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Episode 7: Temporary Happiness Chapter 11: Initial Planning

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    Chapter 11: Preliminary Planning

    Although the issue of constitution is taken into consideration, constitution is not just a simple sentence.

    The so-called Charter, also known as the Founding Constitution, is the cornerstone of all national systems. Once the government's actions violate the Constitution on a large scale, then the government is fundamentally corrupt. Therefore, the so-called Constitution is actually a century-old  , or even the foundation of a thousand-year-old country, how to formulate a constitution and have strong supervision methods to implement it is likely to be an issue that will be discussed and studied continuously in the next few decades.

    Yao Yuan has no intention of retiring after his success. In fact, his plan is to continue working for another hundred years. Anyway, according to the examinations of doctors and the analysis of genetic resonance technology by scientists, he will live to be one hundred years old.  Beyond the age of fifty, it will definitely not be a problem when he is close to two hundred. Not only because he is the most suitable candidate for power among the hundreds of thousands of people currently, but also because he is not a person who has an anticlimactic start. Since he has decided to lead these people to live.  To continue human civilization, he must do his best.

    During this period, he will always be in power and ensure that mankind always has a strong government. There will be no division, and he will never allow division. Humanity will never reproduce what happened on the earth, a small planet, hundreds of  There are many countries, technological blockades between each other, competition for resources, information confrontation between each other, and even the most direct war all these will completely disappear under this government.

    Of course, a government has its advantages, but it also has its disadvantages, that is, there is no right to choose

    In the twenty-first century on earth, although there are problems of one kind or another, there is always one thing that is recognized by the whole world, that is, the power of free choice has basically begun to spread everywhere in the world, unless it is like some  A closed authoritarian totalitarian country like a small country has blocked the channels of communication with the outside world. Otherwise, as long as everyone works hard, is diligent, and works hard, he will always have more choices. If you can't stay in this country anymore, you can go  to another country.

    If there was only one government for all mankind, indeed, there would be no civil war and no technological blockade between countries. As a result, every technology must be researched at a loss, and there would be a lot of waste of resources, etc. But equally,  If this country continues to decay and masters absolute military violence, the people's experience will be absolutely miserable. Then the people will no longer be the people, but the so-called grassroots, ass people, and slaves!

    It is the right of choice that leads to the emergence of freedom. At the same time, the competition of multiple countries makes it impossible for the top level of the country to have extremely high-pressure tyranny, because such tyrannical countries will either perish or be closed for a long time, leading to the chronic decline of the country.  In addition, any country that wants to become rich and powerful will, without exception, undergo changes that pay more attention to the people. Even if this change is very slow and almost impossible to detect unless you look carefully, this change is a trend.

    So, Yao Yuan still has a lot to do.

    First of all, with the home planet, it is naturally impossible to be in the same situation as the Hope. A helpless small spacecraft drifting around in the universe may face the extinction of the entire human race at any time. At that time, we had to take measures  A dictatorship is dominated by one voice, and everything must be done for the purpose of continuation of civilization.

    Now that we have a home planet, it can be expected that in the next hundreds or even thousands of years, humans are unlikely to undergo large-scale cosmic migration, because of the uncertainty of space jumps, which means that they can jump.  But don¡¯t even think about coming back. With the technology in the early and middle stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is no way to reach the speed of light or even super-light curvature navigation. This also means that in the next hundreds or even thousands of years, human beings will only reach this pace at most.  Galaxy range.

    But this galaxy alone is actually big enough. During the more than a month of Zerg cell termination operations, the Hope's own exploration technology has not stopped, and it has already explored this galaxy and its surrounding constellations.

    In this galaxy alone, there are eight large and small planets, including five terrestrial planets, three gaseous planets, two meteorite belts, and nineteen satellites of various sizes. In addition to the moon that has been confirmed to be damaged,  Every other planet is actually extremely important wealth, not just mineral resources and so on. In fact, some of the technologies in the middle and advanced stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution already have the ability to initially transform the planet, even if it is too far away from the star, the temperature, etc.  If life cannot survive on the planet, underground space station construction technology can also be produced. In other words, the rest of the planets in the entire galaxy, except for the gas planets, including larger satellites, can become human colony stars.

