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Episode 7: Temporary Happiness Chapter 13: Rescue Begins

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    With the addition of the Space Marines, although there were only a little more than a hundred people, the fighting power of these more than a hundred people was astonishing. In the stunned eyes of the group of soldiers at the entrance of the tunnel, thousands of human flesh piled outside the tunnel were  The puppets and alien octopuses were slaughtered, and then a team of ten people started to deploy defenses and clean up outside the battlefield. This series of actions and combat power really made the people in the tunnel feel incredible.

    At the invitation of Lieutenant Colonel Jacko, Wang Guangzheng led twenty space warriors into the tunnel, and went deeper along the tunnel. As they advanced, they saw many people lying on both sides of the tunnel.  , these people looked at the Space Marines who were getting closer and closer with horrified eyes, and Lieutenant Colonel Jacko immediately sent soldiers to publicize and comfort them, telling them that these people were human beings and were reinforcements from the government.

    On the way, Jack asked more questions about Wang Guangzheng and said: "Wang Siru please forgive me for being presumptuous. I don't know which country's top general is named Wang Guangzheng, or was he promoted by you after we left the earth?"  ?¡±

    Wang Guangzheng knows that as a military rank system, although the military ranks and systems of various countries are quite different, they all have one basic point, that is, the military rank is better than the general rank, unless it is the so-called second-generation official or second-generation army.  , otherwise a person who has just joined the army, or has connections, and entered the army from a low-level military palace will never be able to reach the rank of general officer in his life. Of course, during war times, or unorthodox soldiers who are engaged in technology, literature and art, these people's generals  Level is pretty good.

    But a general who can participate in such a rescue mission and lead such an unimaginably elite army cannot be a second-generation official or second-generation military officer who came from his father's generation.  From the brief contact along the way, Jack was sure that Wang Guang was an orthodox soldier who had truly fought out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ??blood. Because of this, he became even more curious.

    Wang Guangzheng was silent for a moment and said: "No, I am not a soldier of any former Earth government system, or I was before, but no longer"

    "Not now?" Jack was even more curious. He recalled the title reported by Wang Guangzheng before, and then asked: "So what is the Hope? Aren't you the rescuers of Noah 2?"

    "It's both Noah 2 and Hope." Wang Jingzheng shook his head and said: "In short, the situation is very complicated. What happened after you left is simply unimaginable, but I can tell you with certainty that we are indeed  Human beings, and humans of the same generation and blood as you, we are ordered to rescue you and take you out of this evil planet. If you have any questions, please go to Noah 2 and ask them in detail."

    Jack wanted to ask more questions, but at this moment, hundreds of people hurriedly ran in from the front, and their expressions were terrifying, as if they had seen something incredible. Following them, there was a head and  The neck was twisted out of shape, and the skin on the body split open, revealing the flesh, blood and internal organs of the "monster". The arms of this monster were also twisted out of shape, and became extremely long. It could grab a person during the expansion and contraction, and it could still be vaguely heard.  It made a distorted sound, and then,it stuffed the person into its internal organs and stomach. After a disgusting sound, the person disappeared directly, and the monster became more twisted and more  huge.

    When Jack Duo saw this, his face suddenly turned livid, because this was still close to the entrance of the tunnel, and monsters had already appeared. So you can imagine the situation inside the tunnel. There were thousands of people there.  People, if they had a flash of knowledge then this team would really be doomed.

    Wang Guangzheng's reaction was even faster. He immediately shouted: "This is a demonized monster of a human being. It is no longer a human being. I saw that this human soul was torn out by some monster. In his  It was pulled out when it sank into the dreamland. Now it is a demon. Kill it, and the interstellar battle group will crush forward! Destroy all demons and monsters that are not human beings!"

    Under Wang Guangzheng's order, the warriors of the Interstellar Chapter did not stop at all, nor did they have any fear of this monster. After all they had already slaughtered countless such demonic monsters when they were on the ground. That's it.  , when the first space warrior rushed in front of this monster, he let the monster wrap its twisted arms around him, and when the space armor was pulled, the force was even enough to tear apart the tank. How could a mere flesh and blood body resist it?  After tearing off the monster's arm, the space warrior pulled the magnetic chainsword upwards. Suddenly, the monster was cut into two pieces. In the next few seconds, a huge  The ferocious, terrifying monster was cut into something unknown like tofu.

