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Episode 1: Faraway Homeland Chapter 9: Rescue!

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    Chapter 9: Rescue!  ()

    Ellen was hurriedly packing up the papers in front of her desk. Behind her, a blond girl shouted loudly: "Hurry up, Dad, those people are coming to this neighborhood soon!"

    Elron said without looking back: "Right away, right away, Garcia, where is the last data table on the inference results of extremely high-mass objects impacting the sun? I remember putting it around here, right?"

    The blond girl named Garcia was extremely anxious. She didn't care about data papers and the like. She rushed to Elron's side, pulled him out, and then ran towards the back door of the room.  , and Elron only had time to carry the box in his hand, and then ran along the back door of the room into the garden, and then got into the garage with his daughter, until he sat in the passenger seat,  After his daughter started driving the vehicle, he lost consciousness and murmured: "It's gone, everything is gone"

    Garcia looked at her father unbearably. She drove the vehicle towards the front of the road and said, "No, Dad, at least we survived"

    "Survive? No, none of us can survive, because this is already the end of the world." Elron looked out the car window absentmindedly. To be precise, his eyes were always focused on the sky, looking at  The blue sky, white clouds, and the warm sun, in just over eight months, this sun will become the god of death that wipes out everything

    As a well-known British astrophysicist, no, he should be a world-famous astrophysicist. Although Alan is only in his fifties, he has already achieved a status and achievements that many people cannot achieve in their lifetime.

    He has a daughter. Although his wife passed away early, he still feels happy, just like the steak his daughter usually cooks for him. The taste is not too outstanding and cannot be compared to those famous chefs, but it is the taste of home. This is  The taste of happiness, the daughter has always imitated the taste of steak made by her mother, and this is also Ellen's favorite taste

    But this happiness ended so suddenly and abruptly. In 2027, the United States was confused about the incident of finding a crashed alien spacecraft. At that time, he thought it was just an expired April Fool's Day joke, but at the same time,  The spaceship experiments about space jumps surprised him completely. Then he tried every means to participate in those space experiments in the United States, but he was told that his old enemy, a man like him,  He is a well-known American astrophysicist, but he is more senior and older than him, and he has also won the Nobel Prize. The participating team formed by that person directly rejected him.

    This incident made Elron angry for more than a year. He had no choice but to get some data about space jumps from other channels. He planned to form a team to conduct research, but before he could finish collecting the data and start research,  Even before the team could be formed, at this moment, the world situation suddenly changed!

    About a month ago, high-level dignitaries from various countries around the world suddenly disappeared. Following this, a large number of government intelligence personnel revealed internal information. It is said that these high-level dignitaries from various countries have used space.  The spacecraft manufactured by jump technology escaped from the earth, leaving behind billions of ordinary people on the earth. The reason was that there was a neutron star fragment that had been observed as early as 2027. It was impacting towards the solar system, and its target was the sun.  !

    Neutron star?  How could fragments be produced?  And why does it hit the sun from outside the solar system?  What about speed?  It can be observed before 2027. Is more than two years enough to cover such a large distance?  What kind of speed is that!

    Ellen's reaction was disbelief at first, and then more and more evidence and data were revealed. He is an expert in this field. When he looked at the pictures observed by the radio telescope and then compared the data, he was confused.  In the next ten days, he conducted a large number of reasoning experiments in his university laboratory, but the results were disappointing No one could escape, as long as they did not leave the solar system, human beings, no,  Including the earth, it will be completely destroyed!

    Just a few days after he got this result, the whole world was in chaos. The end was coming. There was no way to escape and no chance of survival. More than 90% of the people began to vent their madness. Even the army participated in it. By the way, they were no longer alive.  What an army, because there is no government anymore, they are just gun-toting thugs!

