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Volume 1 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1335 Quagmire

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    The signal from the silver battleship was hidden in the radiation flow of the supernova explosion. After arriving at the spatial location of the Five Sequence Fleet, it quickly and automatically attenuated as if the distance had been calculated, and disappeared in the chaotic star explosion.  Radiation diffusion waves.

    After receiving its signal, Zhu and Wuxu immediately decided to wait where they were.

    The silver battleship has been following them for so long, and it seems that it can continue to follow them. It still has plenty of energy left. Even if it doesn't wait, it can catch up at any time. You and Wu Xu can't stop it even if they think about it. Instead of wasting materials on useless evasion,  Might as well stay where you are and see what else it knows.

    Regarding the situation of the Andromeda Galaxy, I and Wu Xu also received some chaotic signals sporadically during their long voyage in the dark realm, but they have not yet been able to form a clear intelligence picture. The Silver Battleship may know more because of other reasons.  To be a little more detailed.

    In front of the fleet is the Triangle Galaxy, and further ahead is the even larger Andromeda Galaxy. Behind it is the Dark Territory, and further behind the Dark Territory is the extinguished Milky Way. The location here is obviously far from being out of danger, and is still full of crises.  If we cannot figure out the current situation in the surrounding star field, it will be even more dangerous in the Triangular Galaxy, which has already experienced an unknown war but is now surprisingly quiet, and the entire army may be annihilated at any time.

    Whether you stay here or continue to escape and sail farther into the dark realm, the new information being generated in the surrounding star field is the most critical thing in 10¡èlong 10¡èwind 10¡èliterary 10¡èscience.

    The wait did not last too long. When I and the Five Orders control fleet fell silent and sailed silently along the radiation flow of the supernova explosion, everything seemed to be predicted by the silver battleship.  The quasi-neutron stars destroyed by the fifth sequence seemed to continue moving in their original direction according to a certain set trajectory.  But there was no update.

    When they completely entered a state of silence, it was as if they had been wiped out.  The quasi-neutron star, which was still undergoing complex changes, seemed to have completed its mission, as if it had lost its original goal, and completely showed the movement pattern of natural physical laws.

    At this time, the silver battleship finally arrived in the dark starry sky.

    It seems to have changed from its previous majesty, no longer roaring across the starry sky, no longer shining through the darkness, but integrated into the torrent of radiation, hidden in the signal background of the universe.  Sailing in great secrecy.

    It doesn't even reflect light, and even "fake" various fluctuations passing through its hull. How many photons hit its silver armor, it will follow the original vibration of the photon while passing through its hull.  In one direction, an almost identical copy of the photon is forged, and it still looks like the original photon, passing through a cosmic vacuum of the same size as it.  Not encountering anything, the entire battleship "disappeared" into thin air as if it were invisible.

    The silver battleship did not elaborate on the level of its technology, and whether it could be used to avoid the detection of the "devils" killing the Andromeda galaxy, but at least they and Wu Xu never discovered it.  It wasn't until it took the initiative to send a single particle signal that Wu and Wu Xu realized that it was actually less than 0.1 light-year away from the fleet.

    If it attacks suddenly, it may be impossible for the entire fleet of extremely large numbers to be destroyed in an instant.  But if it is positioned as the primary target, it will definitely die.

    The signal came this time.  Different from the cold voice before, it was very plain and concise: "Left rotation anterior storage. This matter is of great importance. Please block the reply signal."

    The signal it emits at this moment is like a directional particle micro-pulse, which emits a very small number of dark matter particles that do not react with other matter towards a fixed target. It imparts information to these single particles, thereby constraining communication and  It is controlled in a narrow channel, does not interact with other substances, and ensures that single particles of information can be transmitted over long distances without interference and directly reach the cube of the Five Sequences. The other warships in the fleet are unaware of this.

    The shadow at this moment is in the cube. Since receiving the signal from the silver battleship for the first time, Wu Xu has abided by the agreement and handed over the decision-making power to him. However, Chu Yunsheng is not in the cube at this time. The silver battleship is  Bian obviously didn't know this "latest" information yet.

    Therefore, he glanced at Wu Xu, then avoided the question, and also vaguely fired the information particles created by the drow: "What are you going to do?"

    A faint voice: "Go to the core star field of the galaxy."

    ??: "Do you want to find out the identity of the "devil" and what it has done in this galaxy? Even its purpose?"

    A faint voice: "We will never be able to escape until we figure it out."

    ??: "Its purpose cannot be discovered, but what it does can be explored, but even if we find it, we still can't do anything."

    A faint voice: "If you don't give birth to a spirit, if you?It discovers that we are still mortal.  "

    Its answer was not in line with what I said, as if you said yours and I said mine, but the center did not deviate. I immediately understood that it wanted the old god Chu Yunsheng to practice the law, especially at this time.  Like the last straw, only by giving birth to a spirit can one hope to escape from the star field around the Milky Way galaxy and escape death from something released from the Milky Way galaxy.

