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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 497 The Legendary Tiger

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    Chapter 497 The Legendary Tiger

    There are no answers to these questions, at least not for Chu Yunsheng now. He still vaguely remembers that when Yan Min regarded him as "one of his own", he once said that this was a secret that had been entangled for tens of millions of years.

    However, Chu Yunsheng didn¡¯t know what happened tens of millions of years ago. The knowledge he learned from textbooks was limited to the extinction of the dinosaurs 64 million years ago, and there was a blank after that.

    But if you jump out of the limitations of time and go back to ancient times, there is also the Cambrian period, which was an era of "life explosion". All kinds of different creatures appeared in a magical explosion almost overnight, with huge numbers and types.  So much that it completely goes against the normal laws and speed of evolution, as if there is a hidden big hand pushing gently on the back of the earth

    This hand was once called the "Hand of God" in Western academia in the Sunshine Age!

    And now it seems that it is not just human beings¡¯ wishful thinking

    Chu Yunsheng exhaled a circle of turbid smoke heavily, rubbed his swollen temples with his thumb, and his head felt faintly dizzy. If the lack of sunlight is visual darkness, and the world after the collapse of ordered civilization is only the darkness of people's hearts, then  The haze that spans hundreds of millions of years is full of murderous intent. It is the great darkness of life over the years, and its dark edge points directly to the origin of life!

    Who is true and who is false, who is right and who is wrong, who is the real owner of this land!  ?

    Who, tens of millions or even billions of years ago, had determined the source of the tragedy that is now spreading across the scorched earth!

    Chu Yunsheng stood on the top of the ruins, his figure fluttering. The cold wind swept across the broken earth, whining and whining everywhere, lifting his white hair, and his thoughts were flying.

    "Senior once said that this is a land of right and wrong. The sooner you leave, the better. He came to the earth five thousand years ago. With his knowledge and ability, he must have discovered something to say this. It's a pity that  Some of the words in the ancient book cannot be deciphered to this day, otherwise But since the shadow trapped in the seven nails is called a god, it can be seen that the status he held five thousand years ago must be very important, even if there are no details.  Shit! It¡¯s just¡ª¡ª¡±

    "It's just that why should our generation have to bear the debt of tens of millions of years ago! My aunt and others are dead, Xiaohai is dead, the big insect is dead they are all dead, why!?"


    Chu Yunsheng¡¯s cold gaze shot towards the sky, seeming to capture a fleeting glimpse of eternal secrets, and bursts of unabashed evil smiles appeared on his face covered in years.

    "Who bleeds human blood and who bleeds alien blood? God, you don't know, right? You can't even figure out which side I belong to!"

    "It's a pity that my life is not enough"

    He lowered his head and saw piles of desolate ruins in his eyes. The prosperity of Luoyang City in the past was now only buried under a flash of tiles. Glass fragments and broken cement blocks were glued together, everywhere, and occasionally there were a few  A steel bar pierced out from the cement block, and the top of it was condensed with cold dew.

    Crushed and burned cars can be seen everywhere, but there are almost no complete wrecks. They were all fragmented in countless battles. But in the silence, there will be one or two small creatures with no discernible appearance.  Those cars came out of the gaps vigilantly, their eyes glowed green, and they looked around for a moment, then quickly jumped from one pile of ruins to another, searching for the rotten tires on the cars to eat, taking every bite  , the green eyes on his head moved like will-o'-the-wisps.

    Is this still the world I once lived in?  What about the extremely congested streets that travel through the city, the electronic network that reaches every corner of the world, the delicious food that can be delivered to your doorstep with just one phone call, the various products that fill the streets and alleys and the Internet pages, and the world that has unprecedented prosperity?

    Today, how many people can still remember such a world!  ?  Even if there is, it only exists in dreams!

    Chu Yunsheng tried to remind himself of the world with sunshine, but suddenly found that those "memories" were getting farther and farther in his mind, as if he was sailing on a night boat in the sea of ????times. The wind and rain were misty, and he could no longer pull it away.  When he came back, what occupied most of his memory was the dark sky and the bloody and miserable world. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't see the end of the darkness

    At this time, the hoarse scream of the rebel Li Chenming echoed in his ears:

    "Do you know that you have been living in the past, why can't you cherish what you still have in front of you? You have to wait until you lose it to understand?"

    Chu Yunsheng finally sighed softly, raised his sword, and pointed toward the west, piercing through the ruins of Luoyang City like a sharp arrow. Along the way, those will-o'-the-wisp creatures avoided his fleeting figure in horror.

    "Cherish what is leftI?What's there?  Maybe there is only Tiger Boy Then let¡¯s meet him one last time!  But, is it still alive?  ¡­¡±


    On the southeastern bank of the Volga River in Russia, large armies gathered over the city of Samarko. Awakened people and troops from many forces in East and West Asia have made the southeastern bank of the Volga River airtight. This is the battlefield between humans and gods. Asia  The first line of defense in the United Front.

