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Volume 1 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 854 Heaven and Earth Reopen, Fighting the World Again

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    Prince Hu'er was stunned for a moment, shook his head and said: "Are you kidding? How many of these heavy knights of the Guards do I have in total? Expulsion, that is the core strength of the empire. Since ancient times,  It can only be controlled by the emperor alone!"

    Chu Yunsheng slapped the table and said suddenly: "Find a way to become the emperor!"

    The beast riding on the Purple Gold Knight's crotch is really excellent. It is fast, explosive, ferocious, and strong. No matter what, the blood war horses cannot compare. After the thirteen war horses of Butni and others came here with the help of the blood clan,  The new devouring ability formed sucked up a batch of ordinary riding beasts sent by Hul before the evacuation. Although there was no obvious improvement, you can still feel that it is different from before, otherwise it would not have been possible to successfully complete it.  A third-order ice locking talisman array that has passed through once.

    Like the ability to degenerate, the Vampire race is a naturally evolved species!

    This ability seems to be somewhat similar to when he used Ming's body. The difference is that although he also needed a lot of numbers to successfully devour it, it was much less than the vampires. Listen to Botni  Said that they wandered in the desert for nearly three months and killed countless pig-headed men before they devoured all their potential.

    So no matter what, this kind of riding beast called "driving fierceness" must be obtained on a large scale. A little bit cannot meet the needs of a blood knight.

    Prince Hu'er glanced at Chu Yunsheng, with deep worry hidden in his eyes: "If you haven't revealed your identity as a walking god, or it's not true, if you cooperate with me with your ability to get close to the Cardinal, you might still have a chance to fight for it.  A fight, now, I'm afraid"

    Chu Yunsheng asked: "What's the problem? One country cannot tolerate two gods?"

    Prince Hur shook his head and said: "There are primary and secondary gods. Among the five countries, except for the extreme south, which believes in only one god. I don't know about the country of Xinmi, the other three countries all have primary and secondary gods. So, unless  Your new god is willing to become the sub-god that the empire believes in, otherwise I won¡¯t have any chance, but I have never heard of such a thing.¡±

    Chu Yunsheng waved his hand domineeringly and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's a lesser god. I represent it!"

    ????????????????? Again, if the shadow man refuses to accept it, can he still bite him?

    The film maker was once again "sold cheaply" by him.

    Prince Hur¡¯s expression was very astonished. He had probably never heard of such a thing before. Did walking represent the gods?  Who is the master of whom?  ?

    Chu Yunsheng ignored Hu Er.  When he got up and walked out of the cart, Wen Luo had already caught up with him.  Talking to Buttney.

    See Chu Yunsheng.  Wen Luo was very calm. After asking if she was injured, she stopped asking any more questions and went straight to the topic.

    "You said there might be collusion between Haiguo and the Underground Villain?" After hearing what Wen Luo mentioned first, Chu Yunsheng immediately frowned: "No wonder they were able to discover me so quickly, with the skills of the Underground Villain.  It is indeed easy to install a few spy devices on Hu Er or Baoer's people, and there may even be undercovers among them. The continental empire has been multiplying for thousands of years, and it is still a primitive and backward life. I really don't know how they have such big heads.  ?¡±

    "The sociologists in the camp have analyzed it. It is generally believed that their social structure hinders technological development. In the history of the earth, it was gunpowder cannons that blasted away the knights' castles, which gave the opportunity to start the Renaissance and the Great Science and Technology Revolution.  It¡¯s an era of progress, but the knights and castles here cannot be blasted away by cannons, nor can they be blasted away by the underground villains whose technology is far superior to ours. Therefore, their structure has been stable and motionless for thousands of years!" Wen Luo analyzed:  "Furthermore, I heard that the Underground Villain has a strict technical blockade on the five countries. The Sea Country can get help from the Underground Villain. I guess it may be because of the needs of the same enemy."

    Chu Yunsheng nodded: "As long as the cardinal is here, the villain in the underground will blow a hole in the sky, but it will be in vain, so the cardinal is a cancer!"

    Wen Luo looked at Chu Yunsheng in slight surprise, as if anyone could say this, but he should not say it.

    "I used to work in technology, and I belong to the technology-enjoying school. Think about it, who would want to have only a fan and no air conditioning in such a hot weather? Who would want to have to shout to convey a message, basically rely on hands to go to the toilet, and even light a cigarette?  Stone?" Chu Yunsheng complained casually, then went over, took out the map given by Ba Yi from his pocket, and said sternly: "Ba Yi also got this map from you. He told me something  I can't judge the matter, have you heard any news over there?"

