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Episode 2: Dune Demon Sea Chapter 5: Stability and... Landing Team!

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    Chapter 5: Stability and Landing Team!

    Yao Yuan¡¯s test was completed quickly, but it will take some time to get the results. During this period, the speech he requested for the entire ship was about to begin.

    Yao Yuan repeated the points he needed to talk about in his mind, and then spoke in English to the intercom in front of the hospital bed: "Hello everyone, I am Major Yao Yuan, the captain of the spacecraft where we are currently."

    "I'm very sorry that I have frightened everyone in the past two days. I would like to thank everyone here. Yes, it is not an apology, but a thank you, because this time an unexpected incident occurred on the entire spacecraft. Two days ago, the entire spacecraft  Incidents of people suddenly suffering from high fever and then falling into coma appeared in the spaceship one after another. Because of this incident, the acting captain, Captain Wang Guangzheng, imposed martial law on the entire ship."

    "But this is a responsible attitude towards everyone on the captain, and this is an obligation that requires everyone's cooperation, because for every additional patient who has not been isolated outside, there will be an additional risk of destroying the entire crew together, so I think Wang Guangzheng is  The captain did the right thing and no apology is needed."

    "However, because of your strict discipline, the martial law order was completed. Although this caused certain personal restrictions on you, it did protect everyone's life safety, so I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all my friends on the ship here.  Let¡¯s say thank you.¡±

    Yao Yuan paused for a moment when he said this. He thought for a while and continued: "Yes, you heard me correctly before. The person who issued the order was the acting captain. I, the captain, have also shown signs of fever and coma and are in isolation.  , so if you have relatives who are quarantined, or if you have relatives who have symptoms and have not been quarantined, please notify the local army immediately. This is not about concentration camps and humane destruction, but treatment as soon as possible. Even I am here, everyone.  What are you still worried about?"

    "To be honest, I know the fear in your heart. I also have this fear, and it is very strong. We are all afraid of everything around us. In this vast universe, when we look out through the window, it is pitch black and there is no forest.  There is no sea, no blue sky, and no mountains. We humans are too small. We are so small in this universe that even words cannot describe it. We are afraid of all this"


    Yao Yuan's voice suddenly became louder, and he said loudly: "However, all these fears are not a reason for us to despair and give up! We humans, even if there are only more than 120,000 of us left, we still have to work hard  We must survive, even if we are struggling in this universe! Because we represent the continuation of mankind!"

    "Everyone here, whether you were a scientist, scholar, technical staff, soldier, or an ordinary white-collar worker or even a liar in society, or even have a criminal record and deceived us, I can stop going to these  No matter! Because your past has died on the earth, now that we have arrived in the spacecraft, we are already in the same boat, and there is no other way to survive. Then we can only unite and work hard to survive and for the continuation of the race, and  struggle!"

    "Starting from tomorrow, everything will be as before. Eat by yourself when it's time to eat. Go get water when you are thirsty. Please put away your own buckets and tableware. Please take care of your tents. We will gradually open roads within the next month.  The Street Plaza has simple entertainment facilities and will also open a sufficient computer room for everyone. Each person can use the Internet for one hour every day. At the same time, the shower time every three days can be changed to once every two days. At the same time, each person can use the Internet for one hour every day.  There will be a chance to take a bath once a week, and within three months to six months, we will gradually restore various things that you had in the civilized society, such as equivalent exchanges, or simply put, money, in line with the equivalence of your work and position.  In exchange for things, those who work hard will be able to eat better, have more computer entertainment time, exchange for bathing opportunities, and even obtain professional titles. For example, hard workers will have the opportunity to go to the sixth floor of the spaceship and see  With a touch of green.¡±

    Yao Yuan gradually expressed his idea, and he continued: "Our future is full of hope. We cannot despair, not for you, but also for your next generation, right? In the face of 120,000 people  There are nearly ten thousand young girls in the country, and they need your protection to have a future."

    "In view of your various expertise and knowledge, we will recommend to you the most suitable positions for you in the next six months, such as teachers, artists, social workers, etc., and in the next month, we will  One thousand, five hundred soldiers will be recruited, of which one thousand two hundred are limited to men between the ages of eighteen and twenty-eight. The remaining three hundred can choose people with certain expertise in turn, such as nurses, doctors, etc., so  You don¡¯t have to worry about unemployment. This is a spaceship. You are the masters of your own country. You can choose a job that can fulfill your obligations and get a salary and bonus that is consistent with your position and efforts. And good workers will continue to serve the spaceship government.  workThose who have worked for more than one year, or those who have made special contributions, can also move into a residential area with your family. It is not a tent, but a real residential area with rooms, bathrooms, and kitchens.  "

    ¡°So, work hard, everyone, and let¡¯s meet all the challenges in the future together!¡±

    Yao Yuan¡¯s speech ended here. On the one hand, he explained the previous martial law, and on the other hand, he worked hard to plan the future spaceship life. This is the limit of what he can do. After all, he is not a politician

    "Huh, I hope this crisis can be overcome, but after a crisis, there is an opportunity. Maybe we can take this opportunity to eliminate some of the barriers between the various ethnic groups in the spaceship, and also eliminate a lot of insecurities in their hearts. Sure enough,  Ah, hope, hope is the most important thing"

    Yao Yuan murmured to himself in a low voice. He thought for a long time, and then said to the virologists around him: "Then I'll trouble you. Get my body report as soon as possible. At the same time, the isolation order cannot be revoked."  , including me, if there is no virus, and if our body fluids and blood are injected into other animals and there are no adverse reactions, then we can go out after a month of isolation."

