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Volume 1 Chapter 747 All enemies are paper tigers (2)

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    Piaotian Literature Chapter 747: All enemies are paper tigers (2)

    On October 3, 2011, the third day after David Rothschild met with Zhang Yang, Star Group held an external press conference and officially announced that Star Group had broken through the material limitations of Star Batteries and could supply them in unlimited quantities.  Market, in the past, although Starry Sky Group has broken through this limit long ago, it did not announce it to the outside world. Secondly, Starry Sky Group did not launch Starry Sky Batteries to all companies that needed batteries. It only cooperated with a few manufacturers that it cooperated with.  Produce batteries.

    At the same time, the factory production capacity of Starry Sky Group has not been reached to the maximum, and is only about 50% of the production capacity. As for Starry Sky Battery, it has been around for so many years, and the outside world has actually been speculating, because Starry Sky Group¡¯s expansion in Starry Sky Battery has not been  It¡¯s not fast, so many media are speculating whether there is a big limit on the raw materials for the production of Starry Sky Battery. Now Starry Sky Group has directly announced to the outside world that it has broken through this restriction, which means that Starry Sky Battery will probably sweep all industries in a short period of time.  .

    Electric vehicles will not only develop on electric bicycles, the emergence of electric cars, even electric tanks, etc. is inevitable, and notebooks, mp3, mp4, cameras, camcorders, even razors, flashlights, etc. need batteries for daily use.  Supplies are bound to change drastically with the intervention of Starry Sky Battery.

    The day after Star Group announced the news, the stocks of several listed subsidiaries of Star Group began a new round of rise. Although the increase was not large, the market value of these subsidiaries under Star Group is now almost  They have reached their limits and can still rise.  You can see how much impact this news has on Star Group.

    In particular, the stock of Xingkong Heavy Industries, which has been producing Xingkong batteries, rose to the daily limit that day, even though the domestic foreign exchange market controls have been greatly liberalized compared to previous generations.  However, the daily limit has not been cancelled.  At present, the market value of Star Group has officially reached a market value of nearly 1.7 trillion RMB. This market value has surpassed Apple Co., Ltd. and has officially become one of the subsidiaries of Star Group with the highest market value!

    At present, the combined market value of Star Heavy Industries and Apple exceeds 3 trillion RMB.  Approximately equivalent to 800 billion US dollars!  Compared with the good news announced by Star Group, international crude oil prices have fallen again, and the possibility of falling further has almost been eliminated.  With the large-scale popularity of star batteries, especially their use in civilian cars.  The demand for crude oil will no longer be so huge. If it were not for aviation and the military equipment of various countries that still need fuel, the price of fuel would probably be unimaginably low.

    With the announcement of Starry Sky Group, the attention of the world's media once again focused on Starry Sky Group. However, Zhang Yang did not pay attention to this matter at this time. Instead, he asked Starry Sky to monitor the clues around the Mekong River around the clock.  In fact, Zhang Yang didn't remember many events in his previous life. Many things have been forgotten due to the passage of time. What Zhang Yang can remember now is aside from the great earthquake in Japan that has happened.  It¡¯s the Mekong River tragedy.

    In the previous life, there were many rumors that Thai people were involved in the Mekong River tragedy. Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, at least Zhang Yang has the ability to intervene in this matter in this life. It¡¯s okay if he doesn¡¯t know. Since he knows, then  Can't watch it happen.

    What I remember should be what happened on October 5th. The starry sky satellite positioning system that has spread all over the world is enough to monitor this area 24 hours a day.  If possible, Zhang Yang would like to tell the border guards over there to prepare now.  But Zhang Yang really can't tell this kind of thing in advance.

    At 8:45 a.m. on October 5, Zhang Yang looked at the timely images from the satellite on the computer screen.  According to Zhang Yang's request, Xingkong has found two Chinese cargo ships that were involved in the accident, the "Huaping" and the "Yuxing 8".  Based on their current speed and the approximate time of the accident given by Zhang Yang, the accident locations of the two merchant ships have been calculated.

    ??Looking at the time, something might happen in ten minutes at most. Zhang Yang thought for a while, then directly picked up the phone in his hand and dialed a number.  This phone call is not from the national security, nor the public security, nor the military, but the emergency phone number of the newly built strategic command center, because the Pangu system is a product of Star Sky Group, and with the cooperation between Star Sky Aerospace Company and the military,  So Pangu is also using Star Group¡¯s global positioning system.

