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Volume One Chapter 507 Lower Tagil (2)

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    Chapter 507: Lower Tagil (2)

    Chapter 507: Lower Tagil (2)

    Nizhny Tagil was still a little chilly in May. Fortunately, Zhang Yang wore enough clothes when he arrived. Two special planes landed at the public airport in Nizhny Tagil one after another.  Because this military exhibition was relatively low-key, the plane did not land directly at a military airport when it landed, but at a civilian airport. It will stay here for four days before flying back to China.

    As soon as they got off the plane, there was a long motorcade outside to pick them up. It was obvious that Russia had made enough preparations in this regard. When Zhang Yang and them landed, the airport seemed to be undergoing security inspections and was fully closed, so  No tourists saw Zhang Yang land at all, and it is estimated that no one will notice this when they leave in a few days.

    Zhang Yang turned on his mobile phone as soon as he got off the plane. After waiting for a while, Xingkong did not send a message. It seemed that there was nothing abnormal in Kyzyl. If Xingkong detected any abnormality, he would notify Zhang Yang directly.  In the middle of the convoy was a large number of buses, with police cars clearing the way in front. Before entering the city, they turned directly to another surrounding road, which should be the road leading to the military base near Nizhny Tagil.

    When we arrived near the military base, what we saw was a huge museum-like exhibition hall. Behind it were several rows of buildings, which should be where they lived.  The convoy quickly arrived at the small square in front of this row of buildings. There were already a large number of people waiting in line in front of the square. The person leading the team this time was not the No. 1 leader, but the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission and a member of the Standing Committee.

    "General Zhang, welcome!" After getting out of the car, Zhang Yang immediately saw the young man he had seen many times on TV, Putin!  It has to be said that Putin is quite powerful. Zhang Yang did not expect Putin to appear here.  The weapons and equipment exhibition held by Russia in another region has not yet concluded. Countries from all over the world are there, and Putin actually has time to leave.

    "You're welcome, President Putin, this is not the first time we have met." General Zhang smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Putin. There are no reporters here, but the necessary welcome ceremony still needs to be done. Of course, Zhang Yang and the others  There is definitely no chance to review the guard of honor like on TV.  "Who are these?" After the introduction of the main figures, Putin's eyes quickly shifted to Zhang Yang and the others.

    "Haha, President Putin, let me introduce to you. This is Luo Tianshu, the president of Star Heavy Industries, a subsidiary of Star Group. Miss Luo!" General Zhang followed Putin's gaze, looked at Luo Tianshu, and immediately laughed heartily twice, and then gave  Putin introduced it.  As for Zhang Yang, General Zhang did not introduce him. Zhang Yang said before he came that he was a small person, so the people above naturally knew how to deal with it, and basically no one knew Zhang Yang.

    With General Zhang¡¯s introduction, Zhang Yang sensitively noticed that Putin¡¯s eyes lit up. Luo Tianshu hurriedly said a few words of humility, and then stretched out his hand to shake Putin¡¯s hand.  "I have long admired the name of Star Group. I wonder if Chairman Li Keqing came with the group?" Putin asked casually.

    "Because the company has a lot of things going on recently, Director Li doesn't have time to leave the country, so I led the team here." Luo Tianshu said respectfully, after all, the other party is the president of a country.  Putin nodded, then turned to General Zhang and asked in a very casual tone: "Does your arrival with Star Heavy Industry this time mean that Star Heavy Industry's proportion of the military industry market in your country will increase in the future?"

    "I don't know about this. It should depend on market rules, or whether Star Group can win such a large share. The country is ready to let them compete freely in this regard. This will be a completely independent business behavior.  "The person who answered Putin was not General Zhang, but another member of the Standing Committee named Wu.

    General Zhang doesn¡¯t care about the economy, so he doesn¡¯t understand these things. Standing Committee Member Wu naturally answered these questions on his behalf.  While they were talking, the group of people walked directly to the carpet that had been laid at the door. Zhang Yang and the others naturally did not receive that kind of treatment, so they were led directly by the staff from the side to the hotel at the back.