    And although a population of hundreds of thousands sounds a bit small, as long as there are no major natural disasters,Harm, according to the current medical health care and the extension of life span brought by genetic resonance technology, coupled with the government¡¯s encouragement of more children and the government¡¯s maternity subsidies, etc., it can be said that in just one year,  Within a hundred years, it will not be a problem for the population to expand to millions.

    Therefore, it is inappropriate to continue to adopt the political system of Hope. Even if Yao Yuan relies on his high prestige and the advantage of having military weapons in his hands to forcefully continue to implement this policy in the short term, it will not be possible for up to ten years.  In less than ten years, it may lead to an extreme decline in public trust.

    So, it is necessary and urgent to formally establish the government, establish various functional departments of the government, and plan everything for the future government and a more democratic political system

    "No, the republican system is fundamentally a forced political compromise. This can be seen from ancient Greece. In fact, it was originally composed of several or more than a dozen tribal armed leaders with similar strength. After feeling  When it is impossible to annex everything, a method of political compromise is used. Each party recognizes the other's status and sits down to discuss any situation. Then over time it becomes a House of Elders and then a republican system. Even in modern times, even if it is  The initial establishment of the United States also had this shadow in it. Of course, Washington was fundamentally just the strongest one elected by many armed leaders, so in terms of fundamental strength, he could not become a king or anything like that  ¡­¡±

    "This, uh, Scholar An, I think your opinion is a bit one-sided. Of course, I don't deny that Washington does not have the basic conditions to become a king, or even the conditions to govern for a lifetime. Nowadays, those historical novels, or those on the Internet,  Speaking of which, it is just a joke to us to say that Washington can become king, emperor, or lifelong consul at any time as long as he wants. It is true that his popularity is very high, but popularity is only one of his political advantages.  It does not represent politics itself, but this does not mean that the republican system is useless"

    "You two, I think it is better to consider the current situation of the Hope first. After all, we and the earth have undergone tremendous changes. Correspondingly, there should also be a new political system.  conform to¡­¡­"

    This is the meeting room where dozens of sociologists, political research scholars, and scholars and experts currently employed by the Hope government are noisy. This is not the first time they have discussed the future political system of the Hope government.  Yes, but there are dozens of people from several countries with different political ideas. They all long for the political system they admire to become the political system of mankind for hundreds or even thousands of years in the future. So who are they at this time?  Even among the more than ten people who also advocated the separation of powers, there were several factions. The slightest change could lead to a quarrel. It was simply a luxury to ask them to calm down and discuss.

    At this time, about half a month has passed since all the Zerg mother nests have been burned. The Hope is still suspended at a height of three thousand meters above the new earth. Of course, it is no longer suspended over the battlefield. At this moment, the Hope is suspended above  In an area at the mouth of the mainland.

    This is an area similar to the Yangtze River Delta or the Amazon alluvial plain. A large river nearly one kilometer wide divides into several tributaries at its mouth and merges into the sea. On the alluvial plain formed by these tributaries,  There are green grasslands everywhere and forest areas further away. It has fresh water resources, good and open plain terrain, good water transportation conditions, and there are several excellent natural harbors on the outer sea. It can be said that this place is simply  It is the best location for building a city.

    According to Qi Xiaoniao, this is simply the best terrain choice at the beginning of Civilization 6. Of course, if there are more major specialties around, such as minerals, gold, diamonds, sugar or animal husbandry, then this place  It is the best choice for the main city and capital.

    Everyone looking out from both sides of the Hope can see the boundless blue sea, the green grass on the ground, and the forests in the distance. Not to mention, the natural scenery here and  The pollution-free beaches can be said to be ten or a hundred times better than places like Hawaii and the Aegean Sea on Earth!

    It¡¯s really a natural holiday destination!

    In fact, after discussions with two thinkers, as well as discussions with a large number of experts, scholars, scientists, and senior military officials such as Wang Guangzheng, Yao Yuan all agreed that this is the most suitable location for mankind's first city.  .

    The first one is the open plain structure, which can prevent many dangers in advance, such as attacks from hidden Zerg and attacks from the planet¡¯s original ecological terrorist creatures, all of which can be prevented.

    Then there are freshwater rivers that can keep the water flowing??, being close to the sea can easily get seafood and so on, and in addition, you can also get fresh meat from the distant forests

    In short, the first step in preliminary planning is to choose the address of the human capital here!
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