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Volume 1 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 694 Close Combat

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    On the way here, Chu Yunsheng thought of several countermeasures. One of them was to withdraw the entire army and people from the fourth theater so that Chongzi could successfully pick up the hatching insects. Based on his previous experience, Chongzi was also very nervous at this time.  , as long as you don¡¯t stop them and don¡¯t actively provoke them, this human-insect war may not start, but this does not mean that they will let the city go. On the contrary, they will build a slime area and gradually surround it after getting the hatching insects.  This giant city, under Min's command, was like boiling a frog in warm water, gradually driving humanity to the point of running out of ammunition and food, and was finally wiped out in one fell swoop, leaving not a single blade of grass behind.

    Therefore, in the long run, this war between humans and insects must be fought. Taking advantage of the fact that the insects near the city have not yet formed a climate, fighting against them will not only allow the army to gain valuable experience in insect warfare, but also greatly reduce the number of casualties in the future.  number, and also greatly promotes the gathering of people's hearts in this giant city with a population of tens of millions.

    At present, the civil strife has just subsided, people's hearts are floating, coupled with the lack of food and clothing, and the freezing weather, most of the refugees are like frightened birds all day long, and their despair about the doomsday is unprecedentedly high. As long as there is the slightest disturbance, they will be  It is a huge chaos from the inside out. Let alone preparing for war, it will be a miracle to stabilize the situation.

    We can only win this war between humans and insects and tell the people in the city with facts that the cannibal monsters outside can be defeated!  As long as there are awakened people, there are troops, and Chu Yunsheng is there, this city will be there!  Moreover, as long as everyone works together as one and builds a defensive line with all their heart, instead of doing half-heartedly and building roads just for a mouthful of food, we can defend this giant city!

    besides.  Once this human-insect war is won and this grave-hatching insect is eliminated, it will definitely be able to delay the spread of the insect slime area outside the city. Although they will soon get other grave-hatching insects from other places, at least  If you can delay one step, it is one step.  Even if it is only delayed for half a month, it is extremely precious to this giant city whose technological power is developing rapidly. The sacrifice at this moment is to make fewer sacrifices in the future.

    therefore.  When Chu Yunsheng stood in front of the entrance to the space, he couldn't feel that these meat balls had the life source he was familiar with, so he made up his mind to fight!

    But there is no time for meetings, analysis, research, demonstrations, and arrangements on how to fight. The bugs gathered outside the city seemed to know the determination of mankind, and they only briefly communicated with the military headquarters through the new communication device of the division commander.  Not long after, it washed over the earth like a flood and swarmed towards the fourth theater.

    The two main divisions and the two new divisions temporarily deployed from Pudong for support are still crossing the bridge. The crowded refugees are desperately trying to escape to the first and seventh theaters respectively. The armored troops stationed in the fourth theater have already begun to spread across the bridge.  Covered by artillery fire!

    at the same time.  Under the coordination of the military headquarters, all the heavy artillery in the adjacent 1st and 7th theaters remained in place, all adjusted their muzzles, and roared with fierce artillery fire to support the operations in the 4th theater.

    As for the missile force, because of its small number, the military department did not use it.  Before there was an obvious breakthrough in technological power, they were just larger and more accurate fireworks. This was only achieved with the help of some positioning techniques left over from the multi-power clan and the teachings of Lao You.  It will be of great use in the future.

    But the artillery shells are different. The first few batches of artillery shells used by various types of howitzers, tank guns, rocket launchers, etc. all have additional bombs that can awaken people with fire energy and add fire energy. Their structure is based on existing technology.  Especially due to Lao You's "selfless" contribution during this period of time.  Some small additional changes can be made to meet the conditions for this infusion of fire energy energy.

    In fact, they cannot be regarded as real fire energy weapons.  Just use ordinary artillery shells to drive the warhead with the fire energy explosion device into the insect swarm, and then use the explosion shock wave of the shell to unleash the power of the fire energy explosion to the maximum extent that can be achieved so far.

    In the darkness, the armored artillery emplacements of the three theaters in the shape of a font screamed out, piercing the sky with rays of light. The blazing flashes of light illuminated the earth, and the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke could be heard even before it reached them.  Hearing the sound of air-piercing bomb attacks that pierced the eardrums, they flew overhead, followed closely by clusters of huge light clusters in the darkness behind the buildings on the edge of the fourth theater.  , illuminated the entire sky, and after waves of ground shaking, deafening explosions roared!

    The huge air vibration shattered all the glass it encountered along the way, and it did not stop until it reached the fifth theater. It continued to drift eastwards across the river and swept towards the vast land of Pudong.

    In the telescope, you can see countless black spots being lifted up in the explosion of light, like the ropes of a swing being cut, hitting everywhere in all directions, and falling like rain.

    Every time a light group lights up, there will be such a scene, but it is not a good thing, but it indicates those dark?As dense and numerous as ants on the ground, everyone holding a telescope feels an unprecedented pressure!

    What they will face is the first large-scale and disciplined group of cannibals!


    It is impossible to know the casualties of the insect army, because wherever they passed, even if it was not no man's land before, it is definitely no man's land now.