    From the outside, the decoration of this hotel looks very ordinary, but once inside, Zhang Yang understands that the decoration of this hotel is probably no less than that of some five-star hotels. If Zhang Yang remembers correctly, Nizhny Tagil will gradually become a hotel in the next few years.  The main location for the annual Russian equipment and weapons exhibition, and the built hotel is naturally used to arrange national leaders of various countries, or those who are interested in purchasing Russian equipment.

    These are all big customers. It is estimated that there will be no substantial contact on the first day. Moreover, Zhang Yang has not seen people from other countries. It is estimated that it will take another day before official contact can begin. However, those who are with Zhang Yang are  It doesn't matter, he is here to make soy sauce.??Zhang Yang is concerned about Zhao Fei's actions tonight.

    It is now less than two hours before 6pm. If there is still no response from that place, it seems that the people Zhang Yang contacted should not be from the Freemasons or the Russian intelligence agency. Otherwise, it would be  It is impossible for a few people to catch Zhao Fei and the others.

    Not long after entering the hotel, a text message suddenly came from Zhang Yang's mobile phone. Zhang Yang's face changed slightly. He said just now that there was no special movement. Could it be that these people are starting to take action now?  There are still two hours before the agreed time. If the other party is a national force, two hours is enough for them to achieve whatever they want to achieve.  Zhang Yang was a little anxious, but the current environment was not allowing it, so Zhang Yang could only patiently follow the staff and wait for the staff to assign a room.

    After about half an hour, the staff finally finished allocating the rooms. When I looked outside, I didn't think the building was very high, so I didn't think much of it. But when I got inside, I realized that this hotel with a very large area could be  It can really accommodate a lot of people.  But think about it, when the Lower Tagil Equipment and Weapons Exhibition is held every year, the number of people coming from various countries is estimated to be in the thousands. Now these hotels will definitely not be able to accommodate it. It is estimated that this base will be expanded by then.

    Because Zhang Yang belongs to the management of Star Heavy Industry, he was assigned a room. After entering the room, Zhang Yang checked it out. The room was not luxurious, but it was a suite. However, the facilities in the room were very complete, including computers, etc.  Everything is prepared.  Zhang Yang quickly walked to the door, locked the door directly, and looked at the facilities in the room. Zhang Yang did not check, but took out his laptop and put it on the table, then unplugged the network cable from the original computer and plugged it in directly.  On top of the notebook.

    There is no need to check the rooms at all. The Russian government is not an idiot or a ***. These rooms are used to receive important personnel from various countries. These countries must have professional bodyguards. If there are any monitors or listening devices,  It would be boring to come in and be checked out by others, so you can rest assured that there will be no problems at all in this room.

    Of course, it¡¯s not completely absolute. Maybe someone will play psychological warfare with you, but this meeting is very important, so Zhang Yang can guarantee that the other party will never play any tricks in this regard.  After setting up the network, Zhang Yang quickly checked the LAN. There was no problem. There were very few computers on the LAN at the moment. It was estimated that the entire military base's network was separate from the networks in these hotels.

    After connecting to the computer, Zhang Yang quickly found a few springboards and directly connected to the starry sky.  "Xingkong, immediately check whether my computer and the network it belongs to are safe, and take security measures." After connecting to Xingkong, Zhang Yang did not rush to check the alert sent by Xingkong, but first asked Xingkong to check his computer and the entire  LAN.

    While waiting for the starry sky to be checked, Zhang Yang took out his phone and quickly checked the text message just now.  The text message was sent by Xingkong, but the content of the message was different from what Zhang Yang thought. There was movement in the villa, but what was different from what Zhang Yang thought was that a truck rushed to the villa, but there seemed to be only one person on the truck.  people.  Although it is not particularly clear from the real-time satellite images, except for the cab in front, which is not visible, the rest of the truck is empty, and it is impossible to hide the passengers.

    After reading the information sent by Xingkong, Xingkong also checked the entire network.  "Xingkong will transmit real-time satellite surveillance images of the target area. In addition, I will pay close attention to the network status of the area I am currently in. If there is an abnormality, I will immediately adopt Plan 1."