    Zhang Yang then got the phone number of this strategic command center. This call was answered 24 hours a day. The people above also knew that Star Sky Group¡¯s computer technology was still ahead of the Institute of Computer Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.  After the call was connected, a soldier's voice immediately came from inside: "Hello, Chief!"

    "Hello, I'm Zhang Yang. Just now, the main system of Starry Sky Group passed the satelliteSomething happened. It's a very urgent situation. I'll let Xingkong transmit the data to Pangu now.  I'll leave the rest to you.  "Zhang Yang said quickly.

    Following Zhang Yang's words, Xingkong directly transmitted the latest satellite-monitored images to the large screen of the strategic command center. When these images and related annotations next to Xingkong were transmitted, the staff of the entire strategic command center were busy almost instantly.  After getting up, several staff officers directly took pictures of the communicator in front of them, and then a communication channel began to be directly stationed at the air force base on the southeastern border.

    Although Zhang Yang hung up the phone, he could still see the action here. At this moment, the other side's ships on the satellite screen had begun to move towards the two merchant ships. However, the two merchant ships should have obviously been warned and had stopped.  He continued forward and attempted to make a U-turn.

    However, time is obviously too late. At this moment, the two merchant ships are near the junction of Myanmar and Thailand, and this is not the border of China, and at this moment, the other side's ship is only 1 kilometer away from the nearest one of the two merchant ships.  , that is, it takes only a few minutes to approach two merchant ships, but the only good news is that there happen to be two fighter jets on routine patrol missions at the nearby border that have just received the order.  Cross the border directly and fly quickly along the Mekong River.

    "Hurricane 1. 2, turn on afterburner. Rush to the scene as quickly as possible." A steady male voice came from the communication channel.

    "If the other party attacks our ships, I authorize you to carry out independent attacks." Although the patrol fighter does not carry much ammunition, it should not be a big problem to block some ships, but the only regret is.  Because the two fighter jets were on simple routine patrol missions, they only carried cannon ammunition and two short-range air-to-air combat missiles each.

    "Hurricane 1 understands!" "Hurricane 2 understands." Following the voices of the two pilots, the tails of the two J10 improved fighter jets quickly spurted out long flames, and the two fighter jets directly made a detonation sound and entered.  A brief period of supersonic flight.

    At this moment, on the Mekong River, two gangster speedboats armed with machine guns had approached two merchant ships and opened fire on them.  The merchant ship, which had no defense, had to stop the ship.  At this moment, the Thai police have also received warnings from the Chinese side, and the police's high-speed patrol boats are also rushing in this direction.  Just when the gangsters had just boarded the merchant ship, two fighter jets had arrived and saw the situation on the river at this moment.  One of the fighter jets turned around and fired its machine gun to attack one of the airbender's gangster speedboats.

    "It's our fighter jet!" Cheers immediately came from the Yuxing 8 ship, which had not been boarded yet and was located relatively far back. A speedboat that had just been blasted by a fighter jet with a machine gun was officially ready to board.  The gangsters at Shang Yuxing No. 8.  When the gangsters on the other boat saw this situation, they immediately took the crew on the Huaping and ran directly to the speedboat.

    Because of the presence of hostages, the two fighter jets were unable to fire and could only watch the gangsters carrying the hostages board the speedboat and leave quickly.  At this time, two fighter jets directly and illegally invaded the airspace of three countries.  Under diplomatic pressure, they had to return temporarily.

    At noon on October 5, the hijacking that occurred on the Mekong River was quickly disclosed by the media.  It is not much different from history, although satellites can always monitor the situation in this area.  But because there are dense mountain forests on both sides of the Mekong River, the bandits disappeared from sight after they landed.

    Zhang Yang was a little annoyed. If he could have told the superiors about this ten minutes earlier, the remaining crew members would not have been hijacked.  Although 7 people have now escaped the hijacking of the gangsters, the lives of those 5 people are still somewhat worrying.

    After the Mekong River incident, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs quickly launched a stern protest against Thailand and Myanmar. If the two countries could not solve the case of the hijacking of Chinese crew members, China would directly exclude its own special forces to rescue the crew members.  China's tough attitude caught both Thailand and Myanmar off guard.

