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Volume 1 Chapter 693: Filling the World with Exclamation Marks (Part 1)

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    When Luo Tianshu's words fell, the whole world fell into a brief silence. When everyone came back to their senses and thought about what they heard, everyone's eyes were filled with disbelief.  Controllable nuclear fusion Everyone knows how much science and technology these five words contain, but no one expected that it was this country that was almost in ruins during the First and Second World Wars that took the lead in making a breakthrough.  The shackles of technology!

    After the whole venue was quiet, all the reporters went crazy because they understood that they had witnessed another major scientific and technological process that was bound to be written into the history of all countries in the world - astronomical literature!  If the internal combustion engine of the past ushered in the industrial era of mankind, then controllable nuclear fusion will completely free mankind from the need for and constraints on energy. Then wars filled with energy may not exist!

    This was as shocking as a nuclear bomb explosion. Zhang Yang and Luo Tianshu also had a tacit understanding and did not say much, allowing the reporters below to recover their emotions.  After about five or six minutes, the somewhat noisy venue below returned to silence, and Zhang Yangcai smiled and said: "Then I will announce the second point. According to the Starry Sky Group's budget plan, the Starry Sky Group will establish the Starry Sky Power Company. Currently,  About RMB 120 billion will be invested to build six controllable fusion nuclear power plants with a total power generation capacity of 30 million kilowatt-hours near the ancient capitals of China's six dynasties and six places in the Yangtze River Delta!"

    A nuclear power plant with a power generation capacity of 30 million kilowatt hours!  Because controllable nuclear fusion is currently only controlled by Starry Sky Group, and only Starry Sky Group dares to start construction directly. But since construction has started, it is obvious that Starry Sky Group must have that guarantee.  These reporters don¡¯t know how much the cost of controllable nuclear fusion is, or whether it is less expensive than an ordinary nuclear power plant. Although the investment of 120 billion is scary, funding is not a problem for Star Group. The problem is that 120 billion can build power generation.  A nuclear power plant with a capacity of 30 million kilowatt hours is a bit scary.

    You must know that the combined power generation capacity of all nuclear power plant units currently in use is less than 30 million kilowatt hours!  You must know that a 2 million kilowatt-hour fission nuclear power plant unit can generate 14 billion kilowatt-hours a year!  The annual power generation capacity of a 30 million kilowatt-hour nuclear power plant is almost 200 billion kilowatt-hours.

    Although this power generation capacity accounts for only about one-twentieth of the country's annual power generation capacity, if the construction is successful, the money Star Sky Group will earn every year will be countless.  However, although these reporters had many questions in their minds, they did not ask them. For example, China's nuclear fusion nuclear power plants are now built according to a trial period of about forty years.

    Many of them have just been put into use for four or five years, so naturally they cannot be discarded directly. Of course, it can also be digested by Starry Sky Group to build more controllable nuclear fusion power stations, because China has a huge number of thermal power stations.  Power plants not only pollute the environment, but also consume fuel and other energy, so it is not a problem at all to use more nuclear power plants to recycle them.

    The problem is that these reporters are concerned about how to calculate the profit after the power station is built and the power generated by the power station is integrated into the national grid.  Will Star Group operate it itself or will it be handed over to the state?  This is the key. These infrastructure projects in Fengguo are all state-owned companies and are not operated by private companies. I wonder if this will be a pioneering work.  renew

    After Zhang Yang¡¯s announcement, the Prime Minister also spoke on behalf of the government to confirm the truth of the matter and said that new policies may be adopted for the operation of the power station.  In fact, there is still a long time to go before the construction of the power station is started. The reason is very simple. Although the laboratory can now be confirmed to be put into commercial operation, after all, the laboratory is small, but the commercial operation is large. Is the technology really mature?  , which requires further verification.

    But this is not difficult. You must know that it is not easy to make something small, but the technical difficulty of making something large is relatively low.  In addition, there are still issues such as site selection and so on. I am afraid that it will take at least half a year, or even a year, before construction can officially start.  But this does not prevent Star Sky Group from promoting it now. This is just to build momentum. Besides, they all agreed to Bush Sr.

