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Chapter 1,788 Mathematical Ghost

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    Master Zhenling was suddenly startled.

    Chu Yunsheng can die or disappear, but he must not die or disappear in front of it.

    That means that Zuo Xuan will ask it for people, New God will ask it for people, Comma Battleship will ask it for people, and Fireworm will ask it for people.

    Everyone will ask for people from it, no matter what the purpose.

    Even those Zuo Xuan Spirit Masters who are eager to kill Chu Yunsheng, as long as Chu Yunsheng dies in front of them, they will immediately take up the banner of revenge for the Zuo Xuan God Chu, and the spiritual voice of revenge will definitely shout until the starry sky shakes.  degree.

    As a person involved, if it cannot be said clearly, the consequences can be imagined. Under attack from both inside and outside, survival or death cannot be taken lightly.

    The spirit master was so frightened that he hurriedly searched the starry sky with his spiritual energy.

    The drow time and space trap in the distance is still there, as is itself, but Chu Yunsheng is missing.

    I don¡¯t know when I disappeared.

    In the surrounding dark realm, the only divinity that makes it uncomfortable is quickly dissipating.

    The Spiritual Lord is confused whether he should immediately get the drow out of the space-time trap and tell them that Chu Yunsheng is missing?

    Or should you run away quietly now to create some kind of illusion?

    It comes from the star race. As long as it returns to the edge of the dark realm and obtains material sources, it can build a spaceship.

    "However, the problem of navigation deviation makes it impossible to escape.

    Just when it was at a loss, an ethereal "voice" came into its perception as if from the endless darkness or the bottomless abyss.

    "The sound" seems far away, but also seems very close.

    It seems to be in another world, but it exudes an ethereal spirit that can make life get lost¡ª¡ª

    "Lord Zhenling, can you see me?"

    As a spiritual being and coming from the New Kingdom of God, even though he is a new spirit, Spirit Master Zhen is also quite knowledgeable. There are many strange things in the starry sky, and he has encountered many of them, and in the end, he will generally be able to understand what is going on.  , not to mention that many mysterious and strange things are caused by spiritual beings like it.

    But the strangeness now makes it instinctively feel scared for some reason.

    Just like the experience that its contracted life Ali often described.

    The spirit master has never been interested in Ali's memories, but Ali has been trying to let it help analyze it, so it has been forced to listen to it many times.

    The fear it feels now is like the terrifying feeling Ali experienced. Lying in the dormant cabin, he turned over and suddenly there was a dead man staring at him with his eyes wide open and his mouth muttering.  I didn't know what to say to myself.

    "Who are you?"

    The master of the spirit clearly understood with his spiritual will that it might be Chu Yunsheng, but his fear had nothing to do with it. It seemed that the mechanism of fear itself was acting. Unlike Ali, most of the fear came from the living body.  Reaction, its fear comes from consciousness.

    "I am Chu Yunsheng. As expected, you can't see me anymore. Don't move. Use your spiritual energy - no, you don't have enough mathematical knowledge. Let the Drow come."

    Hearing that it was indeed Chu Yunsheng, the fear of the spirit master was slightly relieved. It was probably because Chu Yunsheng's identity was confirmed, which offset some factors in the fear mechanism.

    It immediately used its spiritual energy to destroy the space-time trap from the outside, and forced the drow out who were still calculating.

    On the other side, it also tried hard to stay still and maintain the maximum stability of time and space, as if saying to itself: "Chu, where are you? Why can't I find you, but you can find me?"

    The ethereal voice said: "I can't tell. With our current knowledge, we can't find me physically, but I think we can find me first mathematically."

    On the other side of the space-time trap, the drow who had been interrupted in their calculations immediately controlled the cone to fly over after hearing Lord Zhenling's explanation.

    On his side, Lord Zhenling continued to mutter to himself: "What do you mean?"

    The ethereal voice said: "You tell the Drow that my current situation is different from the last time. Last time they determined whether I was still alive by calculating the mass, but this time they want to determine my existence based on the formula."

    At this time, Master Zhenling understood that Chu Yunsheng did not want the Drow to find where he was through mathematical calculations. In Chu Yunsheng's words, that was impossible. Chu Yunsheng wanted the Drow to establish a mathematical calculation.  Formula, this formula represents Chu Yunsheng, but it will not be verified physically.

