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Chapter 1674: Defying the Stars

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    Against the background of the dark universe, densely packed light points flashed and stood out, like stars shining brightly, forming a distant and huge sphere, with the planetary system at the point of arrival becoming the center of this sphere.

    Attacks traveling at the speed of light have always been difficult to detect and prevent.

    But they don¡¯t look like attacks. They are not much different from the light emitted by ordinary stars. Even the shells on the planet at the point of arrival can see them alive.

    ??An attack at the speed of light, whether it is an advanced weapon or a spiritual attack by a spiritual being, will cause death when it reaches a defenseless being like the shell man.

    Chu Yunsheng was already in the main body, and his spiritual essence had already spread out and was in a state of combat readiness. Countless stars suddenly appeared, but he still calmly followed the original plan and entered the new ship as quickly as possible.

    Countless war insects, as well as a large number of ripples in the cavity, surrounded the junction point.

    The guard followed closely beside Chu Yunsheng's body, always ready to block an attack for Chu Yunsheng's body once all the surrounding war bugs and cavities were destroyed.

    A specially made large-scale breath body composed of all the strongest technologies of the new ship is already on standby.

    The appearance of countless starlights, although not an attack, still made Wei and Fireworm feel like they were facing a formidable enemy.

    The same is true for new ships.

    It¡¯s just that the life of those Source Gate cardinals in the new ship have not been sent out to guard the handover point. In the war at the spiritual level, they will die if they go out, and there is no delaying effect.

    Chu Yunsheng entered the breath body, and the next moment, the virtual form appeared in the information center of the new ship.

    "Enter the planetary system at full speed!"

    Chu Yunsheng didn¡¯t have time to read any new information in the new ship, so he immediately said to him:

    ¡°I suspect it¡¯s an attack by a puppet hegemon, and the first target is not us¡ª¡ª¡±

    Before he could finish speaking, outside the new ship, countless stars suddenly shone, followed by a huge light and shadow formed by spiritual energy.

    The light and shadow are majestic and domineering, standing erect on the disk of the advent point galaxy, overlooking the stars and the common people.

    It is not an attack, it is just a special "signal", a signal formed by spiritual accumulation.

    Chu Yunsheng, who was familiar with its spiritual essence, immediately knew its identity, while Wu Xu knew who it was just by looking at it.


    The "signals" it brings are divided into three types.

    The first path faces the countless stars that suddenly appear, and even faces the entire super galaxy.

    But this signal has no clear message, it only shows its huge anger and unparalleled domineering momentum.

    The second message was conveyed to Chu Yunsheng. It was very simple and equally domineering:

    "You have only two choices now, either stay outside the planetary system and die, or go in."

    The third way is to submerge into the landing point planet. I don¡¯t know if I also passed some orders to the Snow Envoy.

    ??I immediately realized what the puppet hegemon was going to do. It was going to activate a war machine and kill its first target!

    Once the war machine is turned on, if it is an indiscriminate attack, the survival probability of the surrounding starry sky is likely to be infinitely close to zero.

    But if you go in, it will definitely be another trap.

    There are both the traps of the pseudo-hegemon and the traps of the war machine itself.

    Although he has the highest command authority for military operations, at this time, Chu Yunsheng needs to make a decision as to whether to enter the Advent Point System.

    ¡° Moreover, Chu Yunsheng must make a decision immediately and may not even have time to think.

    On the other side, the appearance of countless starlights made Lord Kui Ling a little stunned at first.

    It has always believed that it is safe for now, and the only danger comes from the Advent Point Galaxy itself.

    Although the countless starlights are not aggressive, everyone can see at this time that they have been tightly surrounded for a long time.

    But it is a spiritual being after all. Even if it encounters too many unexpected things, it can still calm down quickly, wait for the opportunity, and contact Chu Yunsheng immediately.

    When the towering form of the Galaxy Overlord appeared like a projection, it had just sent half of the signal to Chu Yunsheng.

