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Volume 2 The Initial Green Star Chapter 97 Mercenaries and Protective Levels

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    Chapter 97 Mercenaries and Protection Level

    "Well, I'm pretty good, I'm the youngest mercenary in the mission center!"

    However, Ai Xiaodie is indeed powerful.

    You must know that mercenary is not a simple title!

    The tasks in the mission center are open to everyone. People in every new world can serve as mercenaries and have mercenary levels and mercenary points.

    Mercenary points and mercenary levels can indicate the strength of mercenaries, and at the same time, two-way restrictions are imposed on mercenaries and taskers to achieve optimization purposes.

    That is, the most suitable task is assigned to the most suitable person to complete.

    However, as the mission center that runs through the New World and almost becomes the skeleton of the New World, it is naturally impossible to have such a monotonous management method.

    Otherwise, the development of the mission center will inevitably focus on profit and the strong. At the same time, powerful mercenaries will receive excessive privileges, which will seriously undermine the balance of the new world.

    So, a special kind of mercenary appeared.


    They also have all the rights and obligations of ordinary mercenaries.  But at the same time, they are supervised by the mission center. When the actions of these special mercenaries violate the regulations of the mission center, the mission center will punish them and may even send out punishers.

    Of course, while these mercenaries are subject to such restrictions, they will also enjoy the privileges and conveniences provided by the mission center.  The most important ones are these.

    Can accept mercenary tasks:

    Because mercenaries have a high mission completion rate and have a good reputation in the new world, mission publishers are more willing to choose them.  Although their prices are much higher than ordinary mercenaries, they are definitely worth it.

    The charging method of the mission center is very complicated. Not only the location, but also the mercenary level will affect the cost, the mission retention time, the mission completion time, the maximum number of people accepting the mission at the same time, etc., will all produce different costs.

    For example, a task to find apples.  Choosing inappropriate mission requirements, such as too little reward, too high level requirements, etc.  It is very likely that the task will be aborted or no one will take care of it.

    ??Even picked up by some dishonest mercenaries, but thrown aside and ignored.

    As a result, the task publisher not only loses time, but may also receive commissions from the task center in vain.

    Therefore, it is very important to choose a suitable condition.

    So there are task consultants who specialize in providing customers with advice on choosing task conditions.

    They make suggestions for customers and charge a small fee to help customers achieve their goals with the least amount of money and the most efficient way.  And if their suggestions make mistakes and customers suffer losses, they will also compensate them accordingly.

    But there is an easier way, which is to leave the task to a mercenary.

    For example, if the person looking for Apple has enough credibility, he can entrust the task center to issue a mercenary task. In this way, he does not even need to set up the task at all, and the task center will automatically arrange the most suitable mercenary for him.  mission accomplished.

    Although the commission for the tasks released in this way is higher for the mercenary, it saves time and ensures the smooth completion of the task.

    It¡¯s relatively worry-free.

    Of course, mercenaries are not necessarily the best choice, because the behavior of mercenaries is subject to certain restrictions in the mission center, so not many strong people are willing to become mercenaries.

    In short, mercenaries are often very suitable for people who issue tasks.

    ¡° Putting this aside, another benefit of becoming a mercenary is special tasks.

    These tasks are released by the task center for the publisher and are not open to the public. The same is true for some system tasks.

    Wait, there are many more such privileges and responsibilities.

    Therefore, it is naturally not easy to become a mercenary. Age, reputation, and strength are all indispensable.

    Originally, the mission center did not accept children as young as Ai Xiaodie, but because Ai Xiaodie was very familiar with the Ice Girl team.  The Ice Girl team also liked her very much. For some unknown reason, they even used their relationship with the mission center to give her a chance to trial.

    Ai Xiaodie is also really powerful. She passed the trial easily and became one of the youngest mercenaries in the history of the mission center.

    Therefore, Ai Xiaodie desperately wanted to join Ice Girl's team, but unfortunately, due to the star inspection, Ice Girl could not take her in, so she was thrown out of the ship by Mo Xiong again and again.

    But not many people know about this, because Ai Xiaodie has only been a mercenary for a day.

    So Ai?When I thought about it later, I realized that this mysterious man was indeed a bit weird.

    That day, the mysterious man said to Ai Xiaodie in a low but alluring voice:

    "Then I have a mission, whether you accept it or not. Whether it is completed or not, I can help you leave Butterfly Star."

    "Really!" Ai Xiaodie was surprised, but then she glanced at it and said, "Don't try to fool me, I'm not that easy to fool. Show me the mission first."

    "Sure enough, he is just a kid. Of course there is no problem." After listening to Ai Xiaodie's request, the man seemed to have expected it, and immediately sent a task request to Ai Xiaodie-

    [The traveling girl:

    Requirements: After receiving the task, the client who holds the task of [Looking for the Traveling Girl] will find you. You can choose to complete her task or refuse to complete it.

    If you choose to refuse completion, you can wait for the next delegatee.

