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Chapter 1,763 The Creator¡¯s Intention

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    Chapter 1,763 The Creator¡¯s Intention

    He quickly left Liu's official office. The identity of the divine envoy was confirmed. The most dangerous stage from the landing to the present has passed. The temporary safety has been guaranteed. There is no point in staying here anymore. Maintaining mystery is the most important thing for every divine envoy.  Basic literacy.

    In terms of how to leave, He spent a lot of energy to consider. The best way is to float away just like when it fell, in order to increase the persuasiveness of the identity of the divine envoy.

    This is also a method of movement that it has been familiar with since birth, not to mention that it is a spiritual being and has never been trapped by the small gravity of a planet.

    At the moment, it is definitely impossible to fly, and you can only walk on two legs.

    In this life, He has never walked across the surface of any planet with two legs similar to the ones grown by the original life here. Since its birth, it has not had any body parts like "legs".

    Of course, many other parts of its current embodied body are also things it has never owned or used before, not just the legs, but also the eyes that can only see a certain band of light and have a pitifully short detection range.  , making it feel as if it was locked in a cage.

    Not to mention ears and the like. When you use this kind of body to observe the world around you and look up at the stars, the universe seems to have been simplified to a rough level, and no details can be discovered.

    Fortunately, He's learning ability is amazing. He quickly established a detailed biological simulation database based on his observations of primitive indigenous life around him, and decomposed it into various parts of the body for simulation. Except for the first three steps, which required actual use to form parameter feedback.  Adjustment, starting from the fourth step, at least superficially, there is no difference between the way it walks and the original aboriginal life.

    It¡¯s not impossible to fly out from here, it just takes time.

    Although there is no dark energy here, and its spiritual essence has disappeared, when communicating with the indigenous people who call themselves Liu Zhi, they quietly experimented with the white silk stick in their hands. The dynamic principles of solid objects in gaseous substances are still partially  Take effect.

    As a life form originating from the starry sky race, it possesses mechanical knowledge far beyond what the natives on this planet can ultimately obtain. Using this knowledge, as well as the life technology possessed by the starry sky race, it can achieve flight in many ways.

    Starting from the simplest way - make one or more pairs of wings, just like the bird that just flew over its head, and use this creature as a sample to optimize its body, and then fly away simply and crudely.

    " If it's a little more complicated, it can apply its own technology to its own body, pushing it to the extreme technological level of the planet that can be reached on this planet, using its body as an aircraft to fly freely in the sky.

    But all this takes time, and the time in the official office is obviously not enough, unless it really just wants to simply make a pair of wings.

    It doesn¡¯t understand the myths and legends here. It may not be a good thing to do this rashly. It is best to keep the body shape unchanged.

    On this strange planet, the life from the star race has obvious advantages, and knowledge can always be transformed into powerful power like iron law.

    Almost all races in the starry sky, after evolving to a certain extent, invariably integrate external tools into their living bodies, and carry out a great revolution in the history of life - turning tools into life. Races that cannot do so only do so because of knowledge and technology, especially life technology.  It's just not enough.

    Like He, it can, based on the current physical conditions of the planet, infer the technological level that the planet can reach in a thousand years, and what sophisticated and advanced tools the indigenous people of the planet can produce at this level.

    But that¡¯s all. On this planet, indigenous life cannot meet the requirements of the tool life revolution, and there is no such demand. That is what life in the stars needs, and it is also the technological level that they can achieve.

    Therefore, two different situations will occur¡ª¡ª

    Let the natives of this planet return to the time point a thousand years ago. They will never be able to create something in just a few years or decades with their own bare hands and nothing.  Those external tools thousands of years later.

    But life in the stars can. The creation of all their tools is based on their own life forms. As long as their knowledge system is not lost and can still remain intact, they can still rely on their own life forms to function normally in the difficult environment of existing alone.  To carry out work on the ground - this is a necessary need for every starry race to explore the universe after reaching a certain level.

    Some extreme starry races even give up the construction of starships and directly use their own bodies as tools to navigate the universe.

    The race of He did not choose such an extreme way, they did not have such extreme needs, andAs independent individual lives, starships are not only a platform for them to exchange information with each other, but also a collective form they need after deeply optimizing and refining the anisotropy of each life form.

    But this does not mean that they cannot integrate their life forms into spaceship technology. Spiritual beings like He, whose parent race is the star race, have much lower needs for spaceships than other spirits who come from cultivating lifeforms.

    Relying on the spiritual accumulation and the advanced technology and knowledge of the mother clan, as long as there are sufficient material resources or a huge life source, He can sail in the starry sky with his body as he wishes.

    This is its luck, but it is also its misfortune in today¡¯s racial crisis.

    In the end, He found an excuse that was not too clever and decided to leave on foot.

    However, in order to make up for the embarrassment of being unable to do so, it once again enhanced the effect of its status as a god, making Liu Tutu more convinced, and it hastened to use life technology to change its appearance on the surface.

    During this period, it discovered a very strange phenomenon. Although it could change its appearance, if it did not continue to correct it, it would soon return to its original appearance. And the white silk stick in its hand could not be thrown away.  , but can change its appearance.

