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Chapter 1,690 Orders for the New Ship

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    On the opposite side, in the exact same galaxy, the exact same "pseudo-overlord" appeared.

    When two identical galaxies appear at the same time, those who still have memories feel the murderous intent coming from their hearts.

    The killing intent seems to be the same as the fighting intent when the war machine was first turned on, but it only reaches a certain intensity and then no longer rises.

    ??In subtle ways, some beings have stronger murderous intent, while others have weaker intent. They are all different, but each is just right.

    At this intensity, it is enough to drive the life in the galaxy to fight, fight and die regardless of everything, uncontrollably and "voluntarily".

    Even though many lives still have some ability to think, they still feel hopeless because they cannot break free from being controlled.

    This feeling is not unusual. In order to check whether there were any abnormalities in the individuals of the Catkin tribe, the Drow completely controlled them to make various actions.

    Chu Yunsheng and the three major clans did not care about this.

    As long as you still have the ability to think, that's fine, and the real horror doesn't lie in that.

    The time-sharing system first appeared in the information center, and others quickly appeared here one after another, including Chu Yunsheng, saying:

    "Trouble is, both sides are exactly the same. It's completely impossible to tell which side we are on?"

    This is a wonderful and weird experience. Both sides are exactly the same, so the meaning of "opposite" loses its meaning. You can't even tell: Are you in the original galaxy or the galaxy that appears later?

    Or, which galaxy is the original one and which one appeared later?

    No difference means confusion.

    Originally, life¡¯s observation of the outside world was the best way to distinguish differences, but if even the observations themselves were exactly the same, it would become very strange.

    It¡¯s like entering a world that is obviously very real, but also very psychedelic.

    "I tried to change the trajectory of the new ship once."

    He said incredulously: "I quickly observed that the new ship that was exactly the same as ours also changed its orbit exactly the same, almost simultaneously with me in time, without any delay. How was it done? Whether true or false,  It all defies physics.¡±

    Chu Yunsheng divided the time, one stayed in the information center, the other used the modified life form to build a new ship, the other negotiated with the Puppet Overlord, the other negotiated with the Soul-losing Lord, and the other prepared to make a contract with the Kuiling Lord.

    The micro-spacecraft has set off again, carrying twelve new team members, to the black plate outside the planet of descent.

    The Lost Spirit Master came to the starry sky and stared at another identical version of himself as if traveling through time and space.

    The Raider starship is urgently undergoing tests similar to those of a new ship.

    The Snow Envoy leads several Cardinal Origin Gate beings whose memories still exist to protect the treasure of Your Majesty. It has just received the order from Your Majesty and will obey the command of 95827 at any time.

    Lord Kuiling found that all the beings that still had memories gathered around the new ship. It was located at the edge of the galaxy and suddenly became very isolated.

    It didn¡¯t take long to think about it, and flew to the orbit around the star that had been preset for it a long time ago, between the new ship and the attacker.

    The lives in its ship have basically lost their memory, and no one can control the spacecraft anymore. In order to save spiritual energy, a group of time-sharers temporarily took over its ship, sailed over, and entered orbit.

    Two identical galaxies are falling towards each other faster and faster, with identical spaceships and starships on both sides converging and taking action in the same way.

    Race against time.

    "It's useless to send them there. The war machine has been locked. I've tried it."

    Seeing Miya and Qishen¡¯s micro-spacecraft speeding towards the landing point planet, Puppet Ba said to Chu Yunsheng: ¡°There is no way to survive except killing all the life on the other side.¡±

    "Reason." Chu Yunsheng restrained his murderous intention and stepped up the collection and collection of all intelligence and information.

    "There is no reason." Pseudo-dominant: "All I know is the reason."

    "How to kill?" Chu Yunsheng knew that if he continued to ask, it would not give any reason. He said in another way: "Everything is exactly the same, and the reaction is exactly the same. Whatever you hit, it hits, either we will perish together, or everyone will die."  No one can be killed.¡±

    "Don't ask me, I don't know either." The pseudo-tyrant said simply and honestly: "I know that I must kill them all and how to kill them. You can figure out your own way. I remind you that the source of spiritual interference has expired. It was not me who let Xue  What the Domain Envoy shuts down is the function of the war facility. It wants you to kill it, but it¡¯s useless if you don¡¯t want to kill it.¡±

    There was no need for Puppet Overlord to remind him, he already knew about it, and Lord Kuiling reported the information immediately. However, Lord Kuiling thought it was done by Puppet Overlord¡¯s subordinates.

