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Text Chapter 459 Nuclear Bomb

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    Out of the depths of the gloomy and heavy clouds, an old-style "Yun-Seven" plane suddenly flew out.  There were no markings on the surface of the fuselage. The silver-white wings emitted dazzling light in the sun, like a heavy and stupid goose, swooping down in the direction of Uriel City.

    Patrick grabbed the curtains tightly and stared at the plane rushing from the east. This metal flying object had no intention of hiding. It seemed to have lost control and fell from the sky with the most rapid movement.  The chosen destination was undoubtedly this city standing on the wilderness.

    Outside the window, a piercing siren sounded.  Noisy and chaotic footsteps rush around every corner of the city.  On the guard towers set up around the city, anti-aircraft machine guns fired violently and wildly.  The dense bullets formed metal barriers. Regardless of whether they hit or not, they were a better comfort than nothing to the panicked and shocked guardians on the ground.

    "Missiles, quick launch missiles¡ª¡ª"

    The sentry standing on the observation deck in the distance trembled and howled in despair.  Perhaps the officers far away in the command room heard his cry. Four anti-aircraft missiles roared out from the underground silo, their tails spitting red flames, and they aimed at the aircraft attacking from the sky and crashed head-on.  However, the expected explosion did not occur.  The streamlined projectile suddenly changed its flight path about two hundred meters away from the aircraft.  Just like a wild horse running wildly, it was hit hard on the head by a heavy hammer. It tilted its body like a drunken man, staggering and turning to the side, drawing strange and strange lines in the air.  The lines fell far away on the wilderness, bursting into huge fires that reached the sky with astonishing power.

    "High-intensity electromagnetic wave jammer¡ª¡ª"

    The word flashed through Patrick's mind.  He stared blankly at the plane with wide eyes - it had dropped sharply to a height of only about a kilometer above the ground.  Looking from Patrick's angle, he could even clearly see the figure of the pilot in the transparent cockpit.

    The "buzzing" sound of the crazy running engine became louder and louder, almost knocking him out and paralyzing him.

    "Is this the reality I have to face? This should be the trial. I have been lingering for more than a century, but I still cannot escape destruction."  "Perhaps, I should not have accepted the Rockefeller family's invitation at that time. Instead, I should have followed Thalia and Wesson to heaven. That is true happiness.

    This is a real family reunion.  "."

    A happy smile appeared on his face.  No one can understand the changes in Patrick's heart at this moment - he has lived in sadness and loneliness for too long.  I even forgot who I was for a while.  But subconsciously, he still retains the stubborn thoughts about his past memories.  It may also be because Parasite has an instinctive foreboding of danger, and he does not feel that the sudden appearance of the plane is so scary.  You can even see through it, or rather understand what is on it.  "." But he had no fear and kept smiling.  It was like an angel sent by God to greet him.

    "It will actually be a nuclear bomb."  "You are so merciful that you allow me to purify my soul in the fire. Maybe

    Only in this way can I truly ascend to heaven.  "

    Patrick spread his hands and made a hug gesture. Through the window, he silently stared at the approaching plane.

    No matter who the opponent is, he must give his most heartfelt thanks.

    He finally found his due destination.  This problem has troubled Patrick for hundreds of years.  He had been wondering whether he should die or commit suicide.  Now.  "." Everything is over, this is the best answer.


    The moment the plane touched the ground, the nuclear bomb loaded inside the cabin exploded.  The ground instantly exploded into a huge flame covering dozens of square meters.  In a moment, it turned into a terrifying fireball, rising upwards like crazy.  The black and red flames rolled and puffed out, eventually turning into a huge mushroom cloud and rising into the sky.

    It covers the entire city and spreads to the wilderness.

    The terrifying high temperature and shock wave instantly swept through the entire space.  No life had time to escape the scope of the explosion, and the nearest human body was instantly torn apart by the violent and powerful airflow.  Several skeleton knights who were a little far away from the explosion point were swept into the depths of the fire wave, and they let out miserable and inhuman screams.  Vehicles parked in the city were lifted high by the shock wave and fell heavily to the ground, becoming scrap metal that could no longer be used.  And those people who were hiding further away began to burn, and the air was filled with scorch.  They writhed on the ground like severely injured and dying snakes

    Rolling over, the burnt skin and flesh quickly broke open, revealing the pink muscle layer.  "." The entire city was engulfed in flames, and the rising flames could be seen even in the wilderness dozens of kilometers away.Arrive.

    Patrick¡¯s lips opened wide, revealing an exaggerated and terrifying smile.  Ferocious, or should be said to be ferocious.  However.  "." No matter who it is, at this moment, you can clearly feel that he is sincerely smiling. It is definitely not a hypocritical response on the surface, but truly from the heart.