    Wen Luo was a little dazed by Chu Yunsheng's previous words. When she saw Chu Yunsheng taking out the map, she understood what he meant. She immediately came back to her senses and nodded: "It's roughly confirmed that we are still on the earth. Well, I'm sorry.  , I haven¡¯t had time to report to you yet, because¡±

    Chu Yunsheng shook his head: "It doesn't matter, just keep talking, it's what you think"?, or was it determined by the scientists in the camp?  "

    Wen Luojuanxiu's brows furrowed slightly: "I was shocked when I saw this map at the time. I contacted the camp officials and organized all the living scientists to conduct demonstrations. After everyone was extremely stunned, they all agreed that it should be the earth.  , but the time cannot be determined, most of the instruments they brought are no longer usable, and there is no way to analyze the current age from isotopes."

    As she spoke, she pointed at the map and said: "Look here, here, and here there are more than 300 places in total, all of which are unique terrains of the earth. They have been compared in detail with the geographical map of the earth we brought. The deviations  Extremely small, plus we can breathe freely here, and there has never been any large-scale environmental exclusion. It can¡¯t be explained by coincidence, unless God made a replica of the earth exactly as it was! However, there are still doubts. First,  There are three lunar satellites here, the size and surface of which are different from ours. Secondly, the star map in the night sky is wrong, and astronomers have determined that we are in an unfamiliar star field."

    Chu Yunsheng's geographical knowledge was limited to the outline, which was why he was eager to ask Wen Luo. Only the most professional people could make the best judgment on professional matters. After listening to Wen Luo's story, he was basically sure that this was the earth.  , but the biggest question is still unresolved: "Let's put aside everything else. After their research, can anyone be sure, or estimate, whether we have returned to the previous Earth or to the future Earth? This  Very important!"

    Wen Luo shook his head and said: "I'm not sure. But everyone has some disputes. The main reason is that the new environment is completely different from the earth. The physical theory system has been severely impacted. Many scientists have a skeptical attitude towards everything. From the time we left the earth,  Judging from the situation, after the impact of the seven stars falling, it may cause the earth to shift, the north and south magnetic poles to reverse, and the American continent will either sink. Or it will be in the sky!"

    Chu Yunsheng's eyes moved: "In the sky? Do you mean Tianyu Kingdom or the moon?"

    Wen Luo said: "I don't know either. Everyone is speculating that no one in that camp has ever been to Tianyu Country. However, if we follow this explanation, we should have come to the earth after the impact."

    Chu Yunsheng thought for a moment and felt that it did make sense.  Signaling Wen Luo to continue: "Let's put it this way. Does anyone else have a different opinion?"

    Wen Luo nodded: "Yes, most of these people are experts in humanities and history. They don't care about the irreversibility of time by physics experts. They think it may be the earth in the past. The evidence is that the biological world here is very similar to the myths and legends of many countries.  The creatures in the book include China's Classic of Mountains and Seas. There are a large number of life forms that are hybrids of different animals. They proposed that the channel we enter here has a super-light channel, so we can go back to the past, but most physicists refuted it.  One of the physicists even slapped the table and said that even if it exceeds the speed of light, time cannot flow backwards. Time is a process of movement. It can be fast or slow, but it can never cease to exist if it moves past the speed of light. If you go back to the past, you are doing  You can use his head as a urinal."

    Chu Yunsheng thought to himself that he was lucky not to go to these people to discuss it directly, otherwise with his two brushes, he would not know what the physicist looked like, but this matter must be clarified, although at the moment he  I already have a general tendency in my mind:

    "Have they ever said, for example, what evidence can be found to prove whether it is the past or the future?"

    Wen Luo spread out the map again: "Whether it is the past or the future, everyone agrees on one thing, that is, the difference from our era will not exceed ten thousand years. To be precise, it should only be within a few thousand years.  Otherwise, the landforms of Europe, Asia, and Africa will undergo great changes, so the first confirmed evidence is here."

    Chu Yunsheng was surprised and said: "Egypt?"

    Wen Luo said "Yeah": "The earliest pyramids were built more than 2600 AD, which is nearly five thousand years different from our time. Whether they exist or not can basically be the first step to determine whether it is the past or the future."

    Chu Yunsheng said nothing, feeling a little unreliable. What if he went back five thousand years ago?  Or, will it be razed to the ground when the seven stars fall?

    But when he changed his mind, he suddenly remembered something. When they were in the false monument, didn't Lao You and A Fu return to Leng Xing by relying on the oldest Great Pyramid?  He clearly remembered that even the Third Pyramid could not do anything about the Great Pyramid at that time. If it existed, it would not be simply razed, and it would definitely still stand in the desert!