    The Foreign Ministry did not expect such a tough attitude. It seems that whether a country pays attention to the protection of its citizens is directly proportional to the country's military strength. The United States dares to write on the passport that no matter where you are, the United States  The United States is your strong backing. That is because the United States has strong military power and can say no to any country in the world.

    But if you don¡¯t have a strong military force, no matter how tough your attitude is, it¡¯s useless. If you can¡¯t beat others with force, who cares if your attitude is tough?  As China's aircraft carrier battle group exercised its sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and forcibly detained Philippine and Vietnamese ships trying to enter the Nansha Islands, the Philippines and Vietnam have now stopped.?

    "The two countries are not stupid. In fact, this is nothing more than a test of attitude.  However, Thailand and Myanmar issued serious protests against China's tough attitude, protesting against Chinese fighter jets entering the borders of the two countries without their permission.  On the afternoon of the 5th, in response to the attitudes of the two countries, Defense Minister General Liang responded to a reporter¡¯s question about the protest that the so-called fighter jets of the two countries entered the border between the two countries without permission.  Admiral Liang once again said something shocking.

    "I didn't want to talk about this issue here, but as of now, a large number of those who hijacked Chinese crew members are regular Thai soldiers! If the Thai government cannot give our country a satisfactory answer on this matter,  Reply, and cannot guarantee the safety of ordinary civilians in our country, then next time when entering Thailand, the so-called illegal border crossing will not only be fighter jets!"

    General Liang's attitude can no longer be described as tough. You must know that he is the Minister of Defense of the Republic, and the Minister of Defense of one country responds so positively and directly to another country's diplomatic response. This is almost the same as  It¡¯s a signal of local war!  Moreover, these media reporters were even more sensitive to the fact that General Liang spoke of regular Thai soldiers. These media reporters also knew General Liang very well, although the Republic's foreign attitude has been changing over the years.

    But compared to the United States, it is still very low-key, but now that the defense minister of a country has said such words, you can imagine how angry this incident made General Liang!  In response to Admiral Liang's reaction, the Thai government was obviously panicked. It immediately stated that it would strictly investigate the matter and mobilized a large number of police and troops to search for the whereabouts of the Chinese crew members.

    On the 6th, Zhang Yang didn¡¯t know whether this matter would develop as he remembered, but no matter what, it is a good phenomenon that things have developed to this point. Many Chinese people have no human rights when they go abroad, and a country¡¯s  Strength is undoubtedly expressed through these forces.

    Time passed very quickly. On October 8, the Thai police announced that they had found the body of a Chinese crew member. Soon the bodies of the next four crew members were found. A total of five bodies of the crew members who were taken away were all taken away by the Thai police.  The police fished it out in the Mekong River, and this incident immediately aroused the indignation of all people on the domestic Internet!

    Because of what General Liang said at the press conference, many people believed that this matter was inseparable from the Thai government, and they all asked the country to use force against Thailand.  It is not too difficult for this kind of hot information on the Internet to spread to Thailand, and the relationship between the two countries suddenly became tense.

    Zhang Yang felt a little heavy. If he could have informed the strategic command center ten minutes earlier, maybe these five crew members would not have died.  After the Thai police announced that they had found the bodies of all the hijacked crew members, Zhang Yang asked Chen Xiaowei to announce immediately that he would express condolences to the families of the five crew members and donate 1 billion RMB on behalf of all businessmen in China to set up a foundation to offer rewards for their arrests.  murderer!

    Star Group¡¯s behavior was like throwing a spark into a can of gasoline, and all the media became a little fanatical.

    "I am very sad. Although our country has become stronger, our citizens will always encounter such and such things when they are doing construction for other countries. In the past few years, the number of Chinese citizens who have died abroad is  A shocking number. For this reason, today, on behalf of all shareholders of Star Group, I announced today that Star Group is willing to donate 1 billion RMB every year to establish a mutual aid organization for Chinese businessmen. All those foreigners who have caused harm to the Chinese people, but  For those who have not been tried for various reasons, we will offer rewards to them! No matter which country¡¯s police, soldiers, or even some mercenaries, as long as these murderers can be brought to justice, Star Group is willing to reward them  Enough remuneration!" This is what Zhang Yang said when Star Group announced the establishment of a mutual aid foundation.

    The Star Group¡¯s approach resonated with countless foreign business companies, and soon dozens of domestic companies with infrastructure construction and other businesses abroad responded and donated money to this foundation.
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