    Flames swarmed in from all directions and completely enveloped Patrick in an instant.  The eyebrows and hair were burned off in an instant, and a faint burnt color condensed on the surface of the skin.  Like silt that still retains enough moisture

    Although the surface is dried at high temperature, the moisture in the bottom layer is constantly infiltrating upwards.  This is not Patrick's subjective wish, but a short-term adaptation and change of cells and viruses to the harsh external environment under fatal threats.  They may not be intelligent and cannot think, but they are also unwilling to die.  Just like a person who accidentally falls into the water, before completely drowning, he will always struggle desperately, waving his legs, feet and arms desperately, trying to grab even a little bit of support that can save his life.

    He doesn¡¯t have to die.  Relying on the powerful strength and physique of the Nine-Star Parasite, Patrick was able to easily escape from the city and stay far away from the core of the explosion.  However.  "." He was unwilling to do so.

    The skin finally broke through a tiny crack.  For a moment, the cells that had exhausted their energy collapsed one after another, and cracks quickly opened at a speed visible to the naked eye.  Like the forks at the tip of a tree root, the surface of Patrick's body split into countless fine and complex cracks.  The blood vessels that have lost water turn completely black, and then the muscles turn from pink to dark brown.  Evaporate, dry, solidify.  "." The whole body was shrinking, and even Patrick himself could hear the crisp cracks coming from the inside of the body or the bones.  He felt like he was getting shorter, the scenery he saw with his eyes was blurred, and his body was terribly hot.  "." The tongue doesn't feel soft at all, it just exists.  Inside the cavity, there are dry, wrinkled and hard strips of meat.

    "turn out to be.".  "This is what death feels like."

    A fitful laugh came from his throat, and the sound became weaker and weaker.  Unable to distinguish syllables, just meaningless guttural "hehe" sounds.

    "real.".  "So comfortable."  "

    Patrick¡¯s eyes flashed with the last glimmer of light.

    ¡°The feeling of relief.¡±.  "That's great. Thalia and Wesen should still be waiting for me. I already am."  "I've been looking forward to it for a long time."  "I.".  "I have, already.".  "Has seen, the merciful, Almighty God.".


    The climate in the north is still cold.  In this cold zone, the sky is very dark, and even during the day, it is no different from nightfall.

    The incandescent lamp softly illuminates the office and everything, the light is bright but not intense.  It enveloped Fang Yujie who was sitting on the sofa, gathering a faint self-colored halo on the surface of her curvy body.  It makes the whole person look more tempting, but also adds more invisible majesty and makes it difficult to approach.

    There is simple food on the table - apart from rice, the only dishes are a plate of vegetables fried with oil and salt, and a pot of cucumber and meat soup with various vitamins added.  If it weren't for the fact that Qi Yue was also there and specially added two cans of braised beef, Fang Yu would have been shocked to continue eating this monotonous and unchanged diet for several years.

    It was time for lunch, but she suddenly lost interest in lunch.  Looking at the huge military map that had just been hung on the wall, Fang Yujie suddenly frowned and sighed softly subconsciously.

    "What are you thinking about?"

    Qi Yue held a stainless steel dinner basin that was bigger than his head, and took a big mouthful of oily rice. He looked at her through the gap in the top edge of the bowl and said vaguely: "If you don't eat it, it will get cold."

    "I'm not hungry¡ª¡ª"

    Fang Yujie¡¯s answer was as crisp and short as ever.

    Qi Yue shrugged his shoulders and continued to deal with the food in front of him unconcernedly.

    ¡ª¡ªHe knows this woman very well. Once he makes up his mind, no one can change it.  unless.  "." It was the young boy who was already called "Emperor".

    The relationship between the Western Military Region and Xinjing is no longer the tense and hostile situation it once was.  With Raphael City being surrounded, the threat of the Skeleton Knights on the east side of the continent was completely eliminated, and strategic deception naturally lost its meaning.  What's more, the entire Jin family has been purged, including all kinds of quotations, books, badges and promotional materials about the great leader.  "." All departments of the Red Republican Army were cleared overnight.  More than 120,000 people were sentenced to death. In sharp contrast to this number, there were completely "zero" people who were exiled or sentenced to hard labor.

    Fang Yujie¡¯s behavior is still ruthless.  She didn't give others the slightest chance, and the Jin family was completelyExtinction, not even the slightly closer ones, is immune.  Followers, loyalists, members of all interest circles, leaving no one behind and no one left behind.  "." In her words¡ª¡ª

    "Since it is a purge, then kill everyone who deserves to be killed to avoid future troubles."

    This caused unprecedented shock within the Republican Army.  Everyone is puzzled by this.  If the Political Supervisory Committee had not urgently transferred in the Ministry of Internal Affairs security division to maintain order, I am afraid that even the most basic martial law would not have been maintained.  People have become accustomed to the existence of great leaders.  The name "Kim Cheon Jung" has penetrated into every aspect of daily life.  Of course, is it mostly about respect?  Or do you have to obey out of sheer fear?  I'm afraid it's hard to tell where the boundaries are for measurement.  Because of this, the most direct feelings that the Great Purge brought to the members of the Republican Army have not been completely eliminated until now.