    The severe cold weather and the massacre of the city of Moscow by the gods demoralized the coalition forces. There were corpses frozen into ice everywhere. The cries of the wounded were mixed with various languages, and they were wailing like ghosts in the ice and snow.  , especially penetrating in the quiet night.

    The aircraft flying in the sky for reconnaissance also seemed weak. They flew around in a pretentious manner and then immediately flew back to the air base. They never dared to cross the Volga River even half a step, regardless of the ridicule and insults of their "comrades" on the ground. They were all beaten by the gods.  The super advanced cubes and flying beasts are scared to fight.

    Since the war began, people have been dying every day. Before, they died in battle, but now they die from freezing, starvation, poisoning, etc.

    The cold wind blowing from the North Pole brought with it the bone-crushing ice energy. Not to mention the awakened ones with fire energy, even the awakened ones with ice energy were trembling. Other awakened people and soldiers even stayed in shelter from the wind and refused to move.  .

    The daily rush to snatch the food delivered has almost become the only large-scale commotion that everyone on the Eastern Front battlefield can see, and it is also the only thing that can be done.

    However, thankfully, there are fewer and fewer bullets and energy beams flying overhead, and you no longer have to worry about losing your life inexplicably when you urinate.

    Rumor has it that the "Puppet Army" and the "Beast Army" under the control of the gods on the other side of the river have transferred their main forces to the Western Front. The mysterious creatures that were still processing the corpses on the other side have also disappeared. All signs point to this rumor.  reliability.

    However, the Eastern Front Allied Forces, from the supreme leader, the Governor-General, down to the civilians cooking the meals, had long been frightened by the fierce and shocking offensive of the gods, and everyone deliberately avoided crossing the river to join the gods and their "puppet troops".  "The proposal to launch an attack from behind, as if their opponent still had "millions of soldiers".

    Even so, the situation on the Eastern Front is like living in paradise compared to the Western Front. The Western Front Allied Forces located in the city of Orsha on the border of Belarus, almost everyone on the Eastern Front is afraid of death.  The former "allies" cursed tens of thousands of times with the most vicious words in the world. They gritted their teeth with hatred, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet and withstand the fierce attacks of the "puppet army" and the "beast army", step by step.  The second line of defense in Warsaw retreated and suffered a large number of casualties and material consumption every day.

    "Compared to the extremely bad battlefield situation at the beginning of the war, the joint meeting of the major forces was even more noisy and chaotic!

    Through the communication methods rebuilt over the years, the powerful figures of the major forces "connected" to the Sky City and gathered in the joint conference building of the Sky City as virtual figures. They argued day and night and never stopped for a day.  .

    At this moment, General Alston, who was on the front line of the second line of defense on the Western Front, turned off the remote communication ray device with a gloomy look, clasped his hands on his chest, and leaned on the back of the black sofa chair, with an astonishing look in his blue pupils.  light.

    After a while, he reached out and pressed a button and said calmly: "Please come in, Mr. Serrevich."

    About a minute later, a neatly dressed old man pried open the door of Alston's office and said politely: "Your Excellency, General."

    Alston clasped his fingers on the table and said without any expression: "I regret to tell you that the Easterners are ready to completely abandon all Russian defense lines. They occupy most of the seats in the joint meeting. There is nothing we can do. Of course, your participation  The representative will send the information back to you soon."

    The old man didn't seem to have much surprise, as if everything had been expected. He changed the subject with a slight smile and said: "Your Excellency, General, although we suffered heavy losses in the last war between humans and gods and lost the right to speak in the joint meeting, we are located in Kras  We still have forces in the Royals and Sakhayakut areas, including the remains of the Vankmirshay spaceship¡ª"

    Alston's eyes flashed, he shook his head and interrupted: "These European forces all know and need it, but you also need to know that the man known as "the most powerful man in the world" is back.  His return in the East not only caused chaos among the Easterners, but also directly caused the gods to be afraid of them, evading the attack on the Eastern Front and instead advancing crazily towards our Western Front!"

    The old man nodded, shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "He is a complicated person. Now the whole world is studying him, but I bet no one knows what he wants to do and what he can accomplish! Even if I am not at the venue  , I want the EastThose big forces and that city in France, under the current situation, even if Chu has appeared, they are probably still busy grabbing the position of global leadership, right?  "

    There was a hint of a meaningless smile on Alston's lips, he looked at the old man at the desk, nodded and said, "Tell me about your plan."

    The old man sat down with a smile and only said: "I think it's time for us to unite to support the leadership of one of the Easterners. Some of them need our support!"

    Alston sneered and said nothing. He knew that in order to exchange for the support of the Easterners in attacking on the eastern front, the major European forces must turn to Sky City or Yunzong and other forces with sufficient power. Among them,  A surrender.