    At the distance they attack, the long-range artillery fire in the three theaters has the greatest advantage. Without the giant tomb, the bugs currently cannot have the ability to attack from a distance. The occasional few green beetles can only deal with the helicopters carrying the awakened people.  , and anti-aircraft units.

    But this advantage will soon be obliterated by the insects' fearless charge. When they break into the artillery front line, it will be a one-sided massacre.

    Therefore, the mission of Chu Yunsheng and the elite team of awakening people is to guard the entrance to the space where the hatching insects are about to appear, forcing the army of insects to fight with them here, and buying time for the surrounding troops to form an encirclement of the insects. With the existing  The power consumed them to death here.

    If Min was around, Chu Yunsheng would definitely not dare to adopt such a strategy. Once the insect army only used a small number of troops to besiege him, and used a large amount of force to clear the peripheral artillery fire and awakened attacks, then this battle would not only be  If you don¡¯t win, the losses will be unbearable.

    Without Min's command, no matter how ruthless the insects are, no matter how unafraid of death, they will only act instinctively and according to the insect code. Protecting the grave-hatching insects is their most urgent mission now. They will only fight to the death here, and are unlikely to adopt more sophisticated strategies.  .

    Of course, Chu Yunsheng also considered vacating the space entrance for the insects to occupy, and then gathering strength to besiege it, but he was really not sure whether the insects would stick to this place honestly after occupying the space entrance. According to them  His habit is to send out strong soldiers to eliminate all the things that are dangerous to the entrance of the space one by one. If the initiative falls into the hands of the bugs, it will be a serious problem.

    Relying on his understanding of the habits of insects, Chu Yunsheng made a bold decision to guard the entrance to the space. He borrowed an armored battalion from the fat division commander Liu Yimin and used heavy tanks to encircle a dense steel front at the entrance of the space.  Twelve ice and fire teams and eight ghost warriors.

    Several of them died in the unification war a few days ago, and the list of strength has been supplemented by this.

    In the onslaught of the swarm, only those with armor and the strongest combat power can survive. Other Awakening Teams and Ghost Warriors have no defensive equipment and do not have enough strength, so they will die if they come.

    Chu Yunsheng stood in the middle of the space entrance. It was not that he did not want to be at the forefront, but that this position could take care of the surrounding situation, provide timely rescue in critical situations, and carry out the strongest strikes in all directions.

    In this battle, he will use his attack talisman to maintain his position!

    After this battle, there will be countless insect armors for Chu Yunsheng to form a truly armored army with large-scale combat capabilities!


    The violent artillery fire is still roaring over and over again in the cold wind. The tongues of fire are like death scythes from hell, hanging in the sky. The darkness behind the buildings has now become a "bright" purgatory, with countless  The black dots were abandoned, then fell again, and the sound of hitting the ground became more and more urgent. Through the roaring explosions, the roaring screams of insects not far away could be vaguely heard!

    Standing on a high-rise building, looking from a distance, the edge of the Fourth War Zone was already a sea of ??fire. Roads, bridges and buildings were turned into ruins under the rain of artillery fire, burning fiercely. There were still countless people in the sea of ??fire.  The insects are rushing through the flames at extremely high speeds and rushing into the war zone. They rush forward one after another, like the world's number one soldiers who cannot fight to the death or retreat, and kill towards the entrance to the space that they are waiting for.

    At this time, the armored reinforcements coming across the bridge were divided into two groups, passing through the first and seventh theaters respectively, and moved towards the rear of the insect army. They would eventually meet at the west periphery of the fourth theater and establish temporary positions.  , to launch a surprise attack on this insect army from the rear.

    The Awakening Team and the Ghost Warriors, who still have combat effectiveness, move forward one after another. Behind them are two main divisions and a new division. The two sides will cooperate to kill the red beetles on the periphery of Chu Yunsheng's insect army at the entrance to the siege space one by one.

    Except for the main force in the first and seventh theaters, which cannot move arbitrarily to imitate the accident, other reserve forces have begun to close up on the two wings of the fourth theater to form the last attack position.

    Without Min, the bugs will not retreat, they will fight to the end, so there is no gap, nor is there any gap between three and one.

    The artillery fire continued, and the vanguard of insects was bathed in fierce red flames. One after another, they rushed from the light into the dark city, as if they were coming one by one.The flames from hell appeared in the eyes of Chu Yunsheng and others.

    They advanced at high speed from the ground and building walls, dragging the flames behind them, igniting long fire dragons, as dense as silk threads, covering the fourth battlefield with burning lines.

    The first wave of attacks suddenly launched far away from Chu Yunsheng and others. The running red beetles opened their big mouths and violently sprayed highly corrosive mucus forward. The green colors were reflected in the flames.  Below, it is unusually charming and ferocious.

    At almost the same time, Chu Yunsheng's first wave of twelve sword rays passed through the corrosive slime of the greenery, killing the first row of red beetles that were running at high speed, and threw them to the rear. The fierce sword force  With a flicker, he killed and threw the bugs from the second row up, and then flipped them over

    The battle between humans and insects begins with hand-to-hand combat!

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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