    At the same time, Chu Yunsheng¡¯s otherAt this time, Dao was negotiating with the Lord of Soul Losers.

    "I don't know, and I've never seen it." The Soul Loser said: "I think killing is useless. I still recommend the original suggestion, go to the descending point, which may be the only place to hide."

    "Have you found it?" Chu Yunsheng asked how the pseudo-hegemon was hiding in the galaxy.

    "No need to look for it." The Soul Loser said: "Except for the arrival point, it can appear anywhere in the planetary system at any time, but it must be outside. This is the interference effect of the spiritual stripes. I haven't seen it for a long time."

    "Even if two planetary systems fall into each other and are destroyed, and we all perish, it will have no impact?" Chu Yunsheng had heard of spiritual stripes, but didn't know what they were. Time was urgent, so he didn't dwell on it. He just asked  .

    "Of course." Lost Spirit Master said: "So, I am also interested in it."

    In the new ship, when Chu Yunsheng stayed here, he was listening to the Wu Nu people and the Drow people doing their best to analyze under the emergency situation.

    It is also the pinnacle of analysis and decision-making in the entire ship.

    Unlike in the past, the enemy either appears clearly, such as the attacks of spiritual beings such as the Billion Spirit Lords, or does not appear, but the methods of blocking and attacking appear clearly, such as interception in the dark zone.

    But this time, all the intelligence information was almost zero, and what the pseudo-hegemon said meant that he didn't say anything.

    Apart from knowing that the result will be destruction, there is no way to resist or act.

    It is unprecedentedly difficult to analyze an effective and reasonable response in this situation.

    Lei was saying at this time:

    "If both sides are real, then there must be a galaxy on one side that was hidden before we came in, or was just created.

    We don¡¯t care about how to hide or create a planetary system, or how to make an identical galaxy, including why we appear on both sides.

    I feel strange, why hide or create a galaxy?

    If the war machine wants to deal with us or dispose of us, there is no need to go to such trouble. It is too wasteful and unreasonable to create two identical galaxies.

    ¡°Moreover, the final result of the two galaxies is likely to be mutual destruction.

    This kind of price cannot be to dispose of us.

    The false tyrant said that there is something wrong with the body of the Lord. According to our tests, it is possible, but I think this is still not the real reason.

    In other words, it is still not the price that the war machine triggers to deal with us, or to deal with the Lord's body.

    Therefore, at this time, it is very important to determine whether both sides are true or whether there is a false side.  "

    When Chu Yunsheng stayed here, he said:

    "As far as where I am at this time, I and my surroundings are all real, but I have a subtle feeling that is difficult to describe, in a simple but inaccurate way - this reality is always dynamic, and we  Maybe it just happens to be on the ¡®truth value¡¯.¡±

    From one galaxy to two identical galaxies, Chu Yunsheng immediately made a quick judgment.

    He is the most sensitive to truth and falsehood.

    The first and second limits of consciousness allow him to determine the authenticity of the world around him and himself.

    Now, although he made a quick judgment, it was of no use.

    It may be that the third level is needed, but he does not feel the need at this time.

    There are two possibilities. One may require more than the third limit. The second possibility has little to do with the limit of consciousness and belongs to other issues.

    Both of them are beyond Chu Yunsheng¡¯s ability at this time.

    Lei then continued to say cautiously: "This may be more complicated, but I will continue to talk about what I just thought.

    If both sides are true, even if it is some kind of dynamic reality as Your Majesty said, then we have only triggered its emergence.

    As for the consequences of its appearance, the current judgment is that it will be completely destroyed.

    So, at first glance, it looks like some kind of self-destructive trigger.

    But I still don¡¯t think so, because the destruction has not happened yet, and we cannot use the conclusion that it has not happened to deduce the cause, even if this conclusion can be foreseen.

    I think the key point lies in the process before its emergence and self-destruction.

    The purpose of its appearance may lie in the process, not the result.

    As for the purpose of this process, I don¡¯t have a clue yet, but it can be used as a basis to take the next step.  "

    Wuxu is also in the information center at this time. It has just received all the information that temporarily interrupted all other tasks.The two people, focusing on the results of the emergency analysis, and based on Lei's latest judgment and his control response to the new ship, said:

    ¡°I partially agree with Lei¡¯s judgment, but I think the focus is not on what was triggered and why.