    However, when it comes to this step, he also knows that the small parliaments of the major European powers can only accept the only current global organization, Sky City, which has a small amount of American background.

    But he personally tried his best to oppose this matter. The influence left by the Lord of Sky City on him was too gloomy.

    It¡¯s just that now, the Western Front is losing ground. The first line of defense is close to collapse. Even a fool knows that the second line of defense cannot hold for long. If the Eastern Front delays further, the entire European continent will fall sooner or later.  matter.

    Alston sighed and said: "The first batch of reinforcements from the Sky City will arrive early tomorrow morning. The commander in charge is the Chu family's only bloodline Jing Ji. I heard that this person is extremely lustful. I will leave this matter to you."  Give it to you Russians.¡±

    The old man nodded knowingly, but something moved in his heart. He really didn't expect that Sky City would send such an important person here. Not only because this person is notorious and easy to seduce, but also because this person is not only the only one who can control "  "Beast Legion", and this person's relationship with Chu, the strongest man, is very important

    But Alston turned his attention to the window and issued an eviction order. He needed time to discuss with the staff the purpose of the Lord of Sky City sending Jing Ji. He did not think that the gloomy man was a fool.


    On the battlefield of the Western Front, which was retreating steadily, in the early morning, well-armed troops slowly gathered from the transport ship into a stream, and orders came and went.

    The welcoming group led by Serrevich had been waiting in the cold wind for a long time, and several carefully selected Russian beauties were even shivering and adorable.

    Gradually, the officers on the Western Front wearing long coats and uniforms began to complain in low voices. The commander sent by Sky City was too pretentious. He had obviously arrived but never showed up, deliberately letting them  The officer waited patiently in the cold wind.

    But their dissatisfaction was instantly dissipated when they saw the flood of degenerate beasts, and there was no trace of them left!

    With this famous degenerate beast army, on the Western Front battlefield, the extremely difficult "beast army" under the control of gods and men who are always facing finally has an opponent that can withstand it, and their subordinates do not have to risk astonishing casualties.  Block the gap opened by the high-speed and brutal "Beast Army".

    At this time, all the officers, regardless of skin color, language, and even the beautiful girls selected by Serrevich, stood on tiptoes, stretched their necks, and looked expectantly, for just one moment.  Meet the legendary tiger in the army who is majestic, the king of beasts, equal to the overlords everywhere, and known as the "Overlord"!

    Mr. Jing Ji, the dignified commander of the First Army of Western Aid, was unexpectedly forgotten by these coalition forces of major European forces. However, it seemed that he was not dissatisfied at all. Instead, he simply stayed on the warship, hugging him left and right, eating, drinking and having fun.  , and even asked Serrevich to bring people up to see him, not even bothering to get off the ship.

    "I'm really convinced by this boss!" A pretty female officer with short hair spat at the command ship. She held the pistol in her waist and stood beside another woman with long hair, scorning her unceremoniously.  of.

    "Go and take care of the Tiger King. Don't forget that the Tiger King only listens to him. Even the city lord and those uncles can't help him." The long-haired woman sighed: "Even my uncle has never grown up around it.  , and never dared to touch even half of its tiger hair."

    At this time, a loud tiger roar suddenly came from one cabin of the command ship. The roar resounded throughout the world. People approaching that direction covered their ears with expressions of extreme pain on their faces.

    At the sound of the Tiger King, all the originally peaceful degraded beasts raised their necks and roared crazily towards the sky. In response to their king, they roared like giant thunder, restless and restless, as if they were about to lift the sky.  !

    The officers on the Western Front suddenly turned pale and were unsteady on their feet. Even the soldiers from the team who came from the Sky City all looked horrified.

      "Miss, it's not good! Tiger King, Tiger King, it seems to be in trouble!" The officer responsible for serving the Tiger King turned pale and ran all the way, panting and shouting.

    "Hurry up and invite General Jing!" The long-haired woman bit her lip and said anxiously. Others don't know, but she knows best. After all, the Tiger King is a beast and cannot be controlled by the spirit. On the contrary, it can control other beasts with its beastly breath.  , once something goes wrong and the animal nature is rampant, something big will happen! This kind of thing has happened before!

    This is probably the huge drawback behind the "sharpness" and "ferociousness" of the Beast Legion. No one can absolutely control the beastly nature of the Tiger King, not even Jing Ji.

    However, she did not notice that on the roof of a burned-out building not far away, in the darkness, a dusty figure of Xiao Ran stood in the fierce cold wind, with both hands holding a long sword with a cold edge.  , towards the place where the roar came, a sudden movement appeared on the vicissitudes of his face, and sparkling crystals appeared unconsciously in the corners of his eyes.


    I can finally take the time to update. I¡¯ve been so busy lately that I¡¯m almost suffocating. I apologize to everyone for the hiatus these days. I¡¯m sorry.
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