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Text Chapter 461 Before the War

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    He wasn't worried about his hands - the Empire had the most advanced medical technology.  Regenerating a severed limb is not difficult.  Even if you cannot return in a short time, the cells in your body can still repair the injured body.  It just takes longer, and the pain will naturally drag on longer.

    Heinrich sat slumped on the ground silently, his eyelids were like weights of more than ten tons, rising little by little reluctantly, barely maintaining the sight that might close at any time - he was very tired.  The severe pain, coupled with the rapid depletion of physical strength, had made him feel more trapped than ever before.  His thoughts became very slow, his body became limp and weak, and his muscles and skin felt slightly numb.  It's like being firmly absorbed by the earth's gravity, making it difficult to move.  Although this extremely uncomfortable feeling was slowly fading away as his cells repaired, it also made him less responsive than a normal person.

    He sat blankly, not knowing what to do.  The golden hair stained with too much blood was blown away by the wind, hanging down from his forehead, covering his eyes and swaying back and forth. In his dreamy vision, the scenery close at hand could also be seen clearly.

    "I I'm really stupid."

    He raised his head and murmured to himself: "I actually want to oppose the emperor Ambition and belief are certainly the biggest driving forces for achieving goals. But I have forgotten the most fundamental principle That  It¡¯sstrength.¡±

    He finally understood the real reason for Yang Hua's failure - the suppression of huge troops, the concentrated attack of high-level superpowers, plus various advantages in terms of geographical location and material assistance.  .  .  .  .  .  There is no way a mere "Space Wolves" legion can match it, let alone turn the situation around and take advantage of the situation.

    The Doctors United Association and the Skeleton Knights are different from all the enemies they have encountered before.  It is even more incomparable to the power of a group like the "Sword of God" that relies solely on religious anesthesia to expand.  They were like two huge and heavy mountains, pressing hard on Heinrich's heart and unable to shake them.

    "Perhaps, only the emperor is their real opponent."

    ¡°I dream of climbing to the top of power all the time, but I am swept away by a sudden storm, roaring like duckweed.  .  .  .  .  .  The gap was so huge that it hit Heinrich's brain like a heavy hammer.  For the first time in his life, he had doubts about himself.  Even, I began to question whether everything I had done was right or wrong?

    Perhaps in order to keep up with the passage of time, the curved front represented by red on the map is also slowly moving towards the City of Life No. 19.

    The city of Uriel has been reduced to ruins.  Radiation waves with strong energy completely covered everything there.  The ground was littered with human remains, and the ruins were strewn with charred corpses.  Buildings with broken glass are like skeletons with empty eye sockets.  Occasionally, a lucky giant rat crawls through the city, leaving a clear and eye-catching blood trail behind it.  Most of their skins burst open, revealing bright red muscles.  Ulcers, bacterial infections, and mutated viruses caused by intense radiation.  .  .  .  .  .  No one knows what this place will look like in the future.  It may be similar to Chernobyl in the old era, or it may be another wasteland that still needs a hundred years to regain peace.

    Qi Yue moved quickly. A week later, the forward of the Third Army had arrived more than 200 kilometers northeast of Nizhny Novgorod.  This place is as desolate as it was a century ago, sparsely populated, and almost entirely covered with hard frozen soil.  Although there are oil and perhaps rare earth, iron, coal and other mineral deposits underground, it is difficult to develop and utilize them.  After all, in the wasteland world, oil no longer has the same transcendent status as in the old days.  Electricity, to a large extent, has gradually taken over its energy advantage.  What people most urgently need, besides food, is clean water that can be directly drank.  Possessing an unspoiled lake makes more sense than dominating the entire Persian Gulf.

    Although the radio waves received continuous interference from radiation, relying on the relay receiving stations set up along the way, Lin Xiang still received the telegram from Fang Yujie on the sixth day after departure.

    The content mainly tells the entire battle process of destroying Uriel City with nuclear bombs, as well as the next action plan of the Red Republican Army, and the attack target of the Third Army.

    The interception of radio wave content can only be seen in old-era spy books.  Radiation, minimizing the possibility of leaks.  Plus Griffith's pervasive secret agents.  .  .  .  .  .  No one except the emperor knew what was recorded on those pieces of paper.

    "We must speed up and directly attack the City of Life No. 19 from the east."

    Lin Xiang took one last look at the text on the telegram, and a flame rose directly from the center of his palm, watching it be swallowed up by the fire, burned out, and turned into a pile of ashes blown away by the wind.??

    This is a basin.  It is also a temporary station selected during the journey.

    "Commander Wang Biao has sent reinforcements from five brigades. They will arrive in a week at the latest. Do we need to wait for them?"

    In the large military tent, Zhou Hao, wearing the uniform of a major general, still maintained a standard military posture.  Perhaps due to childhood experiences and premature development, he appears much older than his actual age.  Tall, handsome, with long curly black hair that just reaches his ears, and a gentle and gentle appearance in public, he always makes people feel as if there is warm sunshine rushing towards them.  He is like a shy boy next door, not an imperial general who holds great power and possesses the power of a parasitic general.

