefore, even if you get this kind of star gate waypoint, it is just useless.

    But there are always exceptions to everything.

    The Stars created this world, but they did not make it perfect.

    For some unknown purpose, the Stars deliberately left a loophole when making the spacecraft.

    This is the stepping stone that Huo Zhihuo got, which is a special star gate waypoint.

    The star realm is not eternal. There are always new planets and new civilizations constantly joining, such as the earth, the ferocious wolf star, and the glasses star.

    Whenever a new planet joins a new world, or other major events occur, the stars need to control the balance between the montage zone and the infinite realm.

    At these times, Star People often need to let more people into the montage area.

    But the montage area is not a simple place and cannot be entered at will. Therefore, the stars also need to eliminate a large number of weaklings.

    So, this special star gate waypoint appeared unknowingly under the deliberate arrangement of the stars.

    Ordinary waypoints can often only correspond to one one-time star gate.

    But this special star gate waypoint is not. Not only can it be used repeatedly, but no matter how the corresponding star gate is moved, it cannot escape the lock of the waypoint.

    However, such a perfect thing cannot exist, and it has a serious shortcoming.

    That is, this special star gate waypoint is not??A single one, but many, many.

    In other words, there are countless copies of this special star gate waypoint. They are released in large numbers, but they can only correspond to one star gate.

    At the same time, the target star gates located at these star gate waypoints will only be opened at fixed times.

    What does it mean?

    To make a simple analogy, it is like a bar that is only open for one hour a month, but it is full of naked modern girls who are either sitting or lying inside.

    What effect will this have?  !

    It is conceivable that it is almost unimaginable how many people will be attracted and how many fights will be caused in this mere one-hour opening time.

    People will be like an aggressive bull, dominated by desires and become unreasonable.

    That's right, when countless powerful people who have obtained the Star Gate waypoints swarm in from various planets in the infinite world and gather in front of the Star Gate at the same time, competing for the quota to enter the Star Gate within a limited time /////  /

    What will happen is something everyone can imagine.

    Even the most ignorant Molu Molu people know it very well.

    Therefore, this kind of waypoint also has a very vivid name - death guide.
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