    He even speculated that the powerful fairy race who were fighting hard in the Andromeda Galaxy, or the star field races further than the Andromeda Galaxy, and all the life forms in the starry sky and star fields around the Milky Way, were desperately trying to escape as soon as they discovered the incredible changes in the Milky Way Galaxy.  This devil's quagmire is spreading rapidly like pollution, but they and the silver battleship are still struggling deep in the center of the quagmire. Compared with the fleeing lives on the periphery, including the powerful fairy clan, their chances of survival are almost pitiful.  , if there is no spirit, it is even a certain death outcome, and you will never be able to break out of this quagmire.

    The strong fairy clan has been able to sustain until now, and Wu and Wu Xu have roughly guessed at this time that there must be real spiritual life sitting in the starry sky, otherwise it would have been destroyed as quickly as the Triangular Galaxy. This is why Silver Battleship said that only the birth spirit has hope of survival.  The supporting reason comes from the war situation in the Andromeda Galaxy. Although it is in danger and everyone in the sky is calling for help at the speed of light, it shows that the power of spiritual life can still delay it.

    But even if a spirit is born, it is not enough because they are already in the middle of the quagmire.  If you want to escape, you need to know more things.  For example, why is the Triangle Galaxy so silent, etc.  You need to enter the core area of ??the galaxy once.

    This is the meaning of the signal center before and after the light and concise sound, which can be understood quickly.

    But he is an outsider. Even Wu Xu doesn¡¯t know what is happening in the Milky Way, and he doesn¡¯t know even more.

    But no matter what happened, this time point was chosen very well. The war of gods has reached the present level, from the era of the old gods to the current era of the new gods, regardless of whether the Lord of the Seven Nails of the new kingdom of gods has already  Broken spirit.  Both sides suffered losses, and what was even more terrifying was the collapse of the Rainbow Bridge!

    Even if the top two sides of the God War are far away in the depths of the universe and know the situation here beyond time and space, they can no longer organize a powerful spiritual army to nip it in the bud. Even if they can organize it, the collapse of the Rainbow Bridge will be inevitable.  As a result, they can only ride space battleships across the extremely long and hopelessly long starry sky. Even if they come at the speed of light, by the time they arrive, the balance of power will have already changed.  An existence that can only become cannon fodder and die!

    War in the starry sky, due to the large-scale limitations of time and space, coupled with the limitations of technological levels, many times.  From the very beginning, the outcome of the war was decided, and the subsequent process was just a miserable struggle.

    He tried to quickly learn more about the outside world from the silver battleship.  He has been away from the "outside world" for a long time, ever since the defeat of the divine messenger.  He mingled among the human battleships and was basically isolated from the world.  He knew nothing about the situation in the outside world. It was not until he met the New God Envoy fleet that he learned about the situation on some nearby battlefields. However, he did not know the situation on the deeper and larger battlefields.

    The Five Orders are worse than him. According to the people on earth, they are from Mars and are even more out of touch. These Drows who were "captured" by the Galactic Overlord, in addition to knowing some dark history about the Galactic Overlord, the latest "outside world"  The situation ¡°probably goes back hundreds of millions of years¡­

    Only by understanding the general situation of the outside world can we make correct judgments.

    It's a pity that Chu Yunsheng is not here, and he doesn't know the old god's cultivation method. If he goes on, he will definitely show his appearance, and once the silver Russian battleship discovers that Chu Yunsheng is not in the fleet, it will most likely not take them anymore.  "Keep playing." Except for Chu Yunsheng, the silver battleship had never cared whether the others in the fleet were dead or alive.

    When I took the initiative to contact it, I naturally did not want to tell it that Chu Yunsheng was not here and let it leave on its own and stop following them. It was also not only to obtain news from the outside world, but also to rely on it to survive the current crisis.

    At least until the complete cube fleet of the Five Order Drow appears, or before he encounters the main fleet of his own race, he must rely on this powerful silver battleship to protect himself!

    He guessed that the war between gods outside the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy might have been forced to stop, and his race should be temporarily safe. However, in the midst of fleeing far away from the Milky Way, or in the gathering of demons who were preparing to kill the Andromeda Galaxy, he had no choice but to give up.  Got it.

    If there is no powerful race, or a powerful and far-sighted spiritual master to give unified orders, the possibility of the fleets of all parties fleeing after the armistice is far greater than the possibility of large-scale regrouping to support the powerful fairy race and counterattack the "devil".

    "Such a magnificent war scene is something that no one can even imagine today. Compared with it, the first to third battlefields of the Milky Way galaxy areFighting is just like playing house. Of course, he now knows that he does not have the ability to command such a grand war, such a battle in the starry sky where countless proud battleships and countless glorious races are destroyed at every turn.

    Even so, he still hopes that if the war between the gods and gods on the periphery really ceases, they can be assembled, even if the commander is not him, even if he knows that this possibility is very small, and there are many conditions required for regrouping, but  He still hoped so much, and he had a vague feeling that if the changes in the Milky Way were not contained now, they might no longer be able to contain them in the future.

    "It's a pity that even here, he is just a small person, and his words don't carry much weight. When negotiating with the silver battleship, he still needs the help of Chu Yunsheng's "coat" to make a little noise at this level.

    However, if he had known that Chu Yunsheng's first task in obtaining the ancient book was just to "report the news", he might not think so.

    ^(To be continued)
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