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Episode 7: Temporary Happiness Episode 8 Chapter 22: Time... Time!

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    Episode 8 Chapter 22: Timetime!

    (PS: The third update is completed, the sixth update will happen tomorrow, phew, that¡¯s all.)

    Just as Ying and others in the alien merchant mothership began to take action, Yao Yuan, who was near the Hope, was anxiously waiting for the supermagnetic railgun, waiting for it to be delivered from inside the Hope.

    At present, the central computer of the Hope is still out of control, so the Type 003 Space Fighter dare not approach the Hope's creation particle shielding range. Once it gets close, it will inevitably lose control completely. The Type 003 Space Fighter will be completely uncontrollable unless it is once again  Only after a major power outage can we leave the vicinity of the Hope.

    In this case, only Polly's Unit 1 in the Hope can carry such a heavy object, so the words passed by Yao Yuan were to let Polly command Unit 1 to carry the supermagnetic railgun.

    The entire super-magnetic railgun is actually not huge. Including the base and all supporting facilities, it is only slightly larger than the 003 Space Fighter. It is incomparable with main guns such as the super-electromagnetic orbital star destroyer cannon.

    But in terms of technological content, the supermagnetic railgun is almost electromagnetic technology, which is the pinnacle of the key technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. Compared with Genesis, it already involves energy technology, which is the pinnacle of the fifth industrial revolution technology.  In terms of weapons, the super-magnetic railgun is the top weapon power that super-electromagnetic technology can achieve.

    "Compared with the super-electromagnetic orbital star destroyer cannon which only increases the initial speed and size of the projectile to achieve a more powerful technological level, the super-magnetic orbital cannon has reached another level of technology.

    It is still similar to the pseudo-Gauss technology, which uses the super kinetic energy brought by high speed to penetrate the material and bring a series of damage, but it is different from the Gauss rifle or the like, or the Gauss cannon, or even the super electromagnetic orbital star destroyer cannon.  The weapons are different and the entire model of this weapon has been completely changed.

    First of all, the super electromagnetic does not exist as the main driving force. In the design concept of this super magnetic rail gun, the super electromagnetic only exists as a balance coefficient, causing the cannonball to generate a balance coefficient force of front, rear, left, right, up and down, and what actually accelerates it is  It's particles!

    Yes, the concept of using a particle propulsion device is not to use particles for propulsion, but to bombard the particles powerfully at the back of the projectile on a large scale and in a wide range. At the same time, super electromagnetism exists as a balancing and stabilizing force. To put it simply,  It means that the rear part of a metal sphere continuously produces an explosive force. This explosion is continuously generated, and the force generated is also continuous. When this force accumulates to a certain level and is launched, the cannonball will reach a level that makes people  Unimaginable exaggerated speed

    One-fifth the speed of light!

    Yes, one-fifth the speed of light!

    In order to achieve such a strong initial velocity and a material body that can withstand the force of the explosion, the mass of the cannonball cannot be too large. At the same time, its material must be unimaginably tough.

    To achieve this level of materials, even the original alien ruin civilization could not achieve it. Therefore, the original alien ruin civilization only created a super electromagnetic orbital star destroyer cannon, and this super magnetic orbital cannon was regarded as a concept.  Sexual weapons have always been kept in its database. According to its power, it is speculated that even in the fifth industrial revolution, as long as a super magnetic concept cannon can be produced, its power will not be less than that of individual energy weapons, and it may even be more powerful.  , because the power of energy weapons is also affected by their power. It is impossible for an energy weapon to destroy a planet with one shot. This is impossible.

    Human beings are very lucky. Compared to the ruined alien civilization, they have such a big killer as alien plants. After alien plants swallow many minerals, they will purify or synthesize many special materials in their bodies. One of them is  The alloy material is extremely tough. It is the only material that humans have found that can be used as a supermagnetic trajectory gun shell. As a result, the supermagnetic trajectory gun research and development plan has also been implemented. Of course, due to technical reserves and other factors, the supermagnetic trajectory gun  Only a trial version of the cannon has been produced, and the muzzle velocity it can achieve is only one-tenth the speed of light. The size of the cannonball is only about the size of an adult's fingernail. In terms of power, it is definitely not as powerful as the super electromagnetic orbital star destroyer cannon.

    However, its penetration ability is unparalleled. Compared with the impracticality of breaking the electromagnetic shield of the alien merchant mothership in a large area, it is better to penetrate it with one point as the key point. The key factor is that it can attack the ones behind it.  The energy circuit slows down its purpose of launching weapons of the fifth industrial revolution. This is the reason why Yao Yuan forced the use of this super electromagnetic trajectory gun. This is currently the only weapon that the Hope can use and attack the alien merchant mothership.  Weapons!

    During this anxious waiting process, a silver-white mechanical creation slowly flew out from a bridge hatch of the Hope, and then Yao Yuan saw another one after this creationThe robot was flying and pushing. Gradually, the creation was getting farther and farther away from the Hope and had flown away from the creation particle shielding area of ??the Hope. Only then did Yao Yuan quickly control the true red lightning to fly to the side of the creation and wait.  Then the robot stopped the creation in the void.