    To put it simply, it is a mathematical ghost in physics.

    The drow arrived quickly. 51293 was a drow familiar to Lord Zhenling. Under its decision, the other drow did not immediately suspect that Lord Zhenling was talking about?.

    Although there is no trace of Chu Yunsheng around, Master Zhenling has no motive to suddenly attack Chu Yunsheng, and it is impossible to succeed so quickly. Moreover, the Comma Battleship and Fireworm have not left too far, and soon  It will come back in circles.

    51293 chose to temporarily believe Zhen Lingzhu¡¯s explanation, which not only meant that they could only contact Chu Yunsheng from Zhenlingzhu in the future, but also possibly wasted all previous calculation results in order to free up storage and deduce new mathematical formulas.

    Both will pay a high price, the former may be their lives, and the latter is also their lives - the fruits of their work in exchange for their lives.

    Master Zhenling did not expect that 51293 would choose to believe it so quickly, but this kind of trust made it feel uncomfortable. It was both resistant and had an inexplicable feeling. It evoked its memory of the starry sky from long ago, because 51293 was not for it.  The belief in the spirit, but the belief that it was once the life of the race in the starry sky.

    At this time, in the eyes of 51293, it is not a spiritual life, but a star race life like them.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The Lord of the Cold Spirit dispelled these troubles, and started to work as its mouthpiece for the second time. The last time was to help the Lord of the Cold Spirit to ascend to the throne.

    Chu Yunsheng established contact with the Drow through it. If it slightly changes the content of the relationship between the two parties, Chu Yunsheng and the Drow will definitely fail and nothing will be achieved.

    Or, it can also do some hidden tricks in the content of both parties to achieve some goals that are needed in the future.

    As a spiritual being, it is very easy and skillful to do this kind of thing. Whether it is ability or survival experience, it is too rich.

    Just like the cold spirit master, like other spirit masters, do what a spirit should do.

    However, it didn't know what was going on with it. Chu Yunsheng didn't even warn it not to do such a thing, but it did nothing by mistake, just like the star race in 51293's opinion, strictly transmitting the content of both parties,  Not changed at all.

    It's not that it's afraid that Chu Yunsheng will cause trouble for it in the future. As long as the New Divine Kingdom is still there, Zuo Xuan's spiritual master will kill Chu Yunsheng, and Chu Yunsheng will cooperate with the New Divine Kingdom. It doesn't need to find too cunning explanations.  Even if Chu Yunsheng knew that it had done something wrong, he would have no choice but to admit it and still need to continue to cooperate with the New Divine Kingdom through it.

    Killing it in anger will not restore any damage, but will expand future losses. This is reality and compromise. You can do whatever you want and only rely on your own pleasure. You will not survive a few dark areas in the starry sky.

    It didn't do this. In addition to the fact that it had always shown a good image to Chu Yunsheng and had private transactions with Chu Yunsheng, there was another fundamental reason that it didn't want to think about or admit.  It actually knows, and it actually wants to know what this formula looks like?

    The communication between Chu Yunsheng and the Drow soon went beyond the understanding of Lord Zhenling, and it began to understand. However, in order to eliminate transmission errors, Chu Yunsheng and the Drow used the most basic digital encoding and  Verify everything and it will just be a porter.

    The discomfort caused by not being able to understand the spirit master's heart disappeared in a flash, and it maintained high efficiency, high stability, and completely accurate delivery of content. It was unwilling to evoke long-lasting memories of the starry sky.

    It has an instinctive fear of that memory and does not want to go back to that memory. The discomfort and pain now only appear occasionally, but if it returns to that memory, the pain of despair about the future will be eternal and terrifying.

    It was a long road where all life in the starry sky struggled and waited desperately, surrounded by darkness and suffocation.

    Chu Yunsheng and the Drow are taking this path. It will not think too much about whether Chu Yunsheng and the Drow will succeed. It took a long, long time to get rid of it with extreme difficulty and pain.  Those beliefs that seemed to have been engraved into the soul have rediscovered the meaning and interest of existence. If it is defeated by Chu Yunsheng and the drow, its entire life will be full of failure, and it will be even more desperate.