    After Zhang Yang and the Prime Minister signed the letter of intent for the contract, Zhang Yang stood in front of the rostrum again, looked at the reporters below, and said with a smile: "Next, what I want to announce is actually my si  But, I will announce it when this opportunity comes."

    "The first point I will announce next is that Star Group can cooperate with any country in the world to build controllable fusion nuclear power plants. This is a technical problem that benefits all mankind, so Star Group will not take it personally."  Zhang Yang announced a new news, which received warm applause from reporters from all over the world.

    Although these reporters understand that Starry Sky Group will definitely have to charge a fee to operate it after it is completed, butIsn¡¯t it nonsense?  People have invested so much, what else do you want?  It¡¯s good to be able to build it for your country. At least the controllable nuclear fusion power station is a safe, clean, pollution-free nuclear power station with no waste. Even if something goes wrong, the fusion reaction will stop and there will be no nuclear pollution leakage.

    "The second point is of pure human nature Everyone knows that I am richer." Zhang Yang paused deliberately while the reporter below gave a good-natured laugh. You don't want to  Would you describe it as relatively rich?  We don¡¯t even know how much money Star Group has in the Forbes list of the world¡¯s richest people. Every year, the world¡¯s richest man only writes his name. As for the subsequent amount, he simply doesn¡¯t write it because they can¡¯t count it. After all, the editors of their magazine are not professionals.  financial expert.  How many financial talents does the huge Star Group need to be responsible for its financial situation, and how many does their entire editorial department have?  In terms of statistics, I am exhausted.

    "Furthermore, I have recently become a collector. I heard that there was a recent auction in the Maldives that included Wang Xizhi's mourning notes and other treasures passed down from generation to generation, so I thought I would go to this auction."  Zhang Yang announced the second news with a smile.

    "Pfft" Countless people around the world spit out the mineral water, tea, and coffee in their mouths.  Even at the press conference, an official sitting next to the Prime Minister on the other side of the rostrum who was drinking tea drank all the tea in his mouth. The official apologized in embarrassment and quickly stood up.  He walked toward the outside of the press conference, but none of the reporters below laughed at him.

    Because they were almost the same as this official just now, everyone who heard this sentence could not help but have an idea in their mind: Japan is going to be tragic!  As we all know, not long ago, the Japanese government announced in a high-profile manner that it would buy back many of Japan's national treasures lost in previous terrorist attacks at all costs, but now

    ??Everyone has involuntarily begun to imagine such a scene in their mind. When the Japanese government meets Zhang Yang, who will win and who will lose?  Everyone already has this answer in their mind. If you have money, now.  Japan, which is less than 10 billion US dollars behind China, is naturally richer, but how much money the Japanese government has in its finances is unknown.

    More importantly, all the fiscal money cannot be used to buy things. Japan is a country that needs to import almost all raw materials, so Japan¡¯s finances are actually not wealthy at all, so it doesn¡¯t matter how much money can be used in the finances.  I think it's far worse than Zhang Yang.

    Zhang Yang can casually throw out 10 billion US dollars and say it¡¯s just a joke, but can the Japanese government?  cannot!  Because other people's money belongs to the SI, I can use it however I want, but the Japanese government's money does not belong to the SI.  A man who is extremely wealthy meets a state religion it's a lot of fun.

    Except for the Japanese, everyone in the world is full of sympathy when they look at the map of Japan. Even Bush has some sympathy for Japanese Prime Minister Aso. It can be said that meeting Zhang Yang is a disaster!  Even Bush himself would not dare to claim that he could compete with Zhang Yang if this happened to him. In fact, he could not compete with Zhang Yang 100%. After all, those things are cultural relics, and it is impossible for Bush to pay for something far beyond these because of cultural relics.  price.

    But Zhang Yang can, think about the price this madman paid to buy these things, and Bush will know that Japan¡¯s tragedy is certain this time. How much does it cost to dispatch an aircraft carrier battle group for a month?  Thinking about this incident, Bush felt that Zhang Yang was even crazier than Qian Yu. He was just an out-and-out lunatic!  For the first time, Bush felt that teaching w was child's play compared with publicity.

