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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1434 The Four Spirits Destroy the Star!

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    Chu Yunsheng took the initiative to provoke the war and took the lead in entering the level of time and space trails. Both the Yilun and the two spirit masters behind him and the "corpse" in front had to participate at the same time. Being one step behind meant losing the advantage of taking the initiative.  Every step is dangerous, especially in spiritual warfare.  n¡Ên¡Ê,

    A war in the stars may take a long, long time, and a war between spirits will take even longer. However, when the warring spiritual beings rarely appear and meet together, the speed of local wars is  Very fast.

    As the only bystander of this battle, the backward spaceship that set off from this planet was still slowly escaping from the gravity of the star. No one paid attention to it, and no one paid attention to it. What they "saw" were only four  The mysterious fluctuations, which one is strong and which one is weak, cannot be distinguished.

    But in the "picture" of the space-time track, it does exist. Not only does it exist, but it also has the parent star from which it started.

    In the three-dimensional space that seems to be infinitely stretched out one after another, the "corpse" is at the front, followed by Chu Yunsheng, the Yiling Lord next, and the Lunling Lord last, as if arranged in a straight line, shooting towards the largest thing in the "picture".  The living planet, and the backward spaceship, is only located at the edge of the "picture".

    On the time and space track, time is subdivided. The three spirits and Chu Yunsheng, one after another, quickly enter into smaller time divisions like a competition. Whoever can enter the smallest timeline can immediately occupy it.  More powerful advantages!

    At this time, the time outside may only be a moment, but in the time and space track, it seems that countless time and space scenes have passed.

    Chu Yunsheng still took the lead, frantically delving into more detailed timelines, and the second forbidden technique from the Dark Corpse Star was deployed with all his strength.  nothing left.

    The originally continuous three-dimensional space was transformed by his crazy in-depth timeline.  Keep pulling it apart, one becomes two.  Two becomes three

    "You are crazy, if you go deeper, we will all die!"

    The corpse followed him "behind" and went deeper. It didn't want to do this at all, but it had to do it.

    Every time Chu Yunsheng goes deeper and deeper into the level of tiny time units, the Yi Ling Lord must follow him. Otherwise, not only will it not be able to kill Chu Yunsheng as quickly as possible, but it will also be trapped in a world that it "cannot see" by Chu Yunsheng.  Counterattack.

    The Yi Ling Lord followed and went deeper, so the corpse had to follow.  Even if it does not want to take the initiative to attack the two spirits, self-protection must be at a deeper level, at least on the same level as the Lord of Hundreds of Spirits, otherwise, everything will be impossible.

    But it¡¯s too dangerous to go any further like this!

    It is difficult for a spirit to die, but that does not mean that it cannot die. When it comes to the timeline of a very small unit, it is a restricted area of ??life.  That kind of world that seems to be discrete and no longer continuous. According to legend, only the gods can peek into it, and the top spiritual bodies have penetrated deeply into it.  It's all scum.

    But Chu Yunsheng turned a blind eye and continued to go deeper.

    If he stops, he will immediately face the killing blow from the Yi Ling Lord!

    This is the time of decisive victory.  There will be no more temptations or back-and-forth.  Killing with one hit must be the most powerful attack in its life.

    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s spiritual energy was consumed rapidly.  The forbidden technique is activated to its peak!

    The Lunling Master at the end of the line could no longer keep up with their crazy speed, and his rhythm was obviously slow.

    "Stop, I'll deal with the one in front, and you deal with the one behind."

    The corpse seemed to be a little "panicked". Chu Yunsheng seemed to have lost his mind. It could already feel that Chu Yunsheng was in a violent state of shaking from his soul to his consciousness. He would be wiped out in the next moment. If not  His life battle body was so weird that it still maintained a continuous compactness in the time and space track, as if no matter how subtle the timeline could be, it could not be completely separated. Chu Yunsheng was probably dead at this time.

    The corpse had no choice but to agree to join forces with Chu Yunsheng, as long as Chu Yunsheng stopped and continued to go deeper.

    It made up its mind, and as soon as Chu Yunsheng stopped, it would immediately escape under the attack of Yi Ling Lord.

    What does Chu Yunsheng¡¯s life and death have to do with it?

    However, Chu Yunsheng ignored its "good words" and expressed intention to join forces, and continued to proceed crazily.

    Countless three-dimensional space planes of the world on the timeline have been pulled out again. If there were only a few hundred in total when the space-time track just started, now each of them has been stretched out by at least tens of thousands!