    In this case, Elron and his daughter left their villa and drove their vehicle to the countryside

    But the countryside is not a paradise. It has also fallen into madness. A large number of refugees poured into the countryside, but then came the mobs who followed these refugees. The killings continued, the rapes continued, the tortures continued, venting.  Continue

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Througholemboleps cleanmb together out©\©\ through out's'''''''s out of sight's¡ªEllen's eyes dull.??In the logging house, suddenly, there was a soft noise from the door of the cabin. Elron sat upright with a start, but at this moment, his whole body was weak. Where could he have the strength to move?  Before he could react, a girl with a dirty face and golden hair covered with mud and filth had already walked in. As soon as she entered the room, she shouted: "Dad, why are you sitting up? Lie down quickly, you  I'm still suffering from a high fever Dad, I found a sweet potato field, but there was a group of mobs around it, so I didn't dare to get close. I can try to sneak in at night and I can always steal some sweet potatoes."

    Elron was slowly lying down. After hearing the words, he immediately shouted in a hoarse voice: "No, I won't let you go! It's not like you haven't seen how cruel those mobs are to their own kind? That twelve-year-old girl  Ah, being cut into pieces, roasted and eaten, have you forgotten this scene?"

    Garcia's face suddenly turned pale, but at this moment, Ailun coughed, waking her up from her memories. She quickly stepped forward to help Ailun, and then said: "It's okay, Dad.  I will not go into the fields. I will always lurk in the ditch. Now there is no electric light at night, so they can't see me. I will dig out a few pieces of sweet potatoes on the edge of the fields Dad, we have been here for three days.  I haven¡¯t eaten anything and I¡¯m fine if I just drink water, but you already have a high fever. Dad, you really need to eat something!¡±

    When Ellen was anxious, he coughed even harder and couldn't even say what he wanted to say, but Garcia said to herself: "Anyway, I'm stubborn! You know me, I will go there secretly at night  , you don¡¯t know anyway.¡±

    It took Elron a long time before he finally calmed down. He didn't have the strength to continue saying anything. His eyelids were extremely heavy, so he could only say reluctantly before falling asleep: "I want to go with you. I'll give it to you."  Keep an eye on it, otherwise it will be terrible if you don't pay attention to your side after digging and let them hear the sound." When he finished speaking, he had already fallen asleep semi-consciously.

    Garcia looked at her father's face that had suddenly become thin and old in the past twenty days. Her eyes turned red and she cried softly.

    That night, Elron followed Garcia forcibly, and after Garcia was afraid that she would run away alone, her father followed him stubbornly. His eyes were dim, who knew where he would go?  If she bumped into those mobs, she would really regret it, so she had no choice but to ask Elron to follow her to the sweet potato field.

    The two walked and walked, consuming their little energy. After more than two hours, they arrived at the sweet potato field. Sure enough, in the rural farmland without electricity, except for the faint moonlight, the darkness was really  Unable to see his fingers, Elron carefully sat on a slightly higher ground, and then watched Garcia crawling in the ditch and slowly moving towards the sweet potato field. Slowly, she approached the sweet potato field, and then,  She climbed out of the ditch and stepped into the sweet potato field

    But at this moment, a series of clanking sounds were heard. These mobs actually buried thin wires around the sweet potato field, connecting some broken pots on the surrounding trees, and Garcia had already stepped into their trap. At that moment,  More than a dozen men shouted. Garcia turned pale with fright, while Elron's eyes were blurred and he almost fainted.

    "Hahaha, catch her, she looks like a woman. She hasn't eaten fresh meat for several days, and she can still play for two days. Haha, catch her quickly!"

    The leader was a tall man. He yelled crazily, took the shotgun in his hand and pulled the trigger in the distance. Garcia was running wildly outside. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her calf, and her whole body  The man fell to the ground and howled loudly at the same time. Elron didn't care about anything else and immediately rolled down from the high place, then held his daughter in his arms and used  His body stood between his daughter and the mob Although he knew it was useless, although he knew he was definitely dead and his daughter would be worse than death, but, but

    "Haha, there is another old guy. Guys, how about burning this old guy as firewood?" One of the mobs also yelled crazily.

    This mob of more than a dozen people walked towards Ellen and Garcia with ferocious faces. Their eyes were bloodshot and their faces were full of malice. These were no longer human beings, just people wearing human skin.  Devil!  From the bones to the soul!