    The Galaxy Overlord didn¡¯t send it a message, so what Lord Kuiling saw was the Galaxy Overlord¡¯s rage, as if it was a signal to start war.

    And, the galactic overlord¡¯s unparalleled domineering momentum.

    It was a little confused. How could a wild spirit challenge such a powerful being in the Dark Battleship?

    It was confused, but the Snowy Envoy was extremely excited!

    It has stayed on this planet for too long.

    It has produced many shell carriers over the years. One of them is a very smart shell carrier who has been?As it learns and practices, it will soon reach the level of a cardinal, only one more contract is left.

    It knows the past of the shell-carrying people and knows that the shell-carrying people once had a glorious starry sky era, so it has no biological and physiological contempt for the shell-carrying people.

    For some reason, it may be because of the long period of time, it has a special liking for this shell carrier that it personally planted from seed to harvest.

    But its shell-carrying "disciple" will never reach the level of a cardinal.

    It has also imagined in its long and boring years that if it is born one day, it may give this "disciple" a contract and give it a hope.

    "However, the reality is always cruel. Even if it can give birth to a spirit one day, that day must be very far away, and the shell-carrying man will have returned to the land long ago.

    This seems to be one of the reasons why many Source Sect beings are becoming more and more cold-blooded, because everything seems to be desperate.

    The Snowy Envoy gave this shell bearer a name, "Ice", because when it was planted, the temperature dropped significantly and ice formed on the ground. Many of the seeds planted together died, but it  But he survived tenaciously and stubbornly.

    Other shell carriers call it "dot", probably because of its green leaves. Other shell carriers know it is "dot" as soon as they see it.

    The Snowy Envoy doesn't care, but it is strictly prohibited from learning any scientific and technological knowledge that has nothing to do with cultivation.

    It tells Bing: That is death.

    Today, when the Snow Envoy in the daytime hemisphere was teaching Bing, stars appeared all over the sky, and everyone was shocked.

    Bing then asked the Snow Envoy: "Is that death?"

    The Snowy Envoy didn¡¯t answer it because he didn¡¯t have time.

    The Snow Envoy went from being extremely bored to completely running out of time in an instant.

    It¡¯s like going directly from one extreme to the other.

    When it just started to accelerate and fly towards a spacecraft in the orbit of the planet, it saw the majestic light and shadow of the Lord again, as well as the orders given to it.

    It quickly executed one of the orders without hesitation and sent a signal to Ning Zhi: "Let the left-handed forward storage come in."


    The new ship is always in motion, and its speed is not slow. The fire bug's chasing speed is adjusted to be similar to that of the new ship, only slightly more. If the new ship is used as the inertial coordinate system, the fire bug's approaching speed will be very slow.  .

    When Chu Yunsheng's body entered the new ship, countless ripples from the fireworm cavity covered the new ship layer by layer, but did not enter the new ship.

    The current danger is extremely high, and it is impossible for Wei to die by himself.

    The guard has become the communication medium between the new ship and the fireworm, and it is still like a firewall, although the new ship's hull and the fireworm ripples have completely overlapped.

    ??We have created an information channel for Wei. It can appear in the new ship in the form of information, but it basically has no other permissions. It can only listen and speak, and cannot see anything in the new ship.

    Lei¡¯s security department gives it the highest level of monitoring.

    However, it seemed to have no interest in this. It only followed Chu Yunsheng and almost ignored other people and things.

    The message from the Puppet Overlord was transmitted to the new ship. As soon as Chu Yunsheng said something aside, he immediately stopped and made a decision:

    "Go in."

    There is no argument among the three major clans. No matter what decision Chu Yunsheng makes, under the current situation, it will be dangerous and a waste of time.

    The new ship immediately issued orders to the fast battleships at the edge of the galaxy, and also sent notifications to the Kuling Lord and Raider starships. Then it entered a dynamic and static state and rushed to the planetary system at the point of arrival.