    The Drow people decisively discarded all previous calculations, exhausted all the storage, and finally managed to get an "ugly" formula.

    A large number of uncertain variables and dazzling constants make the entire formula look like a starship with countless patches added. It looks grand, but is actually vulnerable.

    ? 51293 simply cannot tolerate such an ugly formula, it is simply uglier than the comma battleship.

    It immediately applied to Chu Yunsheng: "95827, can the data be deleted and rebuilt?"

    The Master of the Spirit quickly conveyed: "No, I have reached my limit and I have no time."

    The next moment, Chu Yunsheng appeared on the cone where the drow were shrouded in divinity.

    The spiritual essence of the Spirit Master has not been recovered yet, and it is spread all over the surrounding time and space.He could feel Chu Yunsheng's weakness at this moment, as if he had exhausted all his strength.

    That¡¯s not right either. The end of life after exhausting all its strength is death. It was thinking inexplicably and absurdly. Could it be that Chu Yunsheng died just now?

    51293 is not the Spirit Master. It doesn¡¯t know Chu Yunsheng¡¯s situation. With a hint of hope, it applies for the second time in accordance with the regulations almost pleadingly: "Then, can the battleship come over as soon as possible and repeat it again?"

    It really cannot accept the extremely ugly formula in front of it. It and the drow here have already participated in the design and construction of ugly battleships. Now that this ugly formula is added, they will probably be recorded in the history of the drow forever as an education  A negative teaching material for future generations After thinking about this, 51293 suddenly remembered an intercepted formula.

    The intercepted formula is extremely concise and beautiful. It is completely incomparable to the ugly formula they created. It is a shame to compare.

    But the theoretical deduction that intercepted this formula was a negative teaching material. Its conclusion was proved to be wrong, and it was put into the error library for other drow to occasionally look up the correct things.

    It thought of it and wrote that formula next to the ugly formula.

    Chu Yunsheng was also looking at the formula obtained by the Zhuo people. When he saw that 51293 had added an obviously different formula, but it did seem to be slightly related to the formula Zhuo had just launched, he wondered: "Where did this formula come from?  ?¡±

    51293 said without any concealment: "This is after we left the Puppet Overlord, when I was responsible for sorting out the error library, I found a theoretical deduction about the drow changing life forms. It was later proven to be wrong, but the deduction did not  Indicate where this interception formula comes from, but I regretfully and hastily wrote it down at the conclusion. I ran out of time, and there was no time to apply for cross-sequence access to the data of the fourth major sequence, otherwise - the deduction record would be gone here."

    51293 has always been assigned by Wu Sequence to do some heavy data work, which is all hard work. 3961 continues the arrangement of Wu Sequence. This time, it is also responsible for the space-time trap calculation, as well as the previous work on the Soul Lord.

    Chu Yunsheng did not blame it for its unrealistic second application. Drow people are like this. As long as they are not dead, they dare to continue doing anything.

    He thought for a moment and said: "Perhaps the Fourth Sequence did discover shocking secrets at the beginning, which is consistent with their subsequent appearance. However, it is difficult for us to find the old Fourth Sequence drows split in the starry sky for the time being. What we have now obtained  This formula will be used for now. If it were not for the improvement of our mathematics by the shell carriers, this formula would not exist."

    He didn¡¯t tell 51293 that his life was almost hanging by a thread in the place where he disappeared. The cracks in the Pseudo-Hegemon bubble were rapidly enlarging. If he came out later, he might never be able to come out.

    ??For the Drow, these are not standard answers, and they are in vain.

    The place where he just disappeared is very similar to the darkness he fell into when he was transplanted into the spirit body of the Cold Spirit Lord. The difference is that he was only conscious that time, but this time he contains a spirit body and can "communicate" with the Cold Spirit Lord.  .

    This is a place he has never known, and there are no records of the three major clans. Chu Yunsheng is very suspicious that the contract is hidden on a certain level here, and the thief of his body may also be hiding here.

    However, he took the risk and searched a certain area, but did not find the contract with the Lord Zhenling, so he was not completely sure yet.