    The level of the war machine is much higher than ours. It is meaningless for us to try to analyze its purpose and we cannot reach the correct conclusion.

    It could kill us directly, but it didn¡¯t do so. At first it erased memories, and now it lets us kill living beings like us.

    There is no coherence between the two. The purpose may be the same or different. This is not the point.

    What we can be sure of is that the methods it used to try to achieve its goals are now becoming more complicated.

    Originally it should be very simple, just erase our memory, but now it has become a little more complicated, and the difficulty has also increased compared with before.

    But this is still not what we should pay attention to. The following is the focus of our judgment¡ª¡ª

    Who complicates the way it achieves its goals?  Who can make its purpose more difficult?

    ¡°Obviously not us, we are not qualified.

    Nor will the spirit masters, attackers, and spirit losers, they are not worthy either.

    It is even less likely to be the wild spirit of the pseudo-hegemon.

    So, who could it be?

    Who is its enemy?

    Only its enemies have this ability.

    Who is its enemy is not important to us at this time.

    As long as we know that its enemies make it more difficult for it to achieve its goals, we can know that its enemies are participating in the war, and we don¡¯t need to know the way to participate in the war, and it is impossible to know.

    We only need to know that some kind of counterattack prepared by its enemies has appeared.

    Therefore, we agree with some of Lei¡¯s conclusions, but there is no need to investigate the purpose of the war machine. The ¡°purpose¡± at this time is already the intertwined purpose of the two parties. It is very complicated and exceeds the information basis we can judge.

    We use the simplest logic to judge. Originally, the war machine had the ability to kill us easily, but it only erased our memories, indicating that its purpose was not to kill us completely. But now the situation has changed. The participation of the other side in the war will cause us  Death, this is not the original purpose of the war machine.

    The key point is the process of combining what Lei said.

    The intertwined purposes of both of them may have formed a certain balance state that we are in now, that is, no matter what we do, it will be useless and we will die, and the purpose of either of them may not be achieved and they will fail together.

    Then, we just need to break this balance!

    No matter which side the breakthrough leads to, the countermeasures left by both sides will appear again. Moreover, after the balance is broken, the party that gains the advantage will most likely choose to support us and quickly expand its advantage.

    At this time, our only real chance will appear!

    As for the hypocritical hegemony¡¯s suggestions, they are completely illogical and do not need to be considered at all.

    We recommend that all tests be started immediately. As long as there is one place where new ships that are exactly the same as ours cannot be carried out simultaneously, the balance will be broken.

    Among them, the black energy of 95827 can be used as the focus and key test point.

    Finally, according to our judgment, once the balance is broken, both parties, especially the disadvantaged party after the balance is broken, will definitely react stronger and try to smooth out the point where the balance is broken. There is a high probability that they will eliminate us at any cost.  And prevent the other party from achieving their goals.

    But we estimate that because they are counteracting each other at this time, they may only rely on other life forms in the galaxy to achieve the purpose of annihilating us. After the balance is broken, we will definitely be attacked by all life forms in the two galaxies.

    The new ship will face the biggest crisis since crossing the Great Dark Territory!

    In more extreme cases, if you alone among 95827 break the balance, we may also be your enemy.

    You alone have to face the attacks of all life.

    We are unable to analyze and judge the situation at that time. When the time comes, you will need to make the decision alone.

    The above is our final judgment and suggestion. Time is urgent. It is up to you to decide whether to start testing immediately. 95827  "

    After Wu Xu finished speaking, Zhu showed everyone the reports from Alfalfa and Qichen: "They have arrived, but they can no longer open the suspected entrance. The entrance to the war machine may indeed be locked."

    Chu Yunsheng urgently considered the drow¡¯s final suggestion. He didn¡¯t have much time, so he decisively ordered:

    "F, let Yuran and the others continue to wait for new orders in place, their memories will not be destroyed.Get rid of it and just wait for the situation to change.

    Lei, you tell the attackers and ask them to use all their extreme capabilities to try.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off] and inform the Spirit-Lossing Lord and??Kuiling-??Lord, as well as the Snow Region Envoy respectively, that they all need to try to the best of their abilities.

    The more people who break the balance point, the greater the hope of success.

    But if any of them is unwilling, tell it and we will unite with the others and attack it devastatingly first.

    From now on, they must obey the orders of the new ship!  "

    Chu Yunsheng paused for a moment, and said in a stern tone: "I, please inform the whole ship that we may be breached, and it is up to you to arrange everyone's final combat position!"
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