    The attackers originally did not want to come, and uncharacteristically had a heated argument with them. However, after carefully studying their reasons, they decided to adjust their course and fly to the descent point star system.

    After the new ship left, the attackers were silent for a short period of time, and there was obviously an extremely heated debate inside!

    In the end, they followed, but the reason was not told to me.

    At this time, they no longer argued with him, reacted quickly, and immediately followed the new ship towards the landing point planet.

    Of the three major forces, only Lord Kuo Ling hesitated for a while.

    But it still has time to hesitate. It is at the edge of the planetary system at the point of arrival and can enter at any time.

    It has many considerations, many, many, including the spirits of the new Kingdom of God that may be coming soon.

    "But when it saw the Raider starship, it followed the new ship towards the galaxy without hesitation. It was a little "panicked".

    "When all the spaceships outside the galaxy are gone and only it is left, it will not be able to face an attack from any party alone no matter what."

    It definitely can¡¯t wait??When the spirits of the new Kingdom of God arrive.

    When the new ship passed by the orbit not far from its fleet, Lord Kuiling gave the order: Enter the planetary system!

    Not long after, all spaceships and life on the outer edge of the planet disappeared, and they all flew into the galaxy.

    In the galaxy, the Snow Envoy must have received the order of the Pseudo-Hegemon, and the treasures that disturbed the spiritual accumulation were partially controlled. The spiritual accumulation of Chu Yunsheng, the attacker, and the Lord Kuiling were normal inside the ship, but they were still the same outside the ship.  confusion.

    Lord Kuiling doesn¡¯t want to go too deep. After entering, he is still at the edge of the galaxy.

    The new ship and the attacker flew directly to the landing point planet, looking for the best orbit around the star.

    A large number of starship-level spacecraft entered the planetary system, causing the orbits of the major planets in the planetary system to deviate significantly and move towards a new equilibrium point.

    Especially the new ships and Raider starships, which are fast and massive, will cause the greatest gravitational disturbance inside the planetary system.

    "However, this low-level technological analysis and application capabilities are not a problem for new ships and attackers.

    In the new ship, only the lives in the second layer of the information world are assigned for processing.

    At this time, the war outside is still continuing.

    A large amount of observation data has appeared in the new ship. Wu Xu led all the drow to process the data, and Wunu Renguang and Lei were assigned to exchange information with the attackers.

    At this level, the main fleet of Kuiling, whose technological level is far lower than that of the new ships and attackers, is completely marginalized. Even the main fleet of Kuiling can only watch the new ships and the attackers cooperate in a dazzling and even tacit manner  ¡­

    Only occasionally, a new ship needs to obtain an extremely time-consuming inference result, package the data and send it to the Lord of the Spirit, and provide a minimalist operation guide.

    The Lord of the Spirit simply follows the instructions and uses the characteristics of its spirit to evolve within its ship.

    The result of evolution cannot be understood by Spirit Master. Every time there will be a cold biological voice: "The inference is correct" or "The inference is wrong."

    It feels like a ¡°tool¡± being used coldly.

    But, other than that, it doesn¡¯t seem to be of much help.

    Soon, in the new ship, Wu Xu had obtained the first round of analysis results, and reported to Chu Yunsheng and the commander in time:

    "Combining all the information, it can be basically determined that those starlights are the spacecraft participating in the siege. Their form has changed again and entered a higher level, like a complete network. Each spacecraft is a unit in the network. This is one of them.  .

    Secondly, the other party has a special technology or ability. It is still difficult to determine whether it is a technical means or a spiritual accumulation. A second round or even many rounds of analysis are needed.

    Because this kind of technology and ability is the ability to make you unable to feel its existence.

    Not only can¡¯t the surrounding spaceships feel it, but the spiritual energy can¡¯t feel it either, so it¡¯s difficult to tell whether it¡¯s technology or spiritual ability.

    But no matter which one it is, it must have modified the information. This is a silent modification, very high-end.

