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Volume 1 2012 The Sun Disappears Chapter 138 Yangtze River Bridge

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    Chapter 138 Yangtze River Bridge

    "Commander, there is still no movement from the insects?" Qin Min walked into the division command post and asked with a frown. It has been a whole day. The insects have been surrounding but not attacking, and they don't know what they are doing. It is now completely dark.  People are trapped and supplies are scarce. If the insects take advantage of the darkness and launch a flood of attacks, the situation will be extremely unoptimistic.

    "Don't worry, there is the Yangtze River Cutoff to the west. These idiots won't attack for the time being." Fu Liaoyuan's eyes were bloodshot, he flicked the ashes of his cigarette, looked at the map, and ordered: "Go and send the order to have the engineering battalion set off immediately.  Blow up the Yangtze River Bridge!¡±

    "Commander, do you think we should wait for the political commissar and the general headquarters' instructions before making a decision? This is a big deal. Once the bridge is blown up, the people fleeing on the other side of the river will not be able to cross, and it will be difficult for us to cross.  !" Qin Min's hand shook and the document in his hand almost fell to the ground. His division commander was too courageous.

    "It has been reported for more than 8 hours. The general headquarters is now in a mess. If there is time to take care of such defense details, isn't there still an order: Act with the camera! Now the other side of the river is full of bugs. Do you still want to get there? Do you still hope?  Can anyone make it here alive? Lao Song and I have agreed to blow it up!" Fu Liaoyuan pinched the cigarette butt, took a sip of water, and slammed the cup on the table. The long-term lack of sleep made his face look very haggard. For a moment,  He raised his head and said, "By the way, how is the progress of the sword-wielding Hei Wu you were asked to find?"

    "There are no clues yet, but didn't Xiao Zhu say that the Fenghuo Liancheng in the West District can also deal with the Golden Beetle? Counting time, they should have grabbed someone!" Qin Min shook his head helplessly. The man who killed the Golden Beetle with a sword that day  The master seemed to have disappeared. He rummaged through the information of the general headquarters and the Heiwu headquarters. He found a lot of Heiwu who used swords, but none of them was the person the division commander saw. Now he has some doubts.  The division commander was dazzled at the time.

    "What a storm! That girl has been talking about it all day long, and she is obsessed with it! I never believe these rumors, seeing is believing, you continue to send people to look for it, no! You have to send more people, let the entire guard camp go!" Fu Liaoyuan!  He ordered loudly with eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

    Qin Min was driven out by Fu Liaoyuan in a hurry, and met the political commissar who had returned from a meeting at the general headquarters. Before he could say hello, the political commissar shouted towards the tent of the headquarters: "Old Fu, blow up the bridge! Bomb the bridge!"  The headquarters agreed!"

    Shi Qiying was sweating profusely at this time. He was not afraid of the Ninth Main Division. This division was already much weaker than the Third Main Division. Their empty threats could not cause any substantial harm to him.

    However, no matter how courageous he was, he would not dare to say anything about the threat from the General Research Department and the Military Special Forces. It was something that he alone could not withstand as a regiment commander. If the division commander and Bing Wang were here, they might be able to withstand it.  Live, he is completely unqualified.

    He had to evacuate the ground quickly. He didn't feel safe if he stayed here for one more second.

    After the third main division retreated, Ban Shijun quickly got ahead of the ninth main division and said to Chu Yunsheng: "Mr. Chu, I know that the military system is too strict. You will definitely not go. Can you  Consider the second main division, which is our former army. Everyone hopes you can go there"

    Shi Qiying just explained that Chu Yunsheng did not have the documents to prove his application, which was why the misunderstanding occurred. Therefore, Ban Shijun still has a glimmer of hope that Chu Yunsheng can join his old army.

    "Squad company commander, I appreciate your kindness. I have agreed to join the Ninth Main Division. Their garrison is in the West District, which is more convenient for me." Chu Yunsheng smiled and declined. In fact, he had not given any details yet.  He agreed to join the Ninth Main Division just because he had this intention. The first condition he had to choose was that he must organize the main division for defense in the West District, so that he could take care of the safety of the office building.

    In the Western District, there are only two main divisions for defense, namely the fifth main division and the ninth main division. Relatively speaking, the ninth main division only has an acquaintance.

    "Mr. Chu" Ban Shijun wanted to persuade him again.

    At this time, the family members of the black warriors came out of the basement one after another because the crisis was over. They all stood at the window and looked outside nervously.

    Chu Yunsheng stretched out his hand to interrupt him, pointed to the office building behind him and said: "Squad company commander, look at their panicked eyes. If we go to the second main division, who will ensure their safety? We have already set up shop here."  I have established my roots and don¡¯t want to change places again.¡±

    The office building has been reinforced by Lu Guolong day and night, and he has worked hard to strengthen it. If he changes the location, he has to start from scratch again. It is very expensive and no one is willing to start from scratch.

    After Chu Yunsheng said this, Ban Shijun had the nerve to say anything else. He had brought military members to the rescue in private, and he was rushing back to the headquarters. After saying hello to Yao Xiang, he  He hurriedly took the team members and left in a three-carriage helicopter.?Building.