    "It's too late. According to the scheduled plan, the attack must be launched in the early morning of the day after tomorrow."

    Lin Xiang patted the paper dust on his palm, took out a palm-sized black box from his jacket pocket, turned it over and looked at it carefully.

    This is what the referee brought back with Yang Hua's gene gland.  According to the understanding of researchers at the Imperial Academy of Sciences, it should be a small magnetic field driven by a high-efficiency battery.  It can hinder the external release effect of the human body's biological energy, minimizing the carrier's biological kinetic energy by diluting or even completely shielding it.  Once the divergent thinking consciousness collides with it, the signal fed back to the brain will also be weakened due to the degree of collision, and subsequently reduced to the standards of ordinary people.

    With the current technological level of the empire, it is not difficult to copy or even mass-produce it.  But no matter what, this still requires a series of detailed dismantling and analysis.  At least in the next few months, the high-level superpowers of the Imperial Legion will not be able to equip them in large quantities.

    "I can understand your Majesty's thoughts. But we are marching too fast, and there are still more than 70,000 follow-up legion members who have not arrived. Plus various heavy weapons that need to be loaded on vehicles  It will take at least two days for the entire army to be ready."

    Zhou Hao¡¯s tone revealed anxiety.  No matter how he looked at it, he felt that the emperor's decision was too hasty.  Or should I say rushed.

    ¡°I can¡¯t wait that long¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡±

    Lin Xiang put away the black box, stood up from the chair, walked slowly to the open door of the tent, and looked at the gloomy and depressing radiation clouds in the sky that almost made people want to go crazy. The light was dim and could be swallowed up by darkness at any time.  Dusk said word by word: "Yang Hua is dead. The gene gland can only recreate another clone with the same appearance as him, but it can never resurrect him. I originally didn't want to use too drastic means to deal with the skeleton.  Knights, but they chose to start earlier than me. No matter who actually planned and operated this matterhe must pay the price."

    Zhou Hao nodded silently.  He looked at Lin Xiang, who had his back turned to him, and said with a solemn expression: "What do you meanto launch an attack directly with all the elite parasites and completely destroy the core power of City of Life No. 19?"

    Under the reflection of the remaining sunset glow, Lin Xiang's body dragged a shadow several meters long on the ground.  His voice was filled with indescribable coldness and gloom, and there was a thirst for blood, an urgent desire to commit violence and ravage everything.

    "The world has changed"

    From the angle where Zhou Hao stood, it was impossible to see Lin Xiang's twitching facial muscles.  He stretched out his fingers vigorously, as if he wanted to grab something in the void.  He clenched it tightly and crushed it, and his voice trembled slightly due to the change of emotions: "Ordinary people can never be the protagonists of the world. They and us are two different ethnic groups. It is only now that I understand that "some people are born  The true meaning of the sentence "They are slaves, and some people are born to be rulers". No one can give up what they have obtained. The people's rulers in the old days were, to be honest, just boring jokes used by the rulers to comfort themselves. The upper hand  It is impossible for the perpetrators to give them new benefits. At most they just use various beautiful words as a disguise. When the public sentiment is the strongest, they are extremely reluctant to give up, but they must throw out a fleshy bone.  Hahahaha I don't know if you can understand it. After all, you haven't really experienced that era. Oil prices, taxes, medical benefits These words are too far away from you, as if we have never experienced it.  Benefits were crazily extracted from slaves and civilians, but they had to suffer silently. There may be many people dreaming of resistance, but few people actually implement it. The winner is called an uprising. The loser is called a riot. The same is true  It is to overthrow the upper-level rule, but they are two completely different views. Whether it is the United Doctors Association or the Skeleton Knights, they are all groups that want to gain the most benefits, and they are the rule makers of this game. In their view,  The empire is the biggest rebel at present. It must be killed and destroyed.¡±

    ¡°Such games continue throughout human history.??Thousands of years.  Time will tell and change everything.  but.  .  .  .  .  .  They killed people they shouldn't have killed, and I had to shorten the time I was supposed to give them.  This is an action that fundamentally expresses one's attitude.  Now is not the time to completely conquer them, but they must understand that the world can no longer be dominated by two major forces.  The next time you prepare for a similar reaction, you should at least consider the consequences of angering the empire¡ª¡ª"

    Zhou Hao said softly "Huh" thoughtfully, but did not completely eliminate the doubts on his face.  He thought for a few minutes and said, "There's one thing I don't quite understand."

    "What's up?"

    Lin Xiang asked calmly without turning around.

    "Why do you want Commander Locke to keep pushing to the southwest?"

    Zhou Hao's face was full of solemnity: "I checked the latest exploration map - the mountains in that direction are dense, covering hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, almost all of them are heavily radiated areas, and there are no large families, doctors' associations and skeleton knights.  The regiment has no settlement there. The "White Brand" regiment has a full strength of 180,000 people, all of which are committed to the southwest Is it too much?"