    But at least it is possible to show this place mathematically. If the thief really hides here, he can also see it in the formula.

    Although this formula is really ugly, there are too many patches.

    Chu Yunsheng rejected 51293¡¯s second application and asked him to continue processing the formulas and re-preparing the calculations he had just given up.

    On the opposite side, Zhen Lingzhu also withdrew his spiritual essence. After discovering that Chu Yunsheng was weak, in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, he immediately withdrew his spiritual essence.

    After Chu Yunsheng arranged for the drow, he said to Lord Zhen Ling: "I was supposed to be somewhere in your spirit body where you connected with the zero dimension. I was just following the plan I told you to test the divine power.  You used your zero-dimensional attack to evaluate its effectiveness and risk to me, but I didn¡¯t expect that it would follow the attack and rush into your spirit body, which is out of control.¡±

    "As I said, divinity is a state. In this state, you may see things at different levels, but I will be constantly rejected in this state."

    Chu Yunsheng confirmed: "I did feel a huge rejection inside, so I couldn't stay long. If I don't come out, this rejection will completely disappear me. Its power is greater than mine, and I have to rely on the last  A little remnant of divinity escapes.¡±

    The Spirit Master thought for a while and suddenly said: "Wait a minute, logically speaking, you shouldn't lose control. Doesn't this divinity still belong to you?"

      Chu Yunsheng said: "I don't know, so it has risks, but it has a certain effect on my battle, but it's just not as big as I thought at the beginning."

    Master Zhenling agreed: "As far as I know, it is a mysterious state. In this state, the greatest help to you is to enable you to see more things, gain more vulnerabilities of the other party, and  With more attack channels, your own strength has not changed. I can realize this from this experiment.

    Its effect on me will produce two results. Because of the discomfort of rejection, one will make me leave, and the other will arouse my crazy will to fight until I eliminate you and the source, so it may not be good for you in the battle.  Good thing.

    But its role is definitely more than what we are talking about and experiencing now. It is something that only a god can embody. You can imagine its meaning.  "

    Chu Yunsheng did not completely agree with Master Zhen Ling's statement. There was one thing he would not tell Master Zhen Ling. If divinity appeared due to the spirit body after being transplanted into Han Ling Lord's spirit body, then there must be something else.  There is a problem¡ª¡ª

    When he merged with Ming in the forbidden land, his divinity did not appear.

    Either because of the different reasons between integration and transplantation, or because Ming used some method to shield or prevent its appearance, otherwise the foreign source would not even be aware of it.

    If it is true that Ming shielded and prevented its appearance, then it means that even with its power, Ming cannot ensure that it can control it after it appears, and the intention of not using it if it cannot be controlled also means that Ming is wary of it.

    "It's a pity that because of the different origins, Ming and he had almost no chance to communicate.

    However, it is also supported from the side that this divinity may not belong to him as the Lord Zhenling said. From this, it can be speculated that whether it is Zuo Xuan or the pseudo-hegemon, this is probably what he wants, otherwise he will not be the same as him.  How can they take away the things that belong to him or him?

    He is not a god, so he can find a way to inherit this thing to them.

    Others can only take away things that do not belong to him.

    However, it seems that this thing is not easy to take away. Chu Yunsheng is wondering whether this divinity comes from the old god Zuo Xuan. If so, the purpose of the old god can be many, and some are even contradictory.

    ??The simplest, he can use this divinity to compete for the throne of God, or he can use it to destroy the foundation of the Kingdom of God. Of course, it is incredibly difficult to achieve, but as long as there is a slight possibility, it is a fact.

    The worst can be exchanged with the pseudo-hegemon if it can pay a sufficient price.

    The most interesting thing is that even if he died unexpectedly, this divinity that probably did not belong to him should still exist, be obtained by others, and continue to complete its mission.

    While Chu Yunsheng was quietly waiting for the Comma battleship, he looked at the abnormal galaxy where Ali escaped from death, thinking crazily like a Drow, what if he really died once?

    There should have been results of the sneak attack on Lord Han Ling. Regardless of the result, he and the Comma Battleship will go to the galaxy where Ali escaped.

    There, there is a decisive battle between the spirits waiting for him. If he loses, he will truly die.
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