    After doing all this, the robot did not wait for Yao Yuan to accept the mechanical creation. It flew back to the Hope alone, but Yao Yuan didn't care. He drove the True Red Lightning to the end of the mechanical creation.  The edge, and then opened the true red lightning from the inside. At this moment, he was wearing an interstellar armor. The interstellar armor itself was designed as a shell armor for space warfare. It had no problem surviving and moving in the universe. At the moment, he did not  Dare to neglect, just abandon the true red lightning and come to the base of this mechanical creation.

    The super-magnetic railgun research and development plan was implemented only after he signed it, so he is naturally very familiar with the plan. Of course, he is the top leader, not a scientist. He does not need to know the principles or anything like that. He only needs to know  There is such a weapon, and human technology can slowly try to develop it, and then decide to start manufacturing this weapon. Similarly, he also basically understands the control process of this weapon.

    At the other end, the electromagnetic layer outside the alien merchant mothership has condensed to a considerable extent. According to previous experience, the next round of attacks will be launched in about two minutes at most. In this case, Yao Yuan  Not daring to be careless, various control buttons were quickly found inside the base of the mechanical creation. Start and turn on the remote aiming system. The computer program began to calculate, the internal energy system began to operate and store energy, and various launch states were entered.  Countdown.

    In other words, the super magnetic railgun does not have the shielding function of creation particles. The reason why it can still be used is because the true red lightning is suspended next to it. The shielding range of the true red lightning covers it, which makes it  It can be used in the creation particle layer.

    Seeing that the alien merchant mothership in the distance is storing more and more energy and the electromagnetic layer is getting thicker and thicker, Yao Yuan's heart is already indescribably anxious. Not only him, but also the many 003 space fighter planes around him.  The interstellar warriors have the same anxious expression. This is the last chance. Once it fails, humanity will definitely be completely finished. And even if these new humans and survivors escape their lives, they will not be able to survive in this universe at all.  , Moreover, there are only a hundred or so of them left in the entire human race and the result can only be final annihilation.

    Everything has been entrusted to the palm of Yao Yuan, to this super magnetic railgun. Once it fails humanity will be completely finished!

    "Hurry! Faster!"

    Yao Yuan has already prepared the aiming equipment. In addition to the computer calculation correction system, he also used the clearer skill to imprint all the parts on the entire alien merchant mothership into his eyes. Everything is like this.  , even small raised metal objects as small as ping pong balls can be clearly seen.

    Yao Yuan is looking for possible energy key points. For weapons like this that use extremely large amounts of energy, alien merchants do not have superconducting alloys. Even if there are similar substitutes, taking the Hope as an example, it still requires energy.  Nodes are used for energy distribution and transmission. Using such a huge energy concentration attack, unless it is the real fifth industrial revolution or even the sixth industrial revolution, otherwise, it will be impossible to use it without nodes!

    Therefore, at this time, attacking and penetrating its nodes can not only slow down the use efficiency of the weapon, but even if you are very lucky, a huge backlash of energy may occur. If that is the case, the crisis of the Hope will be naturally resolved.  Already

    Yao Yuan is currently looking for such a node, and as time goes by, the electromagnetic layer outside the alien merchant mothership has solidified to the point where it is about to be launched, and the electromagnetic trajectory gun has finally entered the launch countdown, but Yao Yuan  He still couldn't find the most obvious energy node, so he had to change the target, find a main energy pipe loop to aim at, and fixed it at the aiming and launching coordinates.

    "Five, four, three"

    As the countdown to launch finally came to an end, excess particles were emitted from the original cylindrical stubby muzzle of the supermagnetic trajectory cannon. It looked as if the entire muzzle was accumulating energy. Then, a straight trajectory line  It shot straight out from the muzzle of the super magnetic rail cannon, almost in an instant. In the blink of an eye, it had already shot to the alien merchant mothership far away. Between the mother ship and the super magnetic rail cannon, a line of condensed  Persistent particle trajectory lines appeared there, as if there was a metal line connecting each other.

    This is the origin of the supermagnetic railgun!

    Yao Yuan and many others had their eyes widened, staring intently at the end of the trajectory of the mothership, where there is where everything will end!

      There was nothing wrong with the initial shooting. It was not until a few seconds later that the electromagnetic shield was displayed on the mothership. However, the electromagnetic shield collapsed a few seconds later, as if it was broken after the attack. Then, the mothership shell  It began to explode, where countless electric sparks kept flashing, and the electric sparks also showed a tendency to spread. They stopped expanding until they spread nearly two or three kilometers away.

    At the same time, the electromagnetic layer outside the mothership began to become dim, and the energy was dissipating

    The first round of supermagnetic railgun ammunition is fired!

    At this moment, it was three minutes after Ying and others set out for the main energy pipe inside the mothership
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