    Lin Xiang was silent for a moment, then slowly turned around, looked at Zhou Hao with a scrutinizing gaze, and said, "How much do you know about the old times?"

    "I have read some books found in the ruins. It was a glorious period of civilization in human history. I can talk about some specific examples, but not too many. After all I am still researching."

    Zhou Hao¡¯s words were very sincere.

    Lin Xiang laughed: "No need to be so nervous, I'm just asking casually."

    As he spoke, he asked calmly: "You should know that humans in the old days manufactured many high-tech machines. The airplane should be the most representative masterpiece among them. Above it, there is another one that can break through the earth's atmosphere,  A launch vehicle that goes directly into space.¡±

    "Yes, I saw it in an old magazine called "Aerospace"."

    Zhou Hao nodded repeatedly: "It is said that the universe is an infinite space, which is completely different from the earth."

    "No one knows what exists in the depths of the universe. Like our predecessors, we are all looking for answers."

    Lin Xiang's tone was calm and calm, as if he was talking about something completely unsurprising: "The life of a superpower is infinite. We have a lot of things to do. However, there are some things that are better to do early than late.  Much more.¡±

    Zhou Hao did not answer.  He continued to wait for what Lin Xiang had yet to say.

    "You should look at the map from the old era. To the southwest, there is a location called "Jiuquan". That's the real reason why I sent Locke and an entire legion to attack there. There is probably still a place there.  holding our future and hope. Those things buried by time, the machinery that has been buried in the ground for more than a century, may still play a role. Haha As you just said - the universe,  It is an infinite space. But under our feet, there is a finite earth."

    ??Darkness envelopes the entire earth.

    The wilderness at night is more dangerous than during the day.  However, the rotten wolves and mutated hyenas, the incarnation of death, could only wander in groups at the edge of the basin, looking at the location covered by countless tents from a distance, dripping with fishy saliva, growling in a low voice with fear and unwillingness.

    The hands on the watch have passed the two o'clock mark in the morning.

    Dozens of imperial priests wearing black robes were responsible for conducting prayers in various military tents.  Thousands of imperial parasitic officers knelt on one knee and prayed silently to the emperor's main tent in the direction of the camp in the most pious tone.  Low-level priests and pharmacists shuttled between ordinary soldiers' camps, distributing first-aid medicine and food to each tactical team.  The heavy tank, which has taken off its gun jacket, has completed a series of supplements such as refueling.  Compared with the self-propelled howitzers that follow the troops in coordinated operations, they are no longer the steel knights who rushed at the front of the team in the old days. Instead, under the threat of radiation, they have to become embarrassing existences for infantry mobile bunkers.

    Human civilization will eventually continue.  In the future, there may still be a time when they return to the radiation battlefield and become a decisive force.

    Sadness is the most effective hormone that turns anger into violent rage.

    Lin Xiang must avenge Yang Hua.  But he was not so crazy that he lost his cool - the target of his attack was only the City of Life No. 19.  He did not intend to push the front directly farther into Europe.  That was beyond the empire's normal supply range. Even if it could be defeated, the resulting danger would be even greater.  If you want to show your majesty and will, you only need to kill every opponent in City of Life No. 19.??.  Use your own life to fill the trench of anger.  .  .  .  .  .  That would be foolish and would do more harm than good.

    A total of 3,688 parasites of different star levels.  This is the biggest trump card in Lin Xiang's hand and the core of the Guards Corps.  In addition to the two hundred officers who must stay in the imperial capital, as well as the elites on the eastern coast and under Wang Biao's command, this is all the force he can mobilize.

    All the Imperial Guards are dispatched.

    The total number of soldiers of this team starting from the imperial capital is as high as 60,000.  In addition, there were more than 200,000 follow-up troops moving from the southern and northern fronts.  Calculated in terms of time and distance, the second and third batches of reinforcements could no longer keep up with the attack two hours later.  Their role is to maintain the initiative on the battlefield while clearing the surrounding areas.  In Lin Xiang's eyes, the sixteen family forces attached to the United Doctors Association no longer have any need to exist.  The best way to calm down anger is to kill them all.

    More than forty minutes ago, the scouts scattered in the north sent back news about the complete defeat of the "Space Wolves" army.  According to the remnants of the legion encountered, nearly sixty hours have passed since the defeat.

    Lin Xiang did not announce the news to the outside world - he did not want to cast a shadow on everyone's heart because of the consecutive defeats of the two legions.

    Morning prayers are over.

    The officers of the Forbidden Army, who lined up neatly, began to organize the attack sequence in batches.

    Zhou Hao, surrounded by two other parasitic generals and adjutants, walked past the excited officers and stood at the front of the queue.

    He turned around and looked at the emperor's main tent not far away.  He raised his right hand holding the large-caliber shotgun high and let out a thunderous roar.

    ¡°For the Emperor¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡± (To be continued)
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