    "In a month, we will almost arrive at the planet. At that time, prepare for the arrival. In this way, hope will be enough"

    While talking, Yao Yuan had already fallen asleep

    The atmosphere in the entire spaceship has gradually improved since Yao Yuan said these words. It is even better than the previous atmosphere. Some people who have been on tenterhooks since boarding the spacecraft are under martial law this time.  Feeling a strict order, 120,000 people have already suffered enough from chaos. Although this strict order restricts their freedom, it protects their lives. In fact, what they are most worried about is the order in the spacecraft.  Out of control, now seeing that the spacecraft was back to normal again, they gradually felt relieved.

    And as Yao Yuan said, hope is more important than anything. What Yao Yuan promised them was exactly this kind of visible hope, which represented the hope that the future would get better and better

    Time passed slowly in such gentleness, one day, two days

    The various members of the Black Star Team survived the high fever period, and then slowly woke up one by one, followed by Zhang Heng, and the other more than 80 men and women. Of course, in the end, a total of more than 500 people died.  Symptoms of high fever and coma, but only 102 people survived, including thirteen people from the Black Star team except Wang Guangzheng, including Yao Yuan, including Zhang Heng, and only one of the more than five hundred people survived.  One hundred and two people survived, with a mortality rate of over 80%, but no remnants of the virus were found, and the people who woke up showed no signs of disease or any infectivity.

    Sudden disease, sudden end, and a mortality rate of more than 80%, all this tells everyone who knowsthe universe is more terrifying and mysterious than they imagined.

    Some scientists speculated that it was cosmic rays, some speculated that it was a side effect of space jumps, and some speculated that it was a new type of virus similar to the size of an atom. However, no matter what kind of speculation, there was no evidence to support it, and since  After these one hundred and two people survived, no one showed such signs again.

    In the spacecraft's central computer flight record, this record was named the mysterious virus. Soon after, it finally had its impact. Only then did all those in the know know that humanity's low medical technology had been delayed.  What, more than five hundred new humans, just like that, only one hundred and two are left

    Zhang Heng walked out of the sterilization room and took a deep breath. Although it was also the purified air in the spacecraft, this feeling made him take a deep breath without feeling. Oh my god, he was finally free. He had been eating, drinking and shitting all in a small room for a month.  , God knows how painful he is. This is ten thousand times more painful than when he quit drug addiction Well, maybe a thousand times or a hundred times, at least it is a pain that can rival that of drug withdrawal.

    After Zhang Heng took several deep breaths, he turned around. In front of him stood several members of the Black Star team from Hei Tie. They all looked at Zhang Heng happily, and their smiles looked displeased.  With good intentions, Zhang Heng was just stunned, and immediately saw three beauties standing beside them, the extremely shy Luo Maomiao, Bai Ningxue who had a great figure and didn't laugh at all, and another one holding a notebook.  Polly was walking forward while reading the book.

    Zhang Heng didn't know how to say hello for a while. He could only scratch his head and said: "Haha, after waiting for a long time, I was released from inside. I couldn't help but get a little arrogant, hahaha"

    Before the other two girls of Polly spoke, Polly walked up to him and said: "Okay, see you, then I'll go back." After saying that, she actually read the book and said??Turn around and plan to go back.

    But Bai Ningxue grabbed her by the collar, turned her around, and then said to Zhang Heng: "I'm sorry, she has such a temper. A few days ago, she even locked herself in the door for four or five days.  I don¡¯t know when she went to the cafeteria to get food. She must have been fascinated by reading Well, Zhang Heng, we are here to thank you. Thank you for taking care of us, so that we can live in the room on the fifth floor.  , we later learned that ordinary civilians can only live in the lower three floors, and they are in tents Thank you."

    Next to her, Luo Maomiao also lowered her head and said softly: "Zhang, Zhang Heng, thank you" As he spoke, his face turned red and dropped.

    Zhang Heng started to scratch his head again. He didn't know what to say. Fortunately, Heitie came over at this time. The big man slapped Zhang Heng on the shoulder and laughed: "Not bad, boy."  , His skills in picking up girls are indeed great, he is truly worthy of being a rich second generation playboy in the past, hahaha."

    Zhang Heng was even more embarrassed now, but Heitie's next words made his heart skip a beat and he immediately stopped smiling.

    Heitie said directly: "The captain ordered that Zhang Heng be promoted to the rank of lieutenant immediately, join the Black Star team, and fight with the team as a computer technician"

    Zhang Heng immediately subconsciously put his feet together and said loudly: "Yes, sir, accept the order!"

    Kurogie laughed again and said: "Okay, okay, you don't need to be so serious. The old captain is not here anyway Zhang Heng, you have to start training various firearms skills seriously. You still have five days at most.  At least learn how to masturbate.¡±

    "Gah?" Zhang Heng was stunned for a moment and said, "Why? Why do I only have five days?"

    "Because the leader has decided that the first unit to land on the planet will be led by the Black Star Team as the vanguard. Five days later, we will be the first human army to land on the alien planet!"
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