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Volume 1 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 968: Punishing the Heaven and Destroying the Earth

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    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s first reaction was that he was dazzled, or was it a natural phenomenon in the atmosphere?

    But I immediately realized that this was definitely not dazzling, nor was it a sundog. The light and shadow caused by the refraction of light in the atmosphere were completely different from the scene at the moment.

    Ten suns were lined up in a row, leaping into the sky from the horizon. Not only him, but Yiyisi who was immediately awakened also saw it. He was stunned and stunned, with his mouth wide open and unable to speak.

    The heat came rolling in in an instant. As the ten suns rose simultaneously, there seemed to be a dividing line of air waves sweeping across the world on the horizon, advancing rapidly along the surface of the entire planet!

    "One side seems to be a sea of ??fire, and the other side is the darkness before dawn. The dividing line across the North and South Poles divides the entire world into two very clearly.

    Such momentum seems to carry a kind of power that will destroy the heaven and the earth!

    The earth shook slightly, and countless animals of all sizes surged in from the horizon, running away as hard as they could, as if driven by the dividing line between light and darkness behind them.

    A large amount of water was evaporated in the air, but due to the high temperature it could not re-condensate, forming a dense mist. The light of the tenth day was scattered on it, showing a faint blush, constantly invading the world in front of the dividing line.

    The vitality of heaven and earth, which was originally imprisoned by Chu Yunsheng's global talisman formation, also began to disturb uneasily. The majestic fire energy plunged into the surface of the planet from above, scurrying around like a wild beast, trying to break free and capture it.  The rune lines bind.

    Several weak rune positions exploded one after another.  The unbridled vitality of heaven and earth suddenly collapsed and went on a rampage.  Like the waves stirred up by the huge undercurrent on the sea, they became more and more intense.

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    Through the huge talisman array, Chu Yunsheng clearly felt that the snow and glaciers in the extreme north and extreme south were melting at a rapid rate.  Large amounts of meltwater rush toward the equator along the mountains and oceans.


    In less than an hour, there were emergencies all over the world!

    "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, let's go down."

    Yiyisi suggested fearfully that it is not afraid of high temperatures, and the temperature underground may be even higher than this, but this devastating sight makes it instinctively want to hide underground and never come up.  .

    The dividing line between light and heat is about to reach the feet of the starship.  It was advancing at a terrifying speed, and countless animals, large and small, screamed and ran away from underneath the starship, not daring to stop for a moment.

    Yiyisi subconsciously stepped back. There was a tadpole aircraft parked on the platform, and he could take it and "Your Majesty" to escape at any time.

    Chu Yunsheng did not move at all, and did not even try to stabilize the weak area of ??the runes that had been washed away.  Keep looking at the ten suns raging in the sky.

    "Your Majesty?"

    The tsunami-like heat wave rushed through the last distance before the starship, and was about to violently hit the huge starship that dared to block it, and then swept away to continue its journey of destroying the world. Yiyisi was extremely nervous.  He boldly shouted again.

    ¡°Following the heat wave is orange-red mist, looking down from the starship platform.  They were as deadly as poisonous gas. Wherever they invaded, all kinds of creatures fell down in pain, with bubbles all over their bodies. Birds that had no time to fly away screamed in pain and fell down, as hot as being cooked.

    On the ground below the starship, those animals that could no longer run, as well as those that had no time to avoid the starship and were delayed in their escape, let out desperate screams in front of the fiery dividing line that was getting closer and closer behind them.

    There were more aliens, coming towards the starship like a tide from all directions, running away desperately, as if they were in a safe place once they reached the starship.

    Yiyisi saw two Aoka people, one of whom was extremely strong, carrying a weak companion on his back, trying hard to squeeze towards the bottom of the starship.

    Nowadays, the Aoka people are about to be exterminated by the people on earth. Except for some that can be seen in the earth's army, they are rarely seen in other places. At this moment, standing among the many Kadan people, Ti tribes, etc., it seems very abrupt.  , and were also violently rejected by people of other races.

    Down below, swarms of animals, large and small, were fleeing in panic, constantly attacking the dense crowd trying to get close to the starship, and these dark crowds were struggling to squeeze out of the way, pushing away those who stood in front of them, frantically desperate.

    That dividing line like the line of life and death is still moving forward with its unstoppable momentum, and countless people and animals are "The other side of the line screamed miserably and screamed before death, and that side was burning like purgatory.

    The aliens who finally arrived at the foot of the starship knelt on the ground one after another, begging bitterly in various languages ??and dialects, begging the black shadow far away in the clouds and the edge of the starship to look down at them.

    But the animals were still running around in panic, rushing into the crowd of people kneeling on the ground from time to time, trampling in panic and losing their balance, falling to the ground struggling and screaming, mixed with the screams of the people next to them who were heavily trampled.  Together, there is chaos and overcrowding.

