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Volume One 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 450 Fifth Level Heartbreak

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    Chapter 450: Level 5 Heartbreak

    Chu Yunsheng did regret it.

    In fact, even my intestines turned green!  He did not expect that the most terrifying enemy was not the Seven Nails, let alone death, but the never-ending silence and loneliness.

    This was a torture worse than death. It was like being locked in a small dark room for countless years. No one talked to him, and no one listened to him. Not even a ghost, only himself.  Like a psychopath, talking to himself and talking crazy.

    At the beginning, he didn't take it too seriously and was always nervous about the battle. But as the Seven Nails weakened and the crisis gradually eased, he became more and more aware that something was wrong.

    Chu Yunsheng thinks that over the years, his mind has become as solid as a rock. He has tried loneliness and loneliness, and it is no big deal.

    But this time, he was wrong, very wrong.

    He has never been alone for such a long time, and there is almost no end in sight, no hope, and no future. It is like lying in a tomb of the living dead, and there is always a darkness as silent as death in front of him.

    The first stage was the patience stage, and he survived it with his strong willpower; the second stage was the pain stage, and he still resisted it with his incomparable tenacity; the third stage was the numbness stage, and he still resisted it with his incomparable tenacity.  Numbness is a kind of "meaning of living". Ah Q mentally numbed himself and finally withstood it!

    And in the fourth stage, boundless emptiness begins, and he is about to go crazy and furious with the emptiness!

    At this time, how much he hoped that the figure was not dead or killed by him. No matter what its intentions were, at least, at least, it could talk to him!

    Even if you use the most vicious curse words in the world and curse your ancestors for eighteen generations, you still have someone to talk to.

    However, this is a luxury hope, something that once lost, will never be achieved!

    He was frantically looking for anything meaningful to do to fill the emptiness in his heart that was hollowing out into an abyss.

    Start counting from 0 and count to ten thousand, one million, one hundred million

    Starting from the first story he remembered, he began to narrate himself, tell it to himself, Andersen's fairy tales, One Thousand and One Nights, Saint Seiya, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Ultraman, even Zhu Yanxue and so on

    Later, when all the stories were finished, rotten, and empty again, he began to tell all the knowledge of the Sunshine Age - social news, acquaintances, physics, chemistry, geography, astronomy, etc., everything he knew, even as a primary school student  I didn¡¯t miss any math problems, I turned them over again, resisting the emptiness over and over again.

    There was no end to the darkness as lonely as the night, but his memory had an end. After he had gone through all of them countless times, there was finally nothing left that could allow him to resist the wilderness.  emptiness.

    So, like a neurotic, he began to make up stories to deceive himself, first making up his own, and then making up other people's stories, history, fantasy, fantasy, science fiction, urban He made up everything he could think of countless times, and made it up to the limit.  , and in the end there was nothing new to edit!

    He fell into emptiness again. He tried all his methods but still couldn't resist. In the end, he could only start to study the seven needles on the opposite side and some other things.

    The ancient book has been in a state of flying pages, and he cannot read it, otherwise it may provide him with some "bullets" to resist the emptiness period.

    But the Seven Needles are not so easy to study, because from Chu Yunsheng¡¯s perspective, there is no way to contact them. He can only speculate, conjecture, and ponder based on what he knows a little bit about

    He first began to sort out the relationship between all the alien races and monsters he had encountered, including the dead figure, and was afraid that if he had sorted it out all at once, there would no longer be "bullets" to fight and resist the void, so he ridiculously and deliberately let go  Slow combing speed, self-deceivingly slowly arranging their shadows.

    But the information he had was really pitiful. Soon there was nothing to sort out, and he didn't draw any conclusions worthy of further study. It only made him more sure of what his predecessors said in ancient books - there is no god in the world.  That¡¯s all.

    In the eyes of ordinary humans, the five multi-functional races are as scary as gods, and the people in crystal clothes are blatantly pretending to be gods; but in the eyes of these alien races, the shadow is like a god; finally  , it was the turn of the shadow, the senior and the master of Seven Nails became a god again.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The facts are so simple and clear. It turns out that the so-called "gods" are all looking up to the unknown existence, and nothing more. What the senior may want to tell him is exactly this truth: there is no god in the world.

    Then, he began to study the status of his predecessors and the master of Seven Nails. Although there is no god, the status is indeedNow, otherwise the shadow wouldn't be so frightened that it could crawl to its knees.

    When he studied this "topic", Chu Yunsheng was very excited, because this topic could help him delay dealing with emptiness for a long time.

    The reason comes from the fact that he felt a vast biological chain of the source of life twice, once when he was absorbing the life source of Gudao Min, and the other time when he was destroying the shadow.

    And when these two things happened, he didn't pay careful attention to some details. Until now, he had enough time to spend on it, and he even couldn't ask for it, because he was too lonely and empty.

    Recalling slowly and carefully, he pulled out the memories of the time bit by bit, looking for the subtle differences over and over again. The more he couldn't find them, the happier he was uncharacteristically, because once he found them, it meant  I have to face the boundless emptiness again.