    Countless worlds unfold coldly in the traces of time and space, and the figures of the "four spirits" shuttle through them like light and shadow. One escapes, one flies, and two pursue them, while horizontally passing through one world after another.  , and vertically pull out countless more subtle worlds.

    The Lunling Lord is the most powerful in the time and space path.??Weakly, it has fallen behind from one rhythm just now to three rhythms, and Chu Yunsheng is still going deep in with great momentum.

    It doesn¡¯t know why Chu Yunsheng is crazy. If this continues, Yiling Lord will not even need to attack, and Chu Yunsheng will die on his own.

    But it is obvious that no matter who it is, not only Chu Yunsheng, but also the Yi Spirit Master and it, the consumption of spiritual accumulation at this moment is extremely terrifying.

    They have quickly recalled the expanded spiritual essence and gathered around the planet.

    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s spiritual energy was the least and weakest, but he always only maintained it in the small space around him, without expanding at all. It was all used for the "life and death speed competition" at this moment, which was inversely more convenient than them.

    Suddenly, I don't know whether Chu Yunsheng's spiritual essence is not enough, or he has reached his limit. The "corpse" was numbly following with all its strength, and suddenly felt that Chu Yunsheng seemed to be unable to penetrate into the next layer of the timeline.  The worlds that had just been opened and were still stuck to each other were closed again in an instant.

    This is a fighter plane!

    Yi Ling Lord kills Chu Yunsheng¡¯s fighter plane!

    Even if it¡¯s just a tiny bit, it¡¯s enough.

    "The Corpse's combat response is extremely fast. It immediately adjusts its spiritual energy and makes the strongest counterattack. The attack of the Yi Ling Lord will definitely penetrate Chu Yunsheng and reach its body in the next moment.

    In the world at this moment, everything from the living planets to the small backward spaceship seems to be stationary.  Their world lines are extremely complex and are reflected in endless unfolding worlds, like disconnected animations.

    The only one who can "move" freely.  Only Chu Yunsheng, the Yi Ling Lord and the "corpse" can go deep here.  Lord Lunling's movements have become much slower.

    Yi Lingzhu did not let the corpse "disappoint" as expected. This subtle hint of a fighter was immediately captured by it!

    Its spiritual essence adjusts instantly, like a pair of invisible hands, just pulling out a "thread" in the world they are in at the moment. At that moment, time seems to be extremely long, but it is getting faster and faster.

    The world is turning quickly like the pages of a book, and every time it pulls out a little bit of thread.  The world picture seemed to be changing like it was about to collapse.

    Chu Yunsheng's battle body twisted like water in the time and space path. The corpse wished that he would die immediately, so it naturally would not protect him. The thread stretched very quickly like a crack in time and space, and finally Chu Yunsheng's body was twisted like water.  Yunsheng's life form split into two and continued to move forward, splitting towards the "corpse".

    "Corpse" immediately fought back.  It believes that Chu Yunsheng is dead, and it looks like it is just divided into two. In fact, his life body world line has been changed.  The next moment, he will disappear in the world.

    It just needs to run away now. The Yi Spirit Lord's fighting method in the time and space path is very strange.  But it has also seen similar attacks on the battlefield of the God War, and a head-on confrontation may be dangerous.  But it's okay if it just wants to avoid and escape, as long as it changes its trajectory.

    But then.  It was surprised to find that Chu Yunsheng did not dissipate. Not only did he not dissipate, he also condensed and reappeared in the next world. Moreover, he was still extremely frantic and wanted to go deeper into the time and space trails!

    At this moment, it was too late for any other reaction. It was already in direct combat with the Yi Ling Lord.

    If it wants to escape, it must be established in the space-time path that the Yi Spirit Master will not go deep into, so that it can leave safely and confidently. Otherwise, once the Yi Spirit Master goes deep and "disappears", it will be equivalent to "blindness".  In the unknown time and space, you may be attacked by a higher spirit at any time, which is too dangerous.

    The Yi Ling Lord probably didn't expect that Chu Yunsheng could survive, but it soon understood that Chu Yunsheng's life battle body seemed to be born for the time and space trails. This is the world, and it is also the nemesis of the time and space trails, but  His fighting body is not up to standard, and he himself is not a true spirit, nor is he up to standard.

    The Lunling Lord has fallen behind by about five rhythms, but it is the safest. No one can attack it beyond the spirit of the Yiling Lord. If the Yiling Lord is mobilized to attack it, its position will be at the end.  You can leave at any time.

