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Episode Six: Star Devourer!  Chapter 17: Evolution

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    Chapter 17: Evolution

    "First of all, there is the boundless void universe, which is the same as the universe we saw on the Hope. It is so vast that it is unimaginable."

    "And in this boundless universe, there is a huge twisted mass of flesh, which is so big that it is unimaginable. Based on my visual guess, it is at least as big as several earths, and this huge twisted mass of flesh is constantly spreading in all directions.  A strange light, somewhat like a laser, but not quite"

    "It is such a huge twisted mass of flesh. As the light continues to spread, its mass of flesh begins to wither and shatter, and many skeleton structures and internal organs are separated from it. Yes, it gives me the feeling  It is going to die, it will die of old age"

    "But this process is very slow, so slow that it may take tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of years to calculate. Gradually, when it is about to die, it comes to a planet with life By the way, its flight is that  It flew at a curvature exceeding the speed of light. It took countless thousands of years for it to find a planet with life. Then, it completely disintegrated and shattered outside the planet. A large amount of flesh and blood turned into cosmic dust, but the core  A mass was thrown into the planet."

    "The process that followed was also very long. After millions, tens of millions, or even billions of years, civilization appeared on this planet. It was an aquatic technological civilization that looked like jellyfish. They were just like us.  Science was developed, and pollution was also produced. The most important thing is that because they are aquatic creatures, this pollution is even more intolerable to them. Therefore, when they developed to the late stage of the third revolution, they began to  Each colonial star builds colonies to reduce the pollution on their home planet, and then"

    ¡°They developed to the early days of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and because of excessive pollution, they had to develop interstellar voyage technology. Until their first trial manned spacecraft flew past the outermost edge of their galaxyneutron star debris struck.  "

    Yao Yuan stood up suddenly when he heard this. He asked in shock: "Neutron star fragments? Are you sure they are neutron star fragments? Why does this civilization also have neutron star fragments? Was it attacked at the same time as the earth?"

    Zhang Heng shook his head and said: "No, in my dream, this civilization was at least thousands of years ago Don't ask me why I know, it was a dream, I just felt it, so let's start with  Listen to me, this dream continues. Due to the emergence of neutron star fragments, this civilization has tried its best to do nothing. In the end, it can only build large-scale spaceships for long voyages with the technological level at the beginning of the fourth industrial revolution. But right now  At this time the egg that was more than a billion years old was corrupted, and inside it was a densely packed bacteria, which piled up like pieces of meat, uh, somewhat like what we humans call Tai Sui."

    "It was very fragile at first and could only absorb some plant and animal corpses around it. But every time it absorbed a corpse, it could extract useful parts from the genes and record them. Gradually, it hatched out the genes of these plants and animals.  monsters, and these monsters brought more animal carcasses to the pile of meat. Gradually, there were more and more of them, and they were getting stronger and stronger"

    "But as its number increased, this civilization was eventually discovered. After trying to eliminate it, but still unable to find any way to eliminate it, they had to use hydrogen bombs and nuclear weapons to blow up the area.  Shen"

    "But it's not that simple. Although this kind of bacteria is very fragile when separated from the main body, the piece of meat has actually sunk into the ground and followed the underground river to the sea Intelligent life is a kind of aquatic jellyfish.  Then, as the first intelligent life was devoured, and more and more intelligent beings were devoured, the lump of meat learned their technology, first becoming a monster that could spray bullets from its body, and then a monster that created an electromagnetic shield.  , it has even learned how to fuse hydrogen, gained almost endless energy in the sea, and began to mass-produce countless monsters, the same monsters we encountered on the ground"

    "It wasn't until a few years later that this piece of meat devoured the entire planet. It left the galaxy and began to search for living planets in the entire universe. It swallowed and left In this way, it found the galaxy where we are currently.  ."

    After Zhang Heng finished speaking in one breath, he finally stopped to take a breath. At this moment, Yao Yuan was already deep in thought. By the way, Ming Zhijie, who was sitting next to him, was also deep in thought.

    "I want to make sure first. When this monster was born from the egg, it didn't have any technological means, right? And the monster it produced was just the genes from the corpses of the animals and plants it devoured, right?  Yao Yuan asked after thinking for a moment.