    However, things always end. After a long time, although he was very reluctant, he still found it, because this is a process that must be meaningful and non-stop, otherwise once he stops, he will still face the problem of being alone.  All kinds of silent chat.

    He discovered that when the biological chain appeared these two times, the life sources of Gudao Min and the shadow corresponded to two different positions in this vast food chain.

    The gap between them may be the difference in status between them - this is his final conclusion and conjecture.

    But where the owner of the ancient book and Seven Nails are located, he doesn¡¯t know because he has no way to swallow their life source.

    Later, he studied many things, such as the multi-dimensional space proposed by the Veiled Woman. He was confused for a while because he felt that high-dimensional space existed based on low-dimensional space. Without three dimensions, there would be no fourth dimension, but he  Now it is clear that it is sealed in the narrow gap between the independent fourth dimension and the unknown space, but theoretically it is felt that the fourth dimension cannot exist independently

    Also, he was confused. Is the place among the various forces and creatures he encountered determined by the food chain that is the source of life, or is it determined by the spatial dimension in which he lives?  The "status conclusion" just reached has become vague and contradictory again.

    However, he was not entangled, on the contrary, he was very happy. This period of confusion and contradiction was probably the most "fulfilling" period he had ever lived here, which helped him resist the terrifying emptiness.

    However, in the end, there was really nothing that he could study with his current knowledge and ability, so he turned his "eyes" to the ancient book and the Seven Nails themselves.

    In this way, it took me a while to enrich myself, and I understood that the so-called "master weapon" mentioned by the shadow might be the life source weapon of the senior and the master of Seven Nails - perhaps the most powerful weapon for everyone.

    The reason why it is said to be "possible" and "maybe" is because it cannot be tested and verified, and it cannot obtain a definite result, so it can only be a guess.

    Of course, he doesn¡¯t know how to refine this kind of weapon, otherwise there will be a lot of things to do immediately.

    When he finished thinking about all of this, there was no longer any place for him to study further, and Chu Yunsheng once again fell into a long state of emptiness.

    At this time, if someone told him that masters practice and meditate for countless years, he would definitely sneer. Silence, emptiness, loneliness, coldness, darkness and no future, intertwined, tortured day and night don't say it.  What kind of master, even a god, has to give in!  You have to go crazy too!

    This is not the kind of loneliness and emptiness that humans and any life can endure!

    Finally one day, he couldn't bear it anymore and entered the fifth stage - the stage of despair!

    In this last stage, he was surprisingly calm. It was terrifyingly cold, like a cold surgeon who began a bloody dissection of his life, decomposing it one by one, removing all his desires, dark sides, and emotions.  , hatred, persistence, etc., are ruthlessly exposed, facing the meaning of life, freeing and letting go one by one

    In the end, he ended the meaning of his life in loneliness.

    With a hopeless future and deep despair, he then began to end his life - suicide!

    Yes, commit suicide!

    In order to end his own life, he used many methods, such as self-destruction, destruction, ancient bow reflection, disturbing the vortexetc., everything he could think of, everything he could do, was cold and emotionless.  Went to try it.

    But without exception, they all failed. In order to die quickly and just want one death, he wanted to take the initiative to die in front of Qidian, but was ruthlessly blocked by the ancient book.

    If it were in the first four stages, he would still have a chance to die under the seven nails, but now it is too late. After entering the fifth stage,Before this stage of despair, Gushu, with his cooperation and after a long period of time, was no longer needed. He was able to suppress Qidian by himself, and even had enough power to prevent him from committing suicide in front of Qidian!

    At this moment, the sadness in Chu Yunsheng's heart has reached an extreme level. He has even been deprived of the right to die!

    At this moment, he realized the ultimate power of fate. If it wants to kill you, you will never survive for one more second; if it doesn't let you die, you won't even have the right to commit suicide!

    At this moment, he suddenly discovered that being able to commit suicide was also a kind of "happiness".

    At this moment, he also smiled. In fact, he was not the only one who was stronger than his predecessors and the Lord of the Seven Nails. He was also the same and could not escape the toy of fate

    But it was also at this moment that his cold heart became filled with cold anger. For the first time in his life, he resisted fate and raised the flag of sorrow - you can dominate everything in the dark, but you can't take me away.  The last right to end your own life!

    He poured the source of life into the black air vortex that was still fighting against the suction of the Seven Nails, consuming his life source layer by layer. He sneered. One day, all the life sources would be consumed. By that time, all the life sources would be exhausted.  , who can stop him from dying?  Who else?  Not even heaven or fate can do it!




    After a long, long time, he felt that he was too old to be old anymore. Taking another step forward would be the death he had longed for. At this moment, his eyelids suddenly moved, and the feeling of flesh and blood suddenly surged.  Entering the unknown space, the five bifurcated lines that had been silent for who knows how many years became brighter one after another.

    In an instant, in his slow and long consciousness, he sighed slightly

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