    From this point, it can also be judged that these starlights are related to the dark battleship encountered by the Kuling Lord, the fast battleship and the Snow Envoy. Its original invasion also had this characteristic.

    Third, regardless of the above judgment, they have now been hit by the attack of the pseudo-hegemon.

    There are many specific manifestations, the most important point is that after they were attacked by the pseudo-hegemon, they were frozen, like a space-time net, sticking them all to the space-time net.

    Those lights are produced by them trying to break away from the space-time network and increasing their propulsion force crazily.

    It is still unclear how they form, and it is impossible to determine the exact time when they can finally break free from the space-time network.

    Based on what we and I know about the Pseudo-Hegemon, it does not have this ability of its own, and this attack will most likely come from one of its treasures.

    "But this is not the main real attack of the pseudo-hegemon. The strength gap between the pseudo-hegemon and the opponent is too big to be able to truly kill the opponent, and the space-time network can only be controlled for a period of time.

    Therefore, our judgment is the same as our first judgment. Next, the pseudo-hegemon will most likely turn on its war machine and carry out a devastating blow.

    In addition, we have conclusions that are not of the first importance at present.

    After the Puppet Overlord¡¯s space-time net destroyed the opponent¡¯s trap, we were able to discover the abnormal movement of the encirclement and killing spacecraft in other directions, including the original direction of the new ship. We were indeed already on the net at that time.

    And, there is another direction - that direction is suspected to be the direction of the pseudo-hegemon.

    ??Also, we speculate that the other party has a very big conspiracy. This huge?The trap targets not only us, but also the pseudo-hegemons, and even other spiritual beings.

    The Lord of the Spirit has sent a request for help to the New God Kingdom Spirit, so it must know about it.

    So, when we were the only ones on its fishing net with Lord Kui, even when we arrived here, it didn¡¯t move. It was still waiting for the false tyrant and other spirits.

    The pseudo-hegemon must have discovered the trap, immediately retreated or hid, and then chose this counterattack.

    It is not difficult to judge the purpose of the pseudo-hegemon. The first is related to this planet, and the second is that it still has a plan for the identity of 95827. Before it gets it, it will never let others get it. It has also made a new trap for us.  , If we don¡¯t come in, we will die. Thirdly, it may be related to the current starry sky situation, which has become more and more high-profile recently.

    But if we don¡¯t come to the galaxy, the pseudo-overlord may not necessarily have this counterattack, or it may not find a way to contact us first, but once contacted, it will be exposed, so we speculate that it was actually in  In a dilemma, but will eventually fight back.

    Because we don't come, it chooses to fight back for this planet and kills us together, then it will lose the body of 95827. If it gives up and does not fight back, it will definitely lose the planet where it descends, and it is still possible to lose the body of 95827 -  -At that time, we will directly go to war with the Dark Battleship. No matter we win or lose, the pseudo-hegemon will have no chance.

    So, the current situation is optimal for it.

    For us, if the Pseudo-Hegemon wins, our source of danger will shift from the Dark Battleship to the Pseudo-Hegemon and the Advent Point Galaxy. If we lose, we will still face the Dark Battleship, but its combat power will be greatly weakened.

    The above conclusion will be sent to the attackers and the Lord of Spirits after excluding the parts that are related to our secret.  "

    The fifth sequence of information was delivered very quickly. At this time, the new ship was still on its way to the best orbit around the star. The fast battleship had already entered the new ship, but everyone was ordered to stay in the ship and stand by.

    Immediately, once the outcome of the war outside is decided, it will be decided whether to send Chu Yunsheng's body to the planet.

    As soon as the Five Orders were announced, the starry sky suddenly changed again.

    The starlight of the entire starry sky seems to be sucked in by the descending point galaxy like a rainbow. The universe seems to be dark, and only the descending point galaxy is spinning lonely in the endless darkness

    The next moment, a magnificent and fierce fighting spirit rises endlessly in the hearts, consciousness, and souls of all living beings!
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