    If you choose to complete its task, you will be paid reward b.

    Note: You are not allowed to return to Butterfly Star during mission a.

    b¡¾Butterfly Wings¡¿cannot be separated from the reward b in any form during the mission.

    cProtection level: s.

    Remuneration: a fixed remuneration.  You can get one at the mission center every new world year.

    b.  Before the end of the task, it can only be held by myself. When the task is over, it will be handed over to the person who completed the task.  ¡¿-

    Different from ordinary tasks, the very strange way of explanation also told Ai Xiaodie that this task was very strange.

    However, as the youngest mercenary, Ai Xiaodie will naturally not be involved in this task.  After reading it only twice, Ai Xiaodie had some understanding:

    ¡°Obviously, after accepting this mission, Ai Xiaodie¡¯s identity or title will become [Traveling Girl].

    And what she had to do was simple: run and hide.

    The strange way of task rewards determines this. Only by completing tasks later can you get richer rewards.  And when Ai Xiaodie came to the mission center to receive her reward for the first time, the fixed annual reward was so generous that she could eat two huge apples in one bite.

    However, there is a huge trap here.

    Protection level: s!

    When the client releases a task in the task center, he or she can make a request to the task center and add a protection level. The client needs to pay a certain amount of compensation.  The mission center will provide corresponding protection according to the client's requirements.

    This is a very convenient measure. There is nothing to say originally, but the problem lies in this s.

    The usually visible levels of protection levels are a, b, c, d, and e from high to low.

    In fact, basically 80% of commissions have no protection level.

    For example, if you want to assassinate a person, under normal circumstances, the entrusted person only needs to obtain evidence of his death to receive the reward. As for the method of assassination, it is decided by the entrusted person, and the entrusted person has no right to interfere.

    And if the client hopes that the person being assassinated will die from a certain cause of death, he can indicate in the reward that if he dies from a certain cause of death, he will get the full reward, otherwise he will get part or none of the reward.  Protection levels are not required at this time.

    However, this situation is not the safest. There is a possibility that the mercenary will fail and fail to meet the requirements.

    Under certain circumstances, such a result will lead to the complete failure of the client's other plans, which is very fatal.

    Therefore, the client can add a protection level when publishing the task. Then, if the task is not completed according to the client's requirements, the corresponding level of punishment will be imposed.

    There are many kinds of punishments for each level, and the prices are also different. For example, being assigned by the mission center to hunt down mercenaries of the corresponding level, being fined by the mission center with the corresponding level of fine points, or imposing a certain degree of consumption restrictions.

    The higher the level, the stronger the deterrent effect on the entrusted person.

    For example, the person looking for an apple is waiting for this apple to get married. If there is no apple, her girlfriend will not marry her.  At this time, the mercenary knew the secret and found the apple. So, the mercenary ignored the mission requirements and directly handed the apple to the client's girlfriend.

    As a result, this woman who likes apples happily went with the mercenary in pairs.

    Lied the lady and lost the apple again!

    Such a tragedy must never be allowed to happen.

    So, for the sake of insurance, the client added such a clause.

    ¡¾Protection level: f(content hidden)¡¿

    The specific content of the protection level can be hidden. This is to prevent mercenaries from taking corresponding countermeasures.  It can also be shown that it has a certain effect on mercenaries.deterrent effect.  Of course, you can only choose the corresponding level of punishment for any level of protection.

    At this time, when the mercenary really does this, the mission center will send someone specifically (for example, to issue a mercenary mission) to punish him. For example, according to the publisher's requirements, he will be asked to swallow three apples in a row without being able to bite them.  !

    In short, no matter how much the publisher likes Apple, in short, most of the time, no mercenary dares to violate the protection level.

    The authority of the mission center is unshakable!

    This also prompted many mercenaries to give up the mission rather than complete the mission at will.

    Of course, this level of protection also makes it easy for mercenaries to use caution when accepting tasks, which will directly lead to low efficiency in completing tasks.  Therefore, under normal circumstances, the higher the protection level set by the client, the higher the reward and inducement will be, otherwise no one will dare to accept the task.

    For example, if the person who is waiting for Apple to return to his hometown to get married gets an A-level protection, no one will be willing to look for Apple for him, and they will scold him for being stupid.  Of course, if his reward is a mountain of golden apples, then there will definitely be countless people happily grabbing the apples and rushing to complete the task, while scolding him for being mentally retarded.

    Let¡¯s talk about the highest protection level S. Most people will never have the opportunity to see a task with S protection level in their lifetime.

    In fact, any protection level above level A cannot be imposed by an ordinary client for a task, no matter how high the compensation he pays.

    Similarly, few people know what conditions are required to issue such a mission, but one thing has spread. It is said that the executor of protection level S is a star.

    The power of the stars is beyond everyone¡¯s understanding.

    For example, the person who is waiting for Apple to return to his hometown to get married, even if he takes out a golden apple from the galaxy, it is impossible for the star to serve him.
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