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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1394

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    The old man slowly told Alfalfa their origins. It seemed that it had little life left, and its words were intermittent. After talking for a long time, it could only give a rough idea.

    They came from a distant desolate star. When the Lengxing fleet left, although they did not take them away, they left behind small spaceships one by one.

    Thousands of years later, they gradually prospered generation after generation on the undisturbed desert star. Although they were still very backward, they could barely enter the small spacecraft left for them to study.

    In the small spacecraft, they learned the language in the small spacecraft, learned a lot of knowledge that they had never reached, and grew up rapidly.

    When they learned the truth about the history of their ancestors and the dangers in the future, with the rapid advancement of science and technology, they gathered manpower and material resources from all over the world to try to build a larger spacecraft that could take more people away from the world.  Dangerous desert star.

    They didn't know it at the time, but it was already approaching the end of the galaxy. The third battlefield on the edge of the galaxy was torn into a sea of ??blood. There was still silence around their star field. The universe was so big that there was a mountain of blood in one place.  The sea is a place as quiet as a forest, as if they will never interfere with each other.

    The first spacecraft trial failed miserably. Their technology was still too backward. But before the second trial, disaster struck.

    A scarred space battleship broke into their peaceful world.

    However, they were defeated in an instant with almost no resistance. Those once proud weapons were no more than toys in the eyes of the other party. The war ended quickly. After a large number of compatriots were slaughtered, a small number of people were brought into the ship.  It looked like a battleship that had experienced a fierce and bloody battle.

    They originally thought that like their ancestors, they would once again become slaves and experimental subjects of others, and perhaps another desolate star would appear on another planet.

    But the damage to this battleship was too serious, and it had been desperately trying to escape, as if it was being hunted by someone.  And when flying out of the Milky Way, they suffered dozens of different but extremely dangerous blows, so that in the small dark field outside the Milky Way, the enemy who suffered heavy casualties had to use their newly acquired knowledge to fight against the enemy.  Become a sailing "slave".  Repair battleships and more.

    But that¡¯s all. Even if the enemy is so weak that they have only one breath left, they will be unable to resist and can only become ¡°slaves¡± forever.

    However, it seems that God has not completely abandoned them in the dark realm.  The battleship encountered a spaceship that was almost as miserable as the enemy. In order to get materials and resources to cross out, both sides immediately used all their strength.

    The old man didn¡¯t know why the enemy who captured them didn¡¯t kill them all in the most difficult time. Instead, he always protected their lives, but that was all. It seemed that he just wanted them to live.

    The spaceships that came to snatch the resources also saw it and used it as a weakness to almost win. They even destroyed all the waste star embryo storage areas in the battleship.  But it ultimately failed.

    However, in this war, those "robbers" used them unkindly to wreak havoc in the battleships, attack their enemies, get them to arm themselves quickly, and obtained many ways to deal with the "slave masters".

    Among them is the dying machine guarding behind them. This intelligent machine has been fighting side by side with them for a long time. It is both a weapon and a comrade they rely on for survival.  It is still barely holding on.

    Although the bandits have died in the battle, they helped them obtain some permissions in the spacecraft. This is one of the reasons why they can survive until now.

    In this war of desperate resistance, they killed countless of their own kind.  Today, they are actually in despair. Even with the malicious "help" of those bandits, they will still be defeated because the gap between them and the enemy is too big. If the embryos are not completely destroyed, if the enemy does not want to kill them all.  They might have been killed long ago.

    The appearance of Alfalfa and others rekindled their hope. The small spaceship that left behind the desolate star seemed to vaguely indicate that the gods who left thousands of years ago were some kind of their kind.

    Therefore, even though they clearly know that this is the enemy's plan to lure them to give up their suicide, they cannot help but be fooled. They believe that as long as those people from back then come back, they will be able to defeat today's enemies, and their own race will not be completely extinct.

    When the alfalfa approached them step by step, they were unable to attack and hesitated to commit suicide. They could only desperately want the alfalfa to wake up and get rid of the world created by the enemy. To this end, they had to kill countless companions.  .

    Seeing that there is only one step left, the clowns are about to arrive, and the machines behind them are about to be shut down. They are about to become "slaves" again and lose their last chance to commit suicide.Ran finally "awake" and they won.

    However, only two of Alfalfa's companions survived. There was real confusion among the true and false micro-lives. There were indeed five Lengxing people they rescued. The two who died just now were probably because of something.  A moment of hesitation made the wrong choice.

    After hearing this, Alfalfa still had many questions, but these Huangxing people couldn't answer them.