    When Jack saw this, he sighed again. If he had faced the alien octopus earlier, he would have?With such a set of exoskeleton armor, it only takes one or two people to kill all the alien octopuses, so why are they in such a mess now?  However, he couldn't help but think about the situation at the moment. He just followed the Space Marines and trotted forward. He also found many safe and sound people along the way, but there were also many demons and monsters, such as they had mutated to half, but  A semi-weird shackle that still possesses human consciousness and memory

    The entire tunnel was already like a hell of flesh and blood, because without new humans around, ordinary people could not see the demonization of themselves and the people around them. Because of this, when the group of Space Marines passed through the tunnel, those  The people who were sitting quietly suddenly found a terrifying monster standing or lying next to them. The scene was so chaotic that it was unimaginable. What was even more terrifying was that some people did not even realize that they were being attacked and devoured by the monster.  When the Space Marines passed by them, they saw that half of their bodies had been digested or torn apart. Such horror could only exist in nightmares and hell!

    What Wang Guangzheng and others saw was such a scene. Every space warrior present, as well as the ordinary soldiers of Noah No. 1, felt so heavy that they could not speak. If calculated carefully, the number of ordinary people currently alive may be  There are only less than 3,000 people left. More than half of the people have either turned into demons and monsters, or are in the process of becoming demons and monsters, or have died in the mouths of demons and monsters. And these people are all unimaginable to humans.  What a treasure!  Maybe if you catch a dead person at random, it will be a great science story with a resounding hope

    Not long after advancing, when Wang Guangzheng counted about three thousand normal living humans, suddenly there was a large number of gunshots and bullets in front of him. Everyone was shocked and their steps sped up a lot. When they turned around,  When they passed a small bend, they saw hundreds of soldiers guarding hundreds of people while fighting and retreating. Right in front of them, a huge oval-shaped insect was devouring corpses all over the ground.  The body of this insect is almost as huge as the tunnel itself, and it is unknown how it advances, almost forcing the group of people to retreat backwards, but what is even more terrifying and shocking is this  The bug has a human face!

    At this time, among more than a hundred soldiers, a young man in his twenties seemed to notice something. He turned around and saw Jacko, and immediately shouted loudly: "Lieutenant Colonel Jacko, please lead the people to leave the tunnel as soon as possible.  There are no living people over there. The more things this monster devours, the bigger it will become. We can¡¯t stop it, and even bullets can¡¯t hurt it. It seems like it can swallow bullets!¡±

    When he said this, the young man suddenly saw Wang Guangzheng and others, and was immediately startled. At the same time, he and several soldiers around him also aimed their weapons at Wang Guangzheng and others.

    Jack Duo quickly shouted: "Yang Yunsi! They are human beings! They are the rescuers sent by Noah II. Don't shoot guns, they are here to help us" At this point, he looked again  To Wang Guangzheng.

    "Commander Wang, it's up to you and your taxis here. We have to lead the people to the tunnel entrance. Many of them are old and middle-aged people, and there are also many women. They may not be able to walk fast, so please help.  We stay behind and prevent all monsters from getting close to us."

    Wang Guangzheng nodded and said: "Of course, the order I got is to rescue all the people who are still alive, but please note one thing. Where people gather, there must be new humansthat is, my Space Marines accompanying them, otherwise they will  They will be infected by demons and become such monsters, so I will give you five soldiers to protect these people at any time, and leave the escape route to me."

    Jacko was overjoyed immediately. After saluting Wang Guangzheng, he ran towards the people. After Wang Guangzheng pointed out the five space warriors, he said to the remaining people: "Everyone pay attention, these people are all  They are the most precious treasures of our humanity. They are either great scientists, super researchers, or skilled technical workers. They are crucial to the development of Hope for hundreds of years or more in the future. This is for our benefit.  Fight for future generations, fight for the continuation of our humanity! Follow me now!"

    When he finished speaking, Wang Guangzheng had already rushed towards the huge human-faced monster. A few seconds later, one Space Marine, two Space Marines, and three Space Warriors they all rushed past Wang Guangzheng.  , with a momentum of no return, he crashed directly into the body of the giant human-faced insect

    At the same time, outside the planet's atmosphere, Yao Yuan has received the newly transmitted intelligence information. The transmission satellite has been transmitted to all parts of the planet. According to the interference power of the planet, it should be within about a minute.  Then you can get the information about the advance army on the ground.

    But not long after this information was delivered, the Hope detection department also delivered a pretty bad message??¡­¡­

    "The surface of this living planet has already appeared fleshy, metallic, and energy-based"

    Yes, this living planet is about to become a demon!
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