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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1414 The Proud One of Heaven

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    On the lowest grid parallel plane in the new ship information world, Ali opened the war door, but he did not have permission to enter.

    He has closed the war gate authority at the bottom level. Not only him, but Miya Qishen and all the people on the fast battleship, including the Gelin people, are not qualified to participate in this war. Allowing them to enter the battlefield gate will cause interference to other participating races.  .

    They can only sit and wait for the outcome of the war, whether they are defeated or victorious, dead or alive, waiting for the final judgment of fate, but they cannot control it in their own hands, and they do not have the ability.

    Ali wanted to join the war. Ever since he heard that one of the targets of this battle was Alfalfa and several other members of the Lengxing team, he first begged the assassin who was confirmed to be transferred to let him take him into the battle, but where was the assassin?  He had that authority, but he was powerless if he wanted to. Then he went to find the old captain. After being scolded, he was asked to go back and wait, so he had to come back depressed.

    He knows that his participation in the war may be meaningful for fast battleships, but for new ships, his poor ability is almost negligible.

    But he couldn't stay any longer. He couldn't wait for the results in the new ship with peace of mind. It was because of him that all those comrades of Alfalfa died in battle and were separated. The only one who survived was still in the hands of the enemy. He  If you don't personally participate in the battle, it will be difficult to calm down.

    Finally, he begged Yiyisi. The Ministry of Security was not a war personnel, but he could be temporarily transferred to the world on the upper level, and perhaps he could sneak into the war gate to participate in the war.

    Yiyisi did not reject him directly, but told him clearly that if he went to the lower-level security department, he would have to register with the security department. It would be almost impossible to withdraw from the security department in the future. The Wunu people would clean up anyone who tried to withdraw.  By.

    Yiyisi didn¡¯t want to get into trouble with Miya, and he didn¡¯t want to cause trouble in the future and face his questioning, so he didn¡¯t want to actually register him into the security department.

    Ali has no choice but to find all the connections he can find, but he just can¡¯t get in.

    When he was completely desperate, a special transfer order was finally given to Mia.

    Only ten people will be transferred to the upper level, and there will be no combat missions.  There are only arrangements for watching and learning.

    Ali had no time to read the long list of guidelines and strict prohibitions on the transfer order in detail. There were only ten people, and according to the ranking within the ship, it would not be his turn.  It¡¯s impossible not to go through the back door!

    He once again used various connections and even contacted the elder brother Ba Yi above, but the reply Ba Yi gave him was still to let him listen to the arrangement. The atmosphere of preparation for the war on the upper level was different from the uneasiness of waiting below. It was very rich and tense.  .  There was no time to talk to him.

    Ali had no choice but to go to the old captain Miya. Unless he could see Chu Yunsheng or Chu directly, no one would be able to open the back door for him.

    But are those two people he can see whenever he wants?  The lives of the thirty-seven ships on the upper level cannot be seen without important things.

    "Is there something wrong with your head? You're jumping up and down." Miya looked at him coldly.

    Ali lowered his head and said: "I just want to"

    Miya said: "What do you want? Do you want to save them, or do you want to defeat the enemy?"

    Ali was speechless, he could do neither.

    Miya's tone softened slightly and she said: "I've already told you, you can't do anything, not just you. The same goes for me. All we can do is wait and follow the arrangements, don't cause trouble, and don't increase the number of people.  No matter how much the new ship is consumed, this is what we can do to rescue them."

    Ali said sadly: "Captain, I understand everything, I understand everything, but I just want to. I want to join the war, otherwise, in my heart"

    Miya said: "Is it useful for you to beg so many people by jumping up and down?"

    Ali shook his head depressedly.

    Miya handed him the by-laws of his transfer order and said: "You can see for yourself. When he came, your name was already attached to it. In exchange for this, the Wunu people also asked for a quota for him.  Qi Chen, if you remove me, there are seven spots left for others to compete for."

    Ali raised his head suddenly.  He was surprised and said: "Ah, Da, Dajun, isn't it, you have already given me a quota?"

    Miya said with hatred: "Chi Wu may have paid attention to you, but if you continue like this, no matter how good your talent is, it will be useless and you will have to be given up."

    Ali was stunned for a moment and said: "Captain, I understand."

    Miya nodded her head and said seriously: "The task of the transfer order is to observe and learn from the battle. You must clearly see the other prohibited items and do not disturb the comrades who are fighting."

    Ali immediately said: "Understood."

    After the explanation, Miya joked as if she was pointing out something: "How about it? Isn't it possible to get through to Yiyisi? I didn't expect that I had already"?Have we made arrangements for you?  "

    Ali was suddenly startled and stammered: "Team, captain, I, I, that, that is"

    Miya shook her head to indicate that he didn't need to explain: "I understand you and your thoughts, but the higher-ups don't know, and we may not know either. If you were selected by them, the Wunu people would immediately use this to take one of the places, and I would take the rest."  I won¡¯t say anymore, you should understand, go back and reflect on it.¡±

    Ali left in panic. Thinking back on it now, he felt dizzy. Not only was he useless, but he almost went to the wrong "team". No matter what he thought, others would see it that way.