    As an indispensable response, all propaganda agencies are working at full capacity, using newspapers, radio stations and other channels to desperately announce the various bad deeds of the great leader


    Living a corrupt life, engaging in massive corruption and accepting bribes, all kinds of sons and nephews with the surname "Jin" rely on their strength to do evil.  "." In order to eliminate the influence of the leaders as soon as possible and restore normal order to the people, the brutal atrocities committed by various wealthy people were fully disclosed.  The Political Supervision Committee brought forward a large number of serious prisoners who were forced to be tortured from prisons, and used their actual experiences to explain it. Every day, there are slogans such as "dig up the traitor". Never wrongly accuse a good person, and never let go of a ***  Numerous documents such as "Decision on Restoring the Treatment of Comrades Forced to Harm" and so on were issued.  "." In the eyes of ordinary civilians who cannot tell the truth and can never know the state's secrets, whether it is good or evil, it is actually a manifestation of the country's will.

    A smooth communication channel has been set up between Xinjing and the imperial capital¡ª¡ª

    Based on hundreds of high-power relay stations, radio waves can be free from any interference in the weak radiation zone.  It is precisely because of this that Fang Yujie was able to assemble a huge army of more than 600,000 as quickly as possible as soon as she received Lin Xiang's request and launch an attack in the direction of Uriel City.

    The strength of the Red Republic Army is much stronger than it appears on the surface.

    Although the western region has poor products, relying on the solid foundation of hundreds of years of operation, the protein resources stored in underground warehouses, and the different types of weapons produced by various satellite cities, it can be quickly converted into 260 weapons within three months.  One hundred thousand troops with four-level enhanced powers.

    This is Fang Yujie¡¯s trump card.  It is also the biggest trump card used by the Red Republic Army to reverse the situation when it encounters a powerful foreign enemy that cannot resist.

    Including the Third Army connecting Qi and Yue, the number of standing troops of the Republican Army is approximately 900,000.  This is the supply limit for the average annual food output.  Exceeding this means that a considerable number of civilians will starve to death.  Reduction may easily lead to the loosening of border areas or internal governance.  Of course, the several guard divisions of the Political Supervision Committee are reserve forces at any time.  This situation may continue for decades or even another century.

    Two and a half million people can only last for eighty days at most.

    This is an accurate result obtained by Fang Yujie after repeated calculations thousands of times based on various data such as grain output and reserves.  If the actual situation is worse than imagined, then protein dilution and other means can be used to increase this huge army base by another 30%.  The resistance period will also be further reduced to just forty-seven days.

    There is no alliance of any kind with the Empire.

    This seems a bit redundant¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª

    The supreme rulers all know each other and are all life-and-death friends.  Therefore, when Lin Xiang sent out a signal for help, Fang Yujie issued an order to mobilize the entire army without thinking.

    She knew very well that she and Lin Xiang had been friends in the same situation since the old days.

    The Republican Army is indeed very powerful, but this kind of armed force that only relies on numbers cannot pose a threat to high-level superpowers with strong physiques.  Especially after evolving to the parasitic general stage, conventional weapons can no longer pose a threat to them.  Cells that sense the direction of the bombardment can even rapidly divide and accumulate at the hit site, forming a layer of hard protection similar to chitin.  This action does not require brain judgment, and there are no nerves to conduct conscious commands.  It is completely based on the cells' perception of the outside world.  In this sense.  "." They actually have independent consciousness and have become important "instruments" in the human body.

    The empire lacks a sufficient number of military troops, but it has a large number of parasitic generals who have been transformed by Lin Xiang's essence.  On the other hand, in the red corps and jun, the jun team is extremely large, but high-level superpowers are very rare.  Especially as a combat forceThe most representative Queen Rongguang (who was declared missing during the battle), the most powerful general in the entire army, was only a nine-star parasitic warrior.  "." Even if there was no such relationship between them, Fang Yujie would still choose cooperation instead of indifference or even hostility.

    Of course, according to the old-fashioned point of view, she is undoubtedly a crazy woman.

    Not even Qi Yue or Lin Xiang thought that


    Fang Yujie actually used a nuclear bomb to wipe Wulie City off the map.

    Affected by radiation, the hit rate of long-range missiles is almost negligible.  The safest way is to let the clones who have received consciousness indoctrination fly a plane carrying a nuclear bomb and fly over the target city with the high-power electronic jammer turned on.

    ¨¤o.  "." This is actually no different from the old era when terrorists drove a nuclear bomb truck into a direct collision.

    Qi Yue does not agree with this plan.  But he can't go against the times.

    Fang Yujie will not listen to his advice at all. She will only use the most convenient and simple means in her opinion to solve the biggest problems.

    ¡°They are all wars anyway, there is not much difference between warfare and gunfire.

    This world is already full of radiation, and there is an extra area of ??heavy radiation that no one can enter. The earth still revolves around the sun in a fixed orbit.

    As for the resulting ruins,

    ¨¤o people, SI king.  "." The wasteland world has never lacked these things.  No one can notice if there is one more or one less.

    Nuclear bombs are originally the most powerful weapons ever created by mankind.  Why not use it?  Why not?  As long as I survive, that's enough.

    I am a woman, I have the qualifications to be selfish and crazy.  (To be continued)
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