    Yi Lingzong gave a cold voice and followed it deeper. It didn't believe that Chu Yunsheng could persist. If it went deeper, even though it was proficient in time and space tracks, it would be very dangerous.

    The fact that Chu Yunsheng did not open the time track of the next level just now is proof of this.

    But Chu Yunsheng went deep in without hesitation, as if he wanted to challenge their nerves!

    "Very ruthless, ruthless and treacherous!"

    The corpse finally blocked Yi Ling Lord's attack. Both it and Yi Ling Lord spent their terrifying spiritual energy in this attack and counter-attack. At this time, they discovered that Chu Yunsheng had "smoothly" penetrated deeper.  , it was obviously a scam just now!

      At the cost of his own possible death, he tricked the billion spirit masters into attacking, consuming a lot of spiritual energy.

    It has vaguely felt that Chu Yunsheng has more vicious and cunning traps, lurking in the deep time and space trails.

    But it¡¯s of no use. It has discovered that Chu Yunsheng¡¯s spiritual energy is not enough and will soon be exhausted.

    But at this time, it has to continue to follow, there is no other way.

    But soon it discovered that it had guessed wrong. Chu Yunsheng's spiritual energy was indeed almost gone, but he seemed to have completely lost his mind. He continued to go deeper and deeper, regardless of the huge danger, in an extremely crazy way!

    I don¡¯t know how long it took, maybe it was an instant, maybe it was a long time, the corpse felt that the world around it was suddenly unstable.

    Suddenly, it shouted in shock: "Stop, stop quickly! We will all die here!"

    At this time, the Yi Ling Lord also seemed to feel the danger. If Chu Yunsheng went down, he would definitely die, and that special life form could not save it. But it didn't matter if he died. On the contrary, it was in line with the three spirits' thoughts at the moment. Together with them,  It won't work if all three of them are destroyed together.

    At this time, the Yi Spirit Master showed a "secret skill" that the corpse and the Lun Spirit Master had never seen before. He concentrated his spiritual energy and forcibly "pulled" Chu Yunsheng out of the deeper time and space he was entering.

    The powerful momentum of the superior spirit is fully displayed at this moment!

    However, the consumption is also unprecedented, and it is obvious that it has been severely damaged and is on the verge of collapse.

    At the same time, the corpses were also attacked, as well as Lun Lingzhu, who finally arrived after a few beats.

    The Yi Ling Lord was hit hard, and it was no longer clear who actually wanted to attack whom. It was a complete mess.

    And Chu Yunsheng didn't seem to be really ready to go deeper. The moment he was "drawn out", he also gathered all the spiritual essences and strangled them with the chaotic attacks of the three spirits. With the help of them, he also wanted to draw himself out at the same time.  Power, escape from the traces of time and space.

    The four spiritual essences are inspired together!

    At this moment, although the time outside has only passed for a short time, they are running away and chasing each other too fast, and they are already infinitely close to the living planet.

    In a moment of chaos, countless world lines intertwined, and the time and space tracks instantly closed and disappeared.

    The starry sky returned to calm.

    Quiet, quiet, dead quiet.

    The whole world seemed to have stopped. Only an extremely small elementary particle flew away from the living planet.

    It breaks away from the world line under the original physical rules, suddenly breaks away from the various force field worlds in which it lives, rises from the living planet, and flies into space.

    In the complete silence, Chu Yunsheng and the three spirits who had just escaped from the track of time and space seemed to be still. The entire starry sky and the entire world were silent. Only the basic particle slowly emerged from the living planet alone.  Flying into the cold space.

    Behind it, the huge life planet is rotating beautifully and slowly.

    The next moment, she was indescribably majestic, as if she wanted to perfectly display the beauty of the universe. Even more beautiful, the whole star "collapsed" and evenly fragmented into countless elementary particles!

    Mountains, rivers, star shells, star hearts life, all are like fragmented images, slowly peeling off from the base plate where they were originally attached, and falling apart

    Their original physical world collapsed.

    The surrounding world "moved" again, with the corpse in front, Chu Yunsheng behind, Yi Ling Lord again, Lun Ling Lord finally, and the "Four Spirits" shot towards the life planet that was evenly broken into countless basic particles, like a glimpse of light.  Walk through them one by one.

    After the Four Spirits destroyed the star, the war continued, and in the distance, the spaceship was still slowly and desperately trying to escape the gravity of the star.

    In the spaceship, one life after another stared dumbly at the home star they had just left.

    They are sad, but they don¡¯t know what happened.  (To be continued.)
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