    Thinking of this, Bush felt like he had a toothache and his balls were numb from the pain. How many warships does an aircraft carrier battle group have?  Not to mention the super-equipped wartime configuration, it is the peacetime configuration. A U.S. standard aircraft carrier battle group is equipped with one nuclear-powered aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons, two Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruisers, and three Arleigh Burkes.  -class guided missile destroyers, a Perry-class anti-submarine protection ship, two Los Angeles-class attack submarines, plus a supply ship.

    The U.S. aircraft carrier battle group undergoes maintenance once every four months. Calculated based on normal cruise missions, the daily maintenance cost is approximately less than US$2 million per day!  In other words, the monthly maintenance cost is 60 million U.S. dollars, and the annual maintenance cost is more than 600 million U.S. dollars!  This is still just a normal cruise mission. If it is a combat mission, the number of people will double.

    But this time, the expenses for this month have been discussed, and they paid for it themselves and even collected the entire amount, which is 100 million US dollars.  According to this calculation, Bush can still earn US$40 million.  Bush also hinted that the U.S. government could send several guided missile destroyers to complete this task, but others said that either the aircraft carrier battle group would be sent out one by one, or he would find someone else to do this.

    ? ?In the end, the U.S. government agreed to this matter after discussion. Firstly, they will provide money to allow you to complete the cruise mission for free. Secondly, Starry Sky Group will build at least one controllable nuclear reactor with no less than 5 million hours in the United States.  The construction time of the fusion power station must be no later than one year later than that of China. After five years of successful operation, the U.S. government will automatically obtain all technologies for controllable nuclear fusion.

    And what Starry Sky Group got was just a bragging from the US government to accompany Zhang Yang, and what Starry Sky Group could normally get without any strings attached. With such conditions, no one in the Joint Chiefs of Staff could resist his suggestion.  Especially if all technologies are based on five years of construction and five years of operation, will the United States be able to develop controllable nuclear fusion on its own in 10 years?

    Bush specifically consulted his Secretary of Energy, and the answer disappointed Bush, that is, it may not exceed 30%.  And even if the United States reaches such conditions by then, there is still a difference between technology and technology, and after ten years, Star Group's technology will definitely be more mature.

    You must know that the contract stipulates that the U.S. government will obtain the technology at that time, which means that the United States will obtain whatever technology the Star Group develops in ten years.  Is Zhang Yang at a loss?  This depends on how you look at it. If it were someone else looking at it, it would be a real loss.  But if you look at it openly, it¡¯s not a loss.

    Let¡¯s not talk about how many people can do this to allow the US aircraft carrier battle group to escort, especially as an SI person. This is no longer a matter of face, but it is twice as much.  For this reason alone, as long as the United States is willing, Zhang Yang doesn't mind spending $100 million every now and then to play like this, but obviously, the United States is unlikely to agree.

    Then the second point is that building a nuclear power plant seems to be a very simple matter, but it means that Star Group has the opportunity to formally intervene in the national grid of the United States. In other words, if Star Group builds enough controllable nuclear fusion power plants in the United States, it will  This means that the power grid of the United States will be controlled by the Star Group. Just for this reason, Zhang Yang can throw this technology to the United States. Anyway, ten years later, these technologies will be basically understood by other countries, even if they are not.  , it is estimated that it is just a last resort.

    The last point is about the battery. Only by developing the power station can Zhang Yang have an excuse to start large-scale construction of rechargeable power stations similar to gas stations in the United States. It is estimated that Star Group's cars will be sold all over the United States.

    Bush could not think of the third point, but Bush knew the first and second points, but he was not afraid, especially the second point. As long as you operate normally, the U.S. government does not care who controls your company, even if it does not look at the Federal Reserve.  Is it from Si people?  Naturally, there will be no problem with the power grid. If there is a problem, anyway, in the United States, the US government has enough excuses and rights to make it no problem, so Bush is not afraid.

    But after thinking about the news that Zhang Yang was about to announce, the corner of Bush's mouth still twitched. When Zhang Yang says his next words, I'm afraid he will be controversial among the American people.  !  .
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