    But more people came up from behind, and they immediately drowned out the screams and screams in front. People were crowded together. Some people tried to lift the child and let the child crawl inside from the top of the head of the person in front.  As if it was safer inside, some people stepped on other people's bodies and squeezed in, while more people followed the people in front and knelt on the ground, begging bitterly.

    The animals are still running away to the west like crazy. They will run until they are exhausted and overtaken by the fiery dividing line. They don't know that they can't escape the line of death. It's just that.  Running blindly.

    Yiyisi took a few steps back, all the way to the entrance of the tadpole aircraft, ready to escape at any time. The underground man who controlled the aircraft was even more nervous than it was, and kept whispering to it to escape quickly.

    The crowd of cries and pleadings below became louder and louder. At this moment, Chu Yunsheng made some movement and glanced blankly below. For some reason, he suddenly felt that the scene at this moment was familiar, but  Can't remember when it happened.

    "Your Majesty? Let's go down and hide for a while?" When Yiyisi saw Chu Yunsheng making some movement, he quickly said it again.

    It made up its mind. If Chu Yunsheng still didn't move, it would run away first. It was important to save its life.

    Chu Yunsheng didn¡¯t look back, he just said: ¡°I forgot you are still here, you go down first.¡±

    After saying that, Yiyisi flew up uncontrollably and fell into the tadpole aircraft in a blink of an eye. The pilot immediately understood and took off, swaying and fleeing to the west.

    At this time, Yiyisi, who was sitting in the tadpole, saw Chu Yunsheng on the edge of the platform as if he stretched out his palm to touch the heat wave that was coming and almost hit the starship. Then, he saw what he had seen for the rest of his life.  A magnificent sight that I have never seen before¡ª¡ª

    From south to north, from the end of the ocean to the end of the continent, the majestic dividing line between red and black, which spanned countless kilometers, suddenly stopped in an instant. The extremely turbulent line seemed to be blocked by that hand, and it could not move even an inch.  Don't act before!

    At the same time, the heat wave that swept thousands of meters seemed to be still at the same moment. The light ice mist fixed the shape of the heat wave at the last moment as lifelike as a statue. Even the traces of the hot wind were extremely clear, spanning thousands of miles and towering into the clouds, extremely  Spectacular.

    A Kadan man carrying a child looked at the Heat Wave Mist Eagle almost at the tip of his nose in shock. He swallowed, gasped for air, and then collapsed on the ground.

    ¡°Perhaps it was Yiyisi¡¯s illusion, but on the curved and vast ground that the Tadpole aircraft could overlook, there seemed to be countless lines that flickered at that moment.

    Then, behind the dividing line, an earth-shattering force roared past the burning purgatory, and the road from the dividing line was frozen all the way at a speed that could be seen!

    The red turned to white in an instant, and the mist condensed into rain and fell one after another.

    The ten suns in the sky seemed to dim at this moment.

    Then, after that moment of silence, the entire planet seemed to shine with a dazzling light, and an icy force that was equally devastating to the heavens and the earth rose from the ground. Countless air vortexes appeared like the tail of a comet on the sun-facing side of the planet.  Side, fighting fiercely with the huge fire energy from space, pushing the dividing line between light and heat directly out of the atmosphere and into space!

    The dividing line at this moment is no longer a line, but an elliptical surface, like a battlefield where the planet's magnetic field and the solar wind battle, and the object is replaced by the battle between "ice" and "fire".

    Countless dark energy particles with completely opposite shapes are fighting fiercely here, fighting each other, trying to annihilate each other and invade the opponent's position.

    The "corpses" of death are all over space, but nothing can be seen with the naked eye, because this is space and the matter is extremely thin. When they are excited and die, they do not show the external form of ice and fire when they are on the surface of the planet, as if they are invisible.  Generally, the tragic battlefield is covered up.

    Soon, the power from the planet was completely defeated and declined rapidly, while the power from Toka once again gained the upper hand and quickly pushed the battle line into the atmosphere.

    As soon as you enter here, you will be greeted by the distinct atmosphere of ice and fire.The situation immediately emerged. The retreating white ice spiral comet tail descended steadily under the blazing red, and the dividing line of death returned to the surface of the planet again.

    At this time, the second ray of light shining around the world was activated, but it did not roar out countless warrior-like icy powers like the first time, but instead pulled in the fiery red that invaded the planet like a whirlpool.

    Countless rune lines on the ground flickered brightly at this moment, and flood-like fire energy was absorbed and arranged by the runes, quickly filling up layer by layer.

    The dividing line at this time is like the Milky Way with countless big holes. Endless fire energy is flowing down, like huge red waterfalls hanging in the sky, pouring into the earth. Countless aliens are stunned and looking at this eternal scene.  spectacle.

    And the fighting is still going on, in a way that countless people can't understand.

    On the starship platform, Chu Yunsheng was flying towards the Milky Way.

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