    Professor Sun took a sign from the car to Chu Yunsheng that read "Key Family Area of ??the General Research Department". Before leaving, he repeatedly told Chu Yunsheng that he should go to the General Research Department early to get research materials on new things.

    After these two people left, Chu Yunsheng, Zhu Lingdie and the people of the Ninth Main Division were the only ones left within the walls of the entire building.

    Zhu Lingdie didn't interrupt after entering the courtyard, but in fact, she had already had huge waves in her heart, but her good psychological quality made her seem calm.

    Her knowledge is far beyond that of Duan Danian, who only knows the badge of "General Research". She clearly understands the importance of Professor Sun in the General Research Department.  What happened was that he barely left the gate of the General Research Department, but he came all the way in person for Chu Yunsheng, a dark warrior of about level 3, with a sign that had a certain deterrent effect in Jinling City.  When leaving, he even "chattered" so much that she thought she was confused!

    "The military's Black Arms special forces basically obey the orders of the general headquarters. None of the ten main divisions can directly order their actions, let alone stand up for a Black Arms gang.

    "Brother Chu, let me introduce to you. This is Ning Mingxuan of the Ninth Main Division. Captain Ning, on behalf of the Ninth Main Division, invites you to join the Ninth Main Division." Zhu Lingdie quickly adjusted her mentality and introduced her side  As a middle-aged senior officer, she cleverly changed the call to invitation without any hint of coercion.

    "Captain Ning, it's nice to meet you. Regarding the cooperation between the two parties, let Mr. Ding talk to you. His opinions are mine. I only emphasize one point. The ninth main division of the security of the family area must be able to provide guarantees.  ." Chu Yunsheng is now extremely pressed for time. He has to use the little time tonight to separate and sort out the characters in the ancient books. He will first give some of them to Professor Tang for him to decipher quickly, and then he will seize the time to find talents in this field.  Strive to decipher all ancient book characters as soon as possible.

    "Mr. Chu, please rest assured that at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, the 9th main division and the 5th main division will officially take over the entire Western District. All the original dark warriors in the Western District will be mobilized according to the final main division. In other words, within this district,  There will never be any forces other than the Black Martial Group of the Ninth and Fifth Main Divisions." Ning Mingxuan assured solemnly.

    When Zhu Lingdie went to the division commander to ask for soldiers to come to the rescue and rob people, Ning Mingxuan thought it was a fuss, and even thought it was reckless to offend the third main division, but when he saw people from the General Research Department and Junwu  Only then did he completely admire Zhu Lingdie's vision.

    Establishing a good relationship with the General Research Department is something that every division is actively doing. Each division has various personal connections. The General Research Department is not only a research function, it also includes production and manufacturing capabilities. Although most weapons and supplies are ultimately distributed  The power is in the hands of the General Command, but the influence of the General Research Department cannot be underestimated. The priority testing and equipment targets of some of the latest weapons are completely decided by the General Research Department.

    Even if the abilities of Chu Yunsheng and others are not as exaggerated as what Zhu Lingdie said in his teacher's instructions, as long as they can establish an extra line with the General Research Department, they can defeat the Ninth, whose overall strength is relatively weak among the ten main divisions.  For the main force, night has only advantages and no disadvantages.

    Therefore, Ning Mingxuan was not annoyed that Chu Yunsheng only sent one subordinate to discuss cooperation with him, as long as the goal was achieved.

    For Chu Yunsheng, it was most appropriate to leave these matters to Ding Yan. The details of those documents gave him a headache.

    He immediately returned to the secret room on the tenth floor with the little tiger, broke up and transcribed the characters he originally knew in the ancient book, and annotated the precise meaning with Chinese characters. In the future, these 500 characters will be used as a "blueprint" to decipher the entire ancient book.  character of.

    At this time, in the meeting on the seventh floor downstairs, the conversation between Ding Yan and Ning Mingxuan went very smoothly. In just an hour, Ning Mingxuan signed the certification documents of the Ninth Main Division and handed them over to Ding Yan for safekeeping.

    According to the recruitment agreement, a total of thirty-six people from Chu Yunsheng's party were officially incorporated into the Dark Warrior Independent Regiment of the Ninth Main Division. At 6 a.m. the next day, they assembled at the Western District Defense Line and were on standby.

    So in front of Chu Yunsheng's office building, there was another sign "Ninth Main Division Black Arms Independent Regiment Family Area", coupled with the strong General Research Department sign, the office building has become the highest-level residential area in the West District.  safe zone.

    At close to zero o'clock, on the Yangtze River in the west, there was a sudden burst of dazzling flashes, followed by a series of earth-shattering loud noises. Huge fireballs pushed up the thick smoke and rose one after another, illuminating the entire Western District near the Yangtze River.  Sharp and sharp.

    Not long after, violent explosions were heard from the North and South Districts a little further away.

    The refugees in the Western District fled from their houses, shacks, andPeople came out of the abandoned vehicle, panicking, asking each other: has the insect attack started?  ?

    After Chu Yunsheng heard the noise, he immediately went up to the roof of the tenth floor. In the light of the sky, he could vaguely see the Yangtze River Bridge, which was built in the 1960s and embodies the hard work and pride of countless people.  It collapsed instantly and was destroyed in ashes!
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