    Maybe he could use the Great Pyramid to reconnect with Lao You Afu. Of course, the contact would be of little use unless Lao You could come over through the Rainbow Bridge and use its magical brain and ability, coupled with his own blood-riding giant  Formation, it should be no problem to deal with a few cardinals.

    The only question is, are Lao You and A Fu still alive?  He was almost confused by the changes in time and space.

      Anyway, let¡¯s try it first. Firstly, he can figure out the past or the future. Secondly, if he can really get Lao You here, he will feel much more at ease when facing the cardinal.

    "Look, what is that?"

    At this time, someone in the marching team suddenly pointed to the far north and shouted.

    Chu Yunsheng was startled, thinking that the cardinal was here again?  This is very dangerous!

    He was about to look in the direction when a sound so sharp that it almost pierced his eardrum suddenly sounded, vibrating at high frequency, penetrating and sweeping through everything.

    Like cutting wheat, the crowd covered their ears and fell down in pain row by row, ranging from Prince Hur to an ordinary riding beast, no doubt an exception!


    "It's sharp and shocking, like a broadcast that has been tuned to the wrong channel. It makes people feel hairy, uncomfortable, and noisy. It ignores everything and sweeps away everything. It attacks from the far north and rushes farther south, thousands of miles away in an instant.

    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s face turned pale in an instant, his face was bloodless, and he was stunned!

    He only heard this voice once, but he could never forget it until his death!

    "Impossible! How could it appear here!"

    He grabbed the binoculars of an officer next to him, endured the pain of almost piercing the meninges, and rushed to the high point beyond the white rice.

    But he only ran less than half the distance before he fell to the ground with a bang. His head was half exploded with severe pain. The feeling that life was worse than death came over him over and over again, impacting his zero-dimensional space. The pain was more painful than the distance.  I don¡¯t know how many times better than that time!

    At the same time, he also felt that the three forces in the zero-dimensional space were approaching a formidable enemy, and almost stopped all actions!

    This is something Chu Yunsheng has never encountered before. Even when his predecessors were fighting with ancient books and ancient bows, they were far inferior to this moment.

    "Who are you? What on earth are you!"

    Chu Yunsheng roared angrily, struggled to get up, fell down again, and used all his strength to climb up the hillside.

    He was surrounded by people who were lying on the ground, curled up, holding their ears and struggling in pain. There were knights in golden armor, samurai in golden armor, Americans, Chinese, men, women, old and young, human beings and non-human beings. They were all caught in one fell swoop. No one could escape!

    No one noticed him, and he couldn't notice anyone else. Between heaven and earth, there was only the sound of contempt for everything:


    Chu Yunsheng struggled desperately, and finally climbed to a high point almost like a reptile along the ground. He raised the telescope. In the lens, he once again saw the scene that he would never forget.

    Far in the north, at the top of the sky, there is a huge dark whirlpool, whirling and roaring. There is no light, only darkness. A dark stone tablet slowly flies down from the center of its darkness

    "That's it! It appears again!"

    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s head went blank. The three forces in the zero-dimensional space were already in close combat with the harsh voice. The fight was unprecedentedly fierce. If both sides were soldiers, their bodies would have been scattered thousands of miles away, and their blood would flow into rivers.

    The dark stone monument is still slowly descending at a speed that ignores everything and is always constant. The pain and mourning are everywhere, as if it has nothing to do with it.

    Until it sank into the horizon, and after some time, the sound gradually disappeared.

    The whole world fell silent for a moment, and then the sounds of vomiting started to come and go again, just like the original Jinling City, spreading from Chu Yunsheng's feet to the end of the team.

    The zero dimension has returned to peace, but it is riddled with holes and "heavy corpses."

    "Why does it appear here? The vortex was light at first, why is it dark this time?"

    Chu Yunsheng was puzzled and panicked. He retreated down the hillside. On the way, something different from the last time suddenly appeared.

    At the end of the quiet world, a loud cry of a baby came clearly from the sky and the earth!


    Prince Hur, who fell limply on the gorgeous cart, looked pale. Hearing the cry of a baby, he suddenly stumbled out like crazy and murmured to himself: "The legend is confirmed! The legend is confirmed! The devil baby is born.  !¡±

    Chu Yunsheng walked back to the war horse in a daze, with a lingering sentence in his head: " Even if thousands of years pass, the gods will not be destroyed, the heaven and earth will be restored, and we will fight the world again!"

    He looked up at the sky: "Eternal suppressionhate hate hateis the war about to begin"

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