    The so-called Plan No. 1 is a method set up by Zhang Yang, which is to destroy the computer currently connected to Xingkong, then cut off the connection with the target computer, and directly protect itself as the first target.

    "Understood." Xingkong immediately started the operation after confirmation. Soon, real-time images of the satellite were transmitted to Zhang Yang's laptop. Zhang Yang immediately saw a very old and large truck parked in the open space in front of the villa.  , and there was a person sitting on the steps in front of the villa.

    The view from the air is not particularly clear, but Zhang Yang can tell that this person is not very old, probably around twenty years old at most. You can tell from the clothes he is wearing.  At this moment, he was sitting there playing with something unknown in his hands, and there was no other movement.

    "Starry sky, are there any abnormalities within a hundred kilometers of the target?" Zhang Yang asked again with some worry.  "No! All personnel are normal. There are only six targets of our own in the target area. They are located herehereand these six points." The picture on the computer screen immediately appeared.? Small, a floor plan appeared in the upper right corner, and six small red dots appeared on it.

    Zhang Yang took a look and saw that Zhao Fei and the six of them were in a position that vaguely surrounded the wooden house, but they were still about a thousand meters away from the wooden house at the moment.  Zhang Yang raised his hand and looked at the time. There was still one hour and thirty minutes before the agreed time. Although the current situation was a bit strange, it was not a group of old men, nor a group of people, nor Freemasonry, nor Russia, as Zhang Yang thought.  He is from the intelligence department, but it is obvious that this person has what it takes to make a name for himself.

    After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yang did not contact Zhao Fei immediately. The current situation was uncertain and he had to arrive at the appointed time. If the other party still had no problem, it would be safe to ask Zhao Fei and the others to show up at that time!  After all, Zhao Fei is no longer alone. He and Luo Tianshu are married. Zhang Yang can't let Zhao Fei risk his life and must make sure that nothing goes wrong.

    Time passed extremely slowly while waiting anxiously. During this period, a staff member from the domestic government came over and told Zhang Yang that there would be an exhibition in the front exhibition hall starting at 7 a.m. tomorrow, and they could watch it at will. As for other things, this staff member did not  Notice, obviously those things have nothing to do with Star Group.  You can go to the restaurant on the first floor to eat by yourself from 6 to 8 pm.

    Because Zhang Yang had already discussed it with Luo Tianshu and the others before coming, so if everything was fine, no one would come to disturb Zhang Yang.  During the anxious waiting, the time finally slowly approached six o'clock in the afternoon. Just half an hour before six o'clock, a new siren suddenly sounded in the starry sky.

    Zhang Yang immediately sat down in front of the computer with a serious look on his face.  "A car followed the target truck up the mountain and is currently approaching the wooden house." Xingkong directly marked these cars on the satellite image, and changed the original surveillance image into two, one monitoring the image of the wooden house, and the other  Monitor the car.

    "Analyze how many people are in the car." Zhang Yang thought for a while and gave a new command to Xingkong.  "After comparative analysis of the images, the probability that there are two people is about 97%, and the probability that there are three to five people is 2.7%." Xingkong gave the answer directly.

    "Are there any abnormalities in other locations?" Zhang Yang asked without giving up. This situation was a bit strange.  This villa is located in the northeast of Kyzyl. In other words, the southwest of the villa is from Kyzyl, and the other three directions are vast forests. If you are a Freemason or someone from the Russian intelligence department,  If you want to catch someone, it is impossible to catch someone without arranging personnel in the other three directions.

    But now there is no one in the other three directions, but there are people following the target up the mountain?  "Nothing abnormal! The area within a radius of 100 kilometers is normal." A second later, Xingkong's voice rang.  Five minutes later, the car that appeared later stopped at the corner of a mountain road about three hundred meters away from the cabin.

    Zhang Yang looked at the image on the computer screen and touched his chin. After a long time, Zhang Yang picked up his mobile phone.  "Connect to Langtou." Langtou is the codename given to Zhao Fei by Zhang Yang, which is more convenient.
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