    Why can micro-life be able to detect traces of fast battleships?  Is it a coincidence, or are there other reasons?

    Based on the old man¡¯s description, she naturally thought about whether it was a red man?

    If Micro Life is really a red person, it would be terrible. Everyone in Huangxing, including Chu Yunsheng, was deceived by them!

    She vaguely knew that Micro Life had proposed a coordinate for the original Lengxing fleet to go over and jointly study the Red Man's method of creating a source body. If they really went there, and Micro Life was indeed a Red Man, it would be a huge  trap!

    ?? If the Red Man saw the fleet being destroyed and fled in all directions, it was simply a scam. On the contrary, it was very likely that they set a trap at that coordinate.

    Alfalfa's back felt cold. They were still very weak at that time. If they fell into a trap carefully arranged by the enemy, there would be almost no possibility of survival when the enemy already knew about them.

    But the cruelty and ruthlessness in the starry sky are like this. Even if their own kind are killed one by one in front of them, as long as the other party has not discovered their true identity, they can act as if nothing has happened and will not be angry.  , will not be sad, will not be excited, and will not be in vain, but will only calmly continue various strategies until the goal is achieved.

    How many of the same kind will die is not their first priority.

    But are micro-life really red people?  After all, no one had actually seen the Red Man, and Alfalfa couldn't be sure.

    The only thing that is certain is that the micro-life forms are indeed very interested in humans. According to their original statement, they have been lurking on the deserted star for tens of thousands of years just to steal humans, and they will not hesitate to do so.

    After glancing at the two surviving comrades who were also frightened, as Ali's assistant and the supreme commander here, Alfalfa immediately said: "The enemy must still be alive. The battle is not over yet. Lao San, you are proficient in the system. Find a way to use Zeng's help."  The invasion program left by the starry sky race that deliberately helps the Wild Star people controls the battleship. Only by controlling the battleship can we be qualified to truly fight with the opponent."

    "Don't worry, Deputy. I have secretly learned a piece of Wu Nu people's code. As long as it enters the enemy's internal system, it will work. To be honest, Deputy, Brother Dajun's system is good, but I prefer the Wu Nu people's code."  The cold star man named Lao San has escaped from death many times. He has a tough mind, ignores the large number of corpses around him, and has skillfully begun to learn the system of this spacecraft.

    "You didn't learn that secretly, Yiyisi learned it for you on purpose." Alfalfa never told him the truth because she was afraid of damaging his pride and confidence in his success in secretly learning it. Yiyisi told her at that time  , she has been hiding it until now.

    "It doesn't matter, deputy, I've learned the ropes anyway." The third child seemed to be a cold-blooded person, or he had seen too many comrades die, and he didn't have a strong reaction to the two comrades who had just died, or he was used to it.  He buries his feelings deep in his heart, has cold eyes and doesn't like to talk.

    On the other hand, another comrade who survived had a sad face, but he tried hard to restrain himself. After quickly giving a military salute to the two dead comrades with Alfalfa, he automatically took charge of alerting the surrounding situation.

    Alfalfa began to calmly consider the current situation. According to what the old man said, Microlife had indeed contacted one of their main battleships and would be here soon. If they could not seize control of this battleship before then, it would be very difficult.  of danger.

    She does not require that the third child can really fully control the battleship. That would be too difficult. Even if they have trained and studied for so long, they cannot be a real opponent of the star race, even with the "help" of those "bandits".  No, her real purpose was to let Lao San use a piece of Wu Nu people's code to seize a signal transmission opportunity from the spacecraft, and transmit signals to fast battleships and the main fleet.

    As long as the signal is sent out, no one can catch it back, and they can have a glimmer of hope.

    This place should not be too far from a fast battleship on a large scale, and the speed of light of the signal is always much faster than any spacecraft.

    "What else can I help you with?" the frail old man asked.

    "Alfalfa thought for a while and said: "I do have a plan, but you will sacrifice"


    Chu Yunsheng has been going back and forth between the new ship and the fast battleship recently to ensure that the two ships merge smoothly.

      When he appeared in the fast battleship again, he used the battleship to temporarily create a spare life form for him according to the simple method of the drow. When he walked out of the storage area, he passed the highest authority and found that the fast battleship had been recovered ten days ago in the ship.  A signal arrived from Alfalfa and others.

    The content of the signal is very compressed. There are no coordinates. It only mentions that there will be a voluntary descending body, which will always keep the conscious mind in intense emotions

    Chu Yunsheng left a message for Miya, and then immediately returned to the world of bubbles.

    At this time, a huge oval-shaped battleship was already far away from the spacecraft where Alfalfa was located.

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