    If many spirit masters have been making arrangements among the humans in the Noriko spaceship, then in the new ship, the Wu Nu people and the people are also making small arrangements among them. The only difference is that these arrangements are all made by Chu Yunsheng.  within control.

    As the captain of the fast battleship, Miya has her own quota. In addition to the Qichen that he and the Wu Nu people have agreed upon, a total of three quotas have been reserved, and the remaining seven quotas will be determined by competition among others.

    Various systems in the new ship are extremely complete. Doors are opened one after another, and those who signed up for the competition are sent in and sent back soon. Most people are either unwilling to accept it, are still unconvinced, or come out dejected. Only  The seven people proudly won. As the "proud ones of heaven" at the lowest level, they will be sent to the upper level to observe and learn.

    Everyone knows that observation and learning is a kind of key training. Only ten people in the Quan Kuai Battleship have this qualification. What an honor is that?  What opportunities will there be?

    Even if it is a terrifying war, this is still the case. They are people who are unwilling to be mediocre. Otherwise, they would not split up ships again and again, seek opportunities again and again, let alone leave the main fleet in the first place.

    Among the ten people, the Lengxing people accounted for half of the country, plus a blue person.  They occupy a total of four places, three are occupied by earthlings, two are occupied by underground villains, and the last one is occupied.  It was actually taken away by the Yellow Star people.

    What puzzles many people is that except for the Golin people, who are latecomers and outsiders, who have no right to participate, all other races of the original Cold Star Fleet have the right to participate in the competition, not just humans.

    When the last extremely cruel and fierce competition for a spot came out, the Yellow Star man who finally won appeared at the gate of victory.  All the Yellow Star people were instantly excited!

    They shouted loudly, cried bitterly, and hugged each other tightly.

    No one knows how long they have been waiting for this moment, and no one knows how much desolation and heaviness they have silently endured since leaving their home planet, and no one knows how many tears they have paid for today.

    At this moment, there are only tears of excitement and sadness intertwined with each other, covering their virtual faces.

    That yellow star man became their hero and represented them.  Finally, he stood on an equal footing with people of other races. Although the yellow star man tried hard to control his emotions, he was still trembling slightly.

    The door to the previous world slowly opens, and the ten chosen ones will enter the upper level from here.

    They are the pride of all races, and they should accept the proud gaze of their fellow racers, but Ali among his colleagues is a little ashamed. If it really counts, he feels that he is probably the only one who was selected through the back door, and did not fight for it with real swords and guns.  Come.

    Miya is the captain.  Qi Shen almost became the captain, and was also the new leader of the Silver Legion. He was destined to be the leader of the future fast battleships.

    ? In other words.  Their quota today is also the result of more brutal competition in the past.

    He was different. He didn¡¯t have that kind of status, and he didn¡¯t work that hard. Before Alfalfa and others ¡°died¡± in battle, he even kept hanging around.  Just barely keeping up is enough.

    Now, he feels that everyone is looking at him, pointing at him, and if he were on the cold star, they would spit and curse him again.

    He also seemed to feel that the seven people who competed looked at him with disdain and disdained to associate with him.

    Miya entered the door first. Qi Chen, who had been silent in front, seemed to see what he was thinking. He suddenly turned around and said, "They are actually envious of you, but they are not envious of you taking the back door, but they are envious of your ability to be taken through the back door."  "The other side takes a fancy to you and envies you for having the talent to be noticed by it. Only if you waste this talent will they really despise you."

    After saying that, Qi Chen turned around and stepped through the door. Ali seemed to understand something all of a sudden and stepped in without looking back.

    The selected underground villain who followed him, who defeated all other competitors purely by relying on knowledge, was a little baffled. It felt that this cold star person had been staring at it, which made it feel uncomfortable. It didn't know where it had offended this cold star person?It wasn¡¯t until he stepped through the door like a lunatic without looking back that he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself, we underground villains are still too courageous, otherwise more than two people must be selected.

    Unlike the bottom level, the spherical world on the second level is busy at this time, and the atmosphere of war is very solemn.

    The ten of them were quickly divided into ten grids, and then transferred into a virtual combat readiness space.

    Many lives appear here, coming and going, busy, the war mobilization order has been issued, and the war system in the ship is already in high operation.

    No one paid attention to these "proud sons of heaven" anymore, and no one stopped to take a look. Whether it was the venerable Yuanmen who came in a hurry or the life in the starry sky that was about to leave, there were only numbers refreshing in the surrounding space.  Disappear again, disappear and appear again.

    The grand map of the battlefield is opened in the virtual information space, each weapon is simulated to be fired, each strong life is transferred to the battle map node, and each star race is sent to each control unit.

    The nebula seemed to be torn open, the space seemed to be trembling, countless light spots on the battlefield disappeared quickly, and new ships were destroyed again and again.

    The ten people watched the successive defeats in horror. They saw the new ships being breached, they saw the breath bodies being opened and killed one by one, they saw the thirty-seven ships being killed one after another, they saw the three major clans being attacked and destroyed, and they saw Chu Yun.  Fight and die in the starry sky

    They have fallen into deep despair after repeated extreme simulations and tragic failures and deaths.

    Suddenly, all simulations stopped, cleared, and waited for data.

    As if everything was completely silent, the first data suddenly jumped and refreshed.

    Outside, the real war begins!  (To be continued.)
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