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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1406 Chu Yunsheng is attacking!

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    The world of bubbles is where Chu Yunsheng has the greatest advantage. Here, he is a person who can move semi-freely.

    As he said himself, as soon as he arrived at the location of Alfalfa and others that he had marked, he began to attack the barrier that isolated all the bubbles.

    Black energy is his only weapon in the bubble world, and it is also the best weapon.

    The black energy projected from an unknown body already has filament-like relationship attributes, but it is still extremely powerful.

    In the world of bubbles, Chu Yunsheng didn't have many ways to use the black energy. He mainly used the simplest and most direct linear attacks, attacking non-stop and with all his strength.

    The isolation barrier that protects all the bubbles where Alfalfa and others are located, is violently changing various forms and "colors" under the impact of black air.

    The many bubbles inside the barrier reacted quickly. It was obvious that his attack on the barrier was reflected in the multi-dimensional physical world. The other party found that he had been under a strong attack and hurriedly responded.

    They quickly made some unknown supplements to the barrier to make it appear tougher, but Chu Yunsheng's black energy attack never stopped. From the beginning, it was a violent attack like a storm.

    He didn¡¯t pay attention to the changes in the bubbles within the barrier. On the contrary, he kept a close eye on the bubbles in other places around him. Once there was a reaction, he would immediately kill them.

    The first one to react was a group of bubbles not far away. They had no barriers. Chu Yunsheng arrived instantly and attacked indiscriminately.

    One bubble after another burst under his fierce and fierce blows, heralding the collapse of one zero dimension after another, and the death of one life after another.

    Until all of them were killed, he returned to the original barrier and continued to attack violently.

    Anyone who reacts in a highly consistent manner with the bubbles in the barrier must be their accomplice and Chu Yunsheng¡¯s enemy.

    Not long after, a second wave of bubbles with the same reaction appeared, slightly farther away.  But it makes no sense for the world of bubbles.

    Chu Yunsheng arrived immediately, mobilized the threads of black energy, and shot them down like a rain, killing them one by one.

    He doesn¡¯t have time to do detailed screening.  If there are other unrelated races in that spacecraft, such as experimental subjects, they will also be destroyed.

    The bubble that was attacked struggled to resist after a brief panic.  But it was all in vain, Chu Yunsheng killed them directly on another level.

    The bubbles quickly decreased, and the only ones that could resist were some powerful beings. One of them, a being suspected of being from the Source Sect, desperately resisted the zero-dimensional rainstorm attack of the black energy it could not see in a panic.

    Until all other life around it is extinct, and all life on the entire spacecraft is extinct, only it is left, still struggling to support it!

    From its bubble reaction, it can be seen that it is very frightened.  Extremely frightened, he may have begged for mercy and surrendered, but unfortunately Chu Yunsheng couldn't hear them. He was like a legendary god at this moment, standing on another level, a higher level, obliterating them.

    But in the end, Chu Yunsheng failed to kill the Yuanmen that was desperately resisting. After killing another boatload of lives, Chu Yunsheng returned to the barrier where Alfa and others were, and continued to attack fiercely.

    The gap time.  The barrier seemed to have been strengthened, and the bubbles under the barrier reacted in fear, probably supporting the barrier with all their strength, for fear that the barrier would be breached.  Boundless killing will come in terror.

    One of them made a decision and killed one of Alfalfa's comrades. They probably guessed who was attacking them and wanted to warn Chu Yunsheng that if they continued to attack, they would kill all the "hostages"!

    But respond to them.  Only Chu Yunsheng ruthlessly attacked more fiercely, like a heavy rain turning into howling hail, making the entire barrier unpredictable.

    Lines of black energy hit the barrier, causing ripples that spread violently around.

    The bubbles under the barrier suddenly became extremely panicked. Under Chu Yunsheng's cold-blooded intimidation and attack, they seemed to have differences. Although it had not reached the level of civil strife, it was obviously unstable.

    This is just the beginning!

    Chu Yunsheng discovered another bubble reaction and killed it without hesitation, destroying another ship.

    At this time, except for the bubbles under the barrier, others may not have figured out what is going on, but the bubbles under the barrier should understand.

    Chu Yunsheng wants to kill everyone who rescues them and completely turn them into abandoned people that no one dares to save.