    Zhang Heng nodded affirmatively and said: "That's right, that's it. It started from the beginning"?A piece of white paper with only instincts. As it devours more, the more types of monsters it can create, and the more intelligent life forms it devours, especially after it devours civilization, the technological means it can use will also decrease.  more.  "

    Yao Yuan frowned and said: "But it's very strange. If you say so, its mother body, that is, the withered and dead monster, should belong to the third level civilization and have curvature flight. Then why  But it doesn¡¯t get these high technologies?¡±

    Zhang Heng said in a very positive tone: "Because its mother body evolved wrongly!"

    "Is evolution wrong?" Yao Yuan and Ming Zhijie asked curiously at the same time.

    "Yes, evolution is wrong!"

    Zhang Heng explained: "The information I sensed from the original mother body is that this kind of monster also has a lifespan limit, but as the level of the civilization it devours increases, the more powerful genes it devours, the more powerful genes it devours.  The monsters are stronger, but if you want to reach a higher level of civilization, this is also rare among alien civilizations. Because of the problem of development direction, many civilizations develop in the wrong direction, which may cause this civilization to lose tens of thousands of people for a long time.  , hundreds of thousands, millions of years, technology has stopped progressing, and may even self-destruct, so the advanced civilization swallowed by the mother body may not necessarily develop correctly, and the reason why it dies is because it is not strong enough, technology  Although the level is high, it is probably evolved by mistake"

    "Uh." Zhang Heng thought for a while and said: "To use a simple saying in online games, you clicked the wrong skill tree, but most civilizations do not have the opportunity to reset the skill points, so if you want the next generation to evolve correctly, you must  It must start from scratch and develop, and there is also a factor of natural selection in it. There are actually not many of these monsters in the universe. Only the strongest among them can live longer, and even achieve the legendary immortality. To the effect  That's what I mean."

    Yao Yuan shook his head and did not express any opinion on the existence of this monster. He just said: "Well, let us summarize it. First of all, this monster relies on devouring genes to develop a large number of monsters in order to protect its main body.  Is that so?"

    "Yes." Zhang Heng nodded and confirmed.

    "Secondly, it relies on devouring civilization to achieve its technological level. For example, the hydrogen polymerization reactor we observed is the technological product of the jellyfish civilization, is that right?" Yao Yuan said again.

    "Well, there is one difference. This monster has a main body of thinking, which is like a bee and ant. It is actually very smart. It knows how to combine technology and genetic monsters. For example, as I saw in my dream, it  I have created things like cannon monsters, bomber monsters, space fighter monsters, high-explosive monsters, and Gauss rifle monsters"

    Yao Yuan nodded again and said: "Well, that is to say, as the more genes it swallows and the stronger the civilization it swallows, the more types of monsters it can create Also, let me ask, what is it currently?  The beginning of the fourth industrial revolution, right? Will it develop technology on its own?"

    Zhang Heng shook his head and said: "It doesn't have creative thinking of its own. Well, that's not right. It can combine technology with monsters. This can be considered a creation, but it cannot develop technology. All technologies are swallowed up from other civilizations."  What we have absorbed so far is still in the early stages of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. There is no doubt about this. From a technological point of view, we have an advantage."

    "Really? Technology is dominant" Yao Yuan suddenly asked: "Then what is it afraid of? In your dream, is there anything this race is afraid of?"

    "Uh, no." Zhang Heng just thought about it briefly and said immediately: "It doesn't seem to be afraid of anything. It doesn't seem to be afraid of viruses from any planet, microorganisms from all planets, plants and animals from all planets, because it will adapt to them according to their needs.  The creature it encounters adjusts its own genes. It may be hurt and devoured at first, but then it will start to evolve, selecting the resistant parts of the absorbed genes to change its own gene segments, and then it will be able to do anything.  It can be swallowed and absorbed"

    After Yao Yuan heard this, he suddenly remembered the corpses of the monsters that were taken away when the monster army retreated Since there is only one overall consciousness and it is impossible for individual monsters to exist consciously, why did they take away the corpses?  Could it be to evolve stronger monsters after returning?

    And when it comes to evolution, he seems to have forgotten something important

    At this moment, Yao Yuan's communicator suddenly rang. Yao Yuan was stunned, and immediately opened the communicator and said: "I am Yao Yuan, there is still a while until eight hours, what's the matter?"

    ¡°¡­Captain, please come to the biological laboratory¡­¡±

    "That monster's cells swallowed up the alien plants! A kind of abnormal individual cells evolved!"
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