    Based on his observations of the surrounding natives, He "transformed" his fluttering white beard into an ordinary male native wearing a big red flower on his head and holding a small folding fan in the awed eyes of Aboriginal Liu and others.

    It doesn¡¯t matter if it turns into a male or a female, it just needs to be in line with the indigenous people¡¯s ideas about it.

    On the contrary, there is some trouble with the contracted life. Without the soul, He cannot change her appearance with just a thought. And even if she is not a life practitioner, her scientific and technological knowledge is obviously not up to its level.

    Since the contracted life landed here, his eyes no longer seemed as empty as before, as if there was a trace of energy, but He didn't pay too much attention to her when communicating with Magistrate Liu.

    Unexpectedly, just when He was trying to disguise her and take her away, she actually left first.

    She seemed not to know He at all, and without saying a word, she abandoned He alone in the official office, jumped up on the wall and disappeared quickly.

    He couldn't catch up even if he wanted to. Although the cardinal power of the contracted life disappeared as strangely as its spiritual essence, its original life form was not forcibly changed into an aboriginal appearance, and it was temporarily ahead of He in terms of strength.

    Although the wisp of green smoke is unreliable, He still believes that this contracted life is very important and cannot be lost.

    There must be a reason for it to be scattered with the contracted life and the wisp of green smoke, and to suddenly appear here, and the reason is either from itself or from the contracted life. Especially since it is not separated from the contracted life, it is more likely to be both.  Yes, it's a big clue.

    He suspected that the memory he had entered before was also related to this contracted life, and thus there was a certain connection between them, which would be the best entry point for it to explore the mystery.

    But once the contracted life is gone, it will be blinded.

    So, it didn¡¯t care about other details and hurriedly headed in the direction where the contract life left.

    Unfortunately, it quickly lost its target, and until it chased out of this ancient city, it could no longer find any trace of the contracted life.

    In desperation, He headed to a big mountain outside the city.

    What it needs most now is time. The area around that mountain seems to be rare, so it should be a good place to hide temporarily.

    After escaping this dangerous period, when it comes down from the mountains again, to the natives, it will really be a divine messenger.

    At that time, its life form will gather all the tool capabilities that the planet can achieve under current physical conditions and future extreme technology.

    It is natural that it is invulnerable to the heavens and the earth. If necessary, it can also use the most dangerous atomic energy weapons for the natives of this planet, which is normal.

    As a left-handed divine envoy, He has long been dealing with primitive natives on many planets. It is not unreasonable for primitive natives to believe that God is omnipotent, or omniscient and omnipotent.

    A starry sky life that combines all external tools for a lifetime can be a weapon that can easily wipe out life in an indigenous city or even the world, or it can also be a medical device that can save countless indigenous people on the verge of death.

    They can meet all the realistic and imaginary needs of the indigenous people. After the scope of their abilities completely covers the collective circle of indigenous cognition and imagination, for the indigenous people, they are omniscient and omnipotent, and can derive countless imaginations such as magic and magic.

    What the natives see are only the results and cannot see the operation of the vital tools they are integrated into.

    He had no choice but to hide in the mountains. The planet did not touch its source of life.If you are a spirit, its life source will still be sufficient, so you don't have to worry about being "starved to death".

    It has not left too far. The ancient aboriginal city at the foot of the mountain is still its primary target after coming down the mountain in the future. Then go there to search for some written records to find out why it and the contracted life landed here?

    There must be a reason.

    Hiding in an uninhabited cave, He was planning the optimization system of life forms in detail while exploring the physical world on this planet.

    Not long after, it discovered another strange phenomenon. Although it was impossible to practice here, there was no dark energy, and the spiritual essence disappeared, it could still cultivate its life source and even its consciousness!

    Of course, for He, that is not called cultivation. Its mother clan has a corresponding knowledge system and cognition, but it is not complete. Many places and branches have been stagnant for a long time, especially in the field of consciousness.

    " He has no idea of ??studying the source of life and consciousness here. It is unrealistic for one person to rely on it.

    It is just exploring the rules within the limits of this planet. Sometimes, the rules can reflect the hidden intentions of the people who make the rules.

    According to its findings and judgments, normally, the natives on this planet have no access to the cultivation of the source of life. There is no channel and there is some kind of isolation. However, cultivating consciousness, if not spiritual, is seeking death.

    Then there is an obvious contradiction. Since the natives of this planet cannot cultivate life source or consciousness, why does it still maintain the environmental conditions to cultivate both?

    Isn¡¯t it unnecessary?

    From a practical point of view, it seems that this condition is not needed by the natives, and is only suitable for spiritual beings like it to exist here.

    But at the same time, it makes the spiritual essence of spiritual life disappear. I don¡¯t know what it means?

    It is very puzzling that for a while, he can't guess the intention of the manufacturer.

    After a period of time, its life form was steadily optimized to the second stage according to the plan, and it no longer had to worry about basic safety. Only then did it allocate part of its energy to try to cultivate its life source and consciousness.

    And this time, it was shocked to find that under the various strange restrictions of this planet, when it was cultivating its life source and consciousness, it could clearly "see" the spiritual position for the first time!
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