    But they still seek help from the outside, even more eagerly, like an addictive poison. If they don¡¯t?, if they stop, Chu Yunsheng will resume attacking them more violently. If they eat them, it will play into Chu Yunsheng's hands.

    Killing hostages is obviously useless. The only hope may be to hold on until Chu Yunsheng can't move anymore, or until a truly strong person comes to help.

    In their frantic cry for help, the fourth ship was completely destroyed by Chu Yunsheng, the fifth ship only survived one source gate, the sixth ship was completely destroyed, and the seventh ship was completely destroyed

    The boundless killing spread bloody in the world of bubbles. Ships of lives died quickly while trying to rescue them.

    They were frightened, frightened, panicked, or even begged to surrender, but as soon as help came, they were all killed.

    In the end, only two or three Source Sects were left miserable and alive.

    Perhaps the bubbles under the barrier were still eagerly asking for help from all sides at this time, but the other spaceships that had reacted had stopped rescuing. This was a complete suicide. The lives of nearly a dozen spaceships were slaughtered by the devilish Chu Yunsheng, which had already made them  Extremely heartbroken.

    But Yuanmen is still alive.

    And it seems that the bubbles under the barrier still have rescue value.

    ¡°Perhaps they thought that Chu Yunsheng could not kill the Yuanmen, so they began to mobilize the life of the Yuanmen to go to the rescue.

    At this time, Chu Yunsheng, who had seen a change, decisively gave up attacking the barrier, and at the same time gave up attacking the source gates. He jumped directly over them and killed all the bubbles in the starting place where these source gates came from!

    When those source gates provided effective assistance to the barrier, they found that their rear had been killed and turned into a dead place.

    Huge shock and panic spread among them, reflecting in the world of bubbles. One after another, Yuanmen left privately, and when summoned again, Yuanmen refused to act.

    They have never fought such a war, have never seen such a war, have no experience, and are completely led by the nose. The dominance has been firmly grasped by Chu Yunsheng from the beginning, and all the rhythms are controlled by Chu.  Yun Sheng's hands.

    When the Yuanmen wanted to retreat, they couldn't help it.

    Chu Yunsheng began to "hunt" them one by one. He wanted to kill them until they were frightened and their souls were gone. He no longer dared to think of rescuing the bubbles under the barrier, not even a single thought!

    But the Source Sect is not as easy to kill as other beings. Their zero dimension is extremely strong, and Chu Yunsheng¡¯s black energy is not enough to kill them effectively.

    After chasing down four or five source gates in a row, his line of black energy obviously weakened, and he could no longer continue for the time being.

    The barrier was rescued and strengthened a lot. Chu Yunsheng decisively gave up chasing the other source gates, returned to the top of the barrier, and continued to attack with the remaining power of the black air thread. At the same time, he used the empty bubbles of the pseudo-hegemon,  Direct impact.

    And this time, no one came to the rescue.

    In the Noriko spaceship, Andrew went from extreme panic to extreme fear, and now, under the huge pressure of death, he felt a little bit of pleasure - the people in the spacecraft boiled and began to split!

    Everyone is saying that Chu Yunsheng is attacking, and Chu Yunsheng vows to rescue the people they captured, otherwise they will be destroyed together!

    The spaceships that came to help were killed one after another and wiped out. Several of the Yuanmen who came to help died. When they turned around, their own family was copied and killed by Chu Yunsheng.

    Until now, no one dared to save them, but Chu Yunsheng was still attacking them wildly.

    Everyone is saying that Chu Yunsheng must be crazy, he wants to kill everyone in Noriko¡¯s spaceship!  This is the Noriko spaceship, the hope of mankind!  Even if there is a mistake, it is not everyone¡¯s fault.

    ¡°Go crazy, go crazy, let¡¯s divide it more violently!¡± Andrew didn¡¯t know whether he was saying that Chu Yunsheng was crazy, or he was hoping that the division in the spaceship would be more violent.

    Some separatists shouted loudly in the communication channel: "Surrender, why should we go against him?"

    Some people who resisted fiercely and wildly shouted: "Kill the hostage, kill another hostage, warn him! Warn him!"

    Second update (To be continued.)
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