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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 1251 The Majestic Appears

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    Not long after the God's envoy arrived, he left angrily. The news soon spread among the left-handed remnants of the fleet. The conversation between the God's envoy and Old Hull was even secretly circulated. It didn't take long for the reactions of each fleet to change.  Reflected in quiet actions.  ,

    In the dark ship, he was supervising Ali and other surviving team members to conduct training. He modified some training plans and added some new content.

    The fleet was at the end of its rope and was flying towards the newly arrived fleet. He didn't have much substantive things to do, so he concentrated on training with Ali and others.

    Miya, who was on duty in the main control room, sent a message. She looked at it and said silently: "Another one has left. Is this the eighth spaceship to leave the team?"

    Miya said: "Yes, do you want to stop it?"

    He was silent for a moment and said: "Let them go. We are not together in the first place. The cohesion of the former reserve actually gradually disappeared before the battle with the fire insect army, but they did not have time to leave at that time."

    Miya, who grew up in the complicated environment of the Hel family, naturally understands the meaning of these words. After the decisive battle with the spirit brought by the Drow, for the various fleets of the left-handed remnants, the banner of the front reserve  That¡¯s it for now.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Not to mention those elite races that later gathered together on the third battlefield, they were the three major coalition fleets who fought to the death from the first and second battlefields with the former reserve. They probably had this idea at the time.

    And the ensuing encounter with the fire insect red people was the pure price of carrying this banner. The powerful fire insect army was obviously coming towards the front reserve, and they were attacked indiscriminately.  There was indeed a reason for the red man, but it was mostly due to the front reserve. After all, the fire bug's combat power was the decisive force in that encounter.

    They didn't complain.  They have been fighting to the death. As a race in the starry sky, no one will regret it. This is the price that must be paid for this flag.

    Miya sighed and said: "I thought they would have other plans until at least we got through the dark realm, but I didn't expect that they would start now. Maybe it's because of that divine envoy?"

    I am changing my training plan at the same time.  While saying with some emotion: "Don't talk about the things of the Kingdom of God, even we don't know about them. Don't forget that Chu is the former concubine and was personally appointed by the old god. Now that there is a new one in the throne, you should understand.  Their worries are not unreasonable. The new envoy is even more unsubtle. Everyone probably wants to escape from our "thief" ship as soon as possible."

    Miya was stunned for a moment. It wasn¡¯t that she hadn¡¯t thought of this level, but it was because of what Dajun meant. The reason he was still here was probably because he got trapped on the pirate ship and couldn¡¯t get off, otherwise he would have probably run away

    Most of the time.  Mia was impressed by Dajun's genius and almost artistic fighting ability, but sometimes there were times.  I also think this alien is a bit "cute".

    Putting away these random thoughts, Miya said worriedly: "I think it's better to stop it, otherwise other people will leave quickly when they see that you are not moving."

    He said calmly: "Lao Chi once took me to do smuggling business and was caught. Later, all the money was searched and confiscated. He was afraid that I would not be able to think about it, so he said something, which I think makes sense. He said it was going to rain.  Mom wants to get married, and there is nothing you can do to stop her from getting caught, so just let them be."

    Miya is not from Earth, so she cannot understand the cultural meaning behind Lao Chi¡¯s words too deeply, but she feels that there is another reason for letting other warships leave the formation, and this reason is the real reason.

    Not long after, she received a piece of news that had a more serious impact: the race that had passed away from it had also left.

    However, unlike other spaceships that left quietly, this Venerable Yuanmen, who rarely spoke, left a message for me. Miya was lucky enough to be able to see it because she was on duty in the main control room.

    The message is very simple, just one sentence: If I leave, you will be safer. I wish you good luck.

    He didn¡¯t say anything after reading it, deleted it casually, and continued to revise his training plan, while Miya understood it all at once.

    ????????? Whether it is the current soldiers or them, they are all deeply imprinted with the former reserve. They will most likely be recognized as the former reserve¡¯s cronies. If they still maintain a certain degree of power, it will be very dangerous.

    No matter how powerful they are, they cannot be greater than the power of the Kingdom of God. At this moment, only the extremely weak, so weak that they are insignificant, can survive and stay alive.

    The spaceships left one after another, some left messages, and some said nothing at all, especially as they were getting closer and closer to the fleet where the new envoys were, every word and every radio wave was extremely  careful.

    The race that was one of the three major coalition forces that claimed to have been favored by the old god left. The elite races encountered in the third battlefield all left. Finally, the main ship also left silently, fighting with the dark fleet and Leng Xing.These broken spaceships separated, forming two distinct fleets, flying towards the left-handed army of the new angel.

    Seeing that he was about to reach the designated coordinates, he finally returned to the main control room from his training plan. Ali and others were injured and fell down from his training. It was terrible. However, the strange thing is that no one scolded them behind their backs today.  Even Ali, who was always the noisiest, remained silent.

    ¡°Click on how many people are left.¡± He assigned Miya the first mission after flying to the New God Envoy Fleet.