    "Dad, I'm afraid." Garcia cried loudly. She was only a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old. A month ago, she was a fashionable beauty who was pursued by many boys and lived a happy life.  Life, but at this moment, she is just a girl who is so scared that she hides in her father's arms.

    Elron held his daughter tightly and looked at the mob getting closer and closer to him. He murmured: "God, if there really is a God, please give me hope and inspiration.  God, my last request isYes, please help me, please help my daughter"

    Just as the leader of the mob ferociously raised the shotgun and aimed it at Elron's head, suddenly, a gunshot rang out, and it was not Elron's head that was shattered. Instead, his head was smashed to pieces, and then another  There were seven or eight gunshots. Five or six of the dozen mobs fell to the ground in an instant, and the rest lay directly on the ground. No one dared to move.

    At this moment, several lights shone in the distance, and Elron and Garcia looked at the lights stupidly. There, five or six people wearing straight military uniforms, with no mud or dirt on their bodies, gradually came.  There are white soldiers, black people, and yellow soldiers. The leader is a yellow soldier who looks very cold.

    The yellow soldier first looked at the mob coldly, then took out a small book from his arms. He looked at Elron on the ground, then compared it with the small book, and then saluted.  : "Hello, Dr. Allen, I am Second Lieutenant Eagle. You can just call me Eagle. I have been ordered to recruit you. Our government needs astrophysics experts like you. If you can, please follow me.  Go back to the base, where you can get treatment suitable for your status, as well as experimental equipment and laboratories suitable for what you have learned. By the way, we have also set up an astrophysics group specially for you, and you will be the leader of this group.  Team leader"

    Elron was dumbfounded. He was at a loss for words. Although it had only been more than a month, it seemed that he had never heard such civilized words in his life, until the man named Eagle  When the second lieutenant frowned, he immediately shouted: "Yes, I do, I am Ellen Burt! This is my daughter Garcia! I need you and your team to provide me with  Life protection, yes, by the way, do you have transportation? My daughter¡¯s leg was shot, she may not be able to walk very far, and she needs timely treatment!¡±

    A smile finally appeared on Ying's cold face. He helped Elron up, and at the same time waved to a black soldier next to him: "Let this lady deal with the emergency first. Let's get on the plane. The environment here is not suitable."  You are seriously ill. It can be seen that you seem to have a fever. Please rest assured that the base environment is very good and there are qualified doctors"

    Elron finally looked at Ying and others with vigilance. This group of soldiers all had standard equipment and uniforms of the same standard. They seemed to be the uniforms of the US military. They all had a good mental outlook. It seemed they  It seems that he is really from the government.

    Until then, suddenly there was a whistling sound in the air. In the darkness, Elron couldn't see clearly what it was, but it should be a helicopter or something. It seemed that they were really regular soldiers, organized and orderly.  soldier¡­¡­

    Until then, Elron was finally relieved and passed out.

    What he didn¡¯t see was that Ying calmly ordered the soldiers behind him to kill the mob who had begged for mercy.

    "But it's really useful. The old captain's method is really good. After experiencing the chaos of troubled times, what those talents desire most is order and rules. As long as we show the order and rules of the government, they will definitely be asking for it.  Everyone is coming, it¡¯s great¡­¡±

    Eagle murmured a few words in a low voice, then turned to look at the soldiers standing at attention behind him, hands behind their backs. He nodded and said: "The rescue of the mission target is completed. Return to the aerospace boat and we will return to the base."

    "Yes, sir!" the soldiers shouted in unison.

    Soon, when Elron woke up from his sleep in the evening of the next day, he stood up and saw the bright white ceiling, and he was covered with a soft white quilt, which was like a white quilt.  At the same time, he also saw an IV drip on his wrist. Next to him, his daughter was also on the hospital bed, but she was listening to the songs on the Walkman, humming and looking at the medicine in her hand.  In the novel, she has been cleaned up and returned to the beautiful girl again.

    "Ellen did not disturb his daughter who was concentrating on reading. He lay on the bed contentedly, feeling the happiness that he had lost and gained again, and he sighed contentedly

    He wants this happiness to last, even if there are only eight months left, no matter what experiments the government wants him to do

    He is determined to guard this happiness!
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