    Miya has actually been watching the changes in the number of fleets. Every time she sees a race or a spaceship leaving, she panics. Even if she understands, she still feels uncomfortable. If she wants to count, she can take it out immediately. It¡¯s just the number of people on the list.  Too little to be eye-catching.

    He didn't seem to be affected, and even said while watching: "There are actually so many? I can understand Fuxi and the others staying. Why should the Seji people stay too? What idiots. I'll see how many idiots there are.  The Lord in Golden Armor, um, counts as one. Your cardinals won't read it. Hey, there seems to be one or two missing Hey, I don't know much about the race of this spaceship. What are you doing here?  Is there any conspiracy?"

    Mia frowned at first when she heard his tone, as if he was gloating about his misfortune, but as she listened, her heart became extremely uncomfortable. He was trying to comfort them and deliberately used a relaxed tone.

    In such a situation.  But it's very sad.

    They have nothing left, are shunned by everyone, and seem to be flying into the huge fleet of the new angel.  In fact, it is even more lonely.

    While looking at the lists, the Master of the Sea Kingdom Palace was floating outside the strange transparent life-saving ball. It seemed that he had been waiting for a long time.

    "Are you awake?" Ba Yi opened his eyes, and he immediately said: "Mel is gone, and I can't stop him, so I have to come and see you."

    Ba Yi struggled a bit.  He couldn't get up, his suspended body was bound by tiny threads, and he said depressedly: "Although I know there are not many resources. I understand that you want to save, but I am also a cardinal after all! My little bastards actually agreed to use  This cheap treatment you invented? Fake, if I am killed by you, where can I go to reason with you? "

    The master of Haiguo Palace said solemnly: "I said Mel is gone!"

    It was as if Ba Yi still hadn¡¯t heard it.  He continued to complain: "Can you drift away a little bit? I'm naked and don't have any clothes on now, okay? If you look at me and talk like this, I'll be very uncomfortable!"

    The Master of the Sea Kingdom Palace frowned and raised his voice: "Meier is gone! The new Cardinal Luo Sha is also gone! How long will you continue to pretend!?"

    As if frightened by its sudden outburst, Ba Yi looked at it and then laughed: "Aren't you still here?"

    The master of Haiguo Palace was stunned. After a moment, he said: "I'm going to the laboratory. If you have any adverse reactions, please tell me in time."

    Looking at its tall figure leaving, the strange smile gradually dissipated.  At this time, a young degenerate man guarding the door came in.  She looked at him worriedly and said, "Head, the leader of the vampire clan, Kit, came here just now, but he said he came to see if you were dead."

    Ba Yi cursed: "Go away, tell him, I won't die that easily, let the vampires just give up."

    The young degenerate man found the strength to curse again, so he opened his brows and walked away with a smile.

    As soon as he reached the door of the cabin, he met the sole cardinal Suimai, the black-haired man from Lengxing. The young degraded man looked back and saw that he had no intention of missing, so he got out of the way and allowed Suimai to go in.  Return to your post as a doorman.

    And as soon as Suimai came up, he went straight to the tunnel and said: "I scolded the new envoy!"


    Lu He stood on the huge platform, looking at the flying broken fleet, his eyes twitching.

    This fleet has been divided into two groups, each docking at different locations.

    He can tell at a glance which one is who and who is the other, because the comparison between the number and level of the two spaceships is really huge.

    He did not go to see them again. As a divine envoy, he did have a noble place, but he did not have much power. Those advanced and advanced races just respected him.

    With the arrival of these two remnant fleets, there were also subtle fluctuations within his fleet. These changes were invisible to the naked eye and had to be observed carefully to discover.

    Some people never want to come back, and some people have other thoughts, but they hide them well. Now is not the time to become more acute.

    He raised his head and looked at the real battlefield deep in the starry sky. There was probably an undercurrent surging there.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?The chaos of tribulation, a fierce battle, has begun to take shape!

    He looked at a star and murmured: "Father, you once said that you were just a local emperor who only wanted to stay at the grain station and live happily all his life. He never thought that one day he would run into space like an astronaut. You  Let me study, study hard, and you also practice hard and work hard to gain military exploits. You are afraid that one day I will fall behind and be eliminated. But until today, I can't even figure out an adult's thoughts, which disappoints you.  ?

    You said that you had met Mr. Chu, but I rarely heard you mention it again. But I still remember that you said that if Mr. Chu were still here, he would never be able to defeat you. But I am lucky enough to have a chance. Uncle Yao wants to see me.  , happened to meet the adult that time, and it was also the only time when he came back after being summoned by the new god. The adult said to Uncle Yao at that time: She is very powerful!

    Father, I sometimes feel that in front of them, no matter how hard I try, I am still childish and clumsy like a child. Without your illustrious military exploits and your earth-shattering sacrifice in the most desperate situation, I might not be worthy of standing here.  